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My blade carries with it the harsh frost of the wintry winds. Dancing with the rage of a blizzard, its speed matches the transience of an icy petal.

Welcome traveler. I see you've stumbled upon my profile, nice to meet ya.

About Me
I'm just your average 9-5 schmuck. I do my work, pay my bills, and contribute what I can to society. I also happen to enjoy binge-watching/reading anime, manga/light novels, tv dramas, and pretty much anything that catches my interest. I'm also an avid gamer, my favorite genres tend to change with time. Right now it's probably JRPG, hack-slash, and fighting.

Favorite Anime/Manga/Light Novels
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Hunter x Hunter
- Fate/Zero
- Kyoukai no Kara
- Overlord
- Re:Zero
- Yu Yu Hakusho
- One Piece
- Konosuba
- Various Gundam series
- Naruto
- Bleach
- Trigun
- Cowboy Bebop

Some of my favorite games
- Devil May Cry
- Disgaea
- Blazblue
- Guilty Gear
- Tekken
- Persona 5
- God Eater
- Tales of series
- The Legend of Heroes series
- 7th Dragon series

I originally joined this site several years back, having gotten my feet wet only recently at that point as an RPer. I was recommended this site by a pal of mine (@PaulHaynek) and joined a couple of his RPs. However, due to RL stresses I had to take a break from the world of RPing and took sometime for self-reflection. After a 2 year absence, I'm back in saddle and ready to further stretch my creative muscles. As for what roleplays I like, I enjoy anything action-oriented. I'm fine with any settings for the most part, though I'm more inclined toward the magical and sci-fi. Also, I've gained a sort of preference for RPs that allow users to play as multiple characters, but solo is fine either way. Here's a list to give a better idea of my tastes.

- Fantasy/medieval
- Dystopian
- Steampunk
- Sci-fi
- Apocalypse/Post-Apocalyptic
- Generally anything anime/manga related
- Adventure and Combat oriented
- Romance here and there is fine too

That's all for now, reader. If you decide to post an interest check for an RP idea, you just might find me posting a character profile ready to be reviewed. Don't be afraid to give me a shout if you'd like a Co-DM to bounce ideas off of as well.

Until then.

Most Recent Posts

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This

Havershel Estate

"Buonasera, Signore Harveshel, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Lucrecia addressed the lord of the estate, making a polite bow. "I am serving as Madonna Livia's and Signora Paulina's escort for tonight's festivities. Thank you for having us."

Listening to her employer and Havershel further discuss business, which the latter didn't seem to be looking forward to, Lucrecia made note of him saying that he'd unveil some of his prized relics after their meeting had concluded.

Apparently, Lord Havershel's wife and son wouldn't be attending the ceremony tonight, with the former feeling under the weather and the latter having been punished for acting out. Not that it mattered much to her.

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This

Havershel Estate

Lucrecia bade a polite farewell to the Church officials with a bow and followed behind Polina. Making their way to the food table, it was of course stacked with the finest dishes afforded by noble wealth. Polina certainly did little to hide her enthusiasm in delving into the hors d'oeuvres. Lucrecia mentally shrugged and deciding to take her up on her offer.

Trying a bit of the dishes, she had to admit, they were quite delectable. The nervousness that plagued her from the start began to diminish somewhat. Her attention was soon averted, however, as an regal man and woman made their presence known from the opposite side of the room. Lucrecia deduced that this must've been the man himself: Lord Havershel, the master of the house.

It was funny, Lucrecia was a bit surprised at the man's appearance. He seemed not at all the pudgy and bumbling incompetent image she had first pictured in her mind. A young and well groomed man with sharp features, his weapon and manner of speech denounced some poise in the way he carried himself. He also, of course, didn't hide his disdain for the Church guests present.

Livia was going to go somewhere more private with him and discuss business. She still couldn't leave Polina's side without it looking suspicious, so she'd had to be patient for now. She'd love nothing more than to seize and interrogate the man for the Artifact.
@Hammerman @Silverstein @Rune_Alchemist

Leon, along with the Fae couple of Lanus and Renee, had gathered in the main lobby as they prepped for their accepted quest. Before they set out, they would see Roze walking up to them with a quite peculiar young Belua girl. She appeared to slide across the floor as she walked, wearing a pale yellow robe that was obviously worn with a few holes here and there. Her hood hid some of her facial features, but they could see her crimson eyes and a row of sharp teeth with her adorned smile. The group could also see a few tentacles sticking out from her robe.

”Good Morning Renee, and Lanus.” Roze said, greeting the couple. ”To you as well, Leon was it?” She gave a friendly wave to the jagged-eared Fae, noticing his new bandaged appearance.

”I saw on the job board that a pair of kids got lost in the underground sewer system. I thought I’d help out since I’m a little familiar with the area, though I’m aware they’ve expanded upon the system as the Republic grows in size.” She then turned to the tentacled girl. ”Then there’s the matter of her…”

”I heard a strange sound coming from outside. When I went to see what it was, that’s when I saw her blowing a trumpet as if her life depended on it…” She said, an annoyed expression adorned on her face. ”She tells me that Arteus had invited her, so I presume she’s another new member of the team that he recruited in secret. I sort of wish he’d stop doing that…” Roze held a hand to her face

”After that I invited her in, and told her that I wouldn’t be able to give her a tour because I was about to go on a quest. Despite that…she wouldn’t stop following me around. So, I guess she’s coming with us?”

After the tentacled girl introduced herself, the group would set off for their current objective. Since this quest was local, it only took the group roughly half an hour to reach the entrance to the waterway. The location matched the information that was given on the request.

”Here we are.” Roze said. ”Man, this place sure brings back memories, my folks used to yell at me all the time when I went out and played here. It’s also gotten a lot bigger since I was last here!” She looked around, taking in and inspecting their surroundings. ”I wonder if it’d be better if we split up into teams and searched that way?” Walking further into the system’s interior, the group would see various tunnels and pathways that lead to every which way. Roze peered down on of the pathways for a moment, as if eyeing something of interest. ”There.” Walking with a hasty step, she picked up what appeared to be a torn jacket. Aside from the damage, it didn’t look that old. ”This must belong to one of the kids!”

The most concerning thing was that the tears and holes in the jacket looked to be from some sort of animal attack. ”This doesn’t bode well…” As she inspected the jacket, strange sounds could be heard from all around them. Roze looked up, scanning the environment for anything. It sounded like a tipping sound, like something clanking against metal. Suddenly, with a high-pitched gurgling squeal, a large arachnoid creature jumped out from one of the vents, hurling itself at Roze. Roze promptly dodge, retaliating by slicing it in half with a blade of wind she fired from her hand. ”Shit!” She spat. ”This species shouldn’t be here!” They were white widows, a dangerous species of giant spider that are known man-eaters. They usually make their habitat within deep forests and large caverns lacking ambient light, so what were they doing here? Needless to say, their poisonous fangs and horrid webbing made them ferocious predators. They also bred quickly, making getting them away from settlements top-priority.

”Everyone, watch out!” As Roze warned the party, more of the creature’s kin came crawling toward the party from the other crevices around them. About a baker’s dozen of them, and two barred their fangs and charged at Leon, another two came for Haaselle. A few stayed on the walls and began shooting a sticky web at Lanus and Renee, they had enough time to dodge, but that didn’t stop them from firing a barrage of their silk at the couple.

”Please, don’t let them bite you!” She cautioned, dealing with a group of the arachnids that came charging at her.

@Polaris North @PaulHaynek

”Now that ya mention it, you are originally from Flugell aren’t ya?” The two Reavers would turn to see Ruecian walking up to them. ”Good thing, like what Shavis said, I’m not too keen on noble etiquette or whatever. Don’t think I’ll ever care to be either.”

Ruecian gave the request on the job board another look over. ”So, this Imre Dorothea Molnar is requesting some bodyguards on a business trip huh?” Rue made a sigh, scratching his head as he always does. ”We’re just glorified baby-sitters then? Lame. The only reason I’m taking this mission is because I lost a game of rock-paper-scissors to Roze. The girl’s really requesting someone who participated on the malfested plains mission, and the other three are now spoken for.” Crossing his arms, he made a huff.

”But, nevermind that. As your combat instructor, I should be monitoring your battle progress anyway. You two look sharp! Don’t slack off just ‘cause this mission is supposed to be easy!” He said with a stern tone.

With that, the trio left for their mission, which took them just outside the town’s borders. There, they would see an elaborate carriage adorned with crests, no doubt the symbol of whose house it belonged to. The lack of horses and its make suggested that the vehicle was magically-powered. Two figures stood in front of the carriage, one was likely the requester of the job - Imre Dorothea Molnar. She greeted the Reavers with a wave, seemingly excited at their presence. The other figure was an elderly gentleman, wearing a traditional tuxedo, likely a house servant who will act as the group’s chauffeur.

”Greetings! Thank you all for taking my request! She said. She looked at Ruecian first. ”Oh! You must be Ruecian Valeniquen! They say you performed marvelously as that ghastly monster was defeated! But for someone of your standing, I’d wager it was a walk in the park!”

Rue responded with a shrug. ”I helped, but it wasn’t just me who was there. I presume you’re Imre Molnar, the one who requested us?”

”Oh my! Where are my manners? That would be correct, my name is Imre Dorothea Molner, heiress to the Molnar Viscounty within the Republic. This man’s name is Nathaniel, a long-time servant to my house and will be serving as our driver for today.” Both bowed to the trio of magus. ”The pleasure is all mine” Said Nathan, the man spoke with an expected defined accent, though his voice was rather raspy given his age.

Imre then turned to Shavis and Einer, eyeing them with a bit of perplexity. ”Referring to what you said earlier, I believe the Triad Witch, Rozemyne Levina, was with you during that mission. I…thought that she would be joining you. Um…not to be rude, but, who are you two exactly?” She looked at Einer in particular, who didn’t impress her that much. She didn’t let his height bother her, as Ruecian wasn’t exactly the tallest guy around either, but even so his appearance suggested that he was just as fragile if not more that she was. But, she also had to remember that he too, must be a magus.

”You appear to be a magus as well, one that perhaps uses magical music notes? She said to Einer, eyeing the lyre he was holding. ”And I see that you, miss, appear to be a powerful Belua Magus much like Sir Ruecian. She was now looking at Shavis, who with her well-tone frame put on much more of a good first impression to the heiress.

”Tell me, what are your names? Please forgive me if I sounded rude earlier.”


Damian walked the halls of Eon, patiently awaiting the return of Arteus where then he’d make his official decision of whether he would join the Tower as a new recruit. As he made his trek, he would notice the offices of the various staff members: Elaine, Nadia, and Johannes to name a few.

Eventually, he would inadvertently bump into a figure while still roaming the halls. Or rather, the figure bumped into him, several books fell to the ground at both their feet. The figure was revealed to be Naomi Schueller, the Tower’s top researcher in regards to magical beast theory. With a surprised squawk, she stumbled back a bit as her tomes fell to the floor. ”Oww…” She said in a low voice. She looked up at Damian, but didn’t seem to want to look the towering man in the eyes. ”Sorry.” She said in another low voice.

Damian may notice that the books that feel on the ground were in regards to some interesting subjects, to say the least. Reptilian gestation periods, pheromone therapy, and ecosystem replication for egg incubation. Naomi sheepishly began to pick up all of her tomes and documents, mumbling to herself as she did.

Pending Collabs with:


@The Irish Tree
And posted

Kirei & Lavinia

Sanjo Beach
@PaulHaynek @Rune_Alchemist [@Riffus Maximus]

As soon as Kirei was about to finish mopping up the mooks with the rest of the team, he was promptly tackled by the Varjan Commander who was thought to have been flattened by Nyla’s attack. The young warrior would suddenly find himself falling into the sea, courtesy of this oaf, all the while being choked by his large gauntlets. Annoying, to say the least.

The Varjan would quickly find that Kirei’s physical strength wasn’t to be taken lightly, Grabbing his attacker’s wrists, he promptly began to crush them with impressive force. Then, he materialized a pair of twin daggers in hand, the shape alone suggested their sharpness surpassed those of their contemporaries. Wasting not a moment, he jabbed them into his opponent’s throat, the water around began to fill with red. Kirei, who at first was doing this while holding his breath, took note that breathing was now suddenly possible. The stabbed man was now also being pulled away from him, which he immediately saw was the handy work of Stella. He began smirking while still under the waves, and could feel himself being pulled closer back to shore. He felt the speed at which he was being pulled hastened, and it was revealed that Lavinia had also lent her magics in order to aid their captain.

”Now, now, captain Kannazuki~” She mused. ”This is certainly not the time for a swim. ”

”Oh shove it!” He said, laughing a little bit. ”It’s not like I asked to be tackled into the godsdamn water! But thanks, regardless.”

Hopefully having his throat gouged out and having his lungs filled with water would be enough to finally end the reckless Varjan commander. Then, the group could regroup with Nyla and retreat from the beach. No matter how you looked at the situation, this battle was lost.

Lavinia had to drop her focus on manipulating the waves for a moment, as she needed to cover her allies from the javelin attackers. She threw up ice barriers to block the spears, and retaliated with bolts of ice to stave them off.

🔥Vară Riemsianne🔥

Sanjo Town
@PaulHaynek @Xaltwind

”Hey! Where’re you guys going? You’re not supposed to run away screaming from a beautiful demon! Especially one that just got done saving you!!” Snapped the fiery heiress at the fleeing children. Her anger was quickly dispelled, as she narrowly dodged a strike from a claw-like gauntlet. Vară, quickly getting up in surprise, turned to the chilling voice that spoke suddenly. Her attacker was a man wearing grotesque armor and a mask that looked more like a muzzle. Horseback reinforcements that rode up revealed the man’s name to be Na'kratz, and the way they addressed him suggested that he was someone of high ranking within the army.

Vară frowned at Na'kratz’s statement that he could take her by himself, however, her annoyance soon drowned out as she actually began to fill the mana from him. None of the savages raiding the village came even close to this man, he was in a league all his own. Vară attempted to dispel her nervousness, not only was she a demon - but also a high-ranking one. Strong or no, this human should stand no chance against her!

”Camael, come to me!!” She said. At that moment, a crimson veil of fire enveloped Vară in her entirety. From it emerged a large, dragon-like creature with bulking arms and sharp claws. Along with it appeared Vară, who now took on a new appearance that better fit her race’s namesake. Vară held out a hand at the Varjan lord. Camael, sic ‘em!”” She exclaimed.

With a bellow, the familiar charged at Na'kratz, making an attempt to tear the man apart with its fiery claws and fang-filled jaws. Behind him, Vară would begin shooting him with lotus-shaped fireballs, making it harder for him to maneuver and plan a counterattack.

She looks good, don't really see any problems here.

I'll write her into the next update, unless you feel comfortable introducing her now.
@Theyra @scrawls

Sorry for the long hiatus, I finally posted.
Saya Akaba

Interacting with: Boro the Bookkeeper @scrawls, Zrer Lakeilu @Theyra
Outside Hearth Public Library || Inquiring || Relaxed

"Quite so." Saya responded. "It certainly helps one to understand how to cast multiple transmutations in succession."

Listening to Zrer's response, she noticed his hesitation to answer. "Is something wrong, sir? I understand if it's something you're not comfortable discussing at length, I simply wanted to help if possible." She perked up a bit when he inquired about her wares.

"Indeed I do make potions, something I rather take pride in. What were you looking for in particular, I may have something that could help."

Saya sensed the presence of another off behind the building. She turned for a moment and saw a young girl with bright green eyes, they were looking at the trio talking in front of the library. If Saya recalled, she remembered the little girl like to visit Boro and often borrowed cute little books from him. She flashed a warm smile at the girl and a friendly wave; She seemed like the shy type, and perhaps that would help her feel more comfortable.

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This

Havershel Estate

Lucrecia acknowledged Livia's orders with a silent nod. Watching her emploter walk away toward the refreshment table for a moment, she turned back to the church officials when they posed a question to Polina. She looked at Polina, curious as to how she would respond to an obviously loaded question.

Thankfully, Polina kept her composure and answered the question calmly and deliberately, not saying too much but also not saying too little. She should have expected nothing less from her Farisian comrade by now.

Truthfully. Lucrecia was beginning to tune out this talk of Orosian politics, only listening as part of her role as Polina's bodyguard and in the off chance that the information would be useful to know.

She was mainly waiting for the main ceremony to begin. She would've sneaked off to have the chance to listen to some of the other party goers for more info, but Livis ordered her to stay with Polina for now. Talking with these two ladies didn't seem to be going anywhere...

"Lady Lafayette." Lucrecia said, leaning in on Polina's shoulder. "Perhaps it's best we join Lady Livia at the food table. There are still some folk we've yet to introduce ourselves to, and I believe the ceremony is about to start. "
Eon Tower

Meeting Room - Interactions: @Hammerman @Enkryption
Lanus suddenly kissing Rana’s hand gave her a surprise; her expression twisted into one of exasperation as she blushed. ”My, quite bold aren’t we? Here’s hoping we work well together...” She said in an annoyed tone, quickly pulling her hand away from the flirtatious Fae.

Brun clapped her hands together. ”Excellent!” She said, cheerfully. ”With that out of the way, Rana, what say we acclimate you to your new role?”

Rana looked at the stand-in chief-of-staff with perplexed eyes. ”Umm…acclimate how?”

”I’m glad you asked!” Brun cheerfully said, clasping her hands together with her eyes in a gleeful squint. ”I was finally able to scrounge these up!”

The Chaos Witch revealed a large folder which seemed to be filled with documentation. ”These are some of the requests that came through, please take them.” Handing Rana the folder, the young woman opened them to reveal its contents.

”They’re all neatly organized and ready to be put on display in the main hall! Just as I would expect from you, Rana!” Brun chimed. ”Just in time for a couple of more to see.” She said, having seen Bellum and the crossbreed Belua Lupina arrive in front of the doorway.

”Oh, morning there Brun-dearie!” Bellum said, ”I was just showing little Lupina here around the Tower. At the end of the tour I wanted her to sit and meet with you, but the poor thing’s telling me that she’d famished! So, I reckon I’d better fix her something up in the kitchen first before anything~ Oh! Who’s that fine little lady you have with you right there?” Bell inquired, looking over at Rana. She also waved at Lanus and Renee who were present in the room as well.

Brun and Rana looked at the pair of the forest witch and dire sheep/wolf belua girl. ”Good morning to the both of you. My name is Brunhyldia Amelia Selini, but most people just refer to me as Brun for short. I serve as a counterpart administrator to Eon alongside Arteus. This fine young lady is Rana Schuellen, she’s a bright magus who will be serving the Tower as a administrative and operations assistant.”

”Good Morning, a pleasure to meet you both. I’m quite new, but I hope we work well together.” Rana replied.

”Well Lupina, feel free to eat and make yourself at home as needed. Bellum’s quite the accomplished cook, so you’re in for a treat! I’ll be around if you want to meet and talk with me about anything. Now then, Renee and Lanus, what were your plans? You're free to peruse around the Tower for any of your needs. If you want to get out and stretch your muscles, we now have a few tasks available as you’ve seen.

Tower Workshop - interactions: @The Irish Tree
Hector would find Johannes sitting at the makeshift lab table in his workshop, chewing on a piece of fatback whilst fiddling with some sort of contraption. Upon hearing the sniper’s voice, he jolted up for a moment and replied with a loud ”Eh?” Apparently he wasn’t expecting visitors this early in the morning. Turning to Hector, the wayward noble would see the man wearing strange goggles that made Johannes appear bulbous-eyed. Taking them off, his appearance was now its normal aged and wrinkled fare.

”Sure, I’d like to think I know a thing or four youngin.” He replied. ”Whatcha needin’ in particular?”

As he spoke, he closely eyed the rifle that Hector always carried with him, having an expression of admiration for the weapon. ”That der rifle’s a mighty fine piece of craftsmanship ya have there, ah…? Think yer name was Hector, right? Wanna have a shot of whiskey, don’t have anything thing more rich tragically.” It appeared he was able to deduce that he was of noble birth based on his weapon alone.

Collab with @Silverstein

Collab with @Frozen0Titan

Collab with @Polaris North & @Enkryption

Collab with @PaulHaynek & @Polaris North, featuring @Enkryption

Collab with @Frozen0Titan

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