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Started watching Young Justice last night. Now I am on Season 2.

If we were doing Ultimate, I'd be writing the YJ version of Garfield Logan. And bribing @Gowi to play Miss Martian again.

The YJ version of Dick Grayson is one that'll make you stay whelmed as well.
Random question, does anyone here listen to specific music when you're writing? For me, if there's a particular mood I'm aiming for in an IC post I'll quite often write with an appropriate bit of soundtrack playing. Anyone else do anything similar?

All the time.

In fact, its the only way I can write and the music needs to fit the character. As a result, people describe my iTunes library as the strangest thing they've ever seen in their life.

Usually for Damian I write to a mixture of Staind, Nightwish, and Three Day's Grace. This time however I've taken a different approach and his playlist is meant to reflect what he is listening to on his iPod, so I have the Top 40 mix of current music shuffling for him.

On the flip side, I write Kai-ro to a playlist that mixes Two Steps From Hell, The Piano Guys, Theophany, and select pieces from World of WarCraft's soundtrack.

That Damian post feels rushed, but I have no regrets.

...and I'm too lazy to go back and edit it.

"On His Demon Head's Secret Service" // Part 06 // [ Dami's iPod ] // @GreenGrenade

N E W   Y O R K

Whatever Mother had planned, it involved the United Nations building. He didn't know the particulars, and he wasn't asking. But as people trickled in and out of the hotel suite overlooking Central Park, the child was able to overhear enough to get the gist of what the adults were talking about. A fact with prominently brought to light that he was far more aware of the people in the hotel room than they were of him.

This was New York. He was sharing space with his mother for the first time in weeks, if not months. So the boy was eager to try and spend some time with her. Perhaps merit just a little of her attention. "Mother, can we..."

"Your studies, Damian." She'd dismissed him without so much as a glance. "Now."

The boy's elated mood quickly evaporated into apathy. "...yes, Mother," the child uttered softly, backing away from the sitting room that had been re-purposed into a war room.

The lady in the niqab, one of his mother's usual bodyguards, gave the boy some math assignments to occupy himself with. Fractions. Algebra. Nothing too spectacular, though he was rather proud after he'd completed a particularly misleading quadratic equation. Homework in hand, the child came up from the table in the room where he was working with his paper in hand as he hurried over toward his mother as she walked through the condo-sized suite. "Mother, I finished..."

"Not now, Damian."

Reaching out with one hand, Talia pulled the door shut to Damian's temporary room. Closing him in, alone. The paper with his homework on it dropped to the floor, trampled underfoot as the boy turned and pounced atop the bed. Popping the headphones into his ears, the boy turned up the music and allowed his mind to fade away as he picked up a copy of Dickens' Tale of Two Cities that had been left for him.

Why was it that he was loneliest when around his family?

He stayed like that, curled up atop the pillows with a book, until he'd lost all concept of time. He left the sanctuary of the bedroom only to get a drink. Pulling open the door, the boy stepped out into the hall to cross toward the European style kitchenette when he nearly collided with Talia.

"Damn it, Damian!"

The child just blinked. He was just stepping out of his room for a drink! "What'd I do no..." the boy began, finding himself seized by the shoulder before being spun around.

He was summarily ejected out into the hotel hallway as the door to the suite was shut behind him. Apparently it was Parent's Night In. The mixture of emotions didn't sit well, as the boy glanced back at the door. "-tt-" he uttered finally, before flipping the hoodie up over his head and making his way toward the elevators with his hands stuffed into his pockets.

He'd been in many cities across the world, from Canberra to London, Berlin to Hong Kong, but New York seemed a metropolis on a whole different level. Even still, the park was nice. And a short walk from the hotel. He could see it from the windows of his room, so it made sense to get a look from the ground up. He wasn't sure if he was pouting or fuming, but he was a mixed up ball of angry emotion trying to clear his head as he walked through the paths of Central Park.

With the Justin Bieber turned up in his ears, the scream had to be pretty loud for him to have heard it.

He hadn't seen what had caused it, but as the child turned his head to a group of thuggish young men surrounding an older lady, it was easy to guess that the purse strap caught in a tug-of-war between the woman and one of the thugs was the cause of the incident. What he did see was the large, meaty fist slam into the woman's face to get her to let go.

She went down to the ground, and now it was a game to the trio. Surrounding her. Legs rearing back as the other two wanted to get in on the action. Stomp the lady to the ground, prove how strong they were. The boy grit his teeth. "-tt-"

The child's foot connected with the side of Punchy McGee's head. The sound, the shock, and the look of sheer disbelief stopping the other two in their tracks as Punchy went careening in ballerina twirls to the cement and the child neatly flipped through the air. He made the landing so that he was between the woman and her fanclub.

Tweedledee and Tweedledum actually took a step back away from the nine year old, their minds still in the process of trying to catch up from then to now.

And Damian? He could give a damn about their petty crime or the woman huddled on the ground. He just wanted to open a can up on some sonuvabitch and these bastards had just become the blue light special. Hooking the purse strap with the back of his foot, the child kicked the purse up into the air behind him -- propelling it over to the lady, who fumbled to catch it. With one hand, the boy sneered as he glared back at the woman and gestured for her to beat it.

Punchy McKee was nursing a bad look, pulling a Saturday Night Special as Tweedledee pulled a switchblade. Grinning wickedly, the boy dropped down into a stance that might be recognizable as being derived from Muay Thai.

Three eighteen-to-twenty nothings versus one nine year old.

Maybe three more and it might be a fair fight.

I was actually about to PM you, but since you mention it I'll just toss it out here.

For my next post, I was going to have Talia kick Damian out of the hotel while the League plots its evil evilness and then have Damian stumble across a mugging in Central Park and decide to jump in for kicks.

Might make a point where Miles and Damian could meet, which could prove interesting if Miles responds when the League shit goes down in NYC.
There were very few bright lines in interstellar law. Made up of over 160 independent world and colonial governments, the universe preferred to operate laissez-faire. The laws enforced by the Green Lanterns were for the protection of society at large. Murder. Narcotics. Slavery. And the Golden Rule: If a world didn't possess the technology to go out into space, then space stayed out of their world.

"Miami Vice" // Part 04 // [ Post Theme ]

All the marvels of the cosmos, and still the boy was awed by the majestic wonder of the solar system.

The large storm swirling within Jupiter's atmosphere, a world so large that it defied belief. Then a vast stretch, like Route 66 through Death Valley, as one traversed through the asteroid belt. That in itself told a story. Many stories, with many different faces. Asteroids with their own orbiting moons. Comets passing along their orbits in the long, cold night of space. There were stretches of time where there was naught but darkest night, vast empty fields occupied by nothing. And then, it appeared. The red planet, with its irregular shaped moons -- Phobos and Deimos.

"...the preliminary report from the Ungaran Narcotics Division purports the alleged customer at the receiving end to be the Kree."

That one of the interstellar races would be involved was a given. Glitter by itself was a narcotic that had been trafficked heavily despite attempts at criminalizing it. To develop it into some kind of... pharmaceutical implied that this was more than just a narcotics case. But to so prominently list a member of the Coalition Security Council invited disbelief. "I would like to believe our interstellar partners are not so foolish," the young monk opined, as his luminous green form crested over the world of Mars.

It lay ahead of him. The destination. A mottled jewel of blue, white, and green.


"Would that I were so naive. As it stands, I've dispatched Ch'p to Ungara to collect evidence for presentation to the Guardians."

Through the connection supplied by the ring, the young monk was discussing the developments in the investigation with Salaak. In terms of the Green Lantern Corps, he was pretty much the Chief of Police. Even as he neared the lunar orbit, the boy hesitated toward his destination. "Ungara is my responsibility. I should..."

"You should do as you are instructed, Green Lantern."

How was one Green Lantern supposed to be responsible for multiple planets in a sector at once? It seemed there was wisdom in Salaak sending Ch'p to Ungara while Kai-ro pursued his leads elsewhere. "As you say, Clarissi," the boy responded meekly.

"If the Kree are on Earth, I will need a witness to that fact before I can bring this case to the Guardians. And, if the Kree are not on Earth, then whoever arranged for the shipment of narcotics will be. In either case, Earth holds the answer."

Drifting out past the moon, the boy lingered in the emptiness that spanned the reach between Earth and sky. The lights of civilization popped out from the dark side of the world, while the light side radiated with a pristine blue purity as the light was scattered across the moisture of the atmosphere.

It was a home he had left behind months ago, never allowing himself to miss it for a moment until he looked down at the world beneath his feet and realized he had come home.

"Earth," the boy uttered, softly.

Blue Beetle and Green Lantern. We just need Red Tornado, Yellow Peril, Sterling Silver, and Violet and we will have the start to the Rainbow Warriors!

"On His Demon Head's Secret Service" // Part 05 // [ Dami's iPod ]

Changing in the car was always awkward.

Everything went into the bag to be destroyed. Burned, after they'd turned the car and the weapons back over to their contacts in the local mafia for destruction and recycling into new crimes. The shoes went in first, followed by the shirt and pants. Everything went in there, as trace chemicals from firing the gun could have stuck to any part of him. The gloves went in last, at which point the alcohol wipes were used to scrub his face and neck. Once those were in the bag, it was tied tight and the boy could change into the clothes that had been set out for him to travel in.


Since they were departing Gotham late, these clothes had been selected as both practicality and use in further deflecting attention away from the pair. A pair of pajama bottoms and a t-shirt with a faded Avatar: The Last Airbender graphic on it, along with a new pair of Heelys to replace the set that were getting burned. That seemed to be the way all his clothes and shoes got laundered. The boy wondered if he'd ever worn the same clothes twice, ever. To complete the look of a sleepy headed youth bound for air travel, his one carry on was a pillow.

He'd just finished changing when the car had rolled up to the curb at the Gotham airport. At the same time that the pair were exiting the car the pudgy man with the small eyes and round spectacles was emerging from out of the terminal building with a Starbucks cup in his hand. Without a word, he got into the Volvo and rolled away from the airport. The car would be emptied out and detailed before being turned back in.

As for Damian and his assassin-nanny, they made their way back through the airport. Retracing the steps from just hours before. The crew had the Gulfstream V prepped for take-off. Making his way to the back of the fuselage, the boy tossed his pillow down on the sofa that stretched along the side of the private jet's well appointed interior. Kicking off his shoes, the child flopped down on the sofa and curled up against the pillow to get comfortable.

He was asleep before the plane had even taken off.

N E W   Y O R K
Trump International Hotel & Tower

He sat up in a queen size bed, looking out over Central Park, and uncertain of what time zone he was in.

He didn't remember how he'd gotten here, but it was entirely possible that was because he'd been asleep the whole time from Gotham to New York. Children required ten hours of sleep, even the assassins, making Damian no exception to the physiological crash that came with odd hours, periods of high stress, and globe trotting.

The boy was in a two bedroom Park View suite, surprised to find himself in the guest room. His handler ought to have put him in the master suite. And she would have, which suggested that his handlers had switched off. Well, whoever this new babysitter was, they obviously thought quite highly of themselves -- putting themselves up in the master suite. And someone was clearly in there. He could hear the television from outside the room as he crept up to the door.

...the people of this city continue to live in fear as more sightings are reported of this so-called Spider-Man. Vigilante, Fox News says. Hero, CNN claims. Well, ol' G. Gordon Godfrey isn't afraid to call this spider menace what it is! Terrorism. Terrorism in America, and our own media condones it, ladies and...

The door was suddenly yanked away, a hand seizing hold of the front of the boy's shirt before he could even prepare a defense. Or even realized he was under attack, for that matter. The hotel interior swirled around in his vision, before he was body slammed against the top of the king size bed.

...which smelled like, perfume?

"Good morning, my love."

Looking up, the boy was stunned by the face was filled his vision. "Mother!" he chirped in surprise.

Whatever the League had planned for New York, it was big.

Someone get me a Red Lantern ring, stat. I was halfway through typing up my Spider-Man post, finally grooving on it, when my laptop decided to up and crash. Back to square one!

Same thing happened to me with a Damian post, which I'm retyping now. Had multiple tabs open and closed the browser without even thinking of the fact that I was working on a post.

<Snipped quote by Blue Demon>

A lump of shit by any other name is still a lump of shit.

It's all in the marketing.
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