Avatar of AlteredTundra


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2 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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Giving this is a bump. Kinda been craving some famdoms lately. I'll be taking on 1-2 parters.

Look forward to hearing from anyone who is interested. :)
Would you guys wish for a fellow NPC merc?

Should your team have a leader?

Do you want some light dice rolls in the game?

Give me either a Yes/No/Neutral on all of them.

Neutral. They could be like whatshisface from Skyrim who leads you out of Helgen.

Yes. Gives the others someone to constantly question the authority of. You know, for scientific purposes!

Yes. I've never been against it and could make things interesting. Always been a fan of semi-predetermined outcomes that dice rolls can provide.
I probably shouldn't for a myriad of reasons, but Imma keep my eye on this because this is a sick idea and this will at least give me time to seriously contemplate a concept.
@Hillan@Sep Thanks for being understanding. Maybe when I'm not so bogged down by shit, I can make my way back.
So, I think I will, unfortunately, have to bow out. I do apologize if this inconveniences anyone. If it makes things easier, I can write an exit post for JD no problem. I'm just not sure I have it in me to fulfill my end of the commitment anymore, especially not with how my mental health is keeping me from posting when I'd like to.



Location: Camp (going a lot of places
Interactions: Issura @Vicier

Being back at camp felt different for the Daughter of Khione.

And she didn’t know if it was the good kind or not.

As Astrid aimlessly wandered around camp, going from Big House to the Barracks to some of the other cabins, she just wandered without any real direction. She was too deep in her own head to pretend she cared to pay attention. And that was honestly because of the thoughts that were consuming her drug-filled brain.

When she stepped through the barrier that shielded them from outside forces and she lost sight of her sister, Astrid couldn’t shake the feeling that it truly wasn't the same. Before she left for Norway to be with her sister, before having that choice of staying or leaving (it wasn’t much of a choice because Astrid would never not be near Issura. That was never an option. Sure, somewhere deep down she felt regret because she was leaving a life she knew for so long, but at the end of the day, her whole world was her sister. If there was anyone she felt the safest nearby, it was her sister.

And, on some level, she had hoped that it was a two-way street.

Still thinking about our sister, are we?

As Astrid was about halfway to the Khione Cabin, she rolled her eyes when she heard Vidar’s voice speak to her. “Oh fuck off already!” She cursed aloud, earning weird glances from passing Demis.

She didn’t care and she heard the remnants of her legacy’s laugh as it faded.

You want to know the main reason Astrid LArsen takes so many goddamn pills? It’s to keep the invading presence of her legacy out of her mind for as long as possible. Vidar wasn’t like most legacies. While they respect boundaries and the rule of law that their respective Godkings might enforce, he was a rebellious little twat that just clung to the concept of annoying Astrid any chance he got.

The worst part of it all? It worked.

Until it didnt’.

“Whatever. He’s gone and I wont be hearing from him in a few days.”

Thank the Gods for Big Pharma.

And at long last, Astrid had made it to the Khione Cabin. Her sister probably thought she was dead or had just forgotten about her. Or that someone else had forgotten about her, but none of those were true. Astrid just liked to take the scenic route. What mattered most was that she was here and when she felt the breeze of the Khione Cabin-exclusive chilling winds howl themselves by welcoming Astrid home, she immediately made a beeline for her sister’s room, knocking on the door, though she didn't practice common courtesy of waiting for an actual answer.

"No need to hold your applause!" Astrid stated. Unlike the common use of that saying, Astrid wanted applause. "Your beloved sister has finally arrived."
@rocketrobie2@Theyra@metanoia@Tackytaff@deja you all still onboard? It has come to that awful time where I say, we'll move on with or without you in order to keep things going for everyone else.

Yeah, I'm still around. I've just been going through a bit mentally and having selective writer's block. I'll try my best to bounce back into this as soon as I can, but don't feel the need to wait on me and others if you guys need to push the scene along.

A @metanoia, @LovelyComplex & @Venus Collab || Featuring The Brady Clan & Danny

As Marco stirred in his sleep, his bed (though one of those that was clearly the best money could buy, doubtless another present from his Abuelo) moved and made creaking noises. Under tired grunts, he whispered something. Under tired grunts, a name left Marco's lips, his normally clear tone raspy. But in that rasp there was a curve on his face, his lips that is, curved into a smile. He gripped his dark gold blanket, tugging on it and pulling it closer to his chin. Something about the way he gripped it hinted at affection. He was embracing it.

“Dan…” He said, smiling a little wider now, almost as though that bit was bringing him joy, whatever he was dreaming. “Danny..” He said again.

In the peaceful serenity of Lyon Park, the faint acoustics of children laughing, the birds chirping in the trees above, and that particular sound of footsteps passing by along the happy trails, I look into his eyes. Brown and full like two acorns that have fallen from the tree, landing in the safety of the hands of a squirrel.

I was his squirrel, but with him, I could feel myself be bathed in safety. In his arms, those big, bulging, amazing arms, the ones that held me close, I was his whole world. And I was safe. And when we kissed, fire was set to our world. When we kissed, electricity came down from above and hit us at just the right time to make us both feel truly alive.

But I knew we couldn’t do anything more.

Oh, how I wanted to just raise up from his hold, walk out from past these bushes, our hands connected in the public light.

Oh, how I wish I could just be with him without hiding.

Oh, how I wish we could just be with him.

Oh, how I wish we could...be together.

“Marco..” A voice said, their hand shaking a still-asleep Marco with some force.

But nothing happened.

“Marco!” They said again a little louder, their shaking becoming slightly more aggressive.

But still, nothing happened.

Marco! The voice snapped with feeling, shaking the young man vigorously.

And a slightly annoyed groan left Marco’s lips. And then his eyes opened. With a symphony of more groans and crusty eyes opening, Marco wiped it away with the top side of his left wrist, feeling it rub into his eyes and forcing him to focus on waking up. While he did that, the person speaking to him kept shaking him, probably thinking he was still asleep. As they did, Marco saw who it was and if he wasn’t still dazed, he might have just rolled his eyes, but he settled for an annoyed grunt as he started to move more than his arms and head.

“Emil, I’m up,” he said groggily, looking at his younger brother who sat on the edge of his bed. Marco shifted himself into a partially upright position. “See? I’m up. No need to shake me so violently anymore.” Marco laughed as he saw Emiliano, though he normally went by Emil, got up.

“Jesus Christ, Marco.” Emil rolled his eyes, placing a hand on his temples. “You’re harder to wake up than Papi is.”

Marco couldn’t argue with that. “Sorry.” He offered his younger brother a small, apologetic smile. “So why were you trying to wake me up so badly?”

Emil, always the smart ass, pointed to the clock. Marco had to focus his blue eyes on the digital clock on his nightstand to see that it was less than twenty minutes until Danny said he would pick him up. And Marco knowing his ex like he knew he did, when he said he’d pick him up at 7:15, he meant it.

“Why didn’t you wake me up sooner!?” Marco panicked himself up to his feet, grunting some more but not just from being tired. His limbs were stiff and they cracked in the painful, relieving way that made Marco’s desire to move quickly be halted for a few steps.

And when Marco nearly tumbled, Emil caught him, holding his brother steady. “Easy bro! You’ll reinjure yourself if you get up too fast.”

Along with being a smartass, Emil also was the King of Inappropriate jokes. Good thing Marco had thicker skin and also liked to joke inappropriate from time to time. “Very funny. But not as funny as that mop on your head.” Ah there was Marco, the rare jokester who could roast his brother if he wanted to.

But Marco didn’t have time for jokes right now. As much as he enjoyed going back and forth with Emil and as much as Emil enjoyed their ball-busting tango, Marco had to shower and get dressed. Luckily for him, the shower was the only thing he had to take care of.

And nearly fifteen minutes later, he was out of the shower, clean as a whistle and dressed. Marco opted for comfort over style. He considered maybe wearing one of the many League-related shirts, but it was one thing going to a convention and another going to a place where most of your friends you went to high school with were going to be there. Not that they would judge him or that Marco thought they would, but in recent times, he had become a hermit of sorts. The only few people he was regularly seeing was Roddy, Lanie, his baby goddaughter Rylie, and, as of this morning, his ex-boyfriend.

As Marco walked out of his room, he did so at his own pace. His leg wasn’t bothering him so he didn’t need to pace himself that much but he didn’t want to push it. About the time he made it to the living room and went towards the kitchen to grab himself a water, he passed his mom by. As they went to say hello, there was a knock at the front door. And because she was the only one in the room, Marlena checked the peephole for the visitor's identity before diligently answering the door.


Unbeknownst to Danilo, his face was mean-mugging as he stared at the door. Sometimes, he just couldn’t hide his feelings. This was one of those times. His Quadrifoglio was waiting by the curb in a much calmer state than its owner. Danny was still seething at his interaction with his cousin. He was not wrong. At first, he did feel like he fucked up but after a whole car ride to his ex’s house, he started to think that she shouldn’t have pushed him as far as she did.

Tiffannie was wrong.

The next time he saw her he would have some choice words, maybe make her cry even more, because he could care less! Right now? Right now he was pissed. When the door flew open, his dark gaze met with the intimidating and strikingly hot mother of Marco. In past instances, Danny made sure to leave his attitude at home. However tonight, his mood was written all over his face, and was even more noticeable when he grumbled, “Hey, Mrs. Castillo-Brady, is he ready?”

Marlena couldn't help the way her arched eyebrows locked together in a frown, or the sudden feeling of concern that came over her. In the years she had known Danilo, this was the first time the young man had expressed this irritated demeanor in her presence. From the way he was tensed up, the deep scowl in his expressive face, and her own experience as a mom of teen boys, the Mexican woman could tell that something was bothering him. She knew better than to pry (after all, no teenage boy wanted to go into depth about their feelings with a maternal figure of all people), but she was also aware that in cases like this being gentle and kind could go a long way.

With that in mind, Marlena changed her own demeanor to a much softer, inviting one. "'Mrs. Castillo-Brady'? Since when am I anything other than Miss Marlie to you?" the brunette laughed, shaking her head. "Marco's just getting some water in the kitchen right now, but he's ready for you. Would you like to come in or for me to get you anything before you guys head off?" she asked softly, offering the taller, brooding boy a reassuring smile.

In an immediate, ashamed response, Danny uncomfortably rubbed the side of his neck, regretting taking his issues to Marco’s family, “Sorry…” Even if he was still mad, he was now stressed too at how he was coming across and if that would disappoint his own mother. “... no that’s fine, Mrs. Marlie.” He corrected himself, talking slower and watching every word that left his mouth.

Opening his lips once more to add the reason for his mood, he was quick to close it right back up. How was he going to state this without coming across as a dick? Or someone with more issues than he was willing to admit to himself? Saying family problems would only lead her to call one of his sisters, which would lead to them being nosy and asking him what he did. He didn’t need that. Whether or not she would go to them, he didn’t know. But there was a chance. There’s always a chance.

There was also the chance she would walk to their house and feel the somber mood inside of it, discovering how sick his mother really was. Yeah, no. He didn’t need to tell her much. She might’ve meant well, but Danny just wasn’t ready. Instead of disclosing anything, he forced a smile and nervously chuckled, “It’s good to see you. It’s been a while… You look great.”

Marlena's smile widened at both his compliment and the satisfaction of knowing she had diffused a potential situation. Whoever said dealing with and raising boys was hard? "Ay, gracias, guapo," she responded happily, wrapping Danny in a quick little side hug. Normally, Marlie would've embraced him and kissed his forehead like she would one of her own children, but the last thing she wanted was to push Danny when he was clearly in a delicate state. "And don't apologize, sweetheart. We all go through bad moments sometimes. All I can hope for you is that, for whatever it is, you can find a good solution that makes you happy again."

“Yeah…” was all he could muster out when he got pulled into Marlie’s embrace. To be honest, he wanted that hug to last longer but it wasn’t something he’d get he didn’t think. He already set a bad impression, probably ruining his image in her eyes. Asking for another hug now would be weird of him. He was a man.

There was a split second in which Marlie felt Danny's hesitation and resistance to releasing her from the fleeting embrace they had shared. With what little information she could get from his body language and demeanor, she interpreted this to mean he wouldn't be put off by her regular displays of affection-- rather, he was silently asking for them. So Marlena did what she did best. She cupped the boy's face, softly kissed his forehead and wrapped him up in a tight hug, rubbing his back for extra comfort and reassurance like she would any of her three children. In her eyes, Danny was always one of their own.

And as Marco slowly made his way from the kitchen, half of a water bottle in his hand. His blue hydro flask reusable water bottle had been his main one for a few years now. Long before the injury. Marco held it by the hole grip on the cap, dangling it in the air, shaking it as he carried himself to a brisk walk.

And he saw his mom and Danny...hugging? Blinking, Marco wanted to make sure he was seeing what he thought he did. Admittedly, he was probably still sleepy so maybe this was his brain playing tricks on him. But nope, his short mother was embracing the obviously-taller Danny in what seemed like a very intense moment between them. He stopped about seven feet away, looking at them, almost frowning from his curiosity. His first thought, of course, was wondering if Danny was okay.

Marco tried to remember if Danny was like this in the morning. Maybe he was in too much physical exhaustion and pain to register it. Or too hungry, but immediately Marco walked over, coming up from the left, leaning his back against the wall by the front door as he looked at both of them. “Is...everything okay?” Marco asked, his blue eyes dividing their gaze between his mother and ex.

Oddly enough, Danny’s spirit was much calmer than he was when he first arrived. Everything he had on his mind during the car ride here no longer mattered, dissipating into thin air. The affection of a mother, warm and heartfelt, made his muscles at ease. Instead of protest, he leaned into it, even closing his eyes, zoning in on his and Mrs. Marlie’s breathing. He had to meet her halfway because she was kind of tiny, but that was fine... he needed this and he was grateful the matriarch of the house knew how to read in between the lines.

When Marco’s voice ringed in his ears, Danny sluggishly opened his eyes and gently separated himself from his second mother figure. Stubborn, as per usual, he lied through his teeth, but this time it seemed less forced. Likely because he was at peace, at least for now. “Yeah, everything’s great,” he reported. Not one to keep things dragging, he nodded at Mrs. Marlie (his way of saying thank you without saying it), who once again got the message, and accepted his silent thanks with a smile and a conspiratorial wink. Soon after, he peered down at his wristwatch before he scanned his ex, from head to toe, half-smirking while appreciating the sight, “You ready?”

There was still that strange feeling in the air, like Marco had walked in on something intense. Even if Danny said everything was fine and even if the expression on his mother’s face was pointing to it being all settled, which she was, Marco couldn’t shake the feeling making his stomach tumble up and down in its usually sinking way. “Yeah…” He’d say somewhat absentmindedly as he turned and gave his Ma a hug. “I’ll try and be back before you and Pa go to bed.” Marco would say as he’d squeeze tightly, though not too tightly. Sometimes he never knew his own strength.

"Don't even worry about it, love." Marlie smiled as she embraced her oldest son right back. It wasn't until after she had given him a few loud kisses on his cheek that she finally released him from her grip. "I know you're in good hands," she said softly, shooting Danny another conspiratorial wink.

Not one to read between the lines, Danny took the wink from Mrs. Marlie at face value. Playful and trusting, with no underlying meaning. He didn’t think she would know about him in any other light than someone that is like a son to her. It would never cross his mind that she could possibly know, with intuition or by the way her son looked at him, that there was more to the story. Wishing her goodbye and thanking her for her time, Danny felt complete and was fully satisfied at where things ended, ready to lead the charge to his car. Leaving his ex behind, he took wide strides to his car to make sure he got to the passenger's door first. To open it.

Before Marco could follow Danny, Marlena tugged at his arm to get his attention. Once she had it, she gave her son a worried look. “I don’t know what’s wrong with Danny, mi amor, but I can tell that something’s bothering him. He didn’t bring it up, and I didn’t ask, but just make sure that you’re extra sweet and nice and patient with him tonight, okay? And I know you’re all of those things usually, but try your hardest to be like that even more than normal tonight. Don’t push him too hard to tell you anything if he doesn’t want to, but just make sure he knows that we’re all here for him no matter what. Can I count on you to do that for me, tesoro?”

Marco nodded. “Yeah, no worries, Ma! I’ll be extra nice! Like a Super Marco or something.” He flashed her a smile that hid a sense of worry that originated from Marco’s stomach.

Marlie nodded. “Okay,” she told him, smothering him with kisses one last time. Te amo, cariño. Have fun!”

He gave her a quick hug and went towards the door. As it opened halfway and as he saw Danny waiting out by the car, he turned around and looked at his mother. “It’ll be okay. I promise!”

And soon, with his eco-friendly water bottle in his hand, dangling it by the ring on the cap, Marco made the slow descent down the stone path through the grass, thinking about everything. It might’ve been a short walk from it to the street where Danny was parked, but with how deep in his own mind he was, Marco took his time. It also happened to coincide with his ability to skip steps being rare these days.

In the near minute he spent, he thought about, well everything, but obviously the one thing that he couldn’t shake was what his mother said. Danny was hiding something and she wanted me to be sweeter than normal. That thought kept him busy as he looked down, watching his step.

And then he was by the car, looking at his ex for a few moments that felt eternal. Marco didn’t think of himself as a detective like his father, but he couldn’t help but look for any clues on Danny’s face from those eyes that caught him like a fish at sea and that defined jawline that Marco’s skin tingled just remembering when he stroked it. This is why you could never be a detective like Pa. No priorities!

“... you getting in?” Danny dumbly watched his ex gawk at him. Once again, his nervous quirk appeared where he would place his hand on the back of his neck, rubbing it.

“Oh!” Marco was snapped out of his daze. “Y-yeah!”

A few delayed seconds later, Marco shook his head briefly. Whatever daze he had been in was gone and hopped into the passenger side. He made sure he didn’t rush it. Walking may not have been a problem for him, though only if it was short distances, bending and sitting had to be handled with care. But he did it, albeit with a series of grunts in between getting each leg inside the car and adjusting his position until he was comfortable.

Concerned, Danny closed the passenger’s door behind Marco and made his way to the driver seat. When he was settled, seatbelt fastened and engine roaring, he rested his hand on the gearshift and studied the sleep deprived man beside him, “You are 100 percent okay? How much sleep did you get?” It was clear Danny wasn’t going to start driving until Marco gave him an honest answer.

I could ask you the same thing was what Marco wanted to say, but he wasn’t like that and he promised his Ma that he’d be nicer than usual. So he’d shrug instead. “You mean other than my leg being a pain?” Marco laughed, leaning into the car seat. “Okay but seriously, I’m doing great! You don’t need to worry. Hakuna Matata!” Marco jokingly bumped his shoulder into Danny’s by putting weight on his leg to lean that far and then with a hard grunt, he realized that was a mistake. ]“And I slept decently enough. Nothing to fret about there.”

“Uh-huh.” Not buying it, but choosing to leave the conversation where it was, Danny took the car out of the park and started driving off, “In the back is a lunch box. Nina made some dinner for us. You can start now, or we can eat in the parking lot before we deal with tonight.” The italian casanova chose to act like he hadn’t been in a mood for the past hour and instead instructed, “Connect your phone. Play whatever you want.”

“Sweet!” Marco grinned, whipping out his phone as if he was waiting for permission and he scrolled down his playlist, stopping at POP/STARS and put it on repeat. “I promise you’ll love this one!” Marco said as he pressed play and the beat kicked in.



After hearing POP/STARS a million and ten times, to which Marco kept singing in somewhat off-key harmonies, some idle chatter, and surviving a mostly quiet dinner in the parking lot of Edenridge High (the old one) with his ex, in the closeness of his car, Danny found himself staring ahead of him, at this ghost place they once had some of the best memories at, together. The windows were down where they both could feel the nice nightly breeze, and after a calm, self reflective moment, he tactically grabbed the tupperware that once had Pasta alla Genovese in it and cleaned the insides of his car. Before they would inevitably enter the gym, walking into something beyond them, he inquisitively asked his once-upon-a-time-lover, “What do you expect from this?” His guilty conscience briefly took surface before he brushed it away with a groan, “Whoever is behind this is sick. As if this town hasn’t suffered enough already.”

Marco was quiet and looked at Danny, blue eyes inspecting his ex. He then examined the sight before them and wasn’t sure if he felt the same ping of guilt that Danny was seemingly overcome with. What did occur was a flashback of the pain Marco endured from that fateful day. His stomach turned from the thought of it and Marco’s hands tightened inside his jean pockets. “Yeah…” He said in an absentminded breath, almost like he wasn’t sure exactly what he wanted to say.

Marco’s hand trembled inside his pocket. It trembled because seeing, and more obviously, hearing Danny speak in such a way made him want to console him. This, added to the concern that had not lessened despite the change of topics or lack thereof on the way here, Marco looked at his hand and then looked around. Marco thought about grabbing his ex’s hand, but he just...wasn’t sure in all honesty. They were alone, but he also knew Danny and that fear of being discovered. But at the same time, Marco wanted to do something to take his ex’s mind off of the darkness around them.

“That Pasta was really good!” Marco stated almost abruptly and he smiled. “What was the name of it again?”

Figures Marco didn’t have the slightest idea of what would be waiting for them inside the gym. Danny should’ve thought before asking that question, seeing how Marco experienced that trauma, he didn’t. Way to be inconsiderate, dude, he thought to himself. Some things just never change about him.

Opening his armrest box between them, Danny grabbed a small travel pack of antibacterial hand wipes. Once he pulled out one for himself, he offered the pack to Marco and explained, “Pasta alla Genovese. It has neapolitan beef and onion ragù in it.” Once he was done, he pushed his dirty wipe into the small automotive garbage can, hanging off the back of his arm rest.

“I’ll tell Nina you liked it,” he stated, wondering if they should head in now, before there was another uneasy moment where they sat in complete and utter silence, not really getting anywhere in conversation. Clearly, it’s been awhile since they’ve spent this much time together and although Danny felt like he was handling this situation well enough, it still felt like there were words left unsaid and that they were dancing around each other to avoid confrontation. Afraid they’d hit an emotional cord and say things they might regret later.

Biting the inside of his cheek, watching his ex take the wipes graciously, Danny pulled away and assertively and apologetically vocalized, “Sorry for bringing you here. I never even asked if you wanted to come.” All Danny thought about this morning was he didn’t want to do this alone. He didn’t consider how Marco might’ve felt or if he was even planning on coming in the first place. “I appreciate you coming to this…” With me.

A series of long moments filled nothing but gazes of longing and silence in the air went by them and all Marco could think about was how nice Danny smelled. How did he just now pick up on it? And how nice he looked. Was Marco so distracted by the gnawing concern eating away at him about whether or not Danny was okay that he truly hadn’t noticed that he was wearing an assortment of clothes that was doing everything right.

Instinctively, Marco would place his hand on Danny’s, squeezing it even though he didn’t know what he was going to do or say next. “Danny.. ” I wouldn’t have come without you, was what Marco wanted to say, but instead, he said, “I’m glad to be here with you. I think it’s good we’re here. You know, I mean even though it’s tough and hard, being here with each other, it’s good for both of us, ya know? To face troubling things with someone by our side to make it easier.” Marco knew he was rambling and he laughed nervously.

Distracted at Marco saying his name for the first time this whole night, Danny peered at his lap where his hand was grabbed. He sat there, voiceless, as the boy next to him talked and talked about how he liked being here, together, with him. Subtly and discreetly, he didn’t reject the gesture. Instead he tightened his own grip and looked away out of the driver seat’s window, wordlessly enjoying it. Worried if he let go, he would never get it back.

He focused on the three girls walking, striding, and hopping to the gym. The one he immediately could pinpoint out was Jillian, but then again, it was hard to miss her when she had beautiful red hair. Keeping his mind on the girls talking and being overly high-spirited, one with a vodka bottle in hand, the other a wooden stick, and the last her phone, Danny found it easier to conceal his embarrassment. With his free hand, he covered the bottom half of his face, hiding his smile, and just looked away. Out the window. Waiting.



INTERACTING WITH Mr. D and everyone else (too many to tag)


So after Vivian had totally failed so miserably Mr. D probably thinks she’s a waste of space stumbled on whatever she was going to say, much unlike the Daughter of Apollo, she played the be-silent-and-listen-to-what-the-God-of-Wine-&-other-stuff game , mainly so she could know just which team she was on. Because she had a problem with speaking too soon. And boy, there were times where she wanted to, specifically when Greyson joined up with them.

Vivian liked Greyson. Or that was to say, they had a very friendly, well friendship. He was one of those boys at camp who she didn’t feel totally weird around. Like yeah, he was definitely cute and one of the first members of the Defined Jawline Club. And totally hot. And just someone who she liked to be around. But she didn’t, like, have a crush on him or anything. Totally not, like, swooning from being so near him.

Nope, not at alllll!

Anyway, after Dionysus announced what the teams were, Vivian made a point to acknowledge that Sawyer, Anzu, Kyrin, Elias, and Dorian weren’t going to be responsible for her.

So that left.

“So that left…” She looked around, once again smiling at Greyson, though she blushed at his face.

Relax, you dum dum!

Vivian counted. “One, two, three, four..”

Four? Or was it five? Counting her, maybe that was six.

Hmm, okay that could work. Vivian could handle that. And Zane did promise he’d look out for her. He promised Kalinda he would look out for her. But Vivian had to prove herself. She wasn’t the useless dummy that she knew a lot of people thought she was. And, of course, she was probably the only medic going along. So, of course, Vivian had to remain vigilant. Maybe think of something positive.

Like Zane shirtless.

Wait, no that’s too distracting.

Think of going to the beach and being able to swim with her friends when she got back.

Wait, you’re supposed to be listening, dummy!

“-What we know is that you're looking for a girl- a daughter of one of the Gods, though which one it is, we don't know.”

And from then on, Vivian listened intently. It was important for her to know what they were getting themselves into, but also exactly how much they knew. It wasn’t as though Vivian knew heads or tails of what to expect. And, going from what Mr. D said, they didn’t know much either. Just that she has some connection to Selene and is in India.

India? “Yay!” Internally, Vivian knew that was inappropriate timing for such a short cheer, but going to India menat a lot of sun. And warm weather. And nowhere cold. More importantly, however, it meant Vivian could truly be of help to the team. She’d be a true delight to be around.

Vivian could really make that impression she wanted to. “So when do we leave?”

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