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6 days ago
Current Hatching truly Byzantine-level schemes


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Casual reminder that this still exists.
Here's the CS. Sidenote: I put extra space between the categories for readability.

Hey, you still doing this? Because it seems interesting. My only question is... why is meant by Background Hero? Is that supposed to be a hero who's influenced the character in the past? A mentor? The person who vouched for you?

Edit: NVM, I'm just an idiot who can't read apparently. Character sheet will be up soon.
The man turned, meeting Vincent's gaze. "... I'm just gonna assume you heard the conversation I just had with my friend there." The man said, clearly too tired for this. "They're callin' it felony vandalism. They're askin' me to fork over ten grand for them to drop the charges, otherwise my boy gets sent to prison. Which could be fifty grand in fines, and up to three years in prison. Not to mention the fact that he'd be a felon. All over some paint that he put on an empty billboard." He then pauses for a moment, as if realizing that he's talking to a complete stranger. "I'm sorry but... who are ya'? And more importantly, why do ya' ask?" He said, while he walked behind the counter, and passed a page from his notepad back through a window that led into the kitchen.

Meanwhile, the older man simply raised an eyebrow as he listened, turning his head so he could see this stranger. He seemed to be sizing up Vincent while he quietly sipped his coffee.
The working man quietly picked up another of the laminated menus and walked over to the table that his new customer had seated herself at. He walked out from behind the counter in a slower fashion, like someone who's making an active effort to stay upright. Regardless of his exhaustion, he simply walked out to meet this new guest in his establishment.

He simply slid it across the table to her. His voice carried his exhaustion as he spoke, though he still had that customer service smile. "How can I help you, ma'am?" He asked, as he pulled out his notepad and pencil. He then took a moment as he noticed her outfit, as the style seemed to remind him of something. He quickly shook it off, however, and quickly redirected his gaze from the woman, back to his notepad as he tried his best not to accidentally stare.
I'd just like to let you all know something.

When I drop a potential mission in front of you, it's entirely optional. It's just my way of pointing out what I have immediately ready for this area. I am beyond willing to roll with almost any idea you all can come up with, and help to steer this in any direction.

Just note that if you help people in need, they'll generally find a way to help you in turn, even if that help doesn't come immediately.

Your actions have consequences. For better and for worse.
Just as he was starting to walk away after delivering your orders, the man takes a moment to address Cait and Anita. "By the way, pot's is still illegal in this state. I can smell a little bit of it on ya. Normally no one'd care, and an officer would use that for probable cause or as an extra charge if you were doing somethin' stupid. But the local deputies are power-trippin' assholes who will find any reason to throw someone in jail and maybe extort 'em. Doesn't seem like y'all are from around here, so I figured I should let you know." His voice had a level of annoyance that implied firsthand knowledge as he walked back towards the counter to continue his conversation with the older gentleman.

The pair continued their conversation, either not knowing or caring if you could hear them. "Still think you should do something." The older man said. "What am I supposed to do? Walk up to the sheriff's department with my shotgun and demand they release my son? Yeah, that'd end well." The working man's voice was dripping with sarcasm. "Nothing quite that drastic. But you still shouldn't just let them extort ten grand out of you 'cause your son did something stupid. Take them to court, maybe?" The working man shook his head, while the older man took a sip of his coffee. "I'd be dead before they got their day in court. Along with any witnesses I called up. That's what happened when George tried that, God rest his soul."
The man quickly wrote down the order, before placing another three menus on the table. He seemed to either not care about what you're talking about about, or he's smart enough not to pry.
Hey there all. So I have been thinking of my first post.

idea 1 was simply having my character maybe already at the current town before the crew arrived into it.

Idea 2 was arriving after you guys have, either driving her own vehicl or by coach drop off? (not sure if you all planned on the road trip with just one vehicle or not?)

Idea 3, she was already with the group, just maybe was so tired that she somehow slept in the back or something lol, please let me know what you all think, want to get in without disrupting to much that has already happened.

I would suggest 1 or 2. I can roll with either, it's your call as to which specifically.
@Bacon I pretty much have the CS complete, only think not done yet is a sample post, i know it is optional but if you like sample post i have one i can put in but it be from a different style of setting. if your happy with not having a sample post i am more than happy placing the CS up for you to read?

EDIT: I added a sample post and posted everything up.

Everything looks good. I'll DM you a discord link in a bit. Welcome to the RP.
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