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I am sports entertained.
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11 mos ago
It's been said the easter bunny hates capitalism, yet he participates in it.
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12 mos ago
[@Punished GN] I already got a haircut.
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1 yr ago
When my time comes, I wanna be buried face down. So everyone can look at my butt.


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Curses, I was just about to shake everybody's hand xD
Hopefully everyone will be outside by their next post xD

While Kaito was waiting for his classmates to arrive, he decided it was best to pass the time by doing some quick warm up exercises. He assumed these 'jump activities' The Professor mentioned about earlier were to solely test their physical capabilities, so it wasn't a bad idea to be fully prepared if it turned out to be true. While he was exercising, he tried to picture a scenario in his head where his pranks didn't end up with him being caught.

It's going to be difficult pulling a prank on that teacher guy...he could be watching me right now...he could even be right behind me?!

At that moment, he swiftly turned his upper around with both hands up looking like he was about to karate chop somebody's head in. He let out a sigh of relief after realizing it just him being paranoid in a comical fashion and went back to a normal stance. This teacher is going to drive him absolutely nuts, he is lucky if he somehow makes it to the end of the semester. Aside from that, he noticed some of his classmates were already making their way over to his location.

Hehe~ Slowpokes!

Kaito raised his hand up above his head and waved at them trying to get their attention. At the same time, he was cheerfully calling out to them. "Heeeeey!~ Over here!" Not sure about the others, but he was pretty excited for the activity to start.


God damn, I'm gone for one day and already there's so much shit!

Can anyone give me a brief run down on where the hell everyone is or something?

Everyone basically went to class as soon as the bell rang, the professor gave us a brief rundown on the rules and told us to meet up outside for jump trials. (He took Ryu's bat, but you don't have to worry about that since the OP dropped.) Right now everyone is making their way to the meeting spot.
Wish you all good fortune and luck in this RP. I can't seem to find a way to roleplay with you guys with my character that is within GM standards apparently. I'll leave it to you guys to hopefully honor BHAcademia and keep the RP flowing. Again best wishes and hope you guys have fun still. Peace!


Well, now my character is at the spot waiting for everyone else to show up xD

How can I say no to that? xD
Everything happens for a raisin, sometimes for two.

Prior to showing up to class, Kaito decided to do his own little tour around the academy. He made the effort to show up a bit earlier than others and had already unpacked his belongings so he would have some time to spare. He figured that if he becomes more familiar with the area, then he could use his quirk to quick-travel around the school. More specifically, finding the quickest route to the cafeteria and bathroom. Once the bell rang, he glanced down at his map and found out where he needed to go. Thankfully, he was not too far off from the classroom.

Upon arriving to class along with everyone else, he spotted an open seat right by the window and hasted over to sit down before someone else decided they wanted that same spot. It was just personal preference that he gets a seat by the window, so he could have a quick escape route when the time calls for it. He looked around the room seeing it fill up quickly with students, there were so many people he wanted to introduce himself to, but that would have to wait until after class.

There were no plans for a prank today, but after going through a short boring lecture about the rules and witnessing the Professor steal that one guy's personal belonging, he just could not help himself anymore. He understood the guy's frustration and felt like he wanted to help him get back at the teacher, along with retrieving his bat. A coup! However, his opinion on that one guy changed when he threatened to kill the Professor and anyone else who is siding with him while he does. Kaito felt somewhat intimidated by him.

He sounded pretty serious...I hate teachers too, but not enough to actually kill them...Still, he had something stolen which looked pretty important to him...the least I can do is help get it back for him.

He watched the guy walk out of the class in such a hurry and decided to follow after him shortly after he left. They were going to meet up at the same place anyway, so he just walked slightly above normal pace with his hands in his pockets until he arrived at the meeting point. He spotted the guy standing there waiting impatiently for the Professor to arrive. Kaito used this opportunity to make some small talk and tried to walk up next to him with about five feet of space in between them.

"Hey!~ Just so you know, I'm on your side! I don't approve of that scumbag stealing your stuff!" He stated, believing that keeping it short and simple would be enough to lighten the tension.

Omg omg omg, IC updated!
Are we all going to be in the same class or separated into smaller groups?
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