Avatar of AzureKnight


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My blade carries with it the harsh frost of the wintry winds. Dancing with the rage of a blizzard, its speed matches the transience of an icy petal.

Welcome traveler. I see you've stumbled upon my profile, nice to meet ya.

About Me
I'm just your average 9-5 schmuck. I do my work, pay my bills, and contribute what I can to society. I also happen to enjoy binge-watching/reading anime, manga/light novels, tv dramas, and pretty much anything that catches my interest. I'm also an avid gamer, my favorite genres tend to change with time. Right now it's probably JRPG, hack-slash, and fighting.

Favorite Anime/Manga/Light Novels
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Hunter x Hunter
- Fate/Zero
- Kyoukai no Kara
- Overlord
- Re:Zero
- Yu Yu Hakusho
- One Piece
- Konosuba
- Various Gundam series
- Naruto
- Bleach
- Trigun
- Cowboy Bebop

Some of my favorite games
- Devil May Cry
- Disgaea
- Blazblue
- Guilty Gear
- Tekken
- Persona 5
- God Eater
- Tales of series
- The Legend of Heroes series
- 7th Dragon series

I originally joined this site several years back, having gotten my feet wet only recently at that point as an RPer. I was recommended this site by a pal of mine (@PaulHaynek) and joined a couple of his RPs. However, due to RL stresses I had to take a break from the world of RPing and took sometime for self-reflection. After a 2 year absence, I'm back in saddle and ready to further stretch my creative muscles. As for what roleplays I like, I enjoy anything action-oriented. I'm fine with any settings for the most part, though I'm more inclined toward the magical and sci-fi. Also, I've gained a sort of preference for RPs that allow users to play as multiple characters, but solo is fine either way. Here's a list to give a better idea of my tastes.

- Fantasy/medieval
- Dystopian
- Steampunk
- Sci-fi
- Apocalypse/Post-Apocalyptic
- Generally anything anime/manga related
- Adventure and Combat oriented
- Romance here and there is fine too

That's all for now, reader. If you decide to post an interest check for an RP idea, you just might find me posting a character profile ready to be reviewed. Don't be afraid to give me a shout if you'd like a Co-DM to bounce ideas off of as well.

Until then.

Most Recent Posts

Here's the second sister.


Still subject to change

@Restalaan @PaulHaynek

I also ran it by Paul to have a side quest that involved Vară's family dealing with a Varjan Warlord. Was supposed to tie in to the endgame, but it didn't end up going anywhere lol.

Also, that next project sounds interesting. Will check it out once you have it set. ^^
Damn, sorry to hear this Paul. I had taken a break from rping for a couple of years, dealing with various irl things. I always missed this rp and wanted to come back eventually. Of course, life has been rather hectic for the past half year for me and I haven't been as active as I should've been as well. I do appreciate the work and effort you've put into this over the years, and allowing me to come back for another go around.

It's been great rping with you all, hopefully we do so again sometime down the road. Til then.
Sorry for the long delay all, been very busy as of late!

🔥Vară Riemsianne🔥


Vară watched as an angry Neil confronted Ian about what exactly had been going on. Why did he request assistance, only to be revealed to be the City Hall thief in question? Too tired to understand any of it, she turned to Dhampir who was curious as to what had just unfolded.

“That madman over there was revealed to be the one who stole from the City Hall’s treasury, in addition to having nearly taken my life!” She said in a dreadful tone. She then turned to Ian and Neil, who were still arguing.

“Ian, if this was your idea of some sick, twisted joke, then you’re more depraved of a manic than I had thought! Why did you request aid to catch a robber, only for said robber to be yourself? Why did you try to kill me? Are you lunatic, or were you born with a defect?!” She exclaimed, still resting on the ground where she had been.


@PaulHaynek@Restalaan@13org@Rezod92@Stern Algorithm

“Yes everyone, let’s go back home!” Nagare happily stated, she lowered her serpentine body to allow everyone to hop on board. As they began to ascend, she could hear the angry cries of the mamono band. They seemed to be quite furious that they had lost the upper hand, along with their quarry. Nagare ignored them though, it wasn’t as if they could chase regardless. While flying back, she noticed Ditzy lazily resting on one of her fins, barely able to keep himself awake. She thought it was cute and giggled a little; it wasn’t like he didn’t deserve good rest, they all did.

Nagare turned an eye to Sir Reed who got close to her ear. He began to apologize on behalf of the group, as instead of acquiescing her request to fight the bandits alone they made a surprise attack on them in unison. Sir Reed seemed to think that Nagare may hold some bit of resentment, but it was actually quite the contrary. It was a moment before she responded.

“Sir Reed, I could never be angry at any of you. I am eternally grateful for what you did, more than you could ever know. Honestly, I should be the one to apologize. My request was a selfish and irresponsible one, it was obvious that I couldn’t have won against them by myself. I intended to make myself into a martyr so that you all could walk free. But, I didn’t take any of your feelings into consideration, or how my decision would affect the Guild as a whole. If anything, you should be going to Master Bart and devising a suitable punishment for me once we get back.”

She turned her eye away, as if she no longer had the heart to look Reed in the eye. “Sir Reed, you’re the reason that everyone’s safe now. You’re the reason that we were able to make it home, and the reason that we claimed victory today. Me, I’m just a fool who doesn’t deserve your gratitude or charity…”


After making it back to the Guild, she lowered her body so that everyone could safely disembark. She then returned to her human form, exhausted from today’s quest. She was a bit wobbly while walking, but she was able to manage without much issue. She noticed that Yang and Kira had returned from their mission as well, not looking well for the wear. “Yang-san, Kira-chan, I'm glad to see that you’re back from your quest! Although, I hope everything went alright. You too don’t look so well, although I'm not one to talk, haha.”

She then noticed the Altissima sisters explained what happened during their time alone at the Guild hall. “Oh my, I wouldn’t have guessed a bunch of Dormice and Devil Bugs would’ve found their way into the hall and caused a ruckus. I’m just glad that you two weren’t hurt! My friends have been in enough today as is.”

“Freyr-san, Haley-san, I hope that you too are fine as well.” She noticed that Haley looked a bit winded from her travels. It seemed that today was quite the ordeal for everyone.

Much like Kira, however, she noticed an unfamiliar scent was approaching the guild. Still on edge from today’s events, she tensed up to be ready at a moment’s notice. Much to her surprise, Master Bart was the one who appeared from the entrance. “Oh Master Bart! Welcome back, I hope your business went well today!”

Before she could continue, she noticed Sir Reed was acting strangely, he then abruptly stepped away for a moment. She followed him outside, only to see him talking with the master.
She got most of his explanation about the history of Ortus. It appeared the Master has negative feelings toward the country, worse that a less civil confrontation was about to unfold between them.

Nagare promptly stepped between the two men, facing Bart with her arms stretched out. “I’m not sure what’s going on here, but please stop this. Master Bart, if you’ve any doubt as to the integrity of Sir Reed, I’d be more than happy to vouch for him. It was thanks to his planning that our group returned home safely!” Nagare adopted an unexpected standoffish response toward the Guildmaster, hopefully the situation wouldn’t devolve into a less...savory one.

Will post in the next few days.

🔥Vară Riemsianne🔥


Vară quickly took notice of Ian’s difficulty lifting the next barrel he planned to use. His throw was sloppy, and thus allowed the fire demoness to swifty dodge out of the way. Back on her feet, she adopted a stance and pointed her polearm at the culprit. “What’s the matter, can’t even lift a simple barrel of water? Let me guess, spent too much time learning how to make up asinine stories?” She taunted. Wasting no more time, Vară sprinted at Ian and began dealing a barrage of strikes at him. But, the man was nothing if not nimble; she found it quite frustrating that he was able to dodge all of her attacks up until this point. The situation turned even more for the worse when North parried her last strike before elbowing her in the face and taking her axe for himself.

Clenching the side of her face with her hand, she stumbled back a bit. “D-Degenerate! First you have the audacity to touch my face, then you steal my weapon?!” she was barely able to choke out her words. Stumbling further back, she only now just took notice that the entire hallway was caught on fire. The initial fire she had started spread further and quicker than she realized. With the reality of the situation setting in, Vară’s heart was at this point racing. The Town Hall she arrived to assist was now, literally, going up in smoke. And the culprit she set herself on subduing now seemed to have the winning hand. With Ian advancing, all she could do was back away, until she tumbled onto the floor. Breathing heavily, she motioned backwards to increase the distance. Though it was ultimately futile, Ian brandished her axe and began to make for the final blow. Unable to think of a way out of her predicament, flashes of her family and guildmates began pouring through Vară’s mind. With a single tear shedding, all she could do was let out a single utterance. “Mother, N-Neil. For...Forgive me…”

However, just when oblivion seemed imminent, a thunderous crack boomed through the hall. Debris began falling from the ceiling, completely burying Ian right under it. Before she had time to even process what had just happened, the rubble buried her as well…


A voice could be heard, it’s speaker not visible. “Vară” it said. “Who, who is that?” She answered. “Vară, please…” It continued. “...Who is that?” She replied. The voice, she realized, was one she was familiar with. “N..Neil, is that-”

“...wake up!! Please open your eyes!!”

Suddenly, snapping out of her stupor, Vară awoke. She turned to see a bewildered Neil seated beside her. Seeing her awaken caused him to pull her into a strong embrace. He explained that they couldn’t reach her in the city hall due to the fire. She lightly turned to see the town’s center of administration had been reduced to a mere pile of charred rubble. Her heart sank, understanding that it was her fault it happened in the first place. She looked around to see the city folk had gathered around. She then turned back to Neil with a sad smile. “Neil, please forgive me. I don’t think that the mayor or the Blue-Eyed Savior are going to be too happy with me...”

She then fell back into his arms, returning his embrace.


@PaulHaynek @Restalaan @13org

Nagare continued to struggle against the band of mamono, doing her best to stand her ground. At that moment, her comrades began to make their move. Not a beat later, Nagare felt the hefty weight upon her tail subside. She realized that Ditzy took out the two orcs that threw themselves at her. He then targeted the Minotaur, locking her down in another one of his mighty holds. Ada rushed behind him, slashing their tendons and ankles so they could no longer move. Sir Reed was next, entering the fray he single-handedly fought both the Lizardman and Salamander off of her. Nagare understood that Reed was a veteran knight and obviously knew his way around the battlefield, but she hadn’t realized just how skillful a fighter he actually was.

He then shouted at her to freeze the two combatants. Nodding in confirmation, she quickly charged her energy and let loose a mighty burst of frost at their adversaries. With that, the two lizards had been subdued. Thankfully, Reed had used their bodies as a shield to prevent being frozen along with them. The ogre, now livid, came from behind and grabbed Sir Reed by the neck. To quickly turn the tables, Reed used what was perhaps the oldest trick in the book and shouted, pointing at nothing in the distance. To Nagare’s surprise, the ogre was successfully distracted. Reed took advantage of this and used his fingers to pinch a specific area on the ogre’s neck, causing her to immediately fall unconscious. Nagare had never seen such a technique, she wondered where Sir Reed had learned it.

Regardless, the battle was now over, Nagare and her friends against all odds reigned victorious! Before the elation could set it, however, Reed hastily made his way toward the ice serpent. He reprimanded her for not transforming into their dragonic form sooner and stated they needed to hurry and leave before the band of monsters had a chance to recover.

“But...Sir Reed, what about the - “ Before she could finish her sentence, Ditzy had sprinted for the caravan and found the kidnapped man. Having brought him back, Nagare felt a sense of relief and amusement due to Ditzy. “That was wonderful Ditzy-kun! Sir Reed, we’ve accomplished our quest! I certainly think it’s fine now if we leave. Go ahead and hop on everyone!” Nagare then began to blush out of a bit of embarrassment. “I’m, I’m not actually used to carrying people on my back, so the ride may be a little bumpy. But, I promise to do my best!”

If everyone’s business was concluded, Nagare would proceed to carry her comrades back to the Guild Hall for some much needed R&R
My bad everyone, RL's been really crazy and my attention's been pulled away by other things. Finally got a post out.

🔥Vară Riemsianne🔥


Recovering from Ian’s attack, Vară’s flames began to smolder, shocked at the sudden burst of water pouring out on her. Her shock soon turned to rage, the streams of droplets steaming off of her. “You wretched mongrel! How dare you ruin my clothes!” She spat. She noticed him going for more water filled barrels, she needed to do something. She made a dash for her polearm, lacking any other way to combat him currently. Hoping she could dodge out of the way in time for the incoming barrel, she would then charge at Ian for a counterattack. Hopefully she could force him out of the kitchen and put herself in a better position.



Nagare felt some of the Orcs grab her tail, she couldn’t move as well anymore with them on her. The reptilian mamono began striking her scales, she barely felt it at first but eventually they may tear through her scales. She noticed the Minotaur stayed back, as if waiting for something. To give herself breathing room, she attempted to emit a powerful burst of frozen energy from her body to push them away. To help, she would use her large, impressive body to its advantage and violently sway around.

However, she also saw that her friends seemed to be making moves of their own. What are they doing? Didn’t they understand my intentions earlier? Do they not believe in my strength....? She thought to herself. As she had already begun her counterattack, all she could do was hope that they would be caught in the crossfire.

Though, deep down, a small part of her appreciated her comrades helping her out in spite of everything.

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