The United Emirates of Qhuru
|Geographical Location of Country:| Where your country is located in Idiea. Simple as.
|Country Size:| Roughly, how big is your country? Square kilometres or miles is fine, just make sure there’s a clear distinction. For reference, each square pixel of the map is around 256 kilometres, or 16x16 kilometres.
|Cities:| Khasrun:
|Natural Resources:| Is your country blessed with a surplus of various supplies, and where are main deposits of this supply located? Obvious resources would be crude, iron, coal, lumber, but anything you can come up with that a country might need can be put here. I will determine if this is fair, with the understanding that imbalances will happen.
|People & Culture:|
|Population:| How many people live in your country? Roughly speaking, of course.
|Demographics:| Feel free to talk to other players regarding demographics or make up ethnic groups within your own country. If you want to be like Austria-Hungary, with approximately eight thousand different ethnic groups within, feel free.
|Government:| What is the way your country is ruled. This can be anything from an absolutist democracy or theocratic dictatorship to a democratic republic. All up to you.
|Ruler:| Emir of Emirs, Khan Joseq Bey Shamil.
|Volksgeist:| The inherent spirit of your nation. What do the people stand for and want? What is the national identity, and how strong is it? This is where you give us several paragraphs about the culture of your people.
|Religion:| How prominent is religion in the country, and which faith(s) do they worship?
Give me something meaty to work with here.
|Armed Forces:|
Be prepared to write a lot. I’m leaving this fairly open to what you guys want to do, but I want at LEAST infantry arms, premiere vehicles, navy/airforce details, military uniforms, organisational structure, etc, etc, etc. This is an RP heavily based around combat, after all.
|People of Interest:|
POV characters. A short description as well. Feel free to update this as you want to.
|Starting Tech:|
Point Allocation
Logistics: 2
Materials: 2