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Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
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Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
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I could go either way on the discord thing. I check mine every other day or so, and most of my servers are actually partially muted. But yeah either way.

Thank you kindly. And now we wait for everyone else to come join in.

Blatant Inspiration: Samuel and Josef Bugman from Warhammer Fantasy: The World that Was


So how much trouble would I get into for nearly blatantly plagarizing one of my favorite characters in another IP and bringing them here?
@DesperatePerson I'm going to put a sub on this thread. And see here it goes.

Q'Ral Dinrah

It's a steady gait that takes the tall being to the grounds of the circus. And to it's untrained eye, no surprise really, he saw only the glitz and glamour of the circus, and no undertones if there were any. The tall person enters the edges of the circus with a rubber necking look as he peers about at the tent and any of the attractiosns about grounds. Truly could be an easy mark. Who knows in the end. The big man hums, hearing the sounds of beasts in the back, and the chatter of the circus crews.

Yes this is one of the things that Q'Ral came to see. A soft-folk circus. Marches of the soft-folk style. Try and get an idea of the soft-folk culture and lifestyle. And since getting to Etrid, this is the most interesting these he's seen since watching a man several days to the south breaking a wild horse to the saddle.

But this, this seemed quite nice indeed. Perhaps he'd get to see a show. A performance of some kind. Any kind really. Get to know these soft-folks amusements. Q'Ral himself could settle for an evening of sculpting but a circus sounded lovely. So he started to roam the grounds curiously, wanting to see the sights.

Working on a post over here, hope to have something by tonight (Apr8th) or tomorrow (apr9th)
Arkos ADAM

It's a moment of calamity. Ships of the Imperium just don't come down like this. The human is small, with adult features but barely 4 feet tall. He groans as he wakes. And is instantly grabbed by a shipman. He's directed to help with the extrication of other survivors. A team of seven including him using prybars and salvaged cutting tools and torches to get past a twisted piece of ship stress bar, a thick piece of plasteel ribbing that shored up some of the internal walls of the grand cruiser. And behind it? A bulkhead door, held shut by the giant metal spar. The team of seven grunt and work, torches and cutters grinding and hissing as they work.

Being on the outer edge of the crash area thus it's easy to miss the approach of something. Yes survivors hurled free of the crash as it hit are slowly limping into the area, attending medicae tents and rest areas before being sent to help. The small shipman from before calls to the survivors within the sealed door "We're coming! We'll get to you soon!" He rams his pry bar into a small crack and pulls, the metal spar groaning as it shifts slightly. The team shout and work harder seeing their efforts rewarded. And their inability to pay attention outwards masks the steady thump of something approaching.

But the air is pierced by a snarl as something comes charging in. A cat-like thing. Claws and teeth and lanky powerful limbs. It screams as it runs at the team of seven on the outskirts of the crash site. The seven spin and holler for help. Guardsmen soldiers hearing and coming to run, but they may not get there in time. One even trying to snap off a shot. And gasping when the cat-thing goes down, cut almost in two. The guardsmen looking to their own. But the shooter shakes his head, saying he missed. The cat-thing for all it's injuries tries to move again, crawling on three legs and snarling. But this time everyone hears it. And sees it. As a blue-white bolt of some kind of energy lances in and causes the cat-thing to explode this time.

Many of the guardsmen know that sound, the shot of a Galvanic rifle. Even now the electrical cloud of energy left behind fizzles out. And from over the rise he fired from, the decorated bronzed face plate of a Skitarii appears. Even now Arkos ADAM slings his backup Galvanic rifle over his left shoulder. The large Transauranic Arquebus on his arm flicking from target to target as he approaches the crash site. Stopping beside the team of seven crewmen who are at their rescue site. Towering above them the Skitarii Alpha stands there looking down at them visor gleaming in the sun as what appears atleast to be a single red eye sweeps back and forth behind it. They jump when there's a static hiss and blurt of sound. Directed at them. To the uninitiated Binaric is not but sound. But to any who may have the blessing it'd be the words, and knowledge of, <<Imperial Citizens, I am Arkos Alpha Delta Alpha Mike. I seek the Primus Rex Helicanum. Produce his whereabouts.>>

Poor Arkos ADAM could probably be forgiven seeming to be just a little annoyed when the crewmen just stare at him still in shock from his arrival. Arkos ADAM grumbles, the sound being produced sounds like the shifting of ill oiled cogs. He looks over and scans the approaching guardsmen and other survivors. That same blat of sound and static and code, <<Citizens of the Imperium. I seek my Manpile the Felixus Fulgari Beta. Lead by Primus Rex Helicanum. Produce their whereabouts.>> He scans the very small crowd as there is still work to do. Was...that just a sigh the metal man produced. <<Omnissiah help me...>> Another blat of code as a few people mill about. Arkos ADAM sighs then looks to the seven who are starting to move again, <<I shall assist.>> Time later to find his maniple.

Emmm sounding good. Looking forward to this when/if it gets off the ground.
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