Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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hello hello! hope y'all like it ^u^

Location: Poseidonis, Conference Room
Interaction/s: The Team

Aleen'a was thankful for Viktor's help in helping her go back to the submarine. While she still had some energy left within her, she already felt a little woozy from overexerting herself. Perhaps fighting almost all those Deluge agents by herself was a bad idea especially since she didn't have a reliable source of ultraviolet radiation, but she was trained to fight even in the direst of situations as well. She could only hope the team won't run into any more trouble, but even she knew it would require a miracle to make that happen.


Indeed, Ale definitely jinxed it earlier. Even from the start of Dr. Bingley's discussion, she could already pick up some sort of hostility from Kassy. Before she could approach her friend and ask her what was wrong, Kassy loudly demanded the doctor to stop giving out the vials. One thing lead to another and Kassy released an incredible burst of energy along with a strong surge of rage that washed over Ale like a tidal wave. The Tamaranean groaned from the amount of anger she felt from Kassy. Her people always knew to control their emotions especially since they were an empathic alien race but humans seem to never be afraid to show their true feelings.

"T-The people! Save the p-people!" Ale managed to say to Daphne and she watched in horror as Viktor tried and failed to punch Kassy. "No... Don't harm her!" She screamed and swam straight towards him, slamming Viktor away from Kassy as he might try to hurt her again. However, the intensity of the illusions and anger was much stronger now that Ale was nearer to the source.

She groaned, both her heart and mind hurting because of Kassy's powers. Tears swelled in her eyes and mixed along with the seawater though it was evident in Ale's expression that she was in great pain. Everything was so distorted, she didn't know the difference between what's real and what's not anymore. Rage wasn't the only emotion she was feeling as well especially when she could pick up on the fear and anxiety of others around her because of the illusions. It was suffocating for the Tamaranean.

"K-K-K-Kassy..." Ale weakly blurted out, her voice coarse and dry. Despite what's happening to her, she endured all of it and used the remaining amounts of her energy to keep herself from giving in to Kassy's abilities and emotions. She went upright with great effort, the veins on her neck and sides of her forehead bulging as she groaned and sobbed. Ale wasn't sure where Kassy was exactly but Ale still tried to weakly reach out with a shaking hand.

She then remembered the vial of that strange liquid that seemed to be the source of Kassy's rage. If they manage to destroy all of them, maybe it could help in calming their friend down. "The v-vial..." Ale weakly said before mustering all her energy to shout as loud as she could, hoping the others could hear her amidst the chaos. "Destroy the vial! D-Destroy it!"
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Bed & Breakfast -> Desert
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter, NuallΓ‘n @13org, Mikazuki @Tae, Uzul @dragonpiece, Kuroi @hide on mana
Equipment: A dagger, fake elf ears, a ring of disguise, and a bag full of supplies

In hindsight, maybe Jomari should've stayed at Myriamor.

He was currently being scorched by the harsh sun as he along with others traveled through the desert to go to a place Jomari had already forgotten because he was more concerned about the thought of his skin burning to a crisp. His homeland did have its own hot days but they were nothing compared to what he was experiencing right now. There was not a hint of moisture in the air which only served to intensify the heat of the sun as it shone upon his group. Like Mikazuki, he also had trouble keeping his footing on the shifty sand. The group became an audience as Jomari would utter out all the flowery words in his vocabulary as he tripped on sand, slipped down a dune of sand, be covered in sand, and spat out sand, not necessarily in that order.

It was not like Jomari had any choice either. He knew what he was getting himself into the moment he said he wanted to join Rosaria and her friends on the journey towards their destination. He didn't understand how they came up with the idea of leaving a group of humans, people that were seemingly the key to defeat the dark forces of evil, and put them all into one place so the enemies could snatch them up in one go. Jomari still hadn't completely trusted them all yet so to him, it also looked like the group wanted to keep them from finding out some valuable information.

Additionally, he wasn't the type of person that could waste time all day just sitting and waiting. He felt completely useless these past few days, not being able to do anything except for running and following whatever they told the humans to do. He shone more when he's out on the field where he can actually be of use. His hands were itching for something to steal, his ears yearning for secrets to hear. If only he could find a way to get into enemy territory, perhaps he could contribute something to this 'war' they got going on here on Avalia. He couldn't do that with Aurora and the other humans always keeping an eye on him but maybe there's another way...

For now, Jomari couldn't afford to get himself lost in this desert. One wrong move and it'll definitely be the end for him. Such a boring way to die, being cooked by the sun while dying of dehydration. He looked at Rosaria's ever-loyal pet NuallΓ‘n, keeping a parasol over the elf princess and Mikazuki too while just generally being a lapdog to these royals. Uzul was much cooler at least. Despite being the demihuman's princess supposed bodyguard, he just kept on being studious and led the way for the entire group. Just watching the fabric of his clothes stretching against his broad back alone was enough to entertain Jomari through the trip.

There's also this other demihuman, Jomari was pretty sure his name was Kuroi. He had no idea who he was nor did he care but Mikazuki seemed to be friends with him so everyone was cool with him too, Jomari supposed. He was just quiet and kept to himself even moreso than Uzul. They always said at the resistance group back home that the quiet ones were always the most dangerous, as the calmness before the raging storm. Jomari was definitely keeping his eye on this one as Kuroi definitely intrigued him.

The group's journey then continued, with Uzul explaining to them the dangers of traversing the desert and what kind of monsters they'll meet in this place too. If the orc had been with them since the beginning, Jomari was definitely sure they wouldn't be ambushed by that monster in the forest but he kept it to himself in order to respect those who sacrificed their lives to their group. He also didn't have the energy to give a snarky reply due to how very uncomfortable he was in his current situation. All he could do right now was to follow the leader and do whatever he's told like always. At least, he's not miraculously tripping on the sands anymore. It must be the heat playing tricks with his eyes or maybe it's the wind but he swore he could see the sand shifting under his feet to make it easier for him to walk...

Location: Atlantis
Interaction/s: Rain @FunnyGuy

Upon arriving on Atlantis, Aleen'a managed to let out a sigh of relief even for a little bit. The architecture here kind of reminded her of home, especially with the Atlanteans and other marine animals swimming over them. Everyone was happy and swam around so freely. Children laughed as they played catch with an animal Ale didn't recognize while Atlantean vehicles of all sorts traveled all over. Ale saw some Atlanteans staring at their group but mostly at her, probably because it was rare for them to see an alien in this part of the ocean, but they were more curious in a good-hearted way with her than the kind of stares she would get from humans most of the time.

Atlantean buildings and infrastructure were also very different than what she saw back at the top. She did understand there were many factors that made life above-ground become vastly different than living in the bottom of the ocean but still. For her, human architecture was boring and predictable. Rectangle buildings? So primitive. Despite that, Earth has become to grow on her. She formed some kind of weird love-hate relationship with it in the past months that she stayed here. Humans themselves were a weird bunch and she's slowly getting used to all their antics. Still, Ale knew she barely scratched the surface when it came to knowing Earth. She's pretty sure she'll get to know more about Kori's beloved second home, sooner than later.

Presently, the team and other Atlanteans were listening to Dr. Bingley's presentation. Ale wasn't going to lie when she'll say that majority of what the scientist said swam over her head. The sciences were more of her mother's expertise and may X'hal bless her heart, Ale's mom really tried her best to get their daughter interested in it. Ale would have to ask Alisa later if she managed to have a recording of the presentation so Ale could have something to show to her mother if she got the chance. She could also feel some dislike from her friends towards what Dr. Bingley was saying so whatever they dislike, Ale would perhaps dislike as well.

Just when Ale was about to doze off, two Atlantean soldiers came barging into the conference room and said Poseidonis was being attacked by the Deluge forces, whoever they were. Like the others, she turned her attention towards their leader who was Kassy. "You got it, leader!" Aleen'a said as Kassy gave the orders and she gave a small smile when Rain nodded at her. Before they could join Aalto and his team towards the plant, Rain said that Aleen'a should conserve her energy as backup.

She nodded. "Understood. Let us go save the plant that could process salt!"
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Bed & Breakfast
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter, Sophie @princess, Caelan @Alivefalling, NuallΓ‘n @13org,
Aurora @Mole, Mikazuki @Tae, Uzul @dragonpiece
Equipment: A dagger, fake elf ears, a ring of disguise, and a bag full of supplies

"Please don't wink again unless you want me to puke. Also, flaunting your old age and centuries of experience means nothing to me but if it helps you sleep at night, call me humbled." Jomari told Rosaria in a very bored tone while looking around more at the eatery. He yawned and lazily waved his hand when NuallΓ‘n reminded him of being respectful towards this friend of Rosaria's. Honestly, if they're tired of keeping an eye on him then they should've just let him go and keep the other two obedient love-struck humans Jomari's with. He felt like a child being constantly reprimanded by his parents and he almost puked again at the thought of these two elves being his parental figures.

Just then, his attention got piqued when Sophie's little pixie friend suddenly flew off somewhere to a table. "Please do something about that weird talking fly. It's attracting unwanted attention and we don't want to attract the wrong kind." Jomari said to Sophie with his arms crossed, getting even more bored as time went by. Seriously, do people in Avalia have no concept of tardiness?

Finally, a woman with white animal ears and a fluffy tail approached their party's table. It seemed that this was the friend Rosaria was talking about based on how friendly they were towards each other. Judging from her clothing and mannerisms, this was the princess Rosaria kept yammering about. Jomari exhaled through his nose, disappointed as he thought they were meeting someone else entirely when in reality it was just another Rosaria but in demihuman form.

He didn't notice she was accompanied by someone until he followed her. When Jomari got a chance to look at him, he realized he had an urge that was left unsatisfied since coming to this god-forsaken world. Tall and mature-looking, his clothes and old-looking cape gave the impression he came from a faraway land but his strong muscular build and the various weapons he brought showed he was skilled in fighting. After seeing horrific monsters and tiny winged creatures, the man's green skin and tusks didn't deter Jomari's liking to him. If anything, it actually made the orc look hot in the eyes of the human.

When Uzul spoke, it awoke something slumbering within the human. Uzul's body language looked tense and stiff, perhaps nervous at meeting strangers? Jomari would be more than happy to help this big strong man relax and cool off, preferably in a spacious room with just the two of them alone, but it might not be appropriate if right from the get-go Jomari told Uzul he was willing to get tossed around like a flailing doll in the bedroom. He kept all of these thoughts to himself for now and decided to wait for the right time. After all, they always did say actions spoke much louder than words.

"Finally an interesting fellow. How profitable indeed." Jomari smiled to himself while taking a sip of his drink, suddenly thirsty for something. "Jomari. Nice to meet you." He simply said from his seat, nodding at Mika and curiously glancing at Uzul.

Location: The Submarine
Interaction/s: The Team

Aleen'a breathed onto her fists. She's already changed into a newer, drier set of clothes after coming back from the sea outside. She could still feel the impact from when the submarine decided to fire against the squid, ending its life in a snap. The blue waters seeped with red blood and black ink as its destroyed body slowly floated up to the surface. She was still in shock about what happened and she was more appalled that anyone would be capable of outright murdering a living creature.

She looked at her open palms. She would've reacted in time. Why did she hesitate? Was it because of the uncertainty of battling on a planet that's still alien to her finally catching up to her? Was it because of the growing frustration of not being understood, of missing her home at Tamaran? What would her parents say to her right now?

What would Koriand'r say to her right now?

She felt disbelief at Victor as he had claimed he was the one who fired at the squid without an ounce of heart in his voice. Perhaps that was him all along and his true personality was gradually coming up to the light, but Aleen'a didn't care for him. She looked over in Ja's direction and then at her team as one or the other shouted, she didn't know who. She could feel all their shock, grief, and anger, crashing down on her like the sea during a storm. Amongst the emotions of the team, she could feel Ja's the strongest, her heart ached along with his. She knew words would not be enough to console him but in her own way and she didn't think she could do anything.

"I need to go-" Aleen'a said to herself as she stood up and tried to fly, realizing that she's within the submarine and they're probably hundreds of feet away from the surface now. She looked out the window and saw only blue, the sunlight getting fader the deeper they go. She felt her heart race and tighten and she took faster, deeper breaths, slumping back down on her seat. Her team's emotions, not to mention the fact that she couldn't fly out and get as much sunlight as she could anymore, was overwhelming Aleen'a.

"Vresna o-tathra X'hal sumda. Vresna o-tathra X'hal sumda. Vresna o-tathra X'hal..." She repeated to herself in raspy breaths, sweat dripping down her forehead as the collective pain of those surrounding her filled up her heart. She tried to focus on the happy memories that she had on Tamaran and the selective ones she had with the others and Kori here on Earth, but she found it harder and harder to do so as her consciousness slowly faded away into darkness.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Bed & Breakfast
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter, Sophie @princess, Caelan @Alivefalling, NuallΓ‘n @13org, Aurora @Mole
Equipment: A dagger, fake elf ears, a ring of disguise, and a bag full of supplies

Jomari could already feel the heat emanating from the desert in his sleep. He dreamed he was back in the humid forests of his hometown, laughing as he and the others his age would bathe in the cool rivers. Then, he gradually felt it become warmer to the point where the sun seemingly glared down upon him. Instead of wet mossy rocks and the feeling of water gently splashing at his feet, it was replaced by multitudes of sand that seemed to reflect the sun's heat back up.

Jomari's people had no concept of a desert as their home country was an archipelago, meaning it consisted of multiple islands dotted with lush forests and jungles, and each island was surrounded by the vast blue seas. For Jomari, the only logical place for sand to exist at was the beach but in his dream, he could not see a sign of the waters no matter how long he walked. Just an endless, vast land of scorching sand wherever he went.

Rosaria woke him up from his sleep along with the others as they had finally arrived at their destination, Myriamor. When he looked out of the carriage, he grumbled in annoyance when his dream finally made sense. It was sand as far as the eye could see but he was thankful it was not that hot in Myriamor itself. The city was not the place to be for someone like Jomari who has lived his entire life in a wet, damp climate which would possibly make him a little grumpier than he already was, even if he was considerably easily angered the second he arrived in Avalia. He even took note of the abundance of what Rosaria called demihumans. It felt weird seeing something that resembled dogs and cats back in his hometown now walk upright and speak the human language but at this point, Jomari's too tired to even care.

In any case, he and the others followed the elves to this establishment called 'Myriamor Bed & Breakfast' and were asked to put their extra luggage there. Again, Jomari and his people had no concept of hotels so he thought the owner was this very rich tycoon that built this very big house and let other people stay in their extra rooms for a fee. Still, he felt uncertain leaving his valuables unattended so he decided to just bring them all with him as he made his way downstairs to the dining area.

Jomari was then given a list of foods that were very alien to him. When asked about what they think about the city, he glanced at the other humans he's with and so far, they were very impressed with it. "I don't care about how grand the architecture is or how wonderful are its people. If it's really hot and dry, I already hate it. At least it smells a bit nice." Jomari said. "If the princess is going to pay for our food, by the way, I'll have their most expensive dish." He added, glancing at the demihumans milling about. They were in all different species and ages, eating and laughing merrily with their companions. It reminded him of home, along with the mission he and the others were in right now. "Who is this person we're going to meet again? And why do they seem so important enough for us to risk our lives just to get to them?"

Location: Atlantic Ocean
Interaction/s: The Team

Brightheart learned from her past mistake. It was her impulsive actions that lead to her being spotted by Kobra agents which lead them into further secrecy which will definitely make it harder for them to be captured by the authorities. She still couldn't shake the disappointing look on Batman's face from her brain, it was the same look her parents gave her back in the past, which also played a part in why they sent her here on Earth...

Nevertheless, she really learned to listen and wait, reacting than acting. She went with the others out to the open ocean while the others stayed inside to protect the professor. Brightheart had been to the ocean before and she thought she could breathe underwater being that Tamaraneans could survive the vacuum of space, but unfortunately Starfire had to give her CPR when she drowned trying it. Since then, she tried to stay away from the deeper parts of the sea as she could move around as easily as moving through outer space yet it was still completely alien for her. She was very nervous when she learned their mission required them to go far, far deeper into the ocean than she wanted but she did her best to hide her anxiety for the sake of the mission and her friends.

At least, she was glad they got a squid attacking them to help ease her anxiousness even a little. The tentacled monster reminded her of some of the creatures back from her home planet, some were even quite delicious, but none were certainly as big as this one. It spewed out a cloud of black ink that spread through the waters as it used its long tentacles to wrap around the submarine but thankfully Mirage managed to hit it with her magic and now its attention was on the people outside. It did manage to hit some of them though, one of its tentacles sending Brightheart a few feet away and she swam to join her team as swiftly as she could while her body's in pain.

Nymph returned and informed them she couldn't understand the kelps. "Will it work if I kissed them? Oh right, they are plants! Hello Brightheart!" Brightheart asked and then remembered in a panic. Nymph said something about giving her sunlight which she meant the devices Brightheart brought with her that stored ultraviolet rays. They were supposed to be kept for emergencies for the Tamaranean but for the sake of the mission and her friends, she will do anything.

"Do not worry about getting tied with the squid. We'll handle it. Get ready, Nymph!" Brightheart retrieved the devices and, with a push of a button, released the ultraviolet light stored within them, shining them in Nymph's direction. She could feel a small amount of energy from them which was limited because of her diving suit but it was enough to make her feel re-energized even for a little. "I-Is it working? Are you feeling it now, Nymph?"

Location: Submarine
Interaction/s: The Team

Moments later, Aleen'a was riding with her team inside the submarine towards Atlantis. She would have loved to ask more questions to the Atlantean king about his kingdom from one royal to another, but it would've taken the entire day just to satisfy her curiosity. For the moment, she was just seating there, looking out to the reinforced glass windows and seeing schools of fish swimming past them. She could see how the waters dispersed the sunlight and the ocean before them becoming gradually darker as they went deeper and deeper. The fact that they're moving so far away from the sun, Aleen'a's constant source of energy, made her quite anxious and afraid. She was at least thankful Red Tornado gave her a device that could replicate and give out the ultraviolet rays her body needed in case of an emergency.

Her train of thought got interrupted when Daphne or Nymph approached her with such a warm smile. The girls really bonded that lovely night and now Brightheart felt nothing but joy for her friend. "Oh it is simply marvelous! I am sure my parents would be quite astonished to learn that there is a vehicle specifically to explore the depths of an ocean. Tamaraneans can breathe in the vacuum of space but not underwater. If we could understand the science behind this wonderful contraption, we can also discover the secrets beneath Tamaran's oceans as well!" Brightheart said excitedly.

She looked at Nymph again. "And how are you feeling? Thankfully, we are not going to a very cold place like our first mission but I reckon Atlantis is an entirely different matter. If you need any help, please do not hesitate to speak out loud. We are here for you, Daphne. No one is a liabib- lialib- lailibitily." She said, giving her the same warm smile while giving Daphne's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Oh yes, that reminds me. I must kiss Mirage to acquire the language of her people."
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