This morning the same dusty ass battered to shit Jeep carried the same dusty ass battered to shit Canucklehead off to join up with another team. A whole new generation is coming up all around. Old rivals are teachers now. Old enemies are friends, or at least it's no longer ok to call them enemies. Bunch of strangers. Strange times. Strange lands. Almost made it easy to say no yet again. To just settle into another bar in some coastal town. Pop open another few thousand ice cold bottles. Flirt with another few thousand strangers. Get into another few thousand meaningless scraps. Maybe find another real dirtbag who needed a talking to. Old habits die hard when you're as hard headed as me. Living as long as this geezer you made connections and as long as that big wheel was spinning there was always someone looking to grease it. Said "No" to plenty of folks over the last few years. After all that happened. Wanna join? No. Think you had enough? No. Sign this autograph? No. Sir, do you have a personal relationship with- No.
Couldn't say no to Rogers. Not to another geezer like me. Steve had been in the trenches with me, literally. The man had seen me at my best and he had seen me at my worst. Still wanted me involved. Lots of people wanted me involved in one team or another. None of that meant shit all to me anymore. X-Men. Alpha Flight. X-Force. SHIELD. Fuck em all and SHIELD in particular, but Rogers, he still wanted me involved. That meant something. It meant "No" wasn't an option if I ever wanted to look myself in the mirror again.
Pulled up to the front, slung my duffel over my shoulder, made my way through the mansion. Jarvis. Yep. Still a thing.
"Mr. Logan, you are late. You have, unfortunately, missed the briefing, the others are now assembled in the hangar and all but ready to depart sir."Got it Jarvis. I know the way.""I imagine you do Mr. Logan, do please try to be on time in the future won't you? Set a good example you understand, good manners and all."Kept on walking. Robot was right. Not gonna tell a bucket of bolts that though. Old habits die hard.
Heard em before I saw them. Real young. Like Jubilee. Like Kitty. Like Piotr. Like Red.
First kid, Juvenile delinquent. Stole some stuff.
Second kid, new to the business. Discovered his powers, maybe came from Wanda. Wants to thank her.
First kid again, "You're a mutant dude. You're as much of a freak as I am."
That last one, real familiar. Heard that same sentiment so many times from so many mutants, soldiers, whatever, just stepping into the life. Finding their way. Jesus Christ I'm fucking old. Gave the kid a look when I walked in. Gotta know who I am, right? I been gone a bit but it ain't been that long.
Made my introductions.
"Torch, Peter, Fist, Captain Marvel, been a little bit."Turned to the woman in the mask, the woman that looked like a smaller and pinker Venom, and the two I'd heard talking.
"I'm Wolverine. Best there is at what I do, but what I do it ain't very nice."