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6 days ago
Current Hatching truly Byzantine-level schemes


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Caleb watched as this Principal guard left, leaving injury, fear, and heartbreak in their wake. His left hand came to rest on the pommel of his sword, so that it would just appear he was resting his hand. He was fortunate for the helmet, otherwise they would've seen his tightly clenched teeth, and a glare that was doing it's level best to kill someone. These people... what I wouldn't do for five minutes in a room alone. That's all it would take. Perhaps they need to know what it's like fighting someone outside their weight class.

Caleb glanced down, and saw that at some point, his left hand had come off the sword and now his dominant hand had come across his body and gripped the hilt of his sword, hard enough that his knuckles were white under the gauntlet. He released his grip on the hilt of his blade and took a deep breath. Better to lead with my head for now, not my heart. No matter how badly I wish to show these bastards why they shouldn't attack their own people. And maybe show these damned oligarchs why they shouldn't order their men out to assault decent folk, while I'm at it.

It wouldn't be wise to fight them here, in a city he didn't know, where all it would take is one person who's more afraid of the guard than him, or man who gets away. It'd be suicide. Unless I can justify it as helping one of my compatriots, it's better to keep my feelings... and hands... to myself for now.

"Yes... let's get out of here." He said quietly, turning towards Kraseawei. "Before I lose my temper with these glorified brigands." He muttered under his breath, unsure if the sound escaped his helmet or not. He then simply started off behind Kraseawei, assuming that she had some ideas as to where she was going, doing his best to avoid clenching his fists.
With an actual focus coming together, if y'all don't mind, I can adjust Levi to fit in with the focus a little more.

The concept I had was for Levi, was that he knew Tsu as that older friend from another class. He would've probably gotten to know the others initially as his friend's younger siblings, almost. And, given how much Levi cares about the people who actually give a damn about him, plus the fact that he would've been old enough to understand at the time, would've definitely been affected by what happened to Tsu, and would've been one of the people looking for his remains, regardless of whether or not he was allowed on the search parties. He would also probably come to see the other two as younger siblings, trying his best to help them, even though at first it was out of a feeling of obligation to look out for the people his (allegedly) dead friend cared about. He was usually around, but unless someone came to him needing help, or something was happening that spurred him to action like some idiots trying to pick on a pair of kids who just lost someone they looked up to, or stopping someone from doing anything reckless or stupid, he would hang back and watch.

Thoughts? (And yes, I'm perfectly willing to just not do this if y'all would rather I not. Was planning on having Levi be roughly 19.)

For alignment, I'm assuming the standard 3x3 grid that's used with things like D&D and Pathfinder. Let me know if that's wrong.

Also, I'm planning on having my guy be a tank, with a Defense boon and a Magic bane, and Air as a primary element. If anyone had any plans on those, I can change up what I've got for a more balanced party comp.
So, you're looking for a GM, correct? I can't say I've ever done a 1x1 RP, but I could certainly try my hand if you'd be willing. I'm familiar enough with the world of 40k to wing it, and gotten through roughly the 65% threshold of the game in question (according to PS's tracking thing). Still, I know enough about the setting (both broad and specific) to run something.

This writing sample you have is fantastic, by the way.
@Dragonfly 9 Are you still willing to take more people, and if so, may I join?
This seems interesting, that's for sure.
@duskshine749 Have fun and drive safe!
Caleb straightens his back a little as the man approaches them. At first he thinks the man is moving past them until he addresses the group. He seemed to be listening carefully, but it was impossible to know for sure as an outside observer. Most people can't see through steel, after all.

Caleb nods once the man finishes, resisting the urge to bow in response as he's trying to be courteous, not dramatic. "Thank you, sir." He said, trying his best to be polite. It takes him a moment to realize that those directions are gibberish to him, as he doesn't know this town. But, uptown shouldn't be hard to find, and 'Pauper's Square' sounds like somewhere that would be marked. Might take him a while few minutes to orient himself, but he could get there. At some point. Probably.

Could be a grifter. But I don't have much to lose right now, so why not? Best case scenario, I end up doing what I came here to do; kill monsters and get paid. Worst case, I get tricked and know to be wary of folks in this town. He took a moment to appraise the man's apparel. He's well-equipped. Might be a sellsword. Don't know what to make of that.

He turned back towards the rest of his new... companions? Regardless, he shrugged. "Couldn't hurt to have a look, at the least." He thought out loud.
Caleb gave a quick salute to the captain as he got off the man's ship, and back onto solid land. The first thing he did was a few stretching movements that made his joints pop a little, and more audibly shifted his armor. He then looked towards the wharf proper, and first heard, then saw, the massive crowd and grimaced slightly.

The roar of the crowd was overwhelming to him, as he practically fought his way forward. He just wanted to get off this dock as quickly as he could, and away from all the constant noise. He couldn't hear the footsteps of people around him over the noise, which made him nervous and a little paranoid. He did his best to shake it off for now, but his mind kept drawing forward the notion that someone was going to try to take his gear, which made him rest his hand on the pommel of his sword to make sure it was still on his belt. He entered the rough queue, not pushing his way forward, but keeping other people from pushing past him, by either refusing to be moved, or a swift but relatively light 'accidental' strike of his elbow. Eventually, as the line moved, he was able to eventually speak with one of the notaries.

"Name?" "Caleb Derrius Evermoore III." "Business or pleasure?" "Business." "Anything you'd like to declare?" "My armor, my sword, my shield, and my boot knife." The notary looked up for a moment, surprised for a moment when they saw the man in full plate, before returning to their paperwork. It was safe to assume that he couldn't fit much between the armor and the arming doublet, and having him take it off would be more trouble than it's worth. Before they could say anything else, Caleb handed his pack to one of the customs agents for inspection, and produced his boot knife to prove it was on his person. He'd been processed before, and knew what he needed to do in order to speed things along a little bit. "Next!"

That wasn't so bad, he thought to himself as he started to move away from the throng. He was lying to himself, he absolutely hated that, but at the very least his compliance managed to speed things along a little bit. It's probably for the best that I stick around these folks for now. They seem like the kind of miscreants that might at least be able to have my back in a pinch. He then moved to meet up with the rest of the group he had arrived with, sighing in relief as he was able to make out the footsteps of the people around him again, and finally relaxing a little.
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