Avatar of AzureKnight


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My blade carries with it the harsh frost of the wintry winds. Dancing with the rage of a blizzard, its speed matches the transience of an icy petal.

Welcome traveler. I see you've stumbled upon my profile, nice to meet ya.

About Me
I'm just your average 9-5 schmuck. I do my work, pay my bills, and contribute what I can to society. I also happen to enjoy binge-watching/reading anime, manga/light novels, tv dramas, and pretty much anything that catches my interest. I'm also an avid gamer, my favorite genres tend to change with time. Right now it's probably JRPG, hack-slash, and fighting.

Favorite Anime/Manga/Light Novels
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Hunter x Hunter
- Fate/Zero
- Kyoukai no Kara
- Overlord
- Re:Zero
- Yu Yu Hakusho
- One Piece
- Konosuba
- Various Gundam series
- Naruto
- Bleach
- Trigun
- Cowboy Bebop

Some of my favorite games
- Devil May Cry
- Disgaea
- Blazblue
- Guilty Gear
- Tekken
- Persona 5
- God Eater
- Tales of series
- The Legend of Heroes series
- 7th Dragon series

I originally joined this site several years back, having gotten my feet wet only recently at that point as an RPer. I was recommended this site by a pal of mine (@PaulHaynek) and joined a couple of his RPs. However, due to RL stresses I had to take a break from the world of RPing and took sometime for self-reflection. After a 2 year absence, I'm back in saddle and ready to further stretch my creative muscles. As for what roleplays I like, I enjoy anything action-oriented. I'm fine with any settings for the most part, though I'm more inclined toward the magical and sci-fi. Also, I've gained a sort of preference for RPs that allow users to play as multiple characters, but solo is fine either way. Here's a list to give a better idea of my tastes.

- Fantasy/medieval
- Dystopian
- Steampunk
- Sci-fi
- Apocalypse/Post-Apocalyptic
- Generally anything anime/manga related
- Adventure and Combat oriented
- Romance here and there is fine too

That's all for now, reader. If you decide to post an interest check for an RP idea, you just might find me posting a character profile ready to be reviewed. Don't be afraid to give me a shout if you'd like a Co-DM to bounce ideas off of as well.

Until then.

Most Recent Posts

Terauchi Temple - Pre-Emptive Strike
@PaulHaynek @Crowvette @Restalaan (GRI & SKA) @Rezod92 @Nakushita @Hammerman

In a hurried panic, Atsuha rushed back to her sister's side. The attack on the Temple was sudden, leaving them with no time to plan or prepare. "Godsdammit all, this the worst possible time!!" She cursed aloud. She arrived to see that Hinami had already come to. "Hinami!"

"I know sister." She said solemnly. It's honestly hard to sleep with all of the chaos going on outside. I'm feeling refreshed after what you and Lady Yurine did for me. Even Skars-kun was by my side." Getting on her feet, Hinami summoned a three-sectioned staff in her hand, her face which was once full of delirium and fear now with strong surety. "We need to help our friends, Nee-san!"

"Yes, of course1" Atsuha said, with a confident smile.

Arriving outside to join their comrades, they saw Lord Takeshi along with his compatriots taking the fight to the invading Varjans, and we're actually doing a good job of pushing them back. Atsuha was relived that Takeshi seemed to be doing fine. She looked for Skarsneek, eventually spotting him with Gringor. Generating a barrier ofuda, she created a magic wall on the side road. The barrier was special in that it was coated in her own poison, therefore if any for came into contact with it they would be subject to hallucinations and loss of stamina.

Hinami went to Gringor's side and prepped to back him up in the battle. "My sister and I are here to help!" She said to the High Orc. "I'll back you up as a distraction so you can deal a big blow to that scary-looking woman!"

Wielding her sectioned staff, she attempted to smack the warrior with her whirling weapon, which would hopefully allow Gringor an opening to land a decisive strike.

Finally made a post.

Kirei & Lavinia

Sanjo Beach
@PaulHaynek @Rune_Alchemist @Riffus Maximus

A sweatdrop of embarrassment appeared on the side of Kirei's face and Janus made sure to correct the taskforce on what his name actually was. ”Ah, sorry about that, friend. Uh, sometimes I’m terrible with names…” He apologized, attempting to play it off. He then witnessed the power of the armored man as he left loose fierce bolts of lightning against their Varjan foes. He whistled as a compliment after seeing Janus’ handiwork. ”I’ll have to remember not to get your name wrong in the future!” He said with a playful smirk.

Both he and Lavinia perked up when it was mentioned that apparently, Janus was once a member of a sect within the Varjan ranks known as the Scarce Legion. ”My, my, I’ve not known Varjans to turn coattails very often.” Lavi said ”I’m nonetheless curious, but I suppose we’ll save that for later. We have ourselves a live one~” She eyed the Varjan warrior adorned in armor more sinister than his peers. After saying his peace, he threw the corpse of a samurai at the team, which Lavinia and Kirei easily dodged.

”You’ll come to find that life is full of surprises, darling.” Lavinia said, taunting the warrior with a seductive tone. ”Would you care to put this harlot in her place, Mr. Champion?” Following Stella’s lead, Lavi let loose a torrent of water of her own. However, she aimed the stream at the champion’s feet, along with the other lesser soldiers that surrounded him. She then froze the water, trapping them in the sand.

”Takes all the fun out of hittin’ moving targets, but I won’t complain!” Kirei said. The champion would find it hard to avoid the giant frying pan made by Nyla, having his feet frozen. Kirei then proceeded to materialize a pair of twin katana with white tsuka, then after taking a crouching stance he completely vanished. Did he flee from the fight?! It would seem not, as four out of the seven axe warriors that gathered around the main target had suddenly fallen. Bloodied gashes in their armor marked where they had taken damage. Enishi then reappeared beside his comrades, as quickly as he had vanished.

Lavinia shot icy arrows at the other three remaining soldiers, which hopefully would leave the champion standing alone With his feet frozen, it was likely he’d get flattened by Nyla’s frying pan. Unless he had something up his sleeve…

🔥Vară Riemsianne🔥

Sanjo Town
@PaulHaynek @Xaltwind

Vară, amidst her regal pose, had an embarrassed look frozen on her face. Did they get the names of their allies mixed up? First thing arriving on the battlefield, and already an error was made?

”You…you mean you’re Sidonus and not Janus?? Oh, oh crap!” She began to panic for a moment, her hands waving in a flustered manner. ”I’m sorry! Kirei, it was that dunderhead’s fault, he told me the wrong names! I mean, I was TOTALLY paying attention when you introduced yourselves before…” By the time she realized it, Sidonus had already left her side and speared a Varjan marauder off of his horse. Coco and Gwen were also doing their part in quelling the attacking bandits, leaving Vară to fend for herself.

”Shit! I need to focus!!” She said, snapping herself out of her stupor. This was her chance to earn fam- save the innocent from a terrible fate! She noticed a group of three brigands who had cornered a pair of young children. A perfect opportunity!

”Stop where you are!” She yelled in a campy and boisterous voice. ”I, Vară Riemsianne, will not allow you to harm those children!” The three stop to turn to the source of the voice, being shocked that it was revealed to be coming from an unassuming young woman. The pair of children looked on with horror on their faces, fearing for the inevitable end. The trio of brigands laughed at the young girl, not taking her seriously. They seemed to be pleased with her beauty, however, and decided to forgo the children and focused their attention on the fire demon.


Upon uttering her technique, the attackers were subjected to a barrage of little wisps of vermillion sparks. Dozens of tiny flames pelted the men, exploding upon impact and tearing right through their armor, charring their flesh as a result. After her assault finished, the burned remains of the men crumbled to the ground along with their charred weapons. The kids looked with shocked faces, the young woman managed to save them!

Walking quickly over to the children, she knelt down and began speaking to them in a low voice. ”Hey kids, rejoice, for you are safe now. Please run away somewhere safe while you can. Oh, and one more thing…” She got especially close to the kids, which made them a bit uncomfortable.

”Make sure you tell everyone that Vară Riemsianne was the one that saved you, get me? That’s Vară Riemsianne, don’t forget it!

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This

Havershel Estate

"Lulu. A pleasure." She responding to the Church officials calmly.

If Roksandic was attending this party somewhere, she couldn't risk giving her actual name out. Even now she was eyeing the crowd, seeing if she could spot him among the party goers. Still was of course curious of how Myrilla even knew of the man in the first place, let alone that he was still alive after the whole scandal. Thinking about it made her blood boil even now. Her stained reputation during that ordeal also led to her not giving her real name here. She couldn't afford to blow Livia's, and Myrilla's, plans here.

Fortunately, being their hired security detail afforded Lucrecia certain benefits. The officials, and the other attendees for that matter, wouldn't be too interesting in hearing the story about someone who's just hired security detail. They should be fine with just receiving a basic greeting and having it kept at that. That's what Polina was for, serving as Livia's partner for this gathering one would expect her to engage in frivolous conversation. Hopefully that would take attention away from the accented maid and make her role in this operation easier.

"I'm accompanying Lady Fiore and Lady Lafayette as their protector for tonight's gathering. I do hope that everyone enjoys the festivities tonight safely and responsibly."
I am still here, just waiting on two people.

I'll try to post something this week. My apologies.
I'm still around too, just dealing with a lot IRL and other projects right now.
@Riffus Maximus

Soooo, @AzureKnight's Kirei ordered Stella to join him in the beach but from what I read in your post, it seems Stella wants to head to the village to protect civilians.

So, where do you want Stella to go?

The way I read the post, she would ultimately go either way. But if they really want Stella to go to the village that's fine.
Alright, a bit late, but posted.

Kirei, Vară, & Lavinia

Sanjo Beach
@PaulHaynek @Rune_Alchemist @Xaltwind @Riffus Maximus

Pre-Skirmish Fare

”I fail to see what being up at this Demon Lord-forsaken hour has to do with gaining recognition...” The noble continued to groan. As Kyouko made her explanation, Vară followed along with the others as the taskforce stood on the teleport conduit. While the demoness was no stranger to fighting, she was a bit nervous about being thrown into what amounted to be a full scale war. Lavinia and Kirei, however, were as cool as cucumbers. In fact, Lavinia in particular seemed to be getting impatient, as if she wanted to get on the island as soon as possible.

”Teleportation, huh? Naturally, I've no issues with that method.” Lavinia said.

”Ive...never actually teleported before. Uhh...how does it work, exactly” Vară said.

”What, seriously?” Kirei chimed in. ”You're in one place, then there usually a flash of light, and afterwards 'poof', you're somewhere else.”

Vară looked at Kirei as he gave her an assuring pep talk. She reluctantly acknowledged his words with a gesture and awaited the next phase.

Arrival on Sanjo

With a flash of light, the group would instantly find themselves in a forest clearing, and were greeted by a pair of armor-wearing humans. Vară was taken aback by the sweating man, who spoke as though he was completely out of breath. ”Ehh...I was worried about the whole ordeal, but it seems that it's taken more out of you than me...” She said to the armored pair.

”High level magic is often exhausting. You two gentlemen along with Lady Kyouko have my utmost respect for being able to teleport a whole group all the way here.” Lavinia said.

Vară looked around and noticed the sky had darkened since they were at Otomo village. ”Why is it suddenly dark? It was morning just a moment ago, wasn’t it?” She inquired.

”Correct.” Said Lavinia, ”To us maybe, however, time has moved differently for us than for the outside world. Sorcery can be quite complex.”

”Ugh…Not sure I understand. But, if you say so…” Vară replied with an irritated expression.

Kirei walked ahead of the group, stopping just in front of the pair of armored warriors. ”I do believe that’s enough idle chatter, peeps.” He began. ”I’m curious as to the situation on the beach. You said your names were Sidonus and Janus, yes? Lead the way.”

Following the knights, the taskforce was led to a cliffside that overlooked the port and the town. The native warriors have already built fortifications that lined the either beach, each being manned by numerous fighters. The bay, on the other hand, was completely littered in Varjan warships. The sight all but confirmed Kyouko’s worst fears: it seemed that an all-out siege was imminent. What made Kirei raise a brow was the sight of civilians walking around town as if nothing was going on. Weren’t these people told to evacuate? He said to himself. He was snapped out of his thoughts by the large explosion that rocked the shoreline. It seemed the natives set a trap for the fleet, as a small bunch of their ships were blown apart by a surprise attack. That signaled the beginning of the conflict.

The Varjan ships unloaded scores of Varjan soldiers, all armed to the brim. The sounds of the surrounding waters were drowned out by the charging and warcries of the incoming fleet of fighters. The Shizuyaman warriors rode out to meet their adversaries. However, it was clear that they were painfully outnumbered, and victory against their attackers was quite unlikely. To make matters worse, more ships sailed into the port. Unloading more soldiers, the Shizuyaman forces were stretched too thin to block off their advance, allowing some squads to head off in the direction of the town. That just wouldn’t do.

Kirei looked at Nyla, who went off on her own down the cliff, desperate to locate and assist any member of the Oja clan she could hopefully find. ”Her loyalty to her master is admirable, but it clouds her judgment.” Kirei said, shaking his head. He then turned to the rest of the team.

”Alright, not much time for a briefing so I’ll make this quick. Vară, Coco, and Gwen, you lot go and assist Sidonus with protecting the townspeople. Stella, Lavinia, and myself will go after Nyla and assist Janus with this battle here on the beach. We locate any surviving member of the Oja clan and make their well-being a top priority! Clear? Good! Let's try not to die here, yeah?”

With that, Kirei began hopping down the cliff with grace and speed that seemed to defy what a human should be capable of. With his elegant moves, he appeared to be hopping off the air itself. He quickly caught up to Nyla, making sure to aid the shoggoth in case she was blindsided by any oncoming attacks. ”My, my, you’re in quite the hurry. Let’s try to stick together, there’s safety in numbers after all.” He said to his eldritch ally.

Vară barely had time to react to Kirei’s commands as the situation escalated, but she understood nonetheless. She was perfectly fine with helping the townspeople, as saving innocent humans was par for the course for any mamono. No, it certainly wasn’t because she was scared of getting caught up in a bloody battle between countless warriors and mainly wanted to help the townsfolk as a means of spreading her fame, certainly not… ”Alright Janus, lead the way to the village and prepared to be amazed by my regal abilities!” She exclaimed, attempting to hide her nervousness.

”Understood.” Lavinia said calmly, but solemnly. She vanished into a haze of darkness, only to reappear at the bottom of the cliff. She then held her staff as if it were a bow, as she did she channeled a similar dark energy from it. It condensed itself into the form of an arrow bolt, which she then promptly fired. The bolt sped past Nyla and Kirei, and hit a group of Varjans that lied ahead of the two. Shocked cries were heard as the group was felled by the sudden explosion of dark energy that assaulted them. Kirei quickly looked back at the source of the shot, smirking a bit.

”Hey, not bad!” He said, complementing the witch-like mamono.

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This

Havershel Estate

A grande demone?! What does Myrilla intend to do with that?! Lucrecia silently exclaimed to herself. Her reservations were building up by the minute. She couldn't imagine what her instructor wanted with such a creature, the implications made her stomach sink. She could at least understand the desire; and arch demon was a powerful creature, possesses abilities that far surpassed any human. Perhaps with this creature in her possession Myrilla intended to... No, that couldn't be, she wouldn't do that. At least, she thought as much, she didn't know Myrilla too well or her past history with their Matron. Unfortunately, it was too late for her to have second thoughts now, she was truly in the thick of this hair-brained scheme. Thankfully, it seems Livia's suspicions weren't risen at this point, helped by Polina also chiming in the questioning.

The group had finally arrived at the estate, the pair of Livia and Polina exited the car, the former leading the latter. Such to be expected of the one who held the 'authority' in the relationship. Lucrecia was left to exit the car on her own, which didn't matter to her. As the acting bodyguard, she wore no elegant or snazzy dress to the occasion. She was dressed in an clean cut and modest business professional outfit. A black jacket and matching slacks with a glossy finish, underneath the jacket was bulletproof padded vest and a white collar button-up. One could be too careful in these situations. On one of the jacket's side pockets a gold chain could be seen dangling, it was attached to a gold pocket watch. There was pin attached to her front pocket that bore the Fiore crest on it, signifying her affiliation with the house. To complete the outfit she wore dress stiletto shoes, which were lined with elaborate engravings on their edges. She wore her hair up in a stylish bun as opposed to its usual appearance. In various places hidden on her wardrobe, she held a couple of small firearms and throwing knives. Such things should be standard given her role for the event.

She followed closely behind Lady Livia and Polina as the trio entered the Estate, as any good bodyguard would. As the doors were opened for them, they were meet with the sight of dozens of nobles and other affluent members of high society. The inside was overly decorated with gold and green linings; they were likely as gaudy and tacky as the man who owned the estate, she imagined. The host and master of the estate, Lord Havershel himself, had yet to appear in the main hall. He apparently would be showing his face soon, though, as most of the guests had now arrived.

Lucrecia, along with the others, had took notice of the two members of the Oros Church present here. One has the appearance of a priestess or clergywoman, the other a paladin of some sort. In addition to their appearance, the glares they received from the party goers made them hard to miss. Normally, it would be surprising to see members of their rank attending a gathering meant only for nobles, but Lucrecia felt there was something else these ladies were after. At worst, she may have to consider them potential obstacles in the plan, as she could hazard a guess as to what they were after.

In regards to introducing themselves and starting conversation, Lucrecia had to qualms to the idea. She didn't resent members of the church like others may have, to them they were just more passerbys in her daily activities. Passerbys with certain authority and tendencies that were different from others certainly. Lucrecia silently nodded to Livia's suggestion and dutifully followed the pair to where the two women were sitting.
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