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Current Sorry for the delay everyone. I've been absolutely swamped with work these last weeks. I'm getting my replies up slowly.
8 mos ago
Keeping track of things makes it easier to avoid bad experiences! And to not make the same mistake like an idiot... :-/


"Humanity takes great pride in three things. Their willpower, their greed and their mortality.

Their will and endless greed allows them to grow and accend past other creatures
But their mortality denies them divinity

It's a delightful purgatory between being Fallen and being Divine"

Most Recent Posts

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: River Port
Interactions: Astra @FunnyGuy and Maeryn @princess

Myra couldn't help but find a bit interested on how bubbly and happy the feline demi-human came to greet them once they entered the building Astra had talked about earlier. As the feline demi-human moved to greet them, Myra returned the feline demi-human's smile with one of her own, before going after Astra and Maeryn as they went to one of the tables.

The moment they sat down, Myra could immediately tell that not only the smell of the food was different, but even how the place was inside had it's fair share of differences as well. Thanks to the fact that it wasn't her first time eating in a place like that though, she wasn't as overwhelmed by what she was seeing as she would be before. Almost as if reading her thoughts, Astra began explaining on how the food was different on that town, consisting mostly of fish. Myra had already eaten raw fish before, but she was definitely curious about how the people prepared them on the cities and what strange, tasty stuff they put on it to make it taste different as well.

After they sat down, Myra was expecting them to ask for something for them to eat, but much to her dismay, Maeryn only asked for water, which earned him a shocked and disappointed stare from Myra, looking back and forth from Maeryn and Astra. Were they really going to ask just for something to drink and not get anything to eat? Surely it wasn't because they lacked shinies, since Myra knew that Astra always kept quite a handful of them with her. So maybe it was because they didn't trust the cat girl who was serving them? Myra didn't see any weapon with her and the way she approached them didn't seem to be hostile or threatening at all... So why were they getting only water?

"...No foo?" Myra asked, looking to Maeryn and Astra with a disappointed expression.

Time: Evening
Location: The After Party
Attire: Dress
Interactions:@Reusablesword Roman, @Helo Callum.
Mentions: @samreaper Kazumin

Mayet couldn't help but to laugh as she heard Kazumin's words as he kept using his new 'persona'. Both the strong accent, the exaggerated mannerisms and the words he used were incredibly entertaining. Even though Mayet didn't know much about Kazumin, she honestly wouldn't be that surprised if he ended up coming from a family of performers or actors. Mayet replied to Kazumin, or better, to 'Señor Chavez' with a nod as he walked away, before giving another sip at her drink and turning to Callum and Roman, who were still at the table.

At this point, Mayet started feeling a bit of the effects of the drink, feeling hotter and a more.. uninhibited. It was a bit surprising for her, since the drink didn't seem to have that much alcohol on it, but it was undeniable that she was already feeling the effects of the drink. If she found Roman amusing before, she now clearly felt much more attracted towards him. This... 'hotness' didn't pass unnoticed by Mayet, but given her natural tendencies to flirt and tease those that caught her interest, she didn't pay much attention at those effects at first. Which would prove to only make it harder for her to control herself, as the effects of the drink got stronger with each sip, little by little.

"A mask would do little to hide the identity of someone like me as well. You can't hope to shadow the light of the sun with a mere umbrella, can you?" Mayet said with a chuckle.

"They do have their charm though. I thought they could make things a bit more... interesting." Mayet said with a mischievous smirk.

Hearing Roman's praises towards her, Mayet let out a smile, raising an eyebrow as she looked at him.

"Such high praises, even though you haven't seen even half of what I'm capable of..." Mayet said, leaning towards Roman and looking directly into his eyes... Then to his lips... and when she finally noticed what she was doing, she was already letting her eyes wander through Roman's muscular body, her mind already giving her ideas of what she could do with him and his big, muscular body.

Caught by surprise by her own actions and lack of self-control, Mayet moved back to her initial position. Discreetly hiding her momentary lack of self-control. Fortunately, just at that moment, Callum excitedly greeted her, mentioning the fact that she didn't bring her other half with her today and gave her the perfect opportunity to hide what had just happened.

"I didn't know I was this weak to alcohol... Calm down, breathe and clear your mind, Mayet. You have a reputation to keep." Mayet thought to herself, before looking to Callum.

"The pleasure is all mine, Callum." Mayet said with a discreet bow, silently thanking him for giving her the perfect excuse to look away from Roman for a moment, so she could catch her breath and calm down.

"Nala would have absolutely hated this place. Even though I was interested in this after party, I wouldn't make Nala accompany me to a place she wouldn't like to go." Mayet explained.

"The loud music, the crowd, the lights and the drinks. It would be a matter of time until someone did something stupid near Nala, who would already be on edge thanks to... well... everything around here, and made her jump at them." Mayet said, laughing at what she had said almost as if she had told a simple joke, despite the fact that she was talking about a huge tigress literally jumping at someone and ripping them to shreds.

While Callum's initial greeting was already rather... intense, his exaggerated laughter was an even clearer indication that maybe, Callum had already drank too much. Just after that, he started literally bouncing to the music, before suddenly suggesting them to have a race... and bolting off to the other side of the warehouse.

"Your friend seems to have drank a little too much, didn't he?" Mayet said to Roman, looking at Callum and laughing as she took another sip from her drink. The cup was already halfway empty.

"Should we go get him? Take him to the boxing ring so he can spend all that excess energy without getting into trouble... Maybe we should do some 'sparring' ourselves...?" Mayet asked, turning towards Roman and looking at him with a mischievous smirk as she nodded towards the ring-blade, still covered in fine silk.

At this moment, despite trying to hide it, Roman was already able to see a burning 'hunger' in Mayet's eyes. With a piercing gaze, she was looking at him almost as if she was ready to devour him whole. Whether it was a good idea to play with such fire or not was something only Roman would be able to decide.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: River Port
Interactions: Astra and Vrexen @FunnyGuy, Alaia @Alivefalling and Maeryn @princess

While Myra was a bit confused on why Alaia seemed to be so interested on Vrexen, but since both Astra and Maeryn seemed fine with both of them going somewhere by themselves, Myra simply didn't pay much mind to it. Even if she didn't know Alaia that well, she knew that Vrexen was more than capable of taking care of himself. Besides, if something happened, Myra had a sneaking suspicion that they would definitely know pretty quickly, given the... previous experiences they had with Vrexen losing his calm.

The fact that Astra seemed satisfied when Myra shown that she liked the disguise ring made Myra feel happy as well, smiling back at Astra.

The moment the conversation changed to food and the places they would visit though, Myra looked at both Astra and Maeryn with a curious expression. When Maeryn mentioned for them to 'feast with focused ears' though, Myra looked at him and Astra, wiggling her ears with a smug, confident expression. Despite how noisy cities normally are, Myra was more than confident in her senses now that she was a bit more accustomed with cities in general. If something happened, she would definitely know.

Time: Evening
Location: Desert
Interactions: Jomari @baraquiel

The fact that Jomari was not only able, but willing to use his powers to defend himself made Nuallán breathe easier. That meant that he wouldn't have to babysit the human while fighting against all the bandits by himself. In truth, Nuallán didn't expect Jomari to be able to take the bandits down by himself, but as long as he was able to keep himself alive for a while, it was already good enough.

The first attack, made by Ibis bandit towards Jomari attack was dodged thanks to him having used his power to slide and throw a chunk of sand towards the female bandit. At that very moment, both the monkey and the hyena bandits made a simultaneous attack, trying to hit Nuallán with a combined attack. Seeing both of them swinging their weapons towards him, Nuallán immediately reacted by bending his body forward and jumping with a quick impulse, his body slipping between both attacks as they missed him by mere centimeters.

Using the momentum from his jump, in order to buy him enough breathing room to land and reposition without suffering another attack from the hyena and the monkey, Nuallán swung his sword in a wide arc around him as he landed, his blade extending into a whip as he did so, before it quickly went back to it's normal, blade form. At the same time, with his free hand, he sneakily threw two throwing daggers, one towards the throat of the the Ibis bandit, who was still dazed after Jomari's attack and the second one towards the scorpion bandit, who was approaching Jomari from behind.

"Pay attention! Keep your eyes open, always know where your enemies are and always strike to kill!" Nuallán shouted towards Jomari, alerting him to the scorpion bandit as he landed and quickly repositioned himself with a quick and agile jump back, trying to close the distance between him and Jomari even if just by a bit, so he could interfere if the human got himself into too much trouble.

Time: Evening
Location: The After Party
Attire: Dress
Interactions: @Rodiak Nahir, @Infinite Cosmos Munir, @samreaper Kazumin, @Reusablesword Roman, @Helo Callum.
Mentions: @Princess Anastasia,

After wearing the white mask that was given by the strange man, Mayet was able to take a better look around and she was quickly able to confirm that the initial impressions did not disappoint. On one of the sides of the big room they were in, attracting quite a crowd, there was a boxing ring, where two muscular men were fighting each other, being cheered by the crowd watching, most of them having bet money on one of the two fighters.

"A boxing ring, hm...? Interesting..." Mayet said with a mischievous smirk as she glanced towards the ring and the people crowding near it. Maybe bringing her blade was the correct choice after all. Who knows... Maybe the crowd might like some friendly sparring. As long as her blade is covered and no one gets hurt, it might be quite entertaining.

In the other side of the room though, there was a different type of party going on. The type of party where inhibitions, reservations and shame were left at the door as scantily clad women danced on poles and many of the guests were making out and flirting with one another.

"I see now why this after party was supposed to be a secret... The court would definitely be turned upside down if they knew what was going on here." Mayet said raising an eyebrow as she looked through some of the guests in the other side of the room, some of which were probably high ranking nobles.

"Definitely the kind of party my dear brother likes, isn't it?" Mayet asked, turning to Munir with a mischievous smirk.

After making their entrance to such an extravagant party, each member of their little 'group' had mostly gone on their separate ways. Princess Anastasia, surprisingly enough, seemed to be quite comfortable despite everything that was going on, enough even to go excitedly talk with one of the guests. Certainly quite an... 'unique' personality for a princess.

Nahir, who seemed to have already made a new friend, went straight to the bar for a drink. At first, Mayet didn't feel like drinking yet, but the moment Nahir asked her drink and Mayet too a glance at the exquisite drink Nahir had asked for herself, she simply couldn't contain her curiosity.

"Dear sister Nahir, I was never someone to enjoy alcohol that much, but you got yourself quite the drink, didn't you?" Mayet said, approaching Nahir with a curious expression as she peeked over her shoulder, looking at the drink she had gotten for herself.

Carefully decorated with rose petals and gold, the delicate colored drink swirled with an almost magical appeal. The smell of roses coming from the drink only made Mayet even more curious as to how it tasted like.

"I will have the same as she did." Mayet said, looking to the bartender with a curious expression, trying to take a glance on how that beautiful drink was prepared.

While the bartender did give her a show, thanks to her agile and dexterous hands, unfortunately, Mayet wasn't able to see much about how the drink was done, as before she even knew, the drink was already done.
Despite that, the drink was still quite a marvel. A small sip revealed quite an unique, delicate taste of grapefruit and apple, but a surprising spicy kick to it as well, making quite an interesting combination.

"'Douse the Thirst', wasn't it? Simply fantastic!" Mayet said, praising the bartender with a satisfied nod as she took another sip of the drink.

Instead of downing the entire drink in one go, Mayet was slowly savoring it, taking small sips as to completely appreciate the complex and delicate flavor.

Just as she turned and began walking towards the rest of the party, her eyes were drown to a rather familiar, 'mountain' of a man. Even from a distance, Mayet almost immediately knew who he was. With a mischievous smirk on her face, she began walking towards the table he was sitting at, talking with two other nobles, one of which had a suspiciously familiar blonde hair.

"I think you might need more than just a small mask to hide your identity, Lord Roman." Mayet said, sneaking up on Roman's back and leaning forward, whispering on his ear in a low tone before she gave a step back, revealing herself.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Mayet said to both men, pulling a seat just besides Roman and sitting down as well.

Despite the strong Spanish accent, the very familiar blonde hair was a dead giveaway for Kazumin. Regarding the other man, While not that familiar with the other man, she still recognized him as being Callum, thanks to being among the high ranking nobles back at the ball and due to the fact that he had came to the after party in the same carriage she did.

Time: Evening
Location: Caesonia Castle => Stables
Attire: Dress
Interactions: @Rodiak Zarai & Nahir, @Potter Layla, @Infinite Cosmos Munir, @Princess Anastasia, @samreaper Kazumin.

Mayet couldn't help but to laugh as she heard Munir's words, mentioning how it would be hard for her to keep the fact that she brought her weapon unnoticed.

"It's a good thing I'm not trying to hide anything then." Mayet replied with a chuckle and confident smirk as she looked at Munir.

"Things are always more interesting when there's a bit of risk involved. Besides... What's the fun in dancing when there's not blades involved?" Mayet asked, laughing as she looked at Munir.

"Don't worry though. I don't plan on spilling any blood tonight." she finished, waving her hand as she gave a small wink towards him.

Unfortunately, Layla had decided in the last moment not to go to the party and ended up returning to her room. Still, her other siblings were still with her, looking forward to the party.

It was at that moment that the same bubbly woman whom called them in the first place finally arrived, introducing herself to the Alidasht siblings after asking one of her servants to prepare her carriage.

"Princess Anastasia, it's a pleasure to meet you. I have heard quite a bit about you and your... 'unique' personality." Mayet said with an amused expression as she looked at her.

"I certainly have high expectations for this party. Especially now, after hearing your praises about it." she finished as the preparations were ready and the group was about to go on their way to the party.

In the middle of the way though, an unexpected guest came in as Anastasia made sure to stop and invite him to come together.

"Kazumin. Such a coincidence to meet you again." Mayet replied, looking to the blonde man with a raised eyebrow and a chuckle.

The moment the group arrived at the party, Mayet was greeted by quite an amazing sight. From the fog and the loud music to the colorful, vibrant lights gave the party quite an unique atmosphere. The strange shapes floating in the ceiling only made the entire party feel even closer to a fever-dream or an hallucination.

"Now this... Is quite something, isn't it?" Mayet said with a surprised expression as she looked around, amazed.

When she was greeted by the strange, masked man offering her a mask, Mayet let out a small smile as she considered the options he gave her.

"A masquerade... Sure, why not... This might turn out being much more interesting than I thought it would be."
Mayet said as she grabbed a white mask.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: River Port
Interactions: Astra and Vrexen @FunnyGuy, Alaia @Alivefalling and Maeryn @princess

While Myra wasn't exactly thrilled in getting into a boat again, thanks to how bad she felt during the previous trip, she soon found out that it wasn't as bad as the first time. Be it thanks to the hints Astra gave her before, because she tried her best to stay still instead of keeping moving around or because her body was a bit more accustomed to it than before, the trip wasn't nearly as bad for Myra as she thought it would be. Before she knew it, they were already arriving on the docks after a short trip down the canal.

Just as the town before, Myra's senses were instantly overwhelmed with smells and noises. From the voices of the many people of many races, coming and going to the smells of food, fish and other substances Myra wasn't exactly familiar with, she took a bit to take in so much information.
Myra was quick to notice that the smells from this city, while also very intense for her senses, was almost completely different from the previous one, unique enough for her to distinguish them clearly by the smell.

Even though Myra was still distracted, the moment Maeryn mentioned food, she immediately turned towards him. She still remembered of the tasty meat that Astra bought her with some shinies a few days ago and how tasty it was. Were they going to eat meat as tasty as that one? Or would it be different, since it was a different city, with different smells?

Much to Myra's dismay though, Maeryn quickly dismissed that idea, saying something about disguising them as he kneeled down and started rummaging through his backpack. Being familiar with the word 'disguise' Myra immediately showed her discontentment as she looked to Astra, remembering how annoying it was to wear clothes.

Fortunately, what Maeryn pulled out of his backpack weren't clothes, but a small shiny metal circle, the ones people normally used around their fingers. Confused, Myra looked at Maeryn and then to Astra, not knowing how a single small metal band would be able to disguise them. That was until Vrexen and Alaia put it on their fingers, completely transforming their looks.

Amazed, Myra walked around Vrexen and Alaia. If it wasn't for their smell and their voices, she would've never imagined they were the same people Myra knew, especially since both of them had changed so much. After a few sniffs and a small pull at Vrexen's tail, just to be sure that he did not 'turn' into a different person and was still himself, Myra finally was confident enough about the strange ring to let Astra put it on her finger. After all, if it worked like Myra thought it did, only 'fooling' her eyes and not turning her into someone else, it definitely would be better than clothes.

Unlike Vrexen and Alaia's rings, which transformed them into almost completely different people, Myra's ring made only small changes in her appearance, like giving her a set of common, traveling clothes, making her tail appear to be a bit shorter than it actually was and slightly changing her skin, making it appear like it's covered in scales.

All in all, Myra was still a very peculiar sight, but she looked much more like an albino, lizard demi-human than a demon.

Much to Myra's surprise though, despite how annoying those clothes seemed to be, Myra didn't feel anything different. Despite how she looked right now, not only could she move like she always did, but she didn't feel a single change on how she usually felt. Astra really wasn't lying when she said that those were 'clothes that didn't get in the way'.

Happy, Myra gave a small twirl, looking at her new 'image' before she looked at Astra and Vrexen. It didn't take much for them to notice that she was felt much better with the ring than she did when Astra forced her to wear 'clothes'.

Time: Evening
Location: Caesonia Castle => Stables
Attire: Dress
Interactions: @Rodiak Nahir, @Potter Layla, @Infinite Cosmos Munir, @Princess Anastasia.

It was the end of the night for many of the nobles which attended the ball, but not for Mayet and her siblings, thanks to the mysterious 'after party' invitation they received. Unfortunately, the time for them to go to the next 'event' haven't arrived yet and during the downtime, after having changed her clothes to something less formal than her previous dress, Mayet was left waiting in a... barely passable room, according to her standards at least.

"At least the bed is comfortable enough, right Nala?" Mayet asked the tigress, which was lazily laying down on the bed just above Mayet, before she laid down herself, resting her head on Nala's stomach, using her as a pillow.

"The ball was already interesting enough. I wonder what's waiting for us on this 'after-party'.... And more importantly... Who will we meet there..." Mayet said with a chuckle.

It was exactly on that moment that a bubbly, cheerful voice suddenly called from the outside, loud enough to wake up anyone who might be sleeping. The way Princess Anastasia called them to the after party was not discrete at all, truly making one think if the whole 'after party' thing was indeed supposed to be a secret... And if it was, how it had remained so.

Nonetheless, the bubbly, air-headed and overexcited behavior coming from Princess Anastasia had caught Mayet completely off-guard, making her laugh, especially as she heard the sound of one of the doors being yanked open, clearly coming from someone who not only didn't know about the after party, but also didn't care.

"I guess the 'secret' party is not that much of a secret anymore." Mayet said with a chuckle as she got up from the bed, grabbed her ring blade, which was, once again, carefully wrapped with a long, silken cloth before she went near Nala, who was still laying down and gently caressed her.

"I know the ball was already boring enough for you, so I won't force you to come to this one as well." Mayet said to Nala, whom in return let out a low, satisfied growl as she rubbed her head against her hand.

"If anyone enters this room while I'm gone, you can just rip them to shreds. Try not to kill them if you can avoid it though. I will deal with whatever happens next." Mayet said with a smile as she kissed Nala's forehead, before she went got out of her room.

A few minutes later, Mayet, Nahir, Layla and Munir were already reunited on the nearest stable, where Princess Anastasia told them to meet her.

"I guess they really want to go with the 'no titles' theme, huh?" Mayet replied as she heard Layla, chuckling as she approached one of the horses and mounted it.

"That might make things a bit more interesting though..." Mayet said, with a mischievous smirk as she looked to Layla, Nahir and Munir, clearly showing them the big, circular blade, which was completely wrapped by expensive silk.
Karina Frost

The scene that Karina and the rest of the pactmakers were greeted upon reaching the end of that dark tunnel could only be described as something straight out of a nightmare. The seed, a nightmarish creature was impossible to be described. It's deformed human body was complete with a black skeleton and an disproportionately large skull, which seemed to beat in a strange manner, almost as if there was a heart inside it. it's arms and legs seemed to function like roots, extending far underground and feeding from the pile of corpses that was near it. The fetid odour only made the scene even more terrifying. All the details, from the corpses to the inverted ribcage and the almagmation of fused, human organs inside of it was something hard to even look at.

The voice of sightless Niefar as he began speaking provoked nothing but a deep disgust and hatred from Karina, enough to make the air around her condense and a thin layer of ice forming on her feet. Such monstrosity should not exist and those responsible for it should be swiftly eliminated with extreme prejudice. The fact that the seed was once a human, Lord O'kal nonetheless, only made things even worse.

"So this is what the insight can do to a person..." Karina said disgusted by what she was seeing.

When Sightless Niefar's skin began to warp and crack, Karina already knew that nothing good was about to happen. But she would have never imagine that she would witness the exact process of how a 'seed' was created. With each word from Sightless Nieffar, in a delirious fervor, claiming that the power from the seed belonged to him, his body grew more, with his skin peeling and his body warping in a gruesome sight as he dug his lower body into the earth, similarly on how Lord O'kal's body was.

When the process was finally over, they were left with not one, but two seeds, joined at the hip. Their voices echoed together as the tendrils coming from both seeds shot at them, impaling an unlucky soldier and almost hitting Chres.

"Snap out of it! Keep your eyes on the tendrils! Chres! Any ideas on how to deal with them?" Karina shouted, both to Chres, asking him if he knew anything about the seed and to the soldiers.

"I can protect us from the fire and the explosion!" Karina said to Týfurkh, agreeing with his idea as the air became much colder around their group. The thin layer of ice growing thicker in order for Karina to be able to protect them both from the flames and should the explosion send any shrapnel to their way.

Despite the unfortunate news that both Zavim and Fei Bai Ho had to retire from the party due to personal reasons, Catherine was still satisfied with how her small 'negotiation' turned out. While the trip back to Almira's ship could have been somewhat worrying for some of the members of the group, it was incredibly interesting for Catherine not only because she had never seen such an vehicle like the one Almira's crew used, but also thanks to the small, strange object Almira had given her, which she called a 'Tablet'.

Made of a mix of many materials, it seemed to be sensitive to touch with it's front made of some type of malleable, crystalline material and glass. While the 'Tablet' was indeed fascinating, it only managed to entertain Catherine for some time, as she quickly noticed that many of it's apparent functions were 'locked'. Besides, the fact that it wasn't configured to use the common Friestan Language seemed not to be something accidental, but deliberate, maybe to further hinder her understanding of that technology.

"Hoo~ So that's how it's going to be?" Catherine said to herself, with a smirk.

"Unfortunately, they might be underestimating my intellect..." she thought to herself with a chuckle.

While Catherine wasn't exactly a linguist, it would be simple enough for someone with her intellect to figure out how the language works, at least in enough to understand a few keywords, if she was able to gain access to any kind of dictionary... From then, it would be as simple as to keep hearing, reading and being around Almira's crew for her to master that strange language...

As they arrived on the place where the 'meteor' fell, Catherine was simply left without words as she saw the gargantuan ship. From the engines, the energy source to the materials used for it's hull, it was everything a secret to her. Every inch of that ship could hide a potential breakthrough.

"I carry no weapons other than this pair of gloves." Catherine said, with a clearly mocking smirk as she took the combat gloves from inside her coat.

"I would recommend against taking the vials away. Both from the glove and from my coat though. Some of them are incredibly unstable and most, incredibly dangerous. Mishandling them could prove to be fatal." Catherine said with a smirk, before Almira mentioned that one of her crew members wanted to offer her a tour through the ship.

"A tour? Perfect! I hope there will be no issues with our communication then? A tour wouldn't be of much use if there's no communication between us, would it?" Catherine asked, raising an eyebrow at Almira, with a mischievous smirk.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Desert
Interactions: Jomari @baraquiel

Nuallán could feel nothing but hatred and anger as the bandits appeared. Truth be told, Nuallán couldn't be sure they were the part of the same group who had taken his mistress and he honestly, didn't care. The fact that they were standing in his way, preventing him to rescue Lady Rosaria, was enough for him.

A quick analysis of the enemies he would be facing shown that the most dangerous ones were clearly the scorpion and the rhino. One due to his sheer size and mass and the other due to his exoskeleton, stinger and it's capability to move way better through the sand than Nuallán could. Although those disadvantages could definitely be dealt with if Jomari used his ability. To make things even worse, he still had to worry about the other bandits and not only they were outnumbered, but the position they were right now, being completely surrounded, wasn't a good one.

"I won't force you to fight, but if you want to ensure your own safety, I need backup. Be careful with the scorpion though. He is well adapted to the desert." Nuallán said in a low tone.

"Do not expect mercy or kindness." Nuallán said with a piercing, cold gaze as he slowly gave a few steps forward, putting his blade under his arm and adjusted his gloves.

"Fortunately for you, I don't have time to make your deaths nearly as painful as I would like to, so let's finish this quickly." Nuallán finished as he held his sword again, pointing it towards the scorpion demi-human, which was the closest to him and armed with a lance.
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