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Current Sorry for the delay everyone. I've been absolutely swamped with work these last weeks. I'm getting my replies up slowly.
8 mos ago
Keeping track of things makes it easier to avoid bad experiences! And to not make the same mistake like an idiot... :-/


"Humanity takes great pride in three things. Their willpower, their greed and their mortality.

Their will and endless greed allows them to grow and accend past other creatures
But their mortality denies them divinity

It's a delightful purgatory between being Fallen and being Divine"

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The moment Nellara heard Silbermine's threat, saying he could slay her where she stood, instead of being offended or angry, her reaction was simply to laugh. Not a sarcastic laugh of someone who was trying to get back at Silbermine's threat, but a genuine laugh of someone who couldn't see his words as anything else but a joke.

"You, slay me? Don't make me laugh..." Nellara said as she looked to Silbermine, with a contemptuous expression.

"If I really wanted to kill you, you would be choking on your own blood before you could even draw your weapon. Neither you, your pillager-knights nor your precious god would be able to do anything about it. You are nothing but a pitiful 'noble'. Your position wasn't earned, it was given on a silver platter, no matter if you are worthy of it or not. The same cannot be said for me. I am a Castigator because I have the skills necessary to be one. Because I trained and studied for years and showed nothing less than excellence to the Ascension." Nellara said, with an acid smirk as she looked at Silbermine.

It soon became clear that Nellara wasn't the only one that was getting tired of Silbermine's arrogance, as Shirik quickly made his dissatisfaction known. Upon hearing Shirik's threat towards Silbermine, Nellara looked to the humans, raising an eyebrow almost as if asking if they still thought that Silbermine really deserved to be treated politely.

"He speak of all around him as lesser beings. As creatures that should feel grateful to serve him and Mythadia. Even Shirik, who is a third party, completely unrelated to either Mythadia or the Ascension... Such is the way the Mythadian 'nobles' act and see the world around them... One should be firm with their boundaries around Silbermine and his 'ilk'... Lest them start feeling that they can step over your rights without any consequences... History has already shown that they would do so without hesitation if given any opportunity." Nellara said, looking to the humans.

As Zeynep arrived, she heard her words with a growing concern, visible in her expression. To think the humans were entertaining Silbermine's outrageous proposals, despite him saying he clearly wanted to use them as pawns, speaking as if both him and Mythadia were something the humans should be proud to serve was simply ridiculous.

"Offering them coin and glory? You speak as if they should be proud to serve you and Mythadia. You offer them no respect with your outrageous requests. You talk as if they should be honored to have the chance of serving Mythadia. Even claiming you already have a 'role' for the humans. I have honestly never met anyone as arrogant and pretentious as you, Silbermine." Nellara said, rolling her eyes.

When Vigdis asked for her and Silbermine to calm down, mentioning she doubted her motives were as 'pure' as she claimed them to be, Nellara couldn't hide the confusion on her expression.

"I didn't try to hide or sugarcoat my motives, Vigdis. Our motives were clear and honest since the beginning. A trade agreement. Both of us have things we want from the other part, you need our electricity, our mages and supplies, we would like to study your knowledge and technology. That is all there is to it." Nellara said, turning to Vigdis with a confused expression.

While Nellara's words were honest and genuine, she didn't mention that she hoped to sign an 'exclusivity' contract with the humans, in order to prevent other nations from having their knowledge... But they didn't need to know that. At least not yet.

"War is not on our best interest either, but I assume you can understand that when people from Mythadia, who have an history of taking what they want, start invading your territory and ignoring the agreement dividing plains and mountains, no matter how peaceful a nation is, such actions cannot be ignored." Nellara replied to Vigdis and Zeynep.

"Considering your people's story, you should be well aware of such 'territorial disputes' and what happens if one lets a religious, warmongering nation do what they want and disrespect the borders without any consequences... Especially when the other nation not only brings a small army and establishes a military encampment, but also has the audacity of asking for reinforcements." Nellara said, looking to Zeynep and Vigdis.

"The Ascension is merely coming here to enforce the treatise between our nations, respecting each other's territories. Even if a war do starts, you have my word not even a single arrow will land next to your ship or your people." Nellara finished.

Listening to Ixtaro's inquiries, Nellara let her speak before replying.

"While there are no 'formal' borders, the natural division between the plains, marshes and the mountains is clear. If we let Silbermine and his people claim these hills as part of their territory, they will certainly not stop with just that." Nellara said, looking to Ixtaro, her tone clearly indicating that no matter what happened, she wouldn't concede not even a single meter of mountainous terrains to Silbermine and Mythadia.

When Ixtaro mentioned that other tekeri were approaching the ship and weren't too happy with their equipment, Nellara furrowed her brows, specifically upon hearing how Ixtaro called them 'hunters'.

"You said 'hunters' and not soldiers? They might not be part of the Lenkik army that was dispatched here." Nellara said, looking to one of her soldiers and nodding towards him, silently giving him the permission of going to those so called 'hunters' and investigate if they were part of the Ascension or not.

"Whether they are part of the ascension or not, try to bring them to our encampment." Nellara said, clearly wanting to avoid any problems involving locals that weren't aware of the humans yet and the humans' machines and equipment.
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: One week after Zora arrived into Avalia.
Location: Riverbloom, Daisy Bakery
Interactions: Aurora @mole, Rowan @GingerBobOh
Mentions: Barrock @Conscripts

Zora smiled tenderly towards Aurora as she heard her saying she was glad she had enjoyed the cake. Part of her was starting to get a bit worried on how attached she was growing to Aurora. Due to her lifestyle back on earth, Zora wasn't exactly used to being cared for like that. Even if Zora was quickly grown fond of and attached to Aurora, she still couldn't feel an ounce of malice on the woman's words and actions, something which definitely helped her be a bit more at ease with the idea of 'trusting' someone as much as she was starting to trust Aurora.

The Orc was quick to leave the ignorant dark elf behind, heading off towards the nearby forest. Unfortunately, Rowan didn't seem to be as calm as the orc was on his own ordeal, after he heard Zora's reply. Zora simply raised an eyebrow, listening silently as Rowan said he was only trying to give her a better chance of survival and would not accept being branded as the villain, before he stormed off towards the river, coincidentally, the same direction the Orc went earlier.

Zora gave a heavy, exhausted sigh after Rowan stormed off, shaking her head with an obviously annoyed expression before she turned to Aurora.

"Your brother needs to understand that I am not a soldier. It doesn't matter how much he tries, I will never be one." Zora said, looking to Aurora with a sigh. If she was going to fight for her new home, it meant that despite their differences, both her and Rowan would have to find a way to at least tolerate each other... Zora only hoped Aurora could help her with that.

"I might not be bound by a deal or a promise, but if this is going to be my new 'home'... It is still in my best interest to bring peace to it. But I will do it my own way." Zora said with a determined expression as she looked to Aurora.

"Still, if we are going to work together... We will need to find a way to at least enough to tolerate each other... In my old life, sailors often solved their problems with knife fights and lots of rum... But I doubt things would work the same here..." Zora said with a chuckle. Sailors often had a rough way of dealing with their problems and the alcohol always helped, either with the resulting wounds or helping them bond with each other.

"Rowan is your brother. You understand him better than anyone ever could. Can I ask your help with this?" Zora asked looking to Aurora as she waited for her reply. If possible, Zora didn't really want to go after Rowan if that meant she would have to deal with any more problems, so waiting for Aurora's answer before doing anything was her best bet.
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Forest near Guarav Village
Interactions: Cyrus @Helo, Ophelia @princess, Dante @FunnyGuy Darius @Samreaper Menzai

Together with Cyrus' branches, despite the sheer might of the Roc, both he and Viola were able to hold on into it's legs, even if for a brief moment. Unfortunately, their attempt didn't seem to encourage the Roc to stop pursuing them. Infuriated, the Roc began beating it's wings, making powerful gusts of wind as it tried to get free from the vines and branches. As if the winds weren't already strong enough, forcing Viola to use her blood rose's vines to tether her to the ground to prevent her to being thrown away by those, the extremely loud screech let off by the Roc was loud enough to make her head seem like it was going to burst. Both the winds and the screech were quickly sapping away at Viola's concentration and stamina. Competing against the Roc in a battle of attrition was definitely not an option.

"Cyrus... I can't hold on for much longer..." Viola said as she did her best to hold down the Roc while keeping herself tethered to the ground, despite the twigs and wooden shrapnel flying through the air, results of the mighty winds produced by the Roc's wings.

It was exactly on that moment that two loud shouts could be heard just before a huge rock hit the roc straight in the chest. Alarmed, Viola looked to the two strange elves that suddenly approached them, not knowing if they were their allies or not. Fortunately, such question was soon answered as they spoke to Ophelia, in a tone that made it clear that they knew each other.

Hearing Ophelia's 'plan' made Viola visibly worried. She knew exactly how dangerous the Roc was and both versions of Ophelia's 'plan' involved putting herself into incredibly dangerous situations, where death was a very real possibility. Knowing that, Viola felt the desperation slowly taking over her mind. She couldn't lose Ophelia now... Not before she found out if she really forgot about them... Not before Viola herself had enough time to figure out what exactly were her feelings for Ophelia...

"Ophelia! Don't..." Viola said, looking to Ophelia and raising her arm at her just as she flew away.

While the stone had at least made the Roc stop it's screech, it didn't seem to do much to wound it or even dissuade it from continuing it's hunt and instead, seemed to only make it angrier as it suddenly snapped itself free from the vines and branches, before it flew straight upwards, doing a loop then dove straight down, swooping down just above the trees' canopies in a frightening speed and opening a huge clearing as it did so, looking for it's prey and potentially preparing an attack.

Cyrus could see in her expression, split between the decision of protecting her brother or going after Ophelia to be sure she wouldn't get hurt. Unable to decide herself, Viola simply looked towards Cyrus, her expression telling more than any word she could have said. Viola would never have acted out of her own free will to protect anyone... and Cypress knew that very well. The only exception was if that 'someone' was one of her siblings. Even if it meant offering her own blood to her Blood Rose or turn an entire city into a forest of thorns, blood and bodies, with her own body at the very center, she wouldn't hesitate to do anything if it meant protecting the family she had left.

Without the trees to protect them from an aerial attack from the Roc and with Ophelia going by herself, there was little doubt in her mind that both of them needed to move, quickly.

"Brother Cypress... We need to go as well..." Viola said with a determined expression as she looked towards Cyrus.

The very moment Silbermine started mentioning their 'god', Nellara couldn't help but sigh loudly, massaging her temples as she did so. Religious fanatics, all of them. Why was it always SO hard to make those kind of Mythadians, like Silbermine, to open their eyes and see what was happening instead of simply keep twisting reality and always saying it was all work of their 'god' to favor them, test them or any other religious nonsense to warrant them taking what they wanted or having things their way.

"Judging by what you told us about your story, I believe you might know these kind of people rather well as well, don't you? Religious fanatics, I mean... And those who use religion for their own goals." Nellara asked, looking to the humans.

Regardless of how much nonsense they spoke, Nellara was willing to entertain them, or at least until the Glens started walking towards Kerchak after he spoke about how Silbermine intended to use his words to deceive the humans and as Mythadians always did, take what they wanted or have things their way.

"There is no need to apologize yourself, Kerchak." Nellara said, raising a hand as she saw Kerchak bowing down towards Silbermine.

"Your arrogance truly knows no limits, Silbermine. I suggest you to remember where exactly you are. In Ascension lands, lords, kings or priests are empty titles and you would do well to remember that." Nellara said, her cold, cutting words making it clear she wasn't just bluffing as she looked to the two Glen that moved up to Kerchak.

As Silbermine countinued talking, Nellara couldn't help but just be disgusted by his words. He didn't try to hide his true motives. He simply continued suggesting the humans to work for him, to give him information about their metal 'golems' for free and etc. Without giving any consideration for them, instead only looking at his own goals and desires. Almost as he felt as if he was entitled to all that.

"I'm sorry, but I can't help but feel disgusted by all this... I hope you are aware Silbermine isn't even trying to hide his true reasons... right? He simply want to use you, humans. Asking you to be their pawns for their political game... They covet what is yours. Your technology, your technology... And I am sure I don't need to remind you on how the Mythadians wanted to simply take your ship apart and take it with them, believing it was their 'god's gift to them... We were honest and transparent with our reasons. We want to forge a trade agreement with the humans. We have never treated you as other than equals... Unlike Silbermine, which wishes to turn you into their pawns." she said, replying to Vigdis as she turned towards her. Once again, Nellara made no effort to hide how disgusted she was with Silbermine and how they carried themselves.

As Ixtaro came to talk in a more private tone, Nellara simply heard her words in silence at first, before she turned to her with a serious expression. Even though Nellara didn't really want to spark a war with Mythadia, there was still the very grave issue of Silbermine and his knights having literally just invaded Ascension lands with a small army.

"A war would be disadvantageous for both kingdoms. Mythadia and the Ascension, seeing the delicate balance of power Kanth-Aremek encounters itself right now. With that said, there is still the very grave issue that Silbermine brought a small army and defied a Castigator's authority inside Ascension territory and is calling a real army right now. The Mythadians always were like this, Ixtaro. They use their religion and their god to justify why they are taking what they want, doing what they want and why they are 'better' than the others... If we do give in to this aggression, they will keep going further and further until they are on Arcaeda's doors. That is how the Mythadians work, Ixtaro." Nellara said, whispering to her in a low tone.

"While It is not in my interest to start a war, I will not stand down to this insult and aggression towards the Ascendancy." Nellara finished with a determined expression.

When Ixtaro turned to Silbermine and started speaking about their sky god, Nellara looked at her shocked. To have a human entertaining Silbermine's religious nonsense would only serve to further inflame their fanaticism... And make them think even more that they had some kind of 'divine right' to do what they wanted.

"Silbermine, you know as well as I do that a war will be incredibly disadvantageous to both our nations. Regardless of which one of us wins... And you know this as well as I do. This parlay will be a turning point to decide if we will end this diplomatically or not." Nellara said, her tone and expression being incredibly serious as she said so.

"It is not my desire to spark a war between Mythadia and the Ascension and I hope we will be able to solve this without bloodshed but... we will not stand down when Mythadia invades our borders with an army without any provocation." Nellara finished, looking straight to Silbermine as she said so.

Time: 6pm
Location: Guest House Dining Room - Dinner with the Sultan
Interactions: Everyone at the Alidasht dinner.

Mayet's expression as Farim began to talk was a mix of disappointment, anger and irritation. One single look at her would be enough to tell him that it wasn't only the usual irritation. There was something much more difficult to appease in her expression as she looked at Farim. Something that she would not forget... The loss of her trust on him. She felt betrayed.

"I would have gladly unsheathed my weapon for any one of my family members, should they were as insulted as I was today. I am glad to know now that you would not do the same, Farim. Neither you Farim, nor you father or any of my siblings or cousins." She said, looking straight into their eyes.

"I sat down and watched in silence as this bumbling fool called us circus clowns, acted rudely in a number of different occasions and now said I was giving him 'bedroom' eyes, while not a single member of my family, apart from my dear sister Layla said or did nothing." Mayet said, quickly snapping her wrist and pulling the scimitar away from Farim's hands, leaving a shallow cut on them as she did so.

Most people from the table would know well she was skilled enough to not leave any wounds if she so desired.

"Even after all this, I have never mentioned an execution. It seems you are quite willing to escalate this issue. Maybe your eyes are growing greedy with the possibility of getting the throne for yourself, cousin Farim? It would be a good moment to escalate this issue and get rid of the competition... Of getting rid of your cousin, which would have gladly put her hand into the fire for you, or anyone in this family, if she had to. The one member of the Alidasht Royal family who puts more importance into the well being of her family than the race for the throne." she continued, looking straight at his eyes, her expression clearly showing just how betrayed she felt.

"You claim my mother would be disappointed in me? My mother would have NEVER let someone else disrespect us like this without saying anything. Her way of dealing with the situation would be much calmer and more different, but she still wouldn't have sat down and did nothing. Your inaction, your passivity as someone insults your country, your culture and your family is disgraceful, Farim! Besides, you should know better than to try that pitiful discourse on me, trying to make me feel emotionally guilty. I know your tricks well, Farim. Don't even try. You ask me if I don't trust my father's plans? I WATCHED as this bumbling fool did nothing but insult us since we arrived in Caesonia, without ANY consequence either from the Caesonian royalty or from the sultan!" Mayet said, her voice burning with hatred and dripping with venom as she said though.

"I will tell you this, Farim. I will overlook what you did and said to me today, but don't expect any mercy from me. Ever again. You are alone. Do not consider me as being part of your family or your cousin ever again. Should you spout the same words again in the future. We will solve this in the Alidasht way." Mayet said with a cold, threatening expression as she looked at Farim.

"So I highly suggest you to never direct your words at me, ever again or as much as look at me again. Unless you want me to learn how cruel I can really be. Farim." Mayet said. Both her words and stare towards him made it painfully clear that it was much more than just something said on the heat of the moment.

Noticing Charlotte suddenly getting up, Mayet simply sent her a cold, threatening gaze, before she spoke to her.

"Sit down, Lady Charlotte. I said I would teach him a lesson. I have never said I would kill anyone today. Besides, no matter how innocent it might be, not even your unconditional love towards your father will save you, should you raise your hand against me... Or look at me with such intentions ever again." Mayet said in a cold tone, giving a quick glance towards Charlotte as she suddenly stood up. The coldness of her eyes and the way she said those words, without a single hint of hesitation, were enough to send shivers down one's spine.

Even though Nala seemed to be a bit confused with the situation and the scent of blood, especially since it came from someone Mayet considered as being from her family, or a least once did, she still kept a watchful eye around Mayet, growling at anyone who as much as dared to approach and doing the same to Farim, should he move in a sudden manner.

When the sultan began to speak, Mayet couldn't help but to laugh. What was that? Even her father, the mighty Alidasht sultan, seemed to be more willing to punish his own children than to do anything to a mere duke who was insulting them? It took all this time for this to merely SAY a few words about the duke's actions and words?

"Do you intend to take away every fork, every knife, every pencil and sharp stick away from me, dear father? Would you also want to cut my hands and feet off while doing so in order to 'take away my weapons', dear father? Maybe pulling my teeth from my mouth as well?" Mayet asked as the Sultan said he would take away her weapons, plunging the scimitar deep in the table, just in front of Duke Vikena as she said so, letting go of it.

"My mother would have said something the moment the Duke started to insult us. She wouldn't have let the situation get to this point. She wouldn't have let him feel he can do whatever he wants and say whatever he wants. Even if she did so delicately and calmly. And you know that, father." Mayet said, looking to the sultan with a serious expression.

"It seems the mighty sultan of Alidasht is more willing to make a public scene punishing his own children than to do anything to a mere duke insulting his entire family and culture. It took me throwing a knife to scare that insect and even unsheathing a sword and pointing at him before you finally addressed him, didn't it? I would like to extend the same words I said to Farim, to every single one of my family members present at the table. Once, I would have gladly spilled blood to defend my family's honor... Although it seems I would be the only one to do so." Mayet said, looking straight to the Sultan's eyes with a fiery glare, then looking straight in the eye of all the others in the table.

"Your words to Duke Vikena are nothing but insulting to me, considering everything that happened. Your daughter was already insulted and embarrassed many times since she arrived at Caesonia by this man, father. It is a bit late to say you won't tolerate them now, isn't it?" Mayet asked, both her expression and tone of voice making it clear how wounded she felt by the lack of action from her father until now and his words now.

"Let me make it clear, prince Auguste. Even if your knights wanted, I highly doubt they would be able to do as much as touch me." Mayet said while looking at Auguste with a threatening expression.

"And prince Auguste, let's stop with this farce. I doubt that your family would react calmly if the same insults were said to them. Considering how an innocent stable boy was almost executed recently only to cover up for a certain situation... It almost sounds suspicious to how the Caesonian Royal family seems to be fine with such insults being said publicly to the Royal Alidasht family, isn't it?" She asked, looking at prince Auguste.

"Quite ironic, isn't it? That your family didn't even try to punish Duke Vikena for this insults against us, but you are so willing to demand me to be punished. How curious it is that you are willing to ignore what happened the other night, with royals from Alidasht being poisoned and how there were no punishments given to the Caesonian royals that were involved with this matter but you seem to be so excited to have me punished... The Caesonian law does seem to discriminate. Quite a lot in fact, doesn't it?" Mayet asked, looking furiously at Prince Auguste.

"I beg you, father. Ask yourself this question: Can you really say the Caesonian Royalty are really treating us as equals? With everything that happened so far? The way they are treating us, it feels almost as if they consider us their vassals... I wouldn't think the mighty Alidasht would lower their head so easily. Neither me, nor our proud people." Mayet said, looking to her father before she turned to Auguste once again.

"But even if the law is apparently discriminating against us, it seems my dear father isn't willing to do anything to protect his own family. So who knows, your little charade might be successful and even manage to get me punished, arrested, exiled or even executed. That would be quite something, would it not? But if that is the case, I promise you I won't just lower my head and accept it." Mayet said, looking to Prince Auguste with an acid, sarcastic expression before it suddenly changed to a cold threatening one on the very end. Her words clearly suggesting how much the Caesonian royal family loved their schemes and political games.

"Despite my effort, despite my attempts, this family seems to be quite intent on tear itself from inside out at the mere mention of any problem. Maybe in the end, I was the fool. A fool to think bloodshed between members of our family could be avoided. A fool to think we could walk together as a family. In the end, it seems that throwing your own family members to the wolves and tearing each other apart in the pursuit of power is on this family's blood." Mayet said, looking at her own family with a wounded expression, which seemed to surpass her anger, only if for a brief moment.

"But I have learned finally my lesson. I will only act and move for myself and my interests. Nothing and no one more. Thank you for finally making it clear... How this family works, that is." Mayet said, looking to her family members. There seemed to be nothing more she wanted to tell them.

"Do not show your face in front of me ever again, Duke Vikena. Let that be a warning. My final warning." Mayet said, turning to Duke Vikena once again, clearly threatening him before she stormed out of the dinner room, soon followed by Nala, which refused to look away while getting out of the room, keeping a watchful eye on everyone present before she finally exited it, only then to turn and catch up with Mayet.

Karina Frost

"A few weeks ago, I would have sternly refused to drink for such reason but after what we've been through... I might be changing my mind about it..." Karina said with a heavy sigh as she heard Chres' comment about alcohol.

"But not just yet. Thank you, but I really don't need anything that will only make my mind even more messy than it already is." Karina said as she nodded to Chres, just as the princess snatched the flask from his hand, much to Karina's surprise.

"Princess I don't that is a good ide-" Karina began protesting, only to be completely ignored as she watched, shocked as the princess took a big swig from Chres' flask, only to immediately spit it all on Chres' face.

The action the princess took was so sudden that Karina couldn't help but chuckle at the scene.

"I am fairly sure that for Chres, wine would be little more than just a light drink." Karina said, raising an eyebrow, insinuating Chres was definitely used to drink much heavier stuff than just wine.

With her attention being drawn to Lord Ru'Tev once again, she listened to his words in silence, offering him a discreet nod of acknowledgement and thanks for his offer for them to stay for the night. His request to talk to the princess privately wasn't ignored by Karina though, which couldn't help but to wonder what exactly Lord Ru'Tev wanted to say to the princess that they couldn't hear.

Regardless, Karina ended up simply heading to the lift together with the group.

"Testing in such a... delicate environment might indeed not be the best idea, Lord Ru'Tev. I do understand it is rather necessary for improving the security of the prison, but we cannot deny the possibility that these tests might be the cause of a possible security breach." Karina said after hearing Týfurkh's words.

"What I am trying to say is, there is no such thing as being 'too careful', especially in a place like this prison. But again, I am certain this is something you know very well, Lord Ru'Tev." Karina said, with a nod towards him.

Interactions: Amanda @Kumbaris, Micheal Crane @BigPapaBelial, Scarlet @AWACS

Faye was still perplexed by how seamless the transformation magic seemed to be, at least when watching it by video. To be able to fool multiple people, looking them straight in the eyes and even talking to them only made her sure that whatever magic they were using, was a very complex one.

"Fairies often trick others in a similar manner. On the enchanted forests, it looks almost real, but it's mostly due to the magical fog, the illusions used by the fairies and other small tricks. This is different... Whoever that was, he simply entered the lobby and began asking around while disguised as Xavi!" Faye said, thinking.

"I don't know much about shapeshifters... But can they really look exactly the same as someone else? Surely there must be a way to differentiate them from the real one, right?" she asked as both Michael and Scarlet mentioned that possibility.

With Amanda going to run some tests to identify the car the 'fake' Xaviron arrived, Faye turned her attention to the tape again, going back and forth as she tried to catch anything she missed previously.

Fortunately, her insistence seemed to have fruits with her catching, only for a brief moment, not much more than a few frames, a few suspicious wisps of light just before the fake Xaviron transformed.

"Hey! What is this?" Faye said, suddenly stopping the tape before going back slowly, until the very frame with the strange wisps became visible.

"I can see some strange traces of magic coming from the fake Xaviron! Just on a few frames.. They look like reflections if one doesn't pay enough attention... They look like... wisps of light?" Faye said, getting closer to the screen as she tried to analyze the scene a bit better.

"But... That doesn't make much sense... If they were using just illusions or some light magic, speaking or touching something would be almost a dead giveaway, wouldn't it?" Faye said, thinking to herself.

"Oh! Unless they're doing like the fairies! You know... Using many different spells to make something look as real as possible! But that would require either specific conditions to work or a proper set-up." Faye said as she looked around, almost as if asking if anyone had any idea about how such spell was made.

Location: 'Tekeri' encampment.

As Kareet approached her, suggesting Nellara to let Silbermine stay, she nodded, agreeing with her words. Not only it would help the humans to see them as the more reasonable ones between the Mythadians and the Tekeri, but letting Silbermine talk with the humans in their encampment, a place where they could hear also had it's own tactical advantages.

"I won't send him away without giving him an opportunity to talk with the humans... Especially if he wants to do so here in our encampment... Somewhere we can listen to what he says." Nellara whispered, replying to Kareet's words.

Silbermine's words and actions had a radical change to the ones Nellara had heard once he arrived, enough that almost made her laugh. Surprisingly enough, it seemed like even after changing his tone, Silbermine was unable to hide his true nature and the 'offer' he gave to the humans was simply outrageous.

"It seems it is hard for someone like you to change your true nature, even if you change your tone of voice, is it not, Silbermine? In the end, you just want to use the humans as your pawns. Whether in your political plans or for you to take what you want out of them." Nellara said, laughing as she heard Silbermine's proposal.

"Using concepts like religion, nobility or a 'higher purpose'... Those are just pretty ways to deceive and justify you and your people acting like you always did. Always taking whatever you want for yourselves." she completed with an accusatory tone.

When Silbermine mentioned that they didn't need an escort though, her amused expression immediately disappeared, turning into a cold, serious one.

"I didn't give you a choice, Silbermine. As long as you are in our encampment, there will be an escort and when our army arrives, you will also be 'escorted' out of our lands." she said, looking at him with a cold, harsh expression.

Fortunately, much to Nellara's relief, it seemed like Vigdis had the same idea about Silbermine's 'offer' as she had, due to the clearly negative reaction she had to his words.

"Although I won't lie that there are political reasons to our decisions, both Kareet and myself have already offered to help you and your people in any way we can. Even if motivated by something else, our intent is to merely create a friendly relationship with your people." Nellara said, replying to Vigdis as she mentioned that the humans' situation of life or death wasn't being taken in consideration by neither of their sides.

Unfortunately, Ixtaro didn't seem to have the same reaction to Silbermine's clearly outrageous proposal, much to Nellara's dismay. Nellara didn't try to hide her shock as she heard Ixtaro's reply, looking at her almost as if she was worried that Ixtaro would be too easily fooled by Silbermine and his people.

"Our first reaction was to offer our help, while Silbermine merely wants you as their champions for their own political games. This fact alone should already be enough to clarify exactly what kind of people Silbermine and his men are..." Nellara said, looking to the humans and then to Silbermine. None of the words Nellara was saying was a lie, nor she seemed to hide any information. All in all, her intentions were to create a friendly relationship with the humans, even if motivated by the opportunity of trading both products and knowledge.

When Ixtaro asked if making the negotiation on a neutral ground would be preferred, Nellara raised an eyebrow, not understanding the question.

"I believe any deal we might have to offer you will differ greatly from anything Silbermine might want. We have different objectives, after all. Silbermine made that very clear." Nellara said as she looked to Ixtaro, clearly referring to the fact that Silbermine's offer was merely to use them as pawns to their own political games while she offered them help and a friendly relationship.

"I have no problems meeting on a neutral ground if it will make your people feel more at ease. Under the condition that Silbermine leaves the army and the weapons he brought to invade Ascension territory and take your ship to themselves in their own camp, that is." Nellara added, agreeing with Kareet's whisper while once again, trying to make Vigdis and Ixtaro understand Silbermine's real objectives and the vast difference between their approach and his.
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