while tru, quantity != quality, the fact is there's enough good writers out there with diverse enough interests to fit most niches apart from the unrealistically specific i.e. kitten beheading RP
2 mos ago
srsly it seems the ppl having trouble finding RPs are by and large the ones that either dont have a thread asking for partners or inversely never contact anybody else and wait for ppl to come to them
2 mos ago
why dont u make ur own and hope people reply
4 mos ago
Chris Chan's girlfriend is pregnant. If he can find love and family you have no excuse!!
If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing here to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.
About me: Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.
Physical Description: slightly more than 182cm in height and 70kg in weight, Wilhelm has a naturally lanky build albeit overcome with much physical work. Clear European origins with light brown hair, grey eyes, light skin tanned to a woody shade. A tattoo of the Royal Netherlands Marines crest was removed with laser surgery from his right arm, while his right leg is covered in burn-scars. The rest of him is covered in other assorted scars. Nose was somewhat crooked after breaking in youth and not healing properly — corrective surgery done at 22.
Psych Evaluation: Calm individual, would still pass RNM psych evaluations. Strangely averse to violence in spite of history and reasoning for joining, he will avoid it and delegate it to colleagues if possible — similar outlook on conflict as a whole. Joined out of frustration with deployment in Aruba, wanted real action; reluctance to use contacts from father and other sources. The case is very self indulgent but at the same time holding much willpower in reserves as demonstrated by quitting smoking habit when needed without noticeable effect. Raised Lutheran, now seemingly indifferent. Deep hatred for complacency, recommended to not assign him to the same or similar locales consecutively.
Physical Evaluation: Still possessing enough muscularity to pass all physicals of his old training, he has nevertheless gained noticeable weight (fat) from when he first joined Ares. Due to slight myopia he must wear corrective contact lenses or glasses. Massive burns have deformed his right leg, but for now it does not seem to impact performance.
Medical history & Miscellanous: Appendix removed at fifteen at which point an allergy to Aspirin and similar painkillers was discovered. Received cosmetic surgery on his nose at twenty-two and got sick with malaria at twenty-five. A+ blood type.
History: Born to a military family in Amsterdam, he attended private schooling. An average student at best he did everything possible to join the Dutch Marines the moment he was of age, attending corresponding extra-curriculars every day. Joined RNM showing excellence in training and ascension to Officer status, was deployed to Aruba after the intercession of his father. Many contacts were made on the island, including Ares Solutions. Soon joined the company as Field Operator - Trainer & Radio Specialist. Between assignments did extensive networking which in conjunction with excellent work in the field lead him to be promoted to Field Manager at the rather young age of 26.
Experience: -Four years with Royal Netherlands Marines training local Militia in Aruba -Five years doing contracts for A.S. Inc. across the world, primarily in Africa and Latin America. First was largely training and consulting work, the latter four were largely security work. -Outstanding record in both positions earned promotion to Field Manager -About a year working as a Field Manager. >>>Mixed performance as a Field Manager so far. All contracts under his management went flawlessly save for the last; the previous team he worked with was devastated in action with only one other survivor.
Languages: Dutch and English with perfect fluency and limited accent in the latter, rudimentary Spanish.
Hey fellas, glad you stopped by. Having played through some vidya games recently (CoDMW, Max Payne, Escape from Tarkov, and a few others) I have had my mind oversaturated with certain ideas, themes, thoughts, etc. mainly regarding Private Military Companies, colloquially known simply as Mercenaries. This is the result.
The Premise
Contrary to the small blurb at the top, you won’t necessarily be formerly a former government employee of sorts for your military experience. You’ll be any sort of former badass, probably as mentioned above a former soldier, police officer, or something else, but just as easily you might have been a nutjob in some political paramilitary, a gang thug, or perhaps a rebel of some sort; so long as you have relevant experience to PMCs you will be suitable.
Officially you are employees working for Ares Solutions, a company officially based in Switzerland doing simple security contracts protecting celebrities and the likes. Officially. Journalists from all countries have mysteriously disappeared often never to reemerge after starting investigations on Ares Solutions, but before they do they have many allegations. Some claim they are an accountability-free strongarm for nations around the world from America to Russia to China, these conflicting claims all apparently having some credible proofs. Ares Solutions has been in warzones and other armed hotspots from the Middle East, to South-East Asia, Latin America, and even South-Eastern Europe and Africa. All sorts of specialists are required for the company’s clandestine work: cyberwarfare specialists, medic, private investigators, snipers, squad machines gunners, trackers, and others. Whether it was because you were to be court martialed for a crime you didn’t commit, because you just wanted the great money, or because you didn’t pass the psych evaluation for some other soldier-boys you applied to there is a reason you were sent an offer from A.S. Inc. which you accepted.
Posting Expectations
This RP is advanced. That means any post requires at least three paragraphs, with quality & detail. It is largely going to be action oriented, although this will vary on your character being from about 45% on average to as high as 95%. There will be intense violence and darker themes so obviously be 18+. I expect everyone to give me at least one post a week. If you cannot make that deadline, then warn me and give me the timeframe in which you think you can post. If you fail to warn me and make a post that’s one strike, if you warn me but fail to meet the deadline then that’s two strikes. Three strikes and you’re out. BUT! I’m also cognizant shit really does happen, so if you manage to for four weeks keep up the good posting then you can get a strike removed in a sort of “redemption” system. This might seem harsh, but on RPG I’ve seen far too many RPs die of the first or second round of posting after one person delays it or similar stuff, and this is with the aim of preventing us getting stuck because of one bad apple spoiling the whole barrel.
There will be in addition to traditional RPG posts many “collabs”, wherein we write in a google doc for more fast paced action scenes or dialogue just to not have a single conversation or a firefight with a single MG nest take a whole month to get through. In fact, at the beginning of the RP you will have two posts at the same time; you will begin at the same time being deployed to your first assignment as new hires, while also working on a post where your character has their “interview” to give me and other players some first hand insight into your character.
The RP does certainly have a degree of realism. You will run out of ammo if you spray and pray too much, and if you go leeroy-jenkins at a dude with an HMG you’ll end up as a fine red mist. However I will describe this RP as a modern day action oriented neo-noir adventure movie. Your characters are badasses and at times will get the equivalent of bullet time. When you go up against enemies of equal training/experience to you then whereas they will in effect be as though rolling a d100, while you will be as if rolling a d100 and then adding a d10. Yes, dice will have some effect, but it will be really minimal and behind the scenes with player choices having about 10 times the power of luck in determining any outcomes.
So, I would very much like co-GMs. I don’t need them for now, since we’re below eight players. However to manage more than that I will need a co-GM. Such a person will be somewhere between the developer of the RP (me, the GM) and a participant (most of the players). They will both make it and be in it It won’t be like a second job, but you will have some responsibilities: reading more stuff about militaria, writing settings, introducing new characters, possibly even GMing individual fight scenes and such, helping find good music and visuals, helping other applicants create characters or dealing with players being a little bit naughty, dealing with the parts of the RP dictated by dice, helping with general housekeeping/bureaucracy et cetera. At least one of the co-GM characters will be a Field Manager.
OOC Rules
Right, there’s no “real” rules. Don’t be a dick OOC, don’t meta/powergame, don’t start conflating IC with OOC. You can always question one of my decisions indefinitely, but until I agree with you that what I did is wrong my fat GM dick will stay on the table and the decision is in effect. Don’t blogpost (post off topic shit) too much. Cool little updates and memes are fine, but when there’s more off topic chatter than on topic chatter I’ll kindly nudge everyone because there’s better places for that. All these rules also apply to the discord, which is below: discord.gg/9tDSsHD
Note, the discord isn’t absolutely mandatory, but its sure as heck very useful for instant communications and I'd really, really prefer it if you did join the server rather than not.
Inspirational Media
These are just some things that I think will give a good feel for the RP after going through them. Maybe if you’re on the fence about joining this will help you decide whether you want to or not, or if you do and you have writer’s block then just have a gander through here. Oh, and I will keep updating this .
Max Payne: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 The events and ideas of Max Payne - particularly the third installation of the game - very much go into what I mean by neo-noir when I describe the RP. The above links are the most pertinent. While our mercs certainly aren’t as evil as the AUP, UFE, and the Cracha Preto, we’re still some nasty sons of bitches. The feeling of action and badassery is also spot on.
Tom Clancy: 1, 2 Tom Clancy’s works (particularly Splinter Cell/the story of Sam Fisher) are great for neo-noir as well, but I more like them for this because of the badass, but nevertheless realistic or at least plausible stories they tell (particularly the earlier ones, before Tom Clancy became a brand rather than author).
CoD: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 CoD in general has good military aesthetics, but the Chimera PMC is a very big inspiration for what Ares Solutions Inc. is.
Escape From Tarkov: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Just thematic merc stuff man, especially links 5-7
Dima: I actually personally know this fella. His twitter gives a lot of insight on what some mercenary work is like, both the mundane and exciting parts as a Russo-Ukrainian PMC in DNR/LNR. Warning, very 18+ edgy shit, enter at own risk.
Real PMCs: 1, 2, 3, 4 Just to read about some real mercs out there, what they’ve done, how they operated, controversy, etc.
Misc: 1 Other stuff that is just cool and relevant. This I’ll update on the regular, possibly even every week add new links
Your Application
Your character sheet will sort of be done as if an IC document, the dossier Ares would keep of your character in their office basements behind a very thick lock inside a very thick safe. Of course it’s not the most important thing to make this super formal in universe looking, but at least give an effort.
Name: full legal name
Sex: what it says on the tin can
Date of Birth: Ditto.
Aliases & Pseudonyms: what else has your character gone by?
Callsign: leave this blank, I will assign it to you upon your character being accepted
Physical Description: Only describe the physical. Be very detailed, I want height, weight, eye colour, skin colour, hair colour, an ethnic descriptor, signs of age or absence thereof, birthmarks, tattoos, piercings, scars & other blemishes, build, and any other features, particularly distinctive ones. Depending on why you chose to join up A.S. Inc. may have given cosmetic surgeries to you and you should separately describe what your character would look like without it; furthermore any other cosmetics surgeries should also be described (including things like laser tattoo removals). You can attach a picture photographic or art but plz no anime or other "intentionally unrealistic" art styles.
Psych Evaluation: when being hired you'd be forced to sit for a few hours with a shrink, maybe a whole day if uncooperative. You could be a pristine calm individual just looking for a good job, or you could be a nutter that enjoys hurting people. Again try to be detailed, include any conditions you may be diagnosed with mentally, phobias, religion, signs of lingering trauma, addictions, obsessions, etc. At some point describe what made your character decide to become a PMC.
Physical Evaluation: your vision, any physical defects or abnormalities (asthma, diabetes, chronic injuries [i.e. a missing eye or finger, damaged knee, metal hip, hearing aids, etc.])
Medical history & Miscellaneous: any prescriptions you might have and medicines you might take, allergies, illnesses you might have had, blood type, surgeries, and anything else potentially important.
History: Ares would scour the internet along with all public records (and even some private/secret ones) for a mention of you. Social media, news stories, jail/police websites, university records, even potentially interviews with people who know you; with all these things in mind try to reconstruct a history of your character up to the modern day.
Experience: basically a snip from your character's resume. What have they done that makes them a good asset for Ares to hire. If they don't have a lot of formal relevant experience working military and similar jobs, make this a sort of sales pitch your character would write about themselves, i.e. If they fought for some cartel you can say "Shot twenty cops for his boss, then stabbed seven people in prison. Worked with low resources to achieve high results, would achieve more working with sophisticated PMC resources."
Languages: what it says on the tin can. Don't pile them on just because, the average between all characters should be about 2, English being the sole mandatory one. Describe the level of fluency, if there is an accent, etc.
Nationality: list every passport your character holds. If for some reason important (i.e. Your character is a Sri-Lankan passport holder but is a Tamil separatist) list their ethnicity
Position: Field Operator - {choose a role here like canine expert, demolitionist, B&E specialist, interpreter etc. Your character will obviously have many valuable talents, but use the most important things here, try to only put one and at the very most three (unless you are a co-GM, in which case your position will be “Field Manager” and that’s it)}
Kit: For now leave this blank, this’ll only become relevant as time goes on and the company lets you pick and choose what gear you bring. Still, what you receive (ammo, guns, medicine, batteries and equipment that uses them) will be kept track of.
Misc: Anything important but not previously mentioned.
Outside the dossier you can add stuff like a character theme song to help me and others get the feel for the character. Copy-paste the sheet from here
Please, ask me questions, ask for help, give suggestions. If you’re having any issues I’d be more than happy to sit down and work stuff out with, if you have an idea you can’t get through on to the CS I’d be more than happy to even sit down and write chunks of it for you, if your idea shows promise. Communication is everything, and with that I can’t wait to see your applications!
@Starboard Watch Good question. It's set in the modern day earth of 2020 C.E. although with the speed of posting we'll probably lag current events by +/- weeks, eventually months. There will however be fictional microstates, banana republics, etc. to play around in, as well as some fictional cities/towns/villages etc, but beyond that it is our real world that is the setting; I'll make sure to add this to the top of the thread. Cam I put you down as "interested"?
If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/182042-andys-hunt-for-kin-spirit-dreggs/ooc]here[/url] to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.
[u][b]About me[/b][/u]:
Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing <a href="https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/182042-andys-hunt-for-kin-spirit-dreggs/ooc">here</a> to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.<br><br><div class="bb-center"><iframe src="//youtube.com/embed/0KGRMiYBi7k?theme=dark" frameborder="0" width="496" height="279" allowfullscreen></iframe></div><br><br><span class="bb-u"><span class="bb-b">About me</span></span>:<br>Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP. <br><br></div>