Location: Blackstone -> Bar Sinister
Skills: N/A
"You act like I asked for any of that?" Jack responded a bit annoyed with his dad still, but oh well, nothing more that he could do about that. Of course it decided to start raining on the walk to Bar Sinister, since life was never simple. He thought nothing of it though, just continuing to hurry along the way, racing along as fast as possible for a few different reasons. The mains ones obviously including the fact that it was pouring, and the other being that the faster he got there, the faster he could get this whole situation over with.
Eventually, he made it to the other side of the island, and ended up walking through the doors of Bar Sinister, the one place on the island he hated more then anything really. Upon entering, he saw three versions of his father, seemingly arguing over which version got to go to the Hellfire Gala, something that he found to be incredibly stupid in his mind. "Soooo... Which of you am I supposed to give this thing to?" he decided to ask kind of bluntly with a shrug, unsure what else to say in general.

Location: Hellfire Bay
Skills: N/A
"Hey, one of us clearly needs to have a decent moral compass," she teased her with a bit of a smile. She knew that no one was around forever, and that both she and Ellie were starting to get a bit up there in age. Not everyone had the luxury of being able to age slowly, or not at all mainly for those with healing factors really. No, they were needing to just accept it and move on. She knew that Ellie would tell others when she felt like it, but at least her saying that she would did make her feel a bit better.
Miranda nodded her head a bit, "Alright Ellie, I won't tell anyone and this stays between us... And whatever other doctors that you've told. I won't tell anyone else, and we can talk about something else now if you want to," she ended up saying to her with a smile. Personally, she was just glad that Ellie was around still and that they were still friends despite having met each other way back in the 80s at this point, practically 40 years later now.

Location: Outside House of M
Skills: N/A
Zari was just sort of having fun playing around in the rain and jumping in mud puddles. This was always a fun way to experience everything, plus rain always was so much fun. She was only half paying attention to whether or not Andy would join her or go head for shelter, but she was glad that she stuck around instead of leaving. It was way more fun to be running around in the water and all then cooped up inside a stuffy building or something like that anyway, that's how she viewed things for the most part.
Her attention was dragged away from the fun she was having for a moment though by Andy's words, and she thought for a moment how best to respond to her words. "Well umm... I'm not that great at words, if well, that wasn't a bit obvious in general. Especially when it comes to talking about feelings or something like that..." Zari started to say, twisting her hair a little bit, clearly a little bit nervous or something to that effect at this point. "But um... I think I like you too..." she ended up saying that last sentence a bit quickly, and she looked like she was blushing a bit at this point.