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Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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A Mummer’s Farce & A Reunion Part I

Leaving behind the Wolves and the Grapes had been easy, Ashton cared little for petty squabbling and even less for politics overall. He could stomach it, sure, and was even starting to get used to it but it remained a fact for the young man that if he could be anywhere else? He would. And to his great excitement he had upon his arm the most beautiful woman in Summerhall OR its grounds.

He escorted her dutifully to the entrance, eyes that were used to watching minute movements of his opponents now watching Gwen. She was upset, that much was certain and Ashton couldn't really blame her. He shuddered to think what could have been if the Hightower clan had suddenly all walked in to retrieve him. Not that such a thing would ever occur. For one, Ash wasn't that important, and secondly his father had a rule that no more than three of the immediate family, along with their own families, could be in a location at one time.

Finally Ashton simply looked over to Gwen, pulling her gently to the side and away from the people entering. "I'm very sorry that this happened, and if I can do anything that would help I would do it in a heartbeat." He offered a genuine smile to her, not one of pity or reassurance, more one of understanding and support. "Perhaps I can take you to the Stark camp myself, that way I can have the honor of your company a bit longer and you can have a companion." He did NOT add 'that's not of your vast family' to the end of that phrase out loud but did think it. It was so strange…

Clearing her throat softly Gwen swallowed and smiled wobbly at Ashton. She didn’t want to take her temper out on him. He barely knew her and he was being so wonderful. Clearing her throat yet again Gwen nodded. “Yes. That would be wonderful. Yes please."

Squeezing Ashton’s arm Gwen wanted to lean her head on his shoulder. But that would be too personal. Far too personal, but it seemed right. Still no matter how right it seemed she was not ready to have more people stare at her for more reasons.

With a nod, Ashton mentally made a map through tent city to where the Starks had made camp. He giggled softly as he thought about going through the backs of those tents again, and navigating the ropes where he had met Gwen earlier. But no, that wouldn't do, he was officially escorting a Lady now, and he was going to do it correctly. He smiled brightly at her and then set off on a comfortable pace towards the Starks.

"Guess I'm not the only one that has family drama. I mean I suppose it could be seen as a positive AND negative at the same time. At least they obviously care, perhaps a bit more than you would want, or well anyone would want, but yeah. Could be worse!", he winked at her and stepped closer to her to sort of playfully nudge her. "Either way, it's behind us. Literally in this case and now we can just enjoy the fresh night air."

Blinking away the tears as her frustration and anger faded Gwen gave Ashton a true smile. “The sun must always shine in your world Ashton. Are you sure you’re Westrosi? Seems more like you’re a fable. You must be that prince that catches a maiden’s eye and runs off with her heart." A teasing smile flashed dimples at Ashton. Gwen giggles quietly, stepping closer and winding her arm more closely with Ashton’s arm.

Raising an eyebrow and furrowing the other, Ashton looked at her and just shook his head. "I am certainly not a Prince, though I do hope to make a decent Knight. From my observations that in of itself is becoming more and more rare. But it's impossible to stay angry or upset when I'm near you, so I guess you just make it easy for me. I'm not usually this cheery unless I'm watching the sunset, I have this really nice spot on a hill close to the Castle that I found one day while exploring." He gives a shrug and when Gwen stepped closer he beamed even brighter if that was possible and his cheeks turned a bit more crimson.

Gwen noted the blush and the grin. “You should smile more. It makes you even more handsome."

Ashton can't help but turn even more red, now resembling the hit red wax the Maesters use to seal various messages. "Well thank you, so long as you're at my side I foresee a lot of smiling in my future.”

Sighing Gwen pouted teasingly. “Too bad this tournament is merely a blink. Truly I wouldn’t mind this mild weather at Winterfell and the company is sublime." Ashton was so attentive and sweet. Gwen was reminded of the old bard tales of knights and their lady loves. Impulsively she leaned up and placed a kiss on his cheek, her lips lingering there.

And then her lips connected with his cheek and his entire world stood still. It was nothing, not really, sure it was a sweet thing to do but in the grand scheme of things it was a simple action. And yet, Ashton's brain had shut down; all systems offline. He stood rooted to the spot and blabbering like some sort of fish that found itself unable to get back to the water and now couldn't breathe. His cheeks were fiery red and his arm clenched unconsciously around Gwen's own. When his mouth did some blabbing it opened and shut twice with no words coming out. Abandoning such things, he simply gave her the widest smile she would have seen yet on the Hightower lad and then leaned down to place his forehead on her own and look her straight in the eyes. "Well, that was something." His words were breathy, but at least he didn't have stinky breath.

Perhaps it had been some luck of the Maiden for her to have stumbled upon the blissful pair, perhaps another god entirely. Her own mind, however, was on other matters. Matters of survival and utter importance. Having slipped from a distracted escort and into the city of tents after being escorted by the handsome Ser Ryon, Alysanne Lothston was just as ready to get thoroughly drunk as she was to get a knife in the ribs. Courtesy of Danelle. Had her sister seen her and, if she had, had she known whom Alysanne was? That was a name she had not thought of herself as, in many years. Alysanne Lothston, buried and forgotten in the mires of trouble that ran around Alys Rivers. Her lips left their thinned grimace as she paused in the shadow of a tent to watch the two young love-birds kiss. Nobles, she thought, by their cloth.

“I’d say." She agreed with the young man, he had the look of a Reachman about him. Her? It was hard to say. Desperation, recent tears and now this? Forbidden love most likely. An interesting tidbit and one she would have to pass on to buyers sooner or later, but for now? Best that no one else sees and that tidbit loses its value. Leaning against a barrel, the woman small though she was gave the two a stern look, though a smile played about her lips. “Unwise too, but perhaps an explanation might sway me from raising a fuss over such a lady being taken advantage of?"

Gwen groaned softly, laying her head on Ashton’s shoulder. “And of course..." She looked at the girl who could practically be a shorter version of Gwen herself. Taking in the slight little female Gwen couldn’t help but smirk. She felt that this little one would be a bigger spitfire than even her. It was obvious that she was a redhead and couldn’t be too much younger than Gwen herself. However the way she spoke was someone who knew how much trouble she could indeed make. “He earned it. He did cheer me up and he couldn’t be sweeter even if he was covered in honey."

Ashton normally would've jumped when a random person speaks without him realizing their presence. He startled easily when he got distracted but he was so enraptured he simply frowned and looked at the newcomer. He smirked as Gwen spoke her piece and then added on. "Nor would I ever take advantage of anyone, least of all her. I would say well met but if I'm being totally honest, I was not quite ready to give up my free time with the Lady here, if there ever truly was a free moment. I am Ashton Hightower, and you are?"

Alys had to smile at the fondness she saw between the two. So he had been a Reachman, and a Hightower at that. The Lady, for lady the girl must be, was yet unknown. Still there were manners to be had and Alys considered the best option. “I am Lady Rohanne Webber of Coldmoat." She stated with all the formality of one of rank. It would be easy enough to pass for the woman in these shadows and with her own red hair much similar to the young girl’s. It was best to keep an eye out for those nobles you might take the appearance of, Alys thought with wry amusement. “And you are Lady…?" She gave the woman a pointed look.

Gwen smiled at the pointed look. “Gwendolyn Carmyne of Redfield. We are headed to the Stark camp if you’d like to join us, Lady Rohanne. I’d love to know how Coldmoat got it’s name." The Reach household was one that she had read about since it was close to the Riverlands in the northern section of the Reach. Gwen wondered if the Lady had grown up there or married in. Gwen tapped her nails in a four count on Ashton’s arm absently.

Something tickled her memories. Gwen’s eyes lit up. “Oh Coldmoat is the Osgrey’s. Ashton the Osgrey line crosses the Hightower line. Why you might be distant cousins!! You have to come with us Lady Rohanne. How could you not recognise each other?"

Of all the schemes to have hit a snag! Hightower, of course. She was mentally kicking herself and hid it with a cold smile. “No. Though for not recognizing a Hightower, I for one blame the lack of lighting." There was an answer easy enough to explain the mistake. Shadows could make mistakes. She could not afford one, not right now. Alysanne ran a hand over her braid, playing with it as she had heard the Lady Rohanne played with hers. “Though I dare say, I may be married but it is not a match desired on my part." If it had been, Alys would eat her boots and Dannel’s. Now she had to slip away. She had what she came for, the names of the two love birds and she need not linger. More subtle measures could find out if they were promised to one another or no. “Lady Gwendolyn, a pleasure I must say. Though I fear I will have to decline your invitation. I need to return to my husband," What had been the fool man’s name? She knew there had been talk of it. “Lord Uffling, actually." She curled her lip slightly, an artful display of distaste she thought.

"Lady Rohanne, I must say you look very much different than when I saw you in Oldtown previously but I suppose we all grow differently. As for declining our offer I must insist you take it. I will speak with your husband and let him know how you helped a son of Hightower. In fact, I'm sure my brother and Aunt would like to thank you and him themselves. Perhaps breakfast tomorrow morning? I can set it up very easily, and of course Gwen you are invited as well." He smiles brightly at the girl still close to him. He fully felt like he had been channeling his older brother Leo at that moment and Ashton felt proud himself, perhaps he really was learning.

“Having children tends to change a woman." She stated simply, praying it would be the case. “Though I shall take you up on breakfast should I find myself able to tomorrow, I must decline tonight. It already grows late for me." She shrugged and considered if they would seek out the woman tomorrow. Perhaps, and perhaps not. Drink and lust could make a mind wander and forget and with any luck it would be so here.

Gwen grinned, catching on to the game. “Of course I’d be happy to break my fast with you both. Ashton you might be getting ready for the tournament tomorrow or helping your Lord Dayne. I’m sure the Sword of the Morning will need some assistance and you’d be far too busy to escort Lady Rohanne and her husband. Lord… I dare say I have forgotten his first name. No matter, I will come to your camp on the morrow. Uffling you said right?" Gwen nodded.

“Yes it is decided I will come and get you tomorrow. Besides, I'd love to meet your family Ashton." Gwen had caught the suspicion in Ashton’s questions and Lady Rohanne was being rather dodgy. Dodgy people reminded her of the fact that Ashe was in the dark somewhere like a slinky little lizard just waiting for the right moment to jump out and snark at them or scare someone to death. Well maybe half death.

Alysanne was less than pleased by that, but there was no help for it. Smiling, she chuckled and was about to say it was not necessary when thunder crashed through the camp.

“Little Cousin!" Bennifer was as loud and obvious as a bull. Gwen, willing or not, would find herself plucked from Ashton and whirled about in a giant’s embrace before she was set down on the side far from both the strange woman and Ashton without a by your leave. Grinning, the man hardly looked like a grim Northman. Hair that had slightly darkened from blonde with age, the large man looked between the three. The Lady Rohanne stiffened from where she leaned against a barrel, her blue eyes narrowed as Bennifer, one of the last people she wanted to meet, took stock of the situation. “Ah, cousin. I saw what happened in the tent and would have come sooner had I not been making sure Roger did not pinch too many a bottom. Come introduce me!" He patted the Carmyne lady on the back with a hand the size of a dinner plate.

“Benni!!" Gwen shrieked as Bennifer twirled her around. “I haven’t seen you since Auntie Mya’s wedding." She hugged him quickly, making a face by scrunching up her nose cutely. “Roger. Is he still as ugly as a duck’s butt? No, I take that back, ducks are adorable."

Gwen giggled and indicated Lady Rohanne. “This is my new friend Lady Rohanne Webber of Coldmoat. We’ll be breaking our fast on the morrow with her. If I can pull her away from her husband and children. May-hap we can take them as well? We shall see. So exciting!"

Blushing slightly, Gwen reached out and put a hand on Ashton’s upper arm. ”Lord Ashton Hightower, may I introduce you to my cousin by marriage. Lord Bennifer Blackwood Heir of Raventree Hall. Though no doubt I couldn’t ask for a better one so I think he might have arranged it because I was too adorable to be left alone." She smirked at Bennifer. “You’re words not mine Benni."

The large man nodded, his eyes narrowing at the Lady of Coldmoat. “A pleasure to both. Though might you have been in the Vale over the past few years, fair Rohanne?"

“You flatter me, My Lord." Alysanne nodded, her eyes cold as she gave a small incline of her head towards the man. “I have not had the opportunity." Taking a step back, she made her motion to leave clear as day and knew if that giant tried to stop her, family or no, she would stab him where it hurt. “I have felt unwell of late, so I take my leave. My Lords, My Lady." Taking the dismissal for what it was, Bennifer sketched a bow towards the familiar, yet not woman before turning her gaze towards the two who had been crossing social morays mere minutes before. Allowing the smaller woman to slip into the shadows to Alys’s grateful delight.

“Ugly? He grew up looking well enough, though Mother’s death put a marr on the boy." The giant shook his head and gave Ashton a searching look. Weighing him as other opponents had been measured on the field of battle. “The Squire to the Sword of Morning, a pleasure." He slapped the man’s shoulder and grinned. “Perhaps you shall be knighted on the morrow! Tell me cousin, do you mean to give him your favor? Make him your Florian?"

Ashton watched the Lady Rohanne closely, and as such totally missed yet another large person come up towards them and quite literally sweep Gwen up off of her feet. Now with her in the air and moved out of his reach, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes at the person. When Gwen did introductions he did relax, if but a bit. Somehow, yet another relative of Gwen coming to check on her. But at least Gwen seemed to be content with this one.

"Lady Rohanne, if you would let me know the answer to the question my father asked you via Raven? No doubt you and your Lord husband discussed it, as it was quite serious and my father can get a bit paranoid when replies take too long." Ash had watched as Rohanne had attempted to leave and of course stopped that. He had a few questions, the first of which being why the girl was being so shady.

He turned then to Gwen, still keeping Rohanne in his sight, as he was introduced and gave a nod of respect to Bennifer along with a flashing smile and tilt of his head. He could tell Bennifer was sizing him up. It was a look that Ash himself had used many times before to many other people. "Pleasure is all mine Lord Blackwood. If you'll permit Gwen to return to my side, I have given my promise of an escort to the Stark encampment and intend to keep my word."

Alys was going to scream. “Surely that can be discussed over breakfast with my Lord husband?" Whose name she could not for the life of her place! Alys was going to set herself to shrieking obscenities. There was no reason for sighting Danelle, her oh-so-beloved sister, to make her lose her wits! Now she was to pick up the pieces and be the shadow that slipped with this conversation with none the wiser, but they would be wiser! Toying with the notion of killing the three, she dismissed it as foolishness. Something she had used up over the last few hours. “Let us speak of that in private, if we are to speak of it at all. Lest I take insult at your suggestion of tardy replies!" She growled, alone she could get this youngling to be silent and see reason. “Your lady is in good hands and will find herself busy enough on the morrow." She gestured to a dip between two carts. Shadowed and well devoid of people. She was going to have to indebt herself and it galled Alysanne.

"I have but one thing then till the morrow. When you visited Oldtown and the Hightower, what color doublet did I wear? You mentioned it quite fondly and stated how much you loved it, and I told you I got it from a merchant stopping in from Volantis. Do you remember?"

Rolling her eyes, the small woman seized the squire by the arm and said in a voice that dripped with absolute irritation. “Green. You were in love with the red and black gown I found, as I recall." She drawled, her tone dipping as she hissed in words said only for Ashton’s ears alone. “Ser Ry and Lady Dy were most fond of my current gown." Her voice jerked upwards slightly to more normal tones. “Squire." A demand in waiting.

Ashton narrowed his eyes even further then as he was seized. He would jerk his arm away with a training yard twist and then placed his hand on the hilt of Vigilance. "Wrong, black with gold trim. Now reveal your true identity and stop with this mummers farce before I have the guards come and take you."

The unfolding drama between Ashton and Rohanne made Gwen tilt her head. She didn’t particularly care for the way that the two were hissing at each other. It felt rather familiar and a bit hostile. Gwen looked at Bennifer then at the two arguing heatedly. Rohanne put her hands on Ashton and Gwen sucked in a breath.

Recognising the feeling of jealousy hot in her belly and much stronger than she ever had prior to this moment. Like dragonfire it burned in her. “Allow me to point out Lady Rohanne that if he takes this to a guard that this could be dealt with by Prince Maekar who has seen fit to enact swift merciless punishments these past few days. As the Heir to Redfield I suggest you provide irrefutable proof for Lord Ashton as to your identity. I will vouch for you if you speak truly. I’m sure that Lord Ashton and I would be willing to overlook a jest and let you be on your way. Come now, the proof or the truth." Gwen’s temper made her snap out a fact of which she didn’t want to spread around.

There was a glare as the woman drew herself up to her diminutive height. Short though she was, as the languid air of Rohanne drifted from her. The woman sighed, not in defeat but exasperation. “I see, shame. I thought we’d have a nice lovely time of lying to each other and each be on our way. I hardly wanted to watch the two of you frisk like fools down a side alley." She cocked her head, hands on hips. “That being said, I shall have to mention this to Ryon. The man seems to be one who would find this amusing as the seven hells." There was a wicked grin on her face as she decided cock and sure was going to get her out of this. Plus? It was all true. “Ser Ryon." She corrected herself with a sigh. “Handsome man, would love to go riding with him." She mused more to herself than the other three.

Bennifer looked between the pair, who were far too familiar with each other, and the strange woman. Woman, who was awfully familiar yet not. But it could have been the ale. Probably was the ale, he had drunk a lot. Deciding that two youngsters on the edge of temper versus someone who was probably a lover of the Sword of Morning, the giant shrugged. “I heard Ser Ryon is a man of… appetites." He turned his question on, not the woman, but the Squire Ashton. “Some women, do not like to have their affairs in the view of the public eye." He advised. “And some young people should not have theirs aired so openly." He noted the familiarity between the Hightower and his cousin and gave Gwen a pointed look.

Alys inclined her head to her cousin, though she doubted he knew such. “Young people are so incredibly jumpy."

“They can be when they have something to hide." Bennifer agreed, “I have younger brothers."

“My sympathies, Ser. Are you as of yet unmarried?" Hating herself, Alys forced herself to keep that lascivious smile and glance at the man, handsome yet utterly unattractive to her, up and down.

Bennifer grinned, “Aye and with a young son!" Turning his beaming eyes on Gwen, he looked like a moon eyed fool. “Benjicot Blackwood! Just born a month before we left Raventree! Olyria, my wife from the Frey’s, is well and the lad is so small. Would I not have come except for Aunt Melissa being willing to look after them." For a man of his size, Bennifer looked distinctly worried and sighed. “I still worry, not being there. The lad is just so… small." The man looked like he might actually start wringing his hands like a worried midwife.

Glad that Bennifer was distracted, the woman sighed and shrugged slightly. “I’m a bastard and friend to your knight master. Alys Flowers. From the Bushy’s. Though beforehand, I was in Starfall. Before your time, boy. Your lovely knight master was of… interest and a great riding partner. Simply ask him when you see him next. My Ser knight, and brother, is here to compete and I decided to come and call on an old… friend. My deepest apologies for the misunderstanding. I simply did not want to have you two think to start trouble with me in case I did come upon you so unawares. Some nobles get far more… sharp and heavy handed when they think you know their secrets." Giving a sigh, Alys shrugged and winced. She had felt that heavy hand from other men and could well recall it to her own ends.

The more the girl talked, the less Ashton was alarmed. By the end he sighed and relaxed fully, shaking his head and eyeing her up and down. "Look, I don't know what kind of 'relationship' you have with my Knight and frankly… I don't want to know anything, ever. I'm glad that you ended up telling at least a better lie and one I can't prove. I did not wish to accost you so harshly but what you did was against the laws of the realm and had to be addressed. I may not be a Knight but as a noble I still have that right."

He ignores the back and forth between her and Bennifer. He didn't need any other people how to live his life, he got plenty of that from his father and that man did it enough for the whole realm. "I will say… I didn't know Ryon had such young… Friends, and I'll be sure to mention I told you hello. Now, if you'll excuse Gwen and myself, I have an escort to finish and then a Knight to serve. I wish you both a good evening."

“Oh, do mention me. It’s a shame he was too busy tonight. Perhaps he’ll call on me tomorrow." Alys giggled, and sauntered off. Slipping into the shadows and cursing herself a fool. She would have to have Dannel send the boy flying a few times and scramble his skull a bit so he would forget her.

"Right… perhaps he will." Ashton rolled his eyes and moved back to Gwen's side.

Gwen’s eyebrows climbed at the suggestions tossed around about the Sword of the Morning. This woman was laying to on thicker than a novice mason. And if she wasn’t then the debauchery that Ser Ryon practiced was never intended for her ears. In fact she was sure the word friend was used with no less than three different inflections used each different than the last.

Gwen’s head snapped up at Bennifer’s comment about Ashton and herself. Narrowed eyes hopefully conveyed the message of ‘Not a subject we need to harp on…’. In reality it did convey that message, the males in her family typically ignored it.

Gritting her teeth at the fact that Alys and Ashton basically circled each other growling and finally settling down as they both realized that it wasn’t worth it. Gwen picked her nails as the little Flower verbally sparred with Ashton. Was what she noted true? That they seemed to have some sparks between the two?

Narrowing her eyes Gwen studied the girl. She couldn’t be much older than Gwen’s own eight and ten. The little Flower could give Ashton things that Gwen couldn’t. If there was one thing that Gwen knew meant as much as her life it was her virtue. Smallfolk had it easy in the department of choosing your own spouse. A noble maid that was no longer a maid wasn’t worth anything.

These thoughts, and lack of attention, turned Gwen’s thoughts to Arystide. Confusing was one way to explain that man. Handsome, no, beautiful. But he was confusing to her. She wasn’t sure if he did or didn’t want her. Or if he wanted her for more than someone to warm his bed. Him telling her that she needed to protect herself from everyone himself included,

Gwen blinked as the motion of the Flower girl walking away brought her back. Ashton got a little high handed and she raised an eyebrow at him as she took his arm again. She also reached out and did the same to Bennifer on her other arm. “Shall we?"

Of course Bennifer would be coming. Ashton gave a small smile and nodded to Gwen and took a moment to fully calm down. That situation could have been handled far better but it was a learning opportunity and Ash was certain that he would replay the events many times over.

"Of course let's continue if you wish. I apologize for my temper. Blatant disregard for the rules and posing as someone else for some reason just makes me angry. Illogical as my brother would say. Would you like to visit anywhere else?"

The giant grinned down at Gwendolyn and chuckled. “Feisty as ever, though..." He cocked a brow at the Hightower and gave the young Lady a skeptical look. “Should I skin some wolves for you tonight or tomorrow?" There was a grin on the man’s face but a wicked gleam of delight at showing those Starks where true might lay.

“Illogical? Perhaps. Foolhardy more like. And the Prince doesn’t seem to be in a mood to suffer fools. More like you saved the woman." Gwen shook her head. “No where else. It seems I have pushed the boundaries of House Stark tempers. Best to let things cool before I press my luck again."

Gwen raised her eyebrow at Bennifer leaning away from him slightly, in turn leaning more toward Ashton, her unbound hair sliding over his arm. “The wolves need me down here more than I need them. I may have been in the North for most of my life but I was born in the South. You can take the girl out of the South but you can’t take the South out of the girl."

Nodding Gwen tipped her head and her silky long hair shifted over Ashton’s arm softly, teasingly. “I would never deprive you of matching your prowess against another. How are you going to get better if you are not shown how to lose? I make no promises since the last time I saw you were a mere Squire. If you fancy skinning a wolf I’ll not stop you Benni."

Ashton laughed then, a full laugh that Gwen may have only heard once before. He smirked over to Bennifer and shook his head rapidly while holding onto Gwen. "No need to skin any wolves for me. I'm quite capable of skinning them myself if the need arises. But I don't think it will, but I will happily take your friendship. Perhaps we can spar and teach each other some things at some point."

The lad had a new respect for the Blackwood, and could see why Gwen liked him. When the ladies hair brushed across his skin though he blushed again and tried not to cough. All the other symptoms were present though. Rapid heartbeat, wide eyes, beads of sweat suddenly on his forehead. This girl could stop his heart and Ashton would only thank her for it.

"Er. Right, to the Stark encampment then."

“Ale and mead!" Bennifer grinned and clapped Ashton on the shoulder. “Though if you two don’t mind, I’ll see you there. Lest I find people speaking ill of my little cousin’s virtue with her suitor! Ha! Father and Lady Melissa will be delighted!" The giant guffawed and chuckled. “Boy, do you mean to make an honest Lady of my cousin? Or shall I have to use your pretty, red face for target practice?"

Gwen almost stumbled over her own feet. Surely he isn’t speaking of marriage already?! Yes he is!! She didn’t know Ashton’s mind on it. Most men his age… she had never asked his age. See we don’t know each other well enough for him to even entertain the idea. He can’t be thinking that far ahead he barely knows me. Even the word suitor would be stretched at this point. Surely not…

Her mind went a mile a minute and Gwen swatted Bennifer playfully to hide her insecurity. “Benni! Really you know that is the easiest way to drive a potential off. Having the males in the family interrogate them sends them packing. Besides being as wonderful as Lord Ashton has been I am sure that he is very popular with his easy manner and sweet chivalry. He likely has many admirers no matter where he goes. I just happen to be the damsel in distress at present."

She would be wrong. Not only did Ashton not have anyone else, he had NEVER had anyone else. Not one single time other than attending various girls that his parents forced him to dance with or talk to in the Hightower. Until Gwen, Ashton was terrified of being even close to a girl. But of course they couldn't know that, he really liked Gwen and the thought of her knowing just how much of a loser he was was not an option. He glanced at Bennifer and then down at the ground as they walked, taking his time to answer. He heard Gwen, but he was distracted and didn't quite catch everything.

And then he counted to three so he wouldn't overthink things and stopped abruptly. "I have never connected with another person other than my twin in my entire life like you. And while my honor dictates that I tell you that we hardly know each other, the thought of getting to know you brings a smile to my face and sets my heart beating faster than I knew possible. What comes in the future I know not, but if you would be willing I'd like to explore it together. In whatever way makes the most sense."

Nodding in agreement to the words of the squire, Bennifer nodded sagely. “I shall speak to Lord and Lady Stark alongside my Lord Father. Surely they will see reason that Gwendolyn is betrothed to such a charitable young man. Though it would go better if you got yourself knighted at this tournament and better still if you found yourself crowning her Queen of Love and Beauty. Though do not think I would go easy on you for that honor!" The large man laughed again and patted Gwen on the head, gently for all his size. “There you go, little cousin. All sorted! If you change your mind, I shall speak to mine aunt and see if a knife cannot be spareds to drive a knife between the young squire’s ribs if he displeases you." And to the giant? So it was, even if he had to impress on this young man that Gwendolyn had connections though slightly distant they might be. It would behoove him to treat the Lady Carmyne well, very well.

It was a hard thing to not shriek in equal parts frustration and happiness. Gwen cleared her throat. “I think that getting to know you would be a wonderful adventure Ashton. I, unlike Bennifer here, know that there are more than one side to speak to. You can’t just betroth someone instantly. Benni and Ashton is far too sweet to displease me." She had diverted her attention to Bennifer to speak to him and looked back at Ashton.

His bright blue eyes shone with emotion that made Gwen blush. Excitement and worry shot through her. She blushed and studied his tunic rather than meet his eyes and blush all the harder. “I… your family will have to approve of the match. My family would have to approve and I think Uncle Bran might be an obstacle. Possibly. Just don’t want to move so fast that I get dizzy." Gwen looked back up into Ashton’s eye and her mouth opened then closed. The emotion that was there rendered her enthralled by him. “I… uhhh..."

Ashton jumped in quickly as Gwen's words left her. Bennifer was more or less entirely ignored. His words meant nothing, the well meaning threats meant nothing. The only person that mattered was the girl before him. He nodded a few times. "I know, and I don't want to get close and then have either of our families decline. But the thought of not at least trying hurts itself. My brother, Aunt, and sister are coming tomorrow morning. I will set up a meeting with them tomorrow evening, after the first day of games. If we can get them on board I think my father will be convinced. And then I will make my way to whoever can make such a decision for you and speak my intentions plainly."

He took her hands in his own and smiled brightly to her, still staring directly at her. "If we want this we have to fight for it, and I'm not afraid of doing just that if you're not. But as you said, if this is going too fast. I understand, I get it. Whatever you want to do, however you want to do it. I'm yours."

The smile that Gwen graced Ashton with was that smile she got from her grandfather. The famous one that grew a beauty from the North to a River Lord. Her dimples deepened and her eyes sparkled. “Mine? I rather like that."

“Just make sure you don’t get your cock and balls lopped off in the melee!" Bennifer bellowed in delighted laughter. “Come, let us drink to the good news!"






Send me a DM with what you have and I will try and fix it.
<Snipped quote by Apoalo>

Thanks! You have the best pfp ever. Hands down.

Aww, thank you. I've used it for some time! I still miss him haha.
Hey Squash! One of the easier things to do I found was to go to the CS post of someone and then at the top right there's a 'raw' button. That will basically copy a fully coded copy of their CS and then you can just edit your character stuff in, instead of theirs.
Afternoon Flirtations [Present time for Gwen flashback for Ashton]

Arranging to find Beylee and Sasja wasn’t that hard. Sasja Reed was a small thing and very pretty. She’d be where Beylee was, attempting to talk Mathias into them squiring for him. Gwendolyn rolled her shoulders anticipating that Beylee was going to annoy her till her temper flashed. Looking around and not seeing Luci or Quinn right away Gwendolyn sighed and thought they had gone to lay down for a nap much like their Uncle was doing at present.

Catching sight of a page Gwendolyn beckoned him over. “Have you seen Lady Beylee or Lady Sasja recently?" She smiled as he nodded.

“I ‘ave. They be o’er at th’ lists wi’ th’ gian’ in fur." His accent was thick and utterly adorable.

“My thanks." Gwendolyn handed the boy a groat and he grinned while running off.

Sighing, Gwendolyn knew that she’d have to go get the girls. If she remembered correctly, which she almost always did, then she'd have to go past the Redwyne Pavillion again. While part of her did want to stop in and enjoy herself more she knew it would disappoint her Uncle. Disappointment and or disapproval was far worse than him being upset at her. Swiftly walking in the direction she needed to go, Gwendolyn made her way to the lists in between tents. Picking up her skirts she dashed looking in between tents in case Beylee and Sasja had given up on nagging Mathias.

Seven hells, why were there so many pavilions strong? Barely did Ashton manage to jump and dodge the variety of straps and ropes all tying down fabric of all colors. He needed a break. He had traversed these tents many times already, having been at Summerhall for some time already and being present when the first tent came up. But everyday now more and more added to the flood of color on the grounds.

Stumbling, much like he had earlier near the lists he looked for feet and giggles but he heard nothing, it was his own clumsiness. Luckily he was able to keep his feet, a testament to his training, but his head was still spinning as he mentally tried to remember his shortcuts through the maze.

Sighing, and with great internal strife, Ash turned to continue on his way toward his 'secret spot' which was little more than a tucked away hill where he liked to watch the sun set and relax for a small moment or two before he got to work on getting things prepared for the next day.

She had barreled into someone. Of all the luck trying to catch a glimpse of either of the cousins. This is what she gets for being even close to disobedience. Not to put too fine a point on it but she was in between tents and no one would check back here for a while. She had turned a corner and ran right into a solid wall of muscle.

Gwendolyn's breath left her in a rush as she tripped and was on her way to the ground. She was going to hit hard when suddenly a solid pair of arms wrapped around her and her descent to the ground was halted.

There was a soft 'oof' followed by a quick inhale and gasp as Ashton realized someone had just run straight into him. And judging by the dress it was a Lady. "Oh! By the Seven, are you quite alright?" Ash exclaimed as he suddenly had a five foot ten woman in his arms, preventing her fall. It wasn't every day when a woman would just sort of fall into your lap, or arms in this case, and it never happened to Ash. In fact he was quite positive he had never even dreamed of such a scenario happening. His younger brother perhaps had, but that was because he was in Essos.

"Um." He looked around to see if anyone was watching and raised an eyebrow. When he was certain she wasn't going to fall and he couod habdle her weight he chuckled. "Got to watch that rope there. Whoever put that tent up decided to use way more ropes than was needed. I'm Ashton by the way, Ashton Hightower."

Gwendolyn stifled a giggle as she sat up and looked up and up and up at Ashton. “Pleased to make your acquaintance My Lord or is it Ser Hightower? Excuse my lack of a curtsy but I find it rather difficult to curtsy while being held. I’m Gewndolyn Carmyne." She smiled up at him.

Automatically, Ash straightened and pulled her up with him to her feet while smiling. “Just Ashton or Ash. I’m the third born and still a squire so i'm not really anything important.” He shrugged off any remaining awkwardness and finally got a look at the person he ran into. His cheeks were burning a bit as he did so, embarrassment now taking the place of awkwardness. “I er- hope that you’re enjoying the uh." He looked around again, finding the words to describe the busy pavilions. “Uh, city of tents?"

Gwendolyn brushed off her dress and shook out his skirts. “It rather seems like a city doesn’t it? Well Ash you can call me Gwen. A squire is still something." She tapped her lip. He sounded like he was a poor sheltered lad. Accidents happen because Ashton definitely wasn’t capable of having engineered their meeting. She needed to put him at ease.

“A city without a repository of knowledge is such a shame. I suppose that a tent city is too fleeting to include one of those. But such is the price we pay for watching men bash each other on horseback with sticks. Skills used in war made to entertain." Gwendolyn shook her head, her hair swaying back and forth. She itched for a comb, she was sure there was something in her hair; a piece of grass, a twig something. Rather than dancing about like a rasher of bacon being cooked she stayed still. “Oh I’m sorry I just insulted what you’re working toward in life. I didn’t mean… oh bother."

"Gwen it is then." His goofy smile widened a bit as he rhymed and then shrugged as she mentioned that he was at least something. "I suppose I really can't complain, I was lucky enough to be born into the family I was and to be trained."

As she spoke he found himself nodding along with her and quickly put out his hands and shook them in a rapid gesture of negative. "No, no you're right. I've always found the tourneys to be weird. They're nothing like real combat, but all you can do is train and try and prepare as best as you can. I see it, if anything, as a way to meet new Knights and a very good opportunity to learn. From them, my defeats, my victories. Everything."

He realized he was talking. A lot. And the Hightower had to blink at that. He never spoke like this to anyone, let alone a relative stranger. But, his filter was gone. "You should come to Oldtown. It has a rich history and the Citadel is one of the greatest areas of education in the 7 kingdoms. You may be too pretty for it though." He smiled as he said it but when his brain caught up to his words the smile became one of embarrassed horror.

Gwen raised an eyebrow. “You think I’m pretty? And what am I too pretty for?" She smiled at him, teasing him. He was endearing.

Sputtering a bit, Ash quickly tried to explain. "Oh! I just meant that you'd be the prettiest Maester or uh, scholar there. And that it would be a shame that no one else got to see it since you'd be inside and reading all the time like my brother Leo." The lad had no idea that he was being messed with, the poor squire was entirely out of his depth and was feeling the rush of adrenaline. "So, what exactly were you doing running through the tents instead of the perfectly good worn travel path out there? Are you also an introvert who despises social interaction?"

Gwen smiled at Ashton. “Well you see I was on my way to find my cousins. So I really needed to find them, but I didn’t want to be obvious because I didn’t want to wait for an escort. Unless you’d like to escort me? Older or younger brother? You don’t enjoy reading? What about riding?"

The questions came in rapidly and Ash barely could prepare one answer before the next question was fired. He let her finish and then attempted to go one by one. "I hate reading, or at least normal reading. I struggled as a child so the Grand Maester developed a way for me to read as I trained. He called it a sort of meditation. As for your escort, I will be delighted my Lady and do so solemnly swear that you will not run into anyone else on my watch. As for riding, I do plenty of it here with my Knight, Ser Ryon Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. Oh, and older, I'm the third born son. I'm only older than my youngest sibling, my brother Gerold. My twin doesn't count." As he finished speaking he was heading off towards the lists.

Gwen walked with Ashton in the direction she was hoping to go. At least she remembered from the walk-about she had done with her Aunties. “It must be nice having siblings. I had one but he and my mother died when he was born. And with me being the oldest they sent me to my grandmother’s family, the Starks. Ser Ryon Dayne is your Knight? Only the best of House Dayne carry the title. You must be proud of your Knight. Tell me does he win tournaments often? I should think that if I bet on him that I could see a great return. Do you think he’ll win? If he does not, whom do you think will? Does he carry a Valyrian steel blade? I would like to see another at some point and compare it to Ice."

Looking over at him as she followed. Gwen had noticed the sword, rather hard not to when she was positively itching to test it out, and this was a ploy to see it without coming out and saying that she’d like to see it. Southern men didn’t like women that were ‘too’ interested in blades, or bows, or anything that didn’t fit in their ‘women’s things’ box. Box ha. More like thimble. She would also need to be careful. As Heir to a house she would need to make a solid decision on whom to marry or her Uncles would do it for her. That much was evidenced by her Uncle’s comments this afternoon.

Glancing up at the sky Gwen noticed that it was probably about a quarter of an hour since she left the Stark tent. She’d better hurry or someone would come looking for her and Beylee and Sasja. If they were with Mathias it was not an issue but Ashe… by the Seven that boy. She still remembered the time he tied a stick to a goat’s forehead and called it a unicorn then ran it around the courtyard. Uncle was furious but he couldn’t hide the twinkle of laughter in his eye. She smiled widely flashing her dimples at Ashton, she knew it would make it easier for her to get her hands on the sword. She didn’t want to take it, she just wanted to see it.

The more excited Gwen seemed to get Ashton matched equally and he answered her questions easily. "I'm sorry about your mother and brother, and yes Ryon is my Knight and also the best in my own opinion. I suppose I'm slightly biased but I trust him unconditionally and am proud. As for tournaments, he's not showy so he doesn't enter them all the time, just enough to get some practice in. We've had to deal with bandits though and of course tensions have been rising on the borders. I hope to be like him and the Dragonknight, that's my goal anyway. Pretty lofty sure, but shouldn't goals be lofty?"

As the conversation moved to swords, Ash couldn't help but look to Vigilance. He smiled a bit and even as she was talking took it and respectfully offered it to her. "This isn't as storied as Dawn but is still Valyrian steel. This is Vigilance, the Sword of the Tower." Ashton wasn't like most Southern lords, a fact that he had been aware of most of his life. He was happy to see someone enjoy quality craftsmanship. He wasn't concerned she would go out and steal it, or hurt herself as she seemed quite capable. When she smiled at him, his stomach did a backflip and he gave an exaggerated swallow while his eyes widened. He had already been handing the sword over so all it served to do was knock the poor boy off his feet. This time, luckily, not literally.

Taking Vigilance from Ashton she treated it with the reverence it deserved. Taking a good look at it Gwen noted that this was an amazing sword. "Thank you. It's beautiful." She stepped closer. Ashton was harmless, he was a gentleman. Not that it was bad or wrong but rather boring. But boring was fine. Boring, she had the upper hand.

Gwen reached out and grabbed the sheath at his hip to the sword. She fitted the sword in and slowly stepped closer as she simultaneously slowly slid the sword back into the sheath. Her lavender gray eyes sparkled with mischief and excitement.

Ash was no stranger to court, he had been plenty of times and had watched his father countless times. He knew about the game but was probably one of the most abysmal players of that game in Westeros. Mostly because he didn't care. He had no ambitions other than to be the absolute best swordsman he could be and to strive to the tenants of knighthood. Girls however, scared him. Not his twin, she didn't count and now standing here with Gwen, Ash was entirely under her power and he knew it. As she stepped closer, Ash held in his next breath and looked down to her. He didn't have to look down much, being only a few inches taller than she, which he found he liked.

Eventually he croaked out. "Thank you. So are you." He smiled then, his brain not exactly functioning correctly. There seemed to be some sort of interference.

That warm smile bubbled up and Gwen blushed at the compliment. "Thank you. You're not bad yourself." She attempted to keep it light and fun. "I should let go of the sword and step back…" Stating the obvious as she watched Ashton. "Blue. Like the sky on a clear day." She murmured about his eyes.

Ash was hooked and he couldn't help but blush as well. "Guess training pays off…" He considered for a few moments and thought about what his older brother once said about women. 'Don't think, just do. If you try and think you'll screw everything up like you usually do.' And so, Ash didn't think. As she murmured about his eyes and before she could actually step back, whether she ever intended to or not, Ash closed the short distance and went to kiss her quickly.

The kiss came as a surprise and Gwen gave a little sound of surprise as Ashton kissed her. She had never been kissed before. His lips were soft and warm. Letting go of the sword fully, her hands found his sides. She didn't know what to do. No one mentioned what you're supposed to do now. This wasn't covered in a book or lesson that a Maester had given her.

Were bells ringing somewhere? Or perhaps lightning had struck him. Ashton wasn't sure but his first kiss had surely sent the Hightower into a shock. His skin filled with gooseflesh and heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest. He had closed his eyes but opened them, irises widening as he felt her hands on his sides. He wasn't sure what to do next and his rational brain started sending all the what ifs. He leaned into the kiss just a moment before breaking it and looking at her. "I… sorry. I-..."

Blinking Gwen looked at Ashton in a bit of a haze. "Sorry? Sorry!" Her lavender gray eyes snapped with temper. "Of all the things to say to a girl after her first kiss you picked 'Sorry'?! Why did you do it then?"

Blinking, Ashton opened his mouth to speak before closing it again even as a perplexed expression shot across his face. "I-er. I only meant… I should have…" Wincing. He realized big brother was right, thinking only resulted in him looking stupid. "I'm not sorry actually… I just felt like I should've apologized for just randomly kissing you, but I'm not. Honestly, I think that was the first time I did something outside of the practice field without regretting it. And I'd like to do it again."

Gwen blushed and touched her mouth, her temper falling away. "Oh… again? I…" Now she didn't know what to say.

"You certainly don't have to. You seem to be quite intelligent. But you have the final say, and I'll respect whatever decision you make." He glanced over toward their path to the lists and was glad that it at least appeared to be empty.

Ashton was giving her time to think. Gwen appreciated the time normally but she found in this situation she didn't want time to think. That scared her. She took a step back. "While I wouldn't mind, I think not having been caught by anyone the first time is pressing our luck after that." She blushed deeply. "My Uncle, Brandon Stark, will not be pleased if he finds out. Nor any of my male relations. I'd rather they didn't for your sake."

Ash nodded slightly and sighed softly. He had a feeling that he had enjoyed the moment a bit more than she and while it may have been just because of the wine he recognized his position and an honest retreat was needed. "I suppose you are right, My Lady. It wouldn't do for either of us to be the talking points of gossip tomorrow morning. Please, allow me to continue my escort of the Lady to the lists." He offered his arm and straightened fully while offering a small smile. "And I thank you greatly for the small sliver of time I managed to have with you."

Biting her lip Gwen reached out. Ashton pulled away from her and that hurt. Perhaps her meager attempt at protecting him was not what he wanted. Violence because of her behavior was not something she was keen to witness. She was trained to protect herself and while she knew she didn't have to rely on others it was nice to have someone offer to be there. She curled her hand into a fist then relaxed it. "You have my gratitude My Lord." She curtsied and put her hand lightly on his arm as propriety dictated. "I would have it last at least a while longer."

As Gwen reached out Ashton sighed and gave her a soft smile. "I'm not the best at this, and I'm afraid that I'm not exactly your type anyway, not that I know you have one. I just… I REALLY like you, and I hardly know you. And I'm afraid because of it. I don't trust my own actions or emotions. Please don't think less of me for it. And the last thing I want to do is to cause you any distress or grievances with your family." His eyes were soft and clouded with confusion, curiosity, and a small bit of longing.

As they walked to the lists Gwen replied. “As you stated we hardly know each other. I don’t think less of you Ashton. Truly you have risen in my estimation. You could have ignored your gentlemanly behavior and blamed it on myself for being there. Truly this gladdens my heart and do you want to know a secret?" She leaned in to whisper to Ashton.

With a raise of his eyebrow, Ash listened and walked. He was careful this time, not wanting to fall AGAIN as that seemed to be something that was becoming a habit. "I suppose secrets are to be shared by those who can trust each other… I can trust you?" He looked at her then, his eyes now searching and seeking with their glint, sunlight just catching his face.

Tilting her head Gwen didn’t flinch from the question. “I am willing to be the one to share my secret. I do not need one in return." She smirked and paused them in their walk. “No you’re right I do need one in return. However I will collect it at another time. I enjoyed our kiss more than you think."

Grinning, she let go of his arm and winked at him over her shoulder, tossing back at him. “Am I escorting you or are you escorting me?"

There was a distinct lack of any mention of trust. And yet, Ash couldn't help but be drawn in. The promise of another meeting both exhilarated and terrified the Squire. "I am glad that I did not make a fool of myself then. As for the escort, I made a vow to see you safely there. A Knight does not break their vows." He caught her stride and leaned toward her more closely. "And I vow that when I fight in the melee to come it will be your beautiful face that spurs me forward."

Raising her eyebrows. “For shame Ser Hightower! It should be the Queen of Love and Beauty you fight for, not I." Gwen tried to look serious, she really tried but the sparkle in her eye and the slight knowing smile that lightly pulled her mouth up just the slightest gave the game away.

Ash chuckled a bit, this time letting go of any potential mask. It was a light smile, showing his own dimples and perhaps giving back as good as he got finally. "Any who even attempted to name someone other than yourself for that title doesn't see what I see, My Lady. Now, the lists are right. Around. This corner." He gestured to the last pavilion, a ghastly green and tan and then sighed.

Gwen laughed freely, the music of it sweet and pure causing more than one male head to turn her way, all of whom she did not notice. “Whoever told you that you are not enough is more than incorrect Ashton Hightower. I fear for their soul for they have committed a grave sin against the Seven."

She didn't know it, but she had just given Ashton the largest compliment of his life. He stood at the very edge of the last pavilion and simply glowed. "Thank you Gwen. Hope guides me. It will be what gets me through the day and night. The hope that after you are gone from my sight that we will see each other once again."

Dipping a curtsy Gwen blushed prettily. “I can but count the hours Ashton."

Ash gives a full bow, his eye glinting as he straightens and turns, going back the way he had come.





Ser Addam Hightower

On the road to Summerhall

Complicated. Everything was oh so difficult. Addam Hightower, heir to House Hightower and Oldtown sat in his tent leaned forward, and pinched the bridge of his nose. In front of him, laying half opened, was a letter. Addam looks up at his Aunt, Celene, who was also sitting quietly with a thoughtful expression on her face as she was leaning forward and staring at the letter. Finally, Addam breaks the silence. "Guessing at loyalty is going to be impossible. And each person we poke is a potential threat. We have to assume the Lannisters will ally with the crown. The Lord Paramount of the West is friends with the king, they have history. The Iron born are wild card and could attack anyone. Bringing them into the plan is not the right move."

Celene sighs and gives a slight shrug. "It's not the worst play, the Lannisters are wealthy and Tytos has rebuilt. The mines are flowing again and should the Rock empty their lands it'll be easy pickings. The Lannister fleet is also more or less easier to defeat than a combined Redwyne and Hightower flotilla. But don't focus on what moves your father is making, instead focus on the plan already in motion. Your job is to ensure the triple Alliance and all marriages are finalized. Anything less than that and nothing else matters. Alicent knows her role, to ensure the Redwyne boy is taken with her, you must do the same for Lord Tarly. He is a proud man, and rightly so he will be watching you closely to make sure his daughter weds correctly. Everything comes down to you. No pressure." Celene smirks and leans back before winking over at Addam who gave a roll of his eyes and groans. His hands no longer pinched the bridge of his nose and instead rubbed his eyes. He was tired, the travels hadn't helped matters.

"I understand Aunt Celene. I will make the House proud." He didn't think his sister, Alicent would struggle either. By all words, the youngest son of House Redwyne should be a decent match and someone that his sister could be happy with. The Lord Tarly though was a different huntsman. And Addam would be lying if he wasn't nervous. Just as he was about to speak again a page entered wearing the Hightower livery.

"Apologies my Lord, My Lady, but we will need to be off if we're to make Summerhall by tomorrow morning. Addam smiled softly and nodded before shooting a look at his Aunt.

"Thank you Lyam, we'll be out shortly." The page bowed and left leaving the two Hightowers alone once again. No words needed to be spoken, both knew what they needed to do.

Ashton Hightower


A Collab with @Vanq

Lazy, and wasting precious time. Ashton could hear his one-time teacher even now while he lay upon the grass of Summerhall, letting the sun's rays gently caress, and cradle him in their warmth. A smile ghosted at the young man's lips as he thought about Otho's face if he came across Ashton in this place at this moment, and what colors of rage would manifest. Still smirking, Ash slowly leaned up and moved his arms behind him to support his weight as the sun started to ever so slowly disappear and surrender to dusk. It was the Hightower's favorite time of day and he always allowed himself this little sliver of personal time. When the sun finally set, Ash sighed in contentment and with a groan began to stand up, his muscles instantly protesting after having been still for the last hour. He attempted to alleviate their distress with a cat-like stretch and even gave a small yawn. Slowly the muscles relented.

Setting off from his hilltop perch, Ashton slowly walked back to the main Castle ground and started a mental list of things to do before sleep. Sharpening blades, shining armor, cleaning leather, collecting letters for Ryon and himself, bringing up supper, cleaning clothing, and making the beds with the fresh linens he had washed earlier that day. It was hard work surely but Ashton never once complained, finding the word a fair trade for the knowledge and training he got in return. Besides, by this time he and Ryon were good friends and so Ash wasn't in the greatest of hurries to be Knighted. He'd get it when he got it and not sooner.

Stumbling, Ashton glanced behind himself to see a foot sticking out from a pavilion and rolled his eyes as he heard snickering. Some young lords making trouble and trying to trip people. Not a smart move really, but Ashton wasn't a guard nor their family and so simply continued on his way. Now that so many were making their way to the celebratory tournament more and more pavilions were being set up and serving to cause Ashton's journey to and from his hilltop refuge to take longer and longer as the maze grew. Briefly, he realized that his brother and the entourage from Oldtown would be arriving either tonight or early in the morning. It would be good to see his brother after so long.

Eventually, Ashton made it to the main Castle and waved to the guards as they allowed him passage. Ash was for the most part a very shy boy and awkward when not discussing combat or knightly topics. He didn't speak much and didn't make many friends though he was slowly trying to do better by remembering names and simply being nice. "Evening Rolf, Malak, hope you're doing well?"

The two guards smiled back and gave quick nods before replying. "Can't complain, don't have tent city duty." They gestured towards the pavilions and Ashton nodded in understanding before heading inside and making a beeline for Ryon's room.

He made the bed, collected the dirty clothing that he could find, and then took them and his own to the washing woman. He then ensured supper would be brought up and then retired to his Knight's room to begin the process of cleaning sword, and armor.

Ryon made his way through the corridors of Summerhall effortlessly. Perhaps because of the grimace he currently wore, or perhaps because he had become as well known in this castle as the sword he carried. Dawn. The fabled sword that he had been the first to wield in decades. It was a heavy burden to bear. And having welcomed in the rest of his family - family that he rarely saw in the past few years - that burden was heavy on his mind and the cause of his grimace.

Lord Ormond was in good spirits and had wanted a meeting with his daughter and the Prince. Ser Ryon had interceded on Dyanna’s behalf; Seven knew she did not need her father suddenly interested in her welfare or haranguing the Prince for some kind of favor. It had been pleasant at least to see young Arron and Eldon again. The boys had truly become men, and Ryon had been all too happy to have an excuse to take them around the tents and pavilions that had been sprouting up ahead of the tourney start. But then Eldon had pulled him aside to share the more worrying news out of Starfall. Vorian grew more unstable of late. The heir had refused to come north and had become deluded with conspiracies that Ryon acted to usurp him upon Ormond’s death. Rubbish of course.

Instead, having shown Ormond and his cousins where they would stay, he made his way to gather his squire. It would be good for Ashton to have time away from duties and with company closer to his own age as well.

Even before entering his rooms, Ryon was certain he was correct. He could hear the familiar sound of work being done. The boy was relentless at times in his duties. And while it was something that Twilight Star could respect, it was also a source of something to jest about.

“Ashton, how many times have I told you, don’t start a bit of work if you’ll need to end it early to have some fun.” In rounding the corner into his rooms, the knight had rubbed the grimace from his face and plastered on the care-free smile he used with others. “My cousins have arrived at last and are quite eager to meet your acquaintance again” He leaned against a wall, at ease, arms crossed lightly against his chest. He waited for the squire to look up before he continued. “And of course, by meet your acquaintance, what they mean is to have their old cousin buy them rounds of drinks down at the Redwyne pavilions.” He laughed, a quick and hearty noise. “Somehow they think I’ve become as rich as the Prince their sister married. But if I am buying for them, surely I am buying for you. Come on now.” He snapped his fingers dramatically.

Even before Ryon showed himself and spoke his jest, Ash could tell that he was there. It was one of the things about Castles, you could hear when someone was coming for the most part and Ryon wasn’t exactly trying to be sneaky. Ryon would see Ash’s back when he entered fully, the squire bent at the waist as he shined his boots. The rest of the equipment of both squire and Knight were neatly organized to Ash’s left, an obvious ‘clean’ pile. “Just finishing up, so if anything it was perfect timing. Oh, your practice shirt is going to need to be resewn, it tore during the wash I was told. I have your backup ready for tomorrow in case you need it.”

That was Ashton, always ready and prepared and going above and beyond to the best of his ability. He took his job seriously, and he supposed going out and mingling was a part of that job. The young man finished his task and then slowly turned, a wide grin on his face. Ash knew that Ryon was aware of his squire's weaknesses and as with all good mentors always attempted to strengthen them. "I suppose I should go and change into something a bit more appropriate then if we're going to go out and be festive. You know I can't dance though so don't even try to trick me into it."

With his smile growing ever wider Ashton headed for the doorway, preparing to go to his room, which wasn't far, to change. It would be good to see the younger Daynes. And it would be a good chance to stretch the more social muscles.

— —

Eldon and Arron were not well accustomed to being outside of Starfall, and though they were men grown, they acted like children at their first summer fair. It was a flaw mostly laid at Ormond’s feet, but Ryon thought reluctantly, him having left before he was done training them had not served them well. They had run ahead at least, to gather drinks with Ryon’s silver for the group of them.

For all that he had said about not having grown rich, Dyanna had seen fit to ensure that her cousin was taken care of for his station, or perhaps the Prince had not wanted his wife’s family and sworn protector to look anything but the part. Ryon stalked the grounds now wearing a fine lilac robe, open to reveal the crisp linen tunic beneath. His house sigil was finely embroidered in cloth-of-silver across his shoulder. The knight would rather be in a practice shirt and trousers, but if Dy could will herself into the pageantry and gowns, he could certainly bear to don a more formal attire as well.

He clapped his hand to his squire’s back. His squire was getting rather old to be a squire, but taking on a squire as the Sword of the Morning had felt as though much more was required of his charge. “I’ve prepared you as much as I could, so tell me, are you ready for what lies ahead?” He spoke jovially though with a weighted undercurrent. Placing well in the melee would surely satisfy most as cause to knight the lad. It felt lacking for the untapped potential of the boy though.

As Ashton walked into his room his gaze unconsciously moved to his things. The content they were all organized and ready he tried to figure out what to wear. He certainly did not want to overshadow his Knight. But he was also the son of a powerful House so it couldn't be too simple either. Knowing Ryon's wardrobe helped matters and Ash figured he would go with a dark blue silk tunic with the High Tower embroidered in silver along with a dark gray cape that was clasped below his neck by a glittering diamond tower, another sigil of his house. The chain going from shoulder to sigil was also silver. Simple, yet elegant Ash figured it fit well enough.

He buckled on Vigilance, as he never let the blade out of his sight, and then headed back out. Upon seeing Ryon, Ash was content that he had made the right choice in his outfit and nodded politely before falling into step beside the Dayne. He wasn't certain where exactly they were headed but the Redwyne tent was always supposed to be the most popular. Briefly, Ash remembered his latest correspondence with his father and brother, the latter of which was supposed to be arriving the following morning. They were seeking an alliance with the Redwynes and Tarly's while the Reach figured out what to make of the new Tyrell paramount…

The lad was brought out of his thoughts on the matter by Ryon asking him a question and Ash took a breath in to buy some time before frowning. "I'm ready, all I can do is my best and follow your training but there are some very experienced Knights competing. I'm excited but nervous, I know I still have a lot to learn." Some other young men, squires to other Knights might have been arrogant and cocky. But Ashton always considered his potential opponents his equal or better and realized that the art of swordsmanship was constantly evolving and changing. One was forever a student and there would always be someone better at some point.

"Either way, I just want to make sure I don't disappoint you or my family." Ashton shrugged and then blinked rapidly as the mass of torches and lights suddenly came into view as they reached the edge of the tent city.

Ryon had always appreciated his charge’s outlook, perhaps it reminded him of himself. But the young man sometimes needed a stronger push. He glanced to the lad’s side, knowing Vigilance would be secured round his hip - much the same as Ryon always carried Dawn. It was not just protection or pride. It was duty, a heavy weight and reminder that they did not serve themselves or even just their families.

Ryon’s face turned serious. “Your family has already bestowed you with your Valyrian steel. You will do your best, and you will always learn. Just remember that it is a foolish man who confuses the Warrior for the Stranger and seeks to tempt Them to prove themselves.” His hand still rested on his squire’s shoulder, and he allowed his friendly smile to return. “You’ll make us all proud I’m sure of it. Now then, my other young charges are not so responsible as you. Shall we find them and make sure they don’t mar my family’s name?”

Ashton stared up at Ryon as he spoke. It was a teaching style that the Hightower squire had come to appreciate. Serious, yet understanding, and then right back to simple friendship. Mentally, Ash was taking notes should he ever have a squire of his own someday. As they stood at the edge still Ash remembered the important conversation he was supposed to have with the Dayne.

"Yes, let's go and find them but uh.. I have to ask you something. It comes from my father and not me but I am duty bound to ask." He went quiet for a second and then just grit his teeth and went for it.

"My father is attempting to consolidate power in the Reach. He is aiming to support Daemon should he ever make a bid for the Throne and he was curious where you stood. As he could see about having you become Lord Dayne." Ashton made a face as he finished as if he had just eaten something exceptionally sour and sighed. His shoulders sagged and a defeated look crossed his face. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to bring it up…"

Ryon's face darkened immediately. Surely they had spoken of the realm and of politics, but this was treason thrown to the open. He furrowed his brow, his eyes narrowed, in an uncharacteristic way. What foolishness did the Lord Hightower have to make his son approach his knight with such things.

The Twilight Star pressed the bridge of his nose between finger and thumb. "Your father gave you an impossible task, I will not hold this against you, but you will listen closely and we will never speak of this again." He paused, lips pressed tightly. "I am not and never will be heir to Starfall. I have no desire to add the weight of lordship to my shoulders, you understand?" Had Vorian actually heard rumors of this? It would perhaps go to explaining how serious Eldon had seemed. “Beyond that, my beloved cousin is sister-in-law to our king. She has born children to his brother. I would not betray them for anything.” He had pointedly avoided speaking the Blackfyre’s name. Seven, how he hated this positioning and angling.. “Tell your father…tell him that I wish House Hightower continued prosperity and a bountiful future.” It was an inelegant non-answer, but Ryon had no taste for these affairs.

Ash had shrunken back when he noted Ryon's initial reaction. But he steadied himself, he knew his Knight well and had never seen him lose control. Ash had told his father pursuing Ryon as a potential ally was folly but Lord Hightower wanted to cross every t and dot every I before making his final play. Even Ash didn't know any plans, he had simply been asked to find out about Ryon and Maekar. There was probably a hidden message but Ash was unintelligent about such subtle maneuvers and was abrasive in his words. He said what he meant, meant what he said, and always kept his word. He had ambitions to be another Aemon the Dragonknight, to serve as best he could.

"I'm sorry Ryon.. Er, Ser Ryon. I didn't want to ask but my family was insistent. And I knew you would understand that I'm not exactly the best at… Well speaking." It was a known weakness for the Hightower, which was odd, considering how good the rest tended to be. "As you said, we will speak no more of it." As if to punctuate his words Ash moved forward into the throng, waiting just a bit for any final words from his Knight.

Ryon worked to smooth away the frustration that still bristled underneath. “Ash…” He forced a smile across thinned lips. “I think it best we go find my cousins - and several bottles of wine. A final night of revelry before you need to be sober for the challenges.” His voice held an edge to it, and he remained unsettled as they crossed the grounds. Perhaps things were more dire than he had assumed. Unconsciously, his hand rested on Dawn.

Arron and Eldon had quickly found themselves a corner of the Redwyne pavilions to set up with bottles of wine, a smattering of food already picked over, and two women on their laps, when Ryon and Ashton found them. “Go on now, have some fun Ash.” Ryon patted his squire’s shoulder. “I should settle up with what these two fools have gotten themselves into.”

Eldon and Arron looked up from their cups and their women. “Ah here he is, our famed cousin, the Sword of the Morning himself! Ser Ryon! And his Squire of Hightower, Ashton - at long last.”

Ryon gave the group a half-smile, his head nodded in response. “Eldon, Arron - you’re to get Ashton drunk as a boiled owl, and if you haven’t found the lot of yourselves stumbling out of tents in the morning with your trousers lost, you haven’t tried hard enough tonight.” He picked up a half full goblet of something and knocked it back in one long gulp. “And Ashton, I still expect you for training come the morn.”

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