"Annie, not sure how well that would work," Mary replied calmly over the mental phone call, "Guin is the only actual telepath we have, not to mention the fact that his mind is likely protected in some way, or easily could be protected, since based on what all is happening, I'm betting he has the power of an infinity stone with him, so we need to be careful because he could easily bend reality to move things to be in his favor."
Of course, when she looked at all that was going on around her, and what Runa had also said about her mother with regards to the flowers and the field, Mary gave a bit of an apologetic look, "Sooo, sorry about the field and all, based on what you said about your mom, I'll fix it all after this if that's any consolation."
"I mean I guess maybe it kind of is similar? After all, Jumanji sort of messed with reality in a way too..." Pietro commented with regards to what Ed had said.
"Not too sure about that... Loki created that game, the physical version of it anyway that was real and seemed to work and do everything that the movie portrayed for it... Yeah it kind of messed with reality, but Loki kind of can do stuff like that or whatever anyway? Plus those were real animals, not some massive Godzilla monsters attacking us..."
"Because why not Runa?" Forseti responded simply to her with a bit of a smile, "Why do you always stand by them? They just seem so pathetic." Guin's attempts at a telepathic attack would hit a wall in Forseti's mind, and she was having difficulties trying to get past it. It was more than a bit obvious that Forseti wasn't going to back down from this fight, and Runa would somewhat manage to tie him up a bit with the darkness, but it wasn't quite enough to stop him completely from doing anything, but it was enough to cause him a few issues. "Runa, why are you trying to stop me?"
The Kaijus were not exactly being the nicest of creatures. One was kept relatively occupied by Lance, and it was having difficulties breaking free from the vines, and one was being stopped from attacking by Ed's shield and all.
Thing is, there were still two left.
One let out a loud roar, before it swung it's tail at the group, and it managed to knock back Annie, Guin and Bethany a few hundred feet away from the chaos. They would hit the ground hard, and would get several painful bruises from the landing, but they actually lucked out a little bit with the how much it hurt, but it was still fairly painful in general. They also all ended up with a few scrapes that were bleeding too.
The other one swung it's tail and managed to hit the rest of the group (Ed, Mary and Pietro, oddly going around Runa entirely) and threw them off into the other direction from where the other three had gone, and they also slammed into the ground with a thud. They'd end up getting the same sort of bruises as the other three, so that was nice at least for the moment. Mary more or less was just trying to keeping holding down the one kaiju so that it wouldn't break free easily and cause more issues, and holding it down while Lance more or less pounded away at it. It kept one out of the fighting, and worked well for the issues and all.
[color=00723]"Okay, this is getting annoying, and this is going to end horribly if we don't deal with Forseti, he can probably summon more of these things. Or something even worse. But it definitely does not help that we try something and get thrown around like ragdolls..."[/color] Mary commented, as she managed to stand up off of the ground.