Avatar of BlueSky44


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5 yrs ago
Current Congrats to my X-Men peeps! 2 years and over a 1000 posts later and we are heading into our 5th story arc!
6 yrs ago
RIP Stan Lee... You will forever be missed. As someone whose grown up reading Marvel comics, you've always have kind of been a part of my life. Thank you for making most of the Marvel heroes we know.


Name: BlueSky44
Aliases: Blue
Age: Mid 20s
Birthday: October 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dog Groomer
Languages: English
Current Bio Theme: Five/Emily Kolburn
Previous Themes: Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Years Rping: Too many
Preferred Rp Section: Casual

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's I'm Apart Of:

Other Places of Interest

Most Recent Posts

Location: Blackstone -> Bar Sinister
Skills: N/A

"You act like I asked for any of that?" Jack responded a bit annoyed with his dad still, but oh well, nothing more that he could do about that. Of course it decided to start raining on the walk to Bar Sinister, since life was never simple. He thought nothing of it though, just continuing to hurry along the way, racing along as fast as possible for a few different reasons. The mains ones obviously including the fact that it was pouring, and the other being that the faster he got there, the faster he could get this whole situation over with.

Eventually, he made it to the other side of the island, and ended up walking through the doors of Bar Sinister, the one place on the island he hated more then anything really. Upon entering, he saw three versions of his father, seemingly arguing over which version got to go to the Hellfire Gala, something that he found to be incredibly stupid in his mind. "Soooo... Which of you am I supposed to give this thing to?" he decided to ask kind of bluntly with a shrug, unsure what else to say in general.

Location: Hellfire Bay
Skills: N/A

"Hey, one of us clearly needs to have a decent moral compass," she teased her with a bit of a smile. She knew that no one was around forever, and that both she and Ellie were starting to get a bit up there in age. Not everyone had the luxury of being able to age slowly, or not at all mainly for those with healing factors really. No, they were needing to just accept it and move on. She knew that Ellie would tell others when she felt like it, but at least her saying that she would did make her feel a bit better.

Miranda nodded her head a bit, "Alright Ellie, I won't tell anyone and this stays between us... And whatever other doctors that you've told. I won't tell anyone else, and we can talk about something else now if you want to," she ended up saying to her with a smile. Personally, she was just glad that Ellie was around still and that they were still friends despite having met each other way back in the 80s at this point, practically 40 years later now.

Location: Outside House of M
Skills: N/A

Zari was just sort of having fun playing around in the rain and jumping in mud puddles. This was always a fun way to experience everything, plus rain always was so much fun. She was only half paying attention to whether or not Andy would join her or go head for shelter, but she was glad that she stuck around instead of leaving. It was way more fun to be running around in the water and all then cooped up inside a stuffy building or something like that anyway, that's how she viewed things for the most part.

Her attention was dragged away from the fun she was having for a moment though by Andy's words, and she thought for a moment how best to respond to her words. "Well umm... I'm not that great at words, if well, that wasn't a bit obvious in general. Especially when it comes to talking about feelings or something like that..." Zari started to say, twisting her hair a little bit, clearly a little bit nervous or something to that effect at this point. "But um... I think I like you too..." she ended up saying that last sentence a bit quickly, and she looked like she was blushing a bit at this point.

Shakka Ven

15 pts (Neutral)

She didn't really say too much in response to anything else that Raynor said, or anything like that. Shakka just led the way along the hallway, remaining silent for the most part, before eventually she led the way to a somewhat large dining area. Jarothe was in the room, looking out a window as they walked in, and he turned to look at them. "Ah, there you are, well, did you enjoy seeing what we had in the hangar?" he asked Raynor with a smile, walking over now as he did so. He did seem to be ignoring Shakka's existence at the moment now.

"Well now, have a seat then," he said with a smile before he turned to look towards Shakka, finally acknowledging that she was even really there to begin with. "Leave, now," he said rather bluntly towards her.

"I uh... I...." she started to say, unsure of what else to really say in general, and she sort of just looked at Raynor for a moment. He had said that he wanted her to stay, but she had known that Jarothe likely was going to tell her to leave, so the question was, what was she supposed to do now? If she didn't leave, then Jarothe would get angry, so she sort of waited a moment to see if Raynor would say anything.

Location: Genosha
Skills: N/A

The other two in the room were just going on about the whole alternate reality nonsense after people he actually knew walked into the room and walked over to where he was. "Of course they are going on about the whole reality thing, since that's still a little weird and not sure if that is actually true, but there is another me so maybe? Who knows, it's weird. Depends on what sort of thing you want to really talk about in general. They are a bit strange anyway."

He was really starting to ramble a bit, probably mainly due to the pain killers he was given. "As to what happened? Honestly not too sure. It was really weird, though you want to talk to the group those two are with, they're out in the waiting grove, Raynor is back too and all, so that's fun. As for why there might be some weird psychic feedback or whatever? Noooooo idea." Yup, he was a bit unsure of what he was going to really do at the moment sitting around doing nothing much really.

Location: Genosha
Skills: N/A

Sparky was unsure of what to think still with everything that was being said currently. It sounded like there wasn't really much of an idea of ways they could potentially solve their problems. They still had to go find Luminous and Doom, which they had no idea where they were, plus dealing with the potential memory overwriting that was happening with the others. Something she clearly didn't have to worry about, guess there was one good thing about her being from this reality supposedly. This still didn't make too much sense currently, but that was still another mystery they had to deal with it.

"I mean... There isn't a whole else we can do about most things... So I guess trusting this realities version of Xavier and Magneto is our best option..." she said somewhat quietly. She wasn't sure this was a trusting sort of situation for anyone, but then again, there wasn't much else that they could do but trust this realities versions of others. Though they did have to be careful, since if they were too trusting, that could end poorly for all of them in general.

"Shut your mouth," Firestorm snapped at Siphon, clearly getting beyond annoyed with her at this point. Eventually he did pay attention to what it was that Destiny was saying, and he shrugged slightly. "I mean yeah, ominous, but is it something that might overly effect us or Genosha, since that's the main thing. If it doesn't, I don't truly care too much about what it is that they're doing or whatever future that you foresee for them."

Pietro looked at Guin as she spoke, and he easily noticed how her voice wavered, and he instantly walked over and pulled her into a hug, "It's okay Guina... And yeah, the world kind of seems like everything is horrible, but don't worry, we'll see about figuring out how to get home alright? It'll be okay... You'll see..."

Back inside, Mary sort of nodded her head a bit, as people were making comments on what should be the best course of action. She couldn't help but agree with Ed that maybe splitting up in some strange world wasn't the best idea. "Ok, we'll see about heading to Stark Tower once everyone else is here. Since if we could repair Danger in some way, she probably could be fairly helpful..." Danger was a fairly powerful being, but she also was a bit dangerous considering her current state. They'd have to find a way to fix her and maybe try and get it so she was a bit less psychotic.

"I can go get the other two!" Klara said happily, before she went to go follow after the direction that Guin and Pietro had gone.

"Well... Once everyone else gets back here, we can head off then..." she wasn't too sure why Lance had taken off somewhere, she had a feeling that for Guin it had to do with the Ghost Tony thing that happened, and Pietro went to likely comfort her. Once everyone was back in the area though, they could leave.

"I'll continue to look to see if there may be a way to send you back..." Strange said, before leaving the room itself.

Back with Guin and Pietro, Klara walked out of the door and looked at the pair of them, "Hey, so we're going to see about heading to Stark Tower if you two want to come back inside?"

"How about give us a few minutes out here, we'll be there soon," Pietro responded with a bit of an eye roll.

"Alright then lovebirds, you two okay though?"

"Yeah, fine." Pietro was getting a little annoyed with Klara at the moment, Are you okay to head back or do you need another minute or so Guina? he then asked Guin mentally.

Over where Runa had followed Lance to, she'd be able to see that he was looking for something, though it wasn't entirely apparent what. He turned to look at her, and she could see that he did not look like he was doing okay, looking a bit pale. Though there was one thing that was apparent, he did have a hint of confusion, almost like he didn't recognize her. Though that would be made obvious by the words that came out of his mouth. "Hi, sorry, I'm a bit too clear headed to be dealing with all of that insanity out there, and all those... People who aren't exactly the greatest to be around... Sorry who are you again, I don't even remember walking into this building, I probably passed out as usual then again I thought I took off after dad yelled at me again, wonder if I'm missing something here..." he muttered the last sentence, before going back to look for whatever it was he was looking for.

He seemed to be getting annoyed at not being able to find something, and looked to be getting annoyed at everything in general currently. Which was apparent by the fact that his eyes were currently green instead of blue, but he didn't seem to care or even pay attention to the idea of him potentially shifting again. Almost like he'd also forgotten that that was a problem he had to potentially worry about.
In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

"Eh, usually it takes about half an hour, give or take. Depends on how badly the break is. Though it tends to speed up a bit once they are actually set properly. Not counting how fast it tends to try to mend itself and keep my arms at odd angles..." Pietro shrugged, turning to glance at Carolina, "Yeah, I'm fine, just hurts like hell, but I've had worse in my lifetime so eh..."

"With those breaks probably more like an hour, considering we had to rebreak them a bit in order to set them so that they can heal correctly. Even then might be pushing it a bit. Since pretty sure in order to rebreak it so that they weren't stuck at super odd angles might have made the initial breaks worse. We ran into some of Magneto's group, don't know if they were trying to find anything in particular or if they knew that we were there already. It's hard to say..."

"If you could speed up the healing even a little bit that would be nice because that hurt like hell," the speedster then added towards Ed, nodding his head a bit at him asking about healing.

"What I saw from the sky wasn't too horrible. The main thing that I spotted was that there are guards up on a few of the rooftops directly surrounding the main building itself. Not too many, just one on each of the rooftops directly around it. That's the main issue I saw really from that distance... But I do agree, one side of the area did seem a bit less guarded then what I could see. Which is a bit odd, wouldn't surprise me if there was a reason that side had less people on it... But that is essentially the only real entrance section we've got to use..."

"I've got the plants or whatever set up with spores, we just need to get them inside. That's all it'll take to get the ball rolling."

"Okay, well, now we need to actually figure out what the hell we're going to do once we get into the complex itself. That is to also say we don't all end up getting killed or seriously injured once we get there and fail miserably at this whole thing..." They were being a bit optimistic that they'd actually be able to pull this thing off, but that was basically all they had at the moment.

"Well, we have the building layout at least, or well, at least a basic idea since odds are it has been rearranged on the inside in the past year, give or take probably them destroying a wall or two let's be honest... Anyway, there looks to be four different entrances into the actual building itself, though guessing one of those goes is a lot closer to that opening that you guys found, so the question really just remains, of how we should move in, and then what to do once we get inside of it..."

Janelle Gauger

Location: The Big House
Skills: N/A

She was still only really half paying attention to what everyone was saying with regards to things. OR well, how the quest was going to go, or what they should do to head off. This was not a good situation, since they still knew next to nothing about what was really going on, or even what it was that they were doing, that wasn't going to end well, that was just a given. Then again, people seemed to be arguing a little bit over everything, as usual, and really she sort of hoped everyone would just shut up or something at this point.

Janelle's attention was turned back to Kristin, since she asked if there was supplies or whatever that she wanted to get before hand, and she just sort of shrugged, holding her cane in her hand. "I've gaht me cane, we prahbably should grab sahme basic stuff befahre 'eadin off, but nahthin too specific ahr whatever I dahn't think..." she said. Janelle wasn't too sure what it was that they might really want to grab so soon, she just figured that from what she was hearing, things were going to go horribly wrong.

Jason Gauger and Marygold Isley

Location: In the van
Skills: N/A

The talk sort of shifted around a bit, as the idea of taking trains or whatever once they were able to came up, and he honestly was fine with that. It was fine with him to travel that way, though it was interesting to hear Stella go on about how she was from the San Francisco area, once more an area he knew next to nothing about in general. It'd be nice if he actually knew more about the area they were going to, but he had been completely honest on the whole not knowing anything.

Mary wasn't entirely sure what sort of situation would result in Madalyne sticking back with someone for a little longer in general when you probably could have done that sort of thing any time before then, so you weren't having people wait for you. But no, that would make way too much sense and all to do that right? She couldn't help but be a little annoyed still with Madalyne, especially since her explanation gave her no reason to not be annoyed, since it didn't tell them much.

She didn't say anything though, as eventually they reached the city itself, and all sort of just were able to spill out of the van and set off on their quests, hopefully anyway. The quest seemed straightforward (at least with what they were trying to accomplish), but she knew that quests hardly ever were, and that they were going to run into trouble sooner or later. "Well, the main thing would be seeing about finding a way to our destination, or at least close enough to it where we could have an easier time reaching where we have to go..."

"Um, could use a better explanation fahr what you are all really talkin about. I dahn't know where dis is, or even what it is dat you bot are talkin about. Though fine wit de idea o' goin ahn de train and all, travelin by train isn't de wahrst way to go, been on mahre den a few," he ended up saying after following both Niah and Stella out of the van and off to the side. He still knew next to nothing about where they were heading, and he knew nothing about the west coast of the country. Honestly he knew next to nothing about the east coast too.

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"It's not the end of the world, you people also got boring after a while," she muttered with a bit of an eye roll with regards to Merlin saying she needed to be a bit more careful. Truthfully, she knew that she shouldn't have wandered off, and it had been a bit stupid to wander off by herself. But she was not going to admit that sort of thing out loud to anyone, that would be a dumb thing. Why would she ever admit that to them anyway? It didn't matter and all now really.

Rosalia shrugged her shoulders a bit, but said nothing else about it. Heading back to the main caravan was probably the best thing to do currently, and then they could just make a new base or whatever, and maybe the others would find them again. She was a bit curious as to how the others were going to supposedly even find them since they separated, but oh well. Not exactly her problem really anymore she didn't think anyway, as she followed the others along again.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

He was a bit amused by Megan's comments and clear interest in just about everything that was going on around them. Her curiosity was interesting, and totally understandable really. "Well I guess that makes some sense," he ended up saying to her with a bit of a shrug in general. Though he did wonder how things were going to go in general for them. After all, they would still have to figure out what to do if Atlantica doesn't exactly help them with the whole Maleficent thing.

His attention was drawn towards the door as Eric came into the area to let them know that apparently their council thing (or whatever it was) decided to hear them out in their asking for help. That was something at least right? Who knew how this was going to go. Worse case scenario, they would tell them no and deny them aid, which would then result in them have to figure out everything else, well hopefully it didn't come to that right?

Location: Blackstone
Skills: Perception, Investigation

Jack was mainly just sort of wandering around, looking to try and find anything that he could then use to accomplish his original goal and whole reason for even being there in the first place. That of course being, looking for hair or something like that from Selene that he could then give to Sinister, in order to potentially see about helping out his mom. He did wonder what sort of illness that she had, but from what little he knew about it, it was fairly serious, and he didn't want to lose her quite yet.

After a little bit of searching, he ended up lucking out a bit. He swooped down to the ground and managed to find a hair or two on the ground that definitely looked like they were from her. That was good enough for him, and he took the small notepad that he carried around and pressed it between the pages, before putting that away, since he didn't exactly bring anything to actively carry the hairs out of Blackstone. Jack knew that odds were that his father was going to be at his bar or whatever, practically on the otherside of the island. So he figured he'd see about sending out a telepathic communication of sorts to him, though he wasn't entirely sure how far of a reach it would have, I got the stupid thing and am heading back now," he said telepathically to him.

Location: Hellfire Bay
Skills: N/A

"Ellie... You can't just not tell people... Especially keeping something like that from your kids... Especially since think about it, yeah, you want them and others to not treat you differently, but here's the thing, you not telling them is not giving them the chance to brace themselves for you dying of some illness. So when it inevitably happens and the disease kills you, they might take it a bit harder then you'd think, since they might be mad that they didn't notice it sooner then when you are already gone..."

That was at least how she viewed the entire situation. Miranda knew a bit about at least Jack and Casper, so she figured that both of them at the least would take Ellie dying a bit hard. Not to mention, Casper could talk to ghosts and all, and Jack was an actual investigator outside of Genosha, so odds are he'd take it pretty hard if he didn't notice something like that. She listened as Ellie explained that the doctors didn't know what to do, and then she mentioned Sinister. "I'm sorry... Though also you do realize that Sinister doesn't do anything for anyone unless there is something in it for him? So him not helping isn't that surprising... That is if he didn't have an idea of how to do it..."

Location: House of M
Skills: N/A

"I don't really care either way, my problem to deal with anyway," she said a bit happily, just sort of wandering around a little bit. The rain started coming down though, but personally, she didn't very much care about it. Actually, quite the opposite, she loved the rain, even back home she'd run around and find puddles to jump into. So of course, that was her immediate first thought of what to do while they were wandering around in the rain. Then again, hearing Andy's suggestion, she figured that she was the only one who thought that.

"Why go inside? I love the rain, it's so much fun!" Zari said, before she immediately jumped into the nearest puddle and splashed around a bit. She then proceeded to do a cartwheel or two, before flopping onto the ground with a bit of a splash.
"Come on, the rain isn't so bad, I'm fine with being outside for a little while still, but that's just me. The rain is always fun to splash around in. You can go find shelter or whatever if you want to, but I'm fine right here."

Shakka Ven

15 pts (Neutral)

She listened to his explanation, and she wasn't entirely too sure what to make of his words. He still struck her as incredibly odd, but she didn't really say much in response to his explanation, aside from nodding her head. His words were a bit confusing at times, but she figured okay, it didn't fully matter really. And she knew next to nothing about how Jedi were, so she didn't know what else to think. "...I guess that makes some sense... Though not sure why you'd want me to be around, it doesn't make too much sense to me, but okay..."

Her attention though swiftly turned towards the sound of a door opening, and the aide of sorts from before looked at them, sort of nodding his head a bit, before leaving the room. Shakka looked at Raynor now, "Looks like Jarothe is finished with his business from before, if you'll follow me, I can lead you to where you'll be joined by Jarothe once more for some food..." she said, nodding her head somewhat, before she started heading out of the hanger, and down another hallway, leading towards the dining area.

"Unfortunately... No, there isn't. Since it has been so long, he's likely been scattered across multiple universes, but because reality in this one has a thinner veil, he's able to appear... Not entirely sure how long this will last either... There is a very real chance that he could disappear again in a few moments." Strange responded, shaking his head slightly at the suggestions of pulling him back through.

"Well we should still try shouldn't we?" Klara interjected.

"Doing so will likely cause a bigger disturbance and rift in reality then what has already been apparent. More damage would occur."

"So... Can't do anything about it..." Mary wasn't too sure how the whole situation worked, but if there wasn't much they could do, then there wasn't anything that could be done. She didn't like that there wasn't much that could be done about it though. This was a bit of a sad situation, since as Strange had said, Tony had suffered a fate that could be considered worse then death, and she couldn't help but pity him really for it.

"Guin wait!" Stark ended up saying, calling out to her, before seemingly disappearing from everyone else's sight.

"...Guess he really wasn't able to appear to us for long then..."

"So now what?" Lance said, seemingly about to continue on with his words, before he seemingly froze, not saying anything immediately. His eyes darted around the room for a moment. It looked like for a moment he was panicking over something, but it wasn't apparent what. Instead of saying anything else, he just left the room entirely, except unlike Guin he didn't head out of the building, he headed into what looked to be another room.

"Well that was weird... Anyway I'm going to go follow after Guina..." Pietro said, before heading off.

"...Ok, that just goes more hand in hand with all of the other weird stuff that has been going on... Um, we need to see about getting the ship out still... So whoever is wanting to go pull the ship out of the lake, probably should get going, the rest of us can see about going to Stark Tower and see what might be there that we can use... Hopefully anyway..." she was really starting to feel like crap, almost like she was feeling sick or something. Her skin went a bit paler then it usually was in general really.

Outside in the alley, Guin would seemingly be alone. That is, for only a moment, before Stark appeared in front of her. "Guin, look I'm sorry alright? I know you aren't from this reality, but you are still my Penguin, no matter what reality... Just, had a lot of anger, considering what happened in this reality... And well, to you too... I just... Kind of blame myself for not being able to be there for you... Just sitting there, only able to watch... I couldn't do anything to help you... I'm sorry..." with those last words, the sentence seemingly fading, as he too seemingly disappeared from view entirely.

Pietro appeared a moment after Stark disappeared, walking up to Guin, "Uh... Guina? Are you okay?" he asked her, clearly concerned with her more or less just sort of heading out of the building without looking back in general.

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