Avatar of BlueSky44


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5 yrs ago
Current Congrats to my X-Men peeps! 2 years and over a 1000 posts later and we are heading into our 5th story arc!
6 yrs ago
RIP Stan Lee... You will forever be missed. As someone whose grown up reading Marvel comics, you've always have kind of been a part of my life. Thank you for making most of the Marvel heroes we know.


Name: BlueSky44
Aliases: Blue
Age: Mid 20s
Birthday: October 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dog Groomer
Languages: English
Current Bio Theme: Five/Emily Kolburn
Previous Themes: Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Years Rping: Too many
Preferred Rp Section: Casual

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Most Recent Posts

Location: Genosha
Skills: N/A

Flynn was not sure where exactly he was, or what seemed to be going on really. This place was a bit strange to him, and he had no idea what was going on behind the one door that clearly was saying to not go through it. Even though he was a bit curious as to what the hell was going on through that doorway. It was a weird bunker area of sorts though, so he wondered why there was a door like that locked up there, since usually bunkers were sealed up to keep things out, so why was there something that would clearly be something you'd want to keep out of the bunker you are in?

His attention turned towards the guy who walked over to him, and something about him just seemed so... Familiar? It was hard to place it, but he felt like he knew the guy and something about him tended to annoy him, but without remembering who he was, he couldn't exactly figure out why that was. "Uh, yeah, sorry, but um... Who are you? And what is through that door that no one is supposed to go through? I'm just kind of confused at this point..." he asked the guy, since he was really confused.

Location: Genosha
Skills: N/A

Sparky was a bit weirded out by the whole situation, and the fact that the others were apparently supposed to do some mental surgery or something like that in order to fix what was wrong with their heads or something like that. She stayed by Raynor now at this point, still wanting to talk to him, and sort of apologize for how she had reacted a bit before, and maybe she might have some time to talk to him now. Not to mention, the fact that everyone else was leaving and he was the one person who she actually knew (well, she kind of knew Darcy but she had literally just met her not that long ago) it made sense to stay by him.

With everyone gone, the man who came running into the area beforehand spoke up, and it became apparent that it was this universe's version of Dr. Banner. Which meant, he technically was her father. A part of her mind sort or panicked, probably aided in the fact that she only really knew Raynor where they were, she ended up instinctively holding onto Raynor's hand for comfort, as she took a deep breath in order to somewhat relax and figure out what to do. "Oh, well... That's kind of what I've been told... By a few different people, but only found that sort of thing out when we got caught by SWORD or whatever not long after we got to um... This reality..." she ended up saying, though she was clearly a bit nervous by this whole situation, and not too sure what to do.

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

She wasn't too sure if Merlin should be breaking down to the door, since most of the time, doors were locked for a good reason. However at least now they wouldn't be wandering around the forest much more, and going to just be waiting for others to show up. Though she couldn't help but wonder still how the others were supposed to find where they were, since as far as she knew, no one had exactly told them where they were. Then again, maybe Merlin would have some weird magic thing that would allow him to message them or something.

Rosalia walked into the tower, looking around as the others in the group were starting to get setup in the tower. A doorway caught her eye though, and she couldn't help but walk over to it, seeing that the door was knocked down, so it wasn't that difficult to see into the room. She vaguely recognized from it as her childhood bedroom, and she looked at the room, not too sure how to feel about it, seeing how it looked now, compared to how it vaguely appeared in her memories. She didn't say anything about it though, just looking and walking away from it, though it did make her wonder what her life would have been like if she had grown up here.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Jack just continued to stay quiet as Megan and Sierra were making their case in front of the council on why they should help them out and not just stay there in their little underwater bubble. He wasn't too sure how this could go, since they were asking an entire kingdom to more or less aid them even though it could cost the lives of their people. Though the argument about Maleficent turning her attention towards them, even if they didn't actively fight against her now, made the most sense, and hopefully they'd be able to listen to reason.

Their answer was a good one, as they said that they'd help them, in exchange for their help with something. Which honestly was something that he expected completely. If you ask for help or for something, be sure to expect them to ask for something in return. Jack nodded his head a bit, listening as they explained that they needed help with dealing with Captain Hook, "Alright, sounds like fun," he commented with a bit of a shrug.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Camp Store
Skills: N/A

Janelle was just sort of wandering around the Camp Store, not really trying to find anything in particular that she might need or something. She was perfectly fine with just getting a hold of the basics more or less. After all, the main thing that she needed was her staff in order to get along in a fight, so she just needed to take a few things or something like that with her. Right now, she really wanted to just get things going along so that they actually could move on with the quest. "No, I dahn't need any 'elp," she said to Kristin as she wandered around.

Course, she was still not too thrilled at who it was that she was going on the quest with. The group seemed to be super dysfunctional, and the group all together if she had to guess, was going to result in making things worse really. She heard the boom of Demi getting the weapon, and she listened to what everyone was saying to understand what exactly it was, and who likely gave it to him. Janelle basically just ignored that entire situation, namely because it revolved around Demi.

Jason Gauger

Location: Grand Central Station
Skills: N/A

He just followed along after Niah as she got into the line in order to see about getting them train tickets to the other side of the country. The conversation was interesting to say the least, as Niah discussed with the person at the ticket counter about how far they could potentially go. 200 dollars was not a whole lot of money to say the least, especially since it also meant they'd have to figure stuff out for other things or emergencies that might come up if they needed more money.

Jason looked at Niah and Stella, as Stella mentioned she had a bunch of money too that they could use if they needed to, and he figured he'd mention that sort of thing. "I 'ave about 50 dahllars myself dat I'd be able to chep in, but sounds like we should 'ave enough to get to San Francesco between de three o' us," he said to the pair, before noticing the little pet that popped up out of nowhere and went straight for Stella. He couldn't help but laugh a little bit at Stella's comments. "I dahn't see why naht," he added, answering her questions about keeping the pet and bringing it along.

Marygold Isley

Location: The Labyrinth
Skills: N/A

"Hey, you never know, creepy stairs could lead to somewhere more fun," Mary joked a bit, looking at the stairway in front of them behind the door. Yeah, no, she didn't believe that at all, and she was pretty certain that they were heading towards a not great place really. However, she didn't voice that fully out loud, figuring it was better to stay a bit light hearted about the whole situation, instead of dragging things down considering where they were headed.

Walking down the staircase, it was a bit obvious where they had ended up at this point, and she remained quiet as they walked down, eventually reaching the bottom, and coming face to face with a Sphynx. Mary was alright with riddles, she just would prefer to sort of avoid them if possible, since usually they could be a bit annoying in her mind. She just nodded her head a bit at what Madalyne had said in general, but not saying anything as she would prefer the Sphynx to stay asleep.

Location: Bar Sinister
Skills: N/A

Jack rolled his eyes a bit as he pulled the hair out of his pocket and let it zip over to Sinister or whatever. The how he got it was kind of sad really, considering it was literally just lying around her mansion or whatever. Then again, he very much didn't want to tell him the full story or whatever, including the part where he ended up snooping around a bit more and ended up finding her lair of sorts down in her hidden basement area. And almost got himself killed, again. Which honestly he didn't care too much about.

"Now see, you say that, but that was literally just sort of lying around, think she might be losing her hair or something because of that... Anyway I got what you wanted, so how about you do what you said you were going to if I got that for you," he didn't exactly want to be in the bar any longer then he had to be. Right now what mattered was whether or not Sinister would actually keep his end of the deal.

Location: Hellfire Bay
Skills: N/A

Miranda couldn't help but laugh a little bit at Mongoose, and as well as Ellie's response to getting out of the rain in general. "I was born and spent my childhood in Alaska, takes more then a little rain to give me a cold really," she ended up saying to Ellie with a smile. Though the second part of what she said, about where to go, was a bit more complicated. Right now, she wasn't sure if she should head back to the House of M, since Magneto had more or less been avoiding her.

"...Could I maybe crash at your place for a little while? I'm not sure if Erik will finally talk to me about anything or what happened and all... So it might be better to stay away from there, at least for now..." she ended up saying to Ellie. She had offered, but even then, she didn't want to just full on assume anything, and just confirm or something that it was a possible option for her.

Location: Outside House of M
Skills: N/A

Zari was just happy, not really caring about the rain anymore, well, really she didn't care about the rain in the first place having been perfectly fine sort of frolicking around in the rain a bit. This was a new thing for her, and a part of her couldn't help but wonder how her parents would react if she told them about this sort of thing. That would be an interesting conversation to have with them later on, when she got back home. Well, more of if, since a lot could still go wrong with this whole thing.

She then thought about how little most everyone knew about her, and only knew the sort of basics about how she was from the future and half-Asgardian. "If you want, we can go back inside, and I can tell you more about where I'm from and how I ended up here... Or we can play around in the rain some more, up to you, I'm fine either way," she said with a bit of a smile, before taking Andy's hand in her own.

In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

"Going to remind you it is very minor time travel and manipulation. Since I can't go back more then maybe 10 minutes at most if I'm lucky," Thalia commented pointedly towards Jade, "And even that is iffy on whether or not it works... And I can't do it forever, hence why I rely more on my claws and fire rather then that sort of thing..." She knew that it did still make sense for her to potentially be off scouting, her very slight time powers and her wings made that perfectly apparent really, so here was hoping it worked out.

"We'd need to be careful, cover of darkness makes sense, though we can't wait too long, otherwise all we do is lose more time that we could be using to actually take those goons down," Mary ended up responding with a bit of a shrug. They were running out of time to even accomplish their goal of stopping Magneto before they all essentially blew up. Yeah, this was going really well in general.

"I mean, the groups make sense to me, and the plan is sound, well, as sound as it could be given the circumstances and all..." Lance added, though he wasn't too sure what to think, since he wasn't a person who was really a fighter. He had some ideas on how to best use his powers and fight and all, but that was not something he actually was good at. Most he typically did was patch people up as they got injured in a fight. So truthfully he had no idea how this was going to go in general for him.

"All I need is a vent to get the vines through that then could go all over the building and all, in theory, can't exactly test out that sort of thing here, just had to do a lot of plant bio to make something, but it should work. And I do agree that Thor, Hulk and the Thing should be the ones causing the distraction and all... Makes the most sense."

Pietro nodded at Ed, "Thanks for that, my rapid healing only can really do too much, some people forget that speedsters just healing faster, not full on regenerative healing all and all... But thanks."

"Well, if we're going to do this closer to dusk, then we have a little time to work out any sort of kinks or problems that might pop up, or think about everything with it. And hopefully we won't all end up dead, but eh, if we do nothing we all die anyway, either that or it's world war three, that's all that matters at this point really... We'll see what happens..."

Mary turned to look at Ed when he asked about talking to her later. "Well, we can see about stepping aside and talking now before we set off for Stark Tower, or we can talk about it once we get there, it's up to you," she ended up saying with a bit of a shrug. She had no idea what was up or what sort of theory he had that he might want to talk to her about. Not to mention, it was a bit odd to her for him to want to share this theory without everyone else around. Since if it was a theory about how to get them home, that would be something you'd want to mention in front of everyone.

Pietro followed along after Guin back to where the others were, with Klara not too far behind them. One thing he noticed, was that several people were no suddenly missing from the room. "Uhhh, where'd Lance, Runa and Bethany go?"

"Lance took off out of the room not too long before I went out after you guys..." Klara commented with a shrug.

"Well, Runa went after him immediately, and Bethany followed along not too long afterwards," Mary eventually explained, though she was wondering what was going on where those three were at this point. They knew that they were heading out of the building and off elsewhere, namely to Stark Tower, so she was wondering what was going on over there really.

Huh, wonder why he took off out of the area. When I walked out after you there wasn't much going on in here... Like, literally nothing, so wonder what's going on... Anyway, are you okay? You didn't really explain the whole eye getting ripped out sort of thing and if you feel like it... Want to talk about it?

Meanwhile, back where Lance, Bethany and Runa were, things were probably going even more a bit haywire. He looked at the two of them like they were crazy with what they were talking about. "I don't know you people and why are you talking like I should?" he asked, before hearing the last part of Runa's statement, and he stared at her a bit even more so. "You want me to go with you, around a guy who snapped my neck and killed me? Because that right there is crazy!"

Actually, he seemed to be panicking a lot from the thought of it, and he just sort of seemed to be backing away from them now. His eyes were still bright green color, and he looked to maybe bolt out of the room or something again at this point. His eyes were darting around the room, clearly looking for the best way out or something like that at the moment.

Location: Genosha
Skills: N/A

Well this was definitely a fun sort of situation to be in really. The others were all going on about one thing or another really, it was getting a bit confusing going over the many different ways that was going on. Right now, he was more or less just sort of listening to what the others were saying, and of course Dr. Banner immediately jumped into the conversation when they mentioned the whole reality thing, so that was something, especially since it got mentioned that Banner's kid was out there with the rest of the group.

"I have no idea what they are talking about or how they all got here, that's just me though, so oh well," Flynn responded to them all with a shrug, not too sure what else to say or something like that. There wasn't much he could explain, as despite what they all seemed to think, he knew next to nothing about what they were talking about and was fine not knowing. Though he was wondering a bit about why he had another version of him walking around.

Location: Genosha
Skills: N/A

"Well isn't that even more ominous then what you originally said," Firestorm said to Destiny with a bit of a shrug.

From the sounds of it, this version of the Xavier and Magneto were considered to be worse then either of them in their main reality was? Then that right there seemed like a problem to her. That was crazy to think about, especially considering how bad Magneto was in their world at times, though sometimes Xavier could be not the best too from what she gathered. Sparky was wondering what the hell to even think or say, when Xavier and Magneto both came into view, walking over and talking to the group, and no surprise that they both immediately started talking to Raynor.

It made sense, but also was a little annoying that they seemed to immediately ignore everyone else a bit as they spoke until others started joining the conversation. What they were talking about made sense to her, but also considering what was going on, she wasn't entirely sure that they could really trust them. Though they didn't have many options, but she couldn't help but wonder what was she supposed to do during this whole thing, since she wasn't being effected like just about everyone (except for Raynor) was. She remained quiet for the moment though.

"My counterpart? Oh, that guy, somehow the idiot managed to snap both his legs, so he's in the healing grove." Firestorm responded to Magneto.

Janelle Gauger

Location: The Big House -> Camp Store
Skills: N/A

She heard Kristin ask her if she wanted to go to the camp store or something to gather supplies of some sort for their quest. Janelle had to think about that for a moment, especially because the next words out of her mouth seemed to revolved around then proceeding to invite Demetri along with them. For a split second, she made a bit of an annoyed facial expression, but that went away after a moment, and she considered thinking on whether or not she should tag along, or go be alone or something like that right now.

"Naht to sure what else to do, so sure, I'll tag along or whatever, dat's fine wit me," she ended up saying in general, following along after Kristin, perfectly fine with not accepting any help in heading that way. She was good at walking to certain places and all on her own, that's just how she was so to speak with regards to everything, so she followed along with the group to the camp store, for the most part just hearing what it was they were all talking about in general.

Jason Gauger

Location: Grand Central Station
Skills: N/A

He listened in general to the conversation in general about how everything, and as Niah explained what a few different landmarks really were in general. Jason was completely honest with not knowing much of anything in general. Especially considering how this was a completely different country from the one he really knew, so this was a bit confusing as to where they were heading places. This was very strange, so he was more or less just nodding his head listening to what she was going on about.

"Huh, wahndered 'ow you gaht to New Rome withoutt usin a flyin shep like what we ended up usin to get dere last time befahre. Den again, I dahn't know de area so wouldn't be able to fend me way dere anyway," he said with a shrug, following close behind Niah and Stella still. This wasn't going to be an easy quest of sorts, that much was obvious. He also wondered how much Niah seemed to really know about where they were going in general, so he figured that as they traveled there would be more time to really ask more questions in general really.

Marygold Isley

Location: An alleyway
Skills: N/A

Mary was fine with going just about anywhere for this whole thing, since where they were going the main thing was that they were heading was going to end well for them. Since for the most part, they were headed towards a not so great place for the most part. Listening, she shrugged a bit, before she followed Madalyne out and about towards where they were needing to go in general. This was definitely going to end well for them right? Yeah, totally in general really.

"Let's get going then..." Mary said, as they entered an alleyway of sorts in general. A door appeared out of nowhere, and she wasn't too fazed by it being there in general. Things just appearing out of nowhere when they were heading off on a quest? Made perfect sense really, and could just happen in general with everything else chaotic and going on. "Well, nothing more fun then going through a random door that appeared, let's get going then."

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

She followed along with the group as Merlin helped Lancelot into a wagon, and they eventually continued on their way. There was the whole thing about her being pretty sure that no one else really knew where they were going, or where they were going to set up camp or something like that. Yeah, that as going to work out well for them right? Being in Maleficent's backyard, and not knowing where they were going. Oh well, the worst thing that could happen was that they all ended up dead right?

Rosalia didn't know what to really do as they reached a tower of sorts, and something about it seemed oddly familiar to her. That was when a memory flashed across her mind of being at this tower with her mom, a long time ago. "...I've been here before..." she muttered under her breath, more of talking to herself then to anyone else as she looked up at the tower as they got closer, not really saying anything to anyone else now.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

This was definitely going to be an interesting thing in general right? Considering the fact that they were meeting with people who could essentially decide the fate of how things might potentially go for the. This either was going to go extremely well, or it was going to end rather horribly for them, all that mattered now was how that sort of thing was going to go. Ariel explained what they could expect from the group in general when they saw them, and explained that they were fairly old. Which could either be a good thing, or a bad thing.

Especially since people like that from his experience typically could be very set in their ways, and just not be willing to help them in any sort of way. This was not going to likely be an easy thing to convince them if they did resist the idea of helping them out in general. He let the others do more of the talking in general, since there wasn't really a whole lot that he could do in this situation, to really add to what everyone was saying.
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