Avatar of BrokenPromise


Recent Statuses

9 days ago
Current I think to sell someone on an interest check, it's really important to seem enthusiastic about your own idea. That means writing more than a single sentence to attract potential players.
1 yr ago
The virgin "My post was so bad it killed the RP!" VS the chad "My post was so good it concluded the RP."



Did you know that Dante's inferno is called a divine comedy because things work out for the protagonist? Back in the day, the only two genres were comedy and drama. The only difference was that in a comedy, the protagonist is better off at the end, and a drama is the opposite. So that's why a story about going through hell can still be considered a comedy, even if it's not funny.

Broken Promise, BP, Boss

Old enough to know better, too young to care. (that is to say 30's)

Preferred RPs:
I Prefer to make my own, but will occasionally join something if it looks interesting. I'll join just about anything so long as it isn’t overly edgy/sweet, though it's rare for me to do. I don't do 1x1s too often either.

Preferred Roles:
I tend to play adorable characters everyone wants to befriend or proper assholes everyone wants to stay away from. I try not to play moral paragons or prime evils.

RP Conquests:
I've completed quite a few RP's off site, but most of them are on private forums or have simply been lost to the ravages of server crashes. As for stuff here, I'm sure everyone who sees me post in the off topic sections has seen me find an excuse to talk about Danganronpa: Tower of Carnage. It's a project that took over 4 years to complete and I feel pride not only for myself but all the wonderful people who helped make it enjoyable during its run. Re: Zero: The High Council Is technically my first, but it was just something I kind of took over and ended up ending the story after just six months. It finished, but eh...

Last RP I finished was Symphony of Espers which turned out pretty good.

RP's in progress:
For some reason I can't seem to stay away from Ari's magical girl RP, even if I'm not sure why I'm still in it.

As for my own projects, I'm doing Symphony on High to continue the gigachad adventures of the espers in Pax Septimus.

RP Graveyard:
I've been pretty fortunate on this forum. I think I joined one when I first came on the site that didn't really do anything, and there are a few 1x1 things that didn't go anywhere. It's disappointing when an RP ends before it can be finished, but I've come to look at them as learning experiences.

And then there's that london magical girl RP, and that dark magical girl RP. I think I'm done joining magical girl RPs for a while.

Other interests:
I watch a lot of educational videos on youtube. Usually as research for something I’m writing or purely because a topic interests me. I like channels like Tier Zoo and Daryl Talks Games, and I’ll also watch things like Critical Drinker or Literature Devil to deepen my understanding of story telling. Though I also like memes and jokes, to which I’ll find myself watching stuff like Sseth, but usually find myself surfing through meme videos. I gotta work on that.

I have a rather long history of playing virtually every platformer to come into existence during the indie boom, as well as quite a few other indie games. I’ve played Meatboy, Binding of Issac, Gunvolt, Cuphead, Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt, Classic Metroid, Warcraft 3, Final Fantasy 7,8, and 14, Left 4 Dead, Shantae, Celeste, Danganronpa, God Eater, the list goes on. What I’ve played is kind of all over the place. I don’t play many games these days, I tend to pick things that look interesting and go on a decent steam sale.

Painting Minis
I do this in moderation. Otherwise, it's a pretty expensive hobby to start...

I listen to everything, save most country/rap songs. I have too many favorites to name.

Not one to take life or the internet too seriously. Is only serious about writing well and having a good time.

People to Insult:
Dalton is a Dingus.

Most Recent Posts

The best part of Somnium Files is talking to the characters as a detective. Change my mind.

I do like how Uchikoshi writes characters, but he tends to put them in these really wacky scenarios that tend to hinge on some very thin character (and sometimes plot) logic. Sometimes it feels like he makes things so convoluted in hopes that you just won't notice that little woopsie right there. This was true for the zero time delema series, and it's true for Somnium Files as well. How much you end up liking his stories hinges on how much you like the characters.

@Villamvihar well waddaya know, I'm returning too! Maybe Goodhope can bother Stripes with something. There is also a class thing here where students have to double up. I don't know all the details, but a Goodhope/Stripes team up would be amusing. Though that's all going to happen in the next scene I think.
Mmmm, Guess I have some reading to catch up on. A bit unfortunate that Izu isn't around anymore. Though with a devil girl around, that might be for the best, heh.

@Lewascan2, @Villamvihar, you still here?

”Stay smart, stay cool."

— Luna Gallo

Every good gambler knows when it's best to fold their hand and walk away from the table.

At present, Luna had everything she could have possibly expected to get out of this little operation. She had Jezebel, she got to wreck some Gemini agents and their shit, and she was still alive. Lenny had been fun, but her taste in cars was pretty shit, and she probably expected Luna to run off with the prize anyway. It wasn't like Luna dove into the ditch, she had been pushed in there, and Lenny chose to drive off on her own. She probably had a way to avoid the chaingun fire, and if she didn't, that was her problem, really. It would hurt Luna for a long time, but the smart move was to take Jezebel and leave on foot.

...Is what Luna would think if she was like any of those freelancers!

No, the job wasn't done until everyone had been accounted for. That included Lenny. It might not have been the smart thing to do, but Mavericks were a tight nit group that never forgot their friends. Now that the helicopter wasn't trying to turn her into swiss cheese, as the pilot put it, she could fire back with something a bit more potent. A joker card appeared in Luna's hand, and with a toss, it flew through the air like a bullet. The effect on contact was a bit more unusual.

When the card struck the tail of the helicopter, it didn't stick. Instead, it orbited around the tail while throwing suspending glitter around itself. Most zone melodies created a static field that more or less stayed put, but this one circled the helicopter, always keeping it within the stopping forces of her melody. The helicopter would still be able to move and shoot, but over the course of a few seconds would behave as if it were inside a vaccum. Steering the helicopter would be difficult, and it would more or less hover in place while the tail rotor struggled to do anything.

And it would struggle much more when under fire.

Luna was battered and bloody, but the suspend melody she had cast on herself had worn off. Her movement was only limited by her determination, and she was quite determined to ensure one of the few people who went out of their way to help the Mavericks would live to do so again.

Again, Pit Boss fired on the helicopter.

She would not miss the tail rotor this time.

The stands were filled with chatter. Magical girls exchanging information, offering services, and commenting on the class. With all of their banter, it was unlikely many would hear the sound of a young woman dragging her feet behind herself. Her eyes were at half mast, her arms hung at her sides, but her outfit looked sharp and formal for the occasion. That was because Silvia wasn't really exhausted, she was just lethargic by nature. At least when it came to walking from place to place.

After her initial appearance, the Grand Ministry had accepted Stripes's request to go on an operation by herself. She was the wielder of a fable, but they decided to grant her request so long as she made frequent updates about her progress and wasn't too reckless. Didn't hurt that they had something relatively simple for Stripes to look into on hand. Fable or not, they were not totally ignorant of her greater power set when working alone. Stripes managed to foil a few attacks set up by the pageless, but didn't encounter anything that really tested her skill. Nor was she able to confirm anything the Grand Ministry didn't already know. The Pageless were growing in number, and becoming more organized.

As annoying as it was, Stripes did need help. She wasn't going to become any more skilled fighting such weak opponents, nor were the Grand Ministry going to take note of her prowess for clearing out a few Pageless gatherings. She needed to further her studies if she wanted to gain the renown she was seeking. While Stripes was an astute student, it was hard to do much book learning when you were traveling all over England to stomp out Pageless.

Silvia looked out at the students who had attended class. She made it a habit to keep her distance from people, but noticed Nessie instantly. It was hard to forget the girl. She still remembered carrying that foul mouthed brat across the construction site, where she later got her grimoire. At the time she was a little disappointed that her thunder had been stolen by the pink haired lass, but thinking back on it, Stripes probably looked pretty cool there for a second. Protecting some innocent girl from some Pageless and allowing her to find her grimoire. It was almost enough to make her smile!




No, she was still filled with apathy.

There was also some talk about an exercise that involved teaming up with someone. Stripes was unsure if she would be included in that, but she sincerely hoped that if she was, that the number of students would be uneven. That way, she could be on a team by herself and let her power really shine. Otherwise, well, working with just one other magical girl shouldn't cut her power by too much. Though it didn't really interest her.

Though "Magical Girl Drossel, the Tuner" did. Not because of her pointlessly long title (Weren't they all magical girls?) But getting more in touch with her grimoire was exactly what she needed. Especially as a fable, she'd need all the help she could get if she was going to punch above her weight class and challenge the system!

Silvia cracked open her book, at which point she was turned into Stripes, or more specifically, a giant tiger striped tabby. It was really easier to call her a tiger at this point though. She bolted out of the stands and tore her way towards the tuner. But as she got closer to the other classmates, her allies, her transformation wore off. Stripes stumbled forward a few steps, but regained her balance with ease.

"I'm interested." Stripes locked eyes with Magical Girl Drossel, the Tuner, Formerly Known as Eins Reinhardt. Despite the intensity of her arrival, the tone of her voice didn't make it sound like she was that enthusiastic. "Though I would, of course, like to know a bit more of what that entails." She scratched her hip.

It was a miracle that Tetrad survived as long as she did. It was an even bigger miracle that she was still surviving in this situation. Perhaps an innumerable amount of miracles had been granted upon her ever since this truck chase from hell even began. No GEMINI Espers present, nor any immediately crippling incidents, despite all the opportunity for it.
If it was a matter of drawing well, Tetrad drew very well.

And she continued to do so.

A beam was a small thing, really. Small enough to weave through gaps, small enough to slip through cracks. All she needed was to get a view of her target, and the opportunity to charge up her melody. After that, it just required a quick prayer. Her eyes shone, her body transplaced, and a heavy door clunked before the door to the armored truck. Magical projectiles spewed out from the Pit Boss, piercing steel, its arcane effects seizing the machinery within. But the tail rotor was too small a target to be clipped, and the pilot was well-protected. More importantly, the gunner was swiveling, finger already on the trigger as bullets stitched into pavement, drawing ever closer to Tetrad!

The Patriot roared to life once more, reversing right by her. In that instant as it drove past, bulky from obscuring Tetrad from sight, the Maverick Esper could see a nun at the wheel, pointing a finger at her.

Blacklight shone, and she was pushed back instantaneously, falling into the roadside ditch.

And the gunner continued to pursue the reversing Jeep, helicopter gradually swiveling around to chase after the suspect that must have escaped by hopping back on!

Was this opportunity to try her luck again at taking down the helicopter? Or opportunity to hide and escape, making her way back with Jezebel on foot?

The stakes heightened. The choice remained.

@The World@Ponn@ERode

Ashley may have been surprised, but attacked soon enough. The rodent woman was about to spring to her feet, but there wasn’t a lot she could do to avoid the incoming attack. She heard the spark of a wand firing, and she had just enough time to look up and see it collide between her eyes. Espers were magic resistant, sure, but Ashley’s wand was potent, and the head was the last place anyone wanted to get hit by anything. The neon projectile blew apart into green dust, and May’s body went limp. While the attack had only broken the skin, it hit hard enough to rupture her brain. She wouldn’t be getting back up.

Marrie, on the other hand, chose to wallow in despair. Things started out promising enough, with her finding Ashley and then running into Klava not much later. She even managed to protect Ashley from being electrocuted, but she didn’t feel like she was doing enough. She could not compete with the crazy antics of Klava, nor did she have Ashley’s determination. Two melodies backfiring was all it took to shut Marrie’s spirit down. Of course, there was plenty that she could do. She could bounce-blink to Klava’s position and give her a wind-shield to protect the detransformed esper from projectiles. She could create a new portal, closing the one in the pool and dropping her victim through the ceiling into electrified water. She could even attempt to spare their opponents that she detested the idea of killing. But it was impossible to see those options when you allowed yourself to be discouraged. She spent most of her remaining mana healing negligible damage to herself and Ashley. In her mind, her allies could fight this themselves. She didn’t even need to be here.

But was that reality, or an illusion reflected back at her by despair? Klava had been shoved towards Sofron, and she was able to make use of that momentum and a melody to get his gun pointed elsewhere. Her kick landed, and she was upon him not long after. Klava’s plan was flawlessly executed. Sofron might be an esper, but espers were still weak to the mundane world. A brutal beating from a pair of fists could really hurt regardless of who was doing the punching. But while espers may be weak to mundane attacks, that was only if they had no other special abilities. Sofron’s greatest attribute was his magic, but his second greatest one was his durability. This was a man who shrugged off a stab wound to his stomach, one of the most painful wounds one can inflict on another. He was immortal, a highlander, how was bludgeoning his head going to stop him?

Klava had to sacrifice her grace to launch an attack like this, but Sofron would not be parting with his baleful hatred.

Between Klava’s blows, he sweeped the barrel of his gun across her arms, shoving them out of the way. This was just to buy him enough time to release the tompson and seize Klava by the throat. The maiden was strong out of the esper state, but she wasn’t an olympian. It was that kind of physical prowess that all espers had as their baseline, regardless of how old they may have looked. Sofron used his other hand to push himself to his feet. Klava didn’t stop fighting. Even if had to use her hands to stop choking to death, she could still kick Sofron. It wasn’t enough to stop him from driving his fist into her stomach. His hand glowed as he prepared a melody. Klava had been stunned, and there wasn’t much she could do in the moment to save herself but then Sofron looked up. the bit of water that dripped off of his clothes wasn't enough to smolder his flames.

He saw the squirrel woman’s unmoving body, and Ashley standing just beyond.

Salt water dripped off his cheek, or was it tears?

"No storm can rival what turns in my heart." At the end of the day, Klava was just a human with a gravely wounded esper form, and there were still other espers to take care of. He cast her out the nearby window before pointing his hand down the lane at Ashley. "Baleful..." Sofron fired a beam melody, another bale whip-looking spell. The only thing Ashley could do to defend herself was to raise her shield, but the melody pierced her shield and struck her shoulder, severing her arm. Her shield and arm laid at her feet while her body cried out in pain, and her nose could pick up on the faint smell of a well done hamburger. But Sofron still moved, as he prepared a second melody. "Dragon!" This was also going to be a beam attack, most likely. But would there be anything they could do before it went off?

”Tuesdays are for Tetrad. You best remember that, GEMINI scum!” Glares at Ashley

— Luna Gallo

After doing almost everything wrong, Luna did it.

In the back of her mind, there was always a chance that what she sought wasn’t going to be on the armored transport. Maybe it would be a trap, maybe Lenny would be mistaken about the identity of the “lost lamb,” or, whatever. She didn’t know. But to see Jezebel in the flesh was something else. She was without a grimoire, high off whatever Gemini had decided to sedate her with, and likely had to endure who knows what in a special interrogation session with Fritzi. They hadn’t had a chance to really catch up since she left for Pax Septimus, and those freelancers helped abort what should have been their reunion. But none of that mattered now, and damn the circumstances. She gave her friend a hug. She didn’t respond, but that was okay for now.

Then the chopper arrived.

Luna laughed. Half because she was so happy, and half because after something like this, she doubted they would give her a fair trial. Or at least, Luna knew that the power of friendship wasn’t going to hold up in the court of law. She wouldn’t be surprised if they just decided to open fire on her as soon as she entered line of sight. Jezebel was in no condition to run, or even understand her surroundings if her wandering eyes were anything to go by. But this would hopefully be it. After the chopper was dealt with, they would be in the clear.


Luna wasn’t really set up for dealing with a chopper. Her “kit” was more set up for sowing discord and supporting her allies. As fun as it would be to sink all of her remaining mana into a single “Zone-Push” melody, she knew that was going to be fairly ineffective on machine gun fire. She lacked the ability to fire a melody directly at the chopper, but she wasn’t totally out of options. All she had left was a single hair brained idea, but it was all she had to work on. Maybe after this, Luna could see about patching up her wounds.

Behind the armored truck was the light, crappy door of the patriot. It had fallen off when the GEMINI drivers decided to run themselves off the road smashing into Lenny. Luna wasn’t especially familiar with the weight of jeep doors, but she reasoned that it was probably just the right weight and size to be affected by a transplace melody. The idea being that the chopper was probably focusing their weapons on the armored transport, as they likely saw her enter. So if she swapped places with the door, that might give her enough time to counter attack.

She listened for the sound of the helicopter’s spinning blades.

She approximated the location of the chopper.

Okay magic, don’t screw up now!

She did her best to minimize the amount of time she would need to start attacking the chopper. She faced where she thought the helicopter would be after she transplaced wit the door. She turned her head and prepared to fire a beam out the door. Once she swapped places with the door, all she could do was aim pit boss at the helicopter and hope she could bring it down before it got a chance to fire back.

If she did have to run for cover, hopefully it wasn’t far. She still felt like hell after tumbling out of the Patriot.

Regardless though, her eyes looked really super sparkly pretty right now.

It was a dizzying combo of melodies, strung together in a combination that was just effective enough that Tetrad, tumbling onto asphalt, made it away with only a half dozen bloody scrapes and bruises. Wounds that ached, but wounds that were superficial enough that it didn’t stop her from running up to the armored truck. Pit Boss’s arcane blasts shredded the door effortlessly, mundane materials lacking any intrinsic defense, and the Maverick esper was able to wrench open to door and finally lay eyes on her friend once more.

There she was, bound head to toe in a white straitjacket that was chained to the wall of the armored truck. Earmuffs, mouthgag, and a blindfold sealed off her senses, while the fact that she didn’t so much as twitch made it clear that something was done to sedate her during the trip. Most importantly, there was no sign of her grimoire anywhere near her. That made sense, of course. What better way to disarm a magical terrorist forever than to seal their grimoire up in a place they’ll never be able to find? It made interrogations easier, and it made negotiations easier.

And it didn’t matter either.

If Tetrad tore off the blindfold, she’d see her friend’s eyes still. Open. Unfocused. But moving. After all that, Jezebel was still alive.

But the world kept turning, and any sort of emotional reunion would have to wait until they actually got back. The Patriot was still stalled, perhaps a ‘play dead’ tactic employed by Lenny so her ride didn’t get absolutely obliterated by the chopper that was making its presence known now.

“Mavericks! Exit the truck untransformed! Do so and we will grant you a fair trial! Do not and we will turn you terrorist scum into Swiss cheese!”

@SilverPaw@Majoras End
Nothing else seemed worthy of exploration, unless Timekeeper wished to try his hand at figuring out what was clogging up the toilet, and with Breacher’s summons, he soon reconvened with Leroux. It took some trial-and-error, as well as a whole lotta psyching up, for the young boy to follow her down the elevator shaft, but they descended in a safe manner, popped open the elevator, and joined their leader at the barricade of bedframes. It really was a strange fortification, in truth. One that seemed wholly ineffectual against monsters, and one that would likely be destroyed in moments with a couple melodies from an Esper. Outside of simply being a matter of ‘wasting’ mana, what was this supposed to be? A way to slow them down? A way to keep them guessing?

Breacher continued to swat, and then, there was a response.

A quiet click sounded. A gun being cocked on the other side.

A man’s voice, measured though lined with fatigue and resignment, resounded.

“Hello. Would it be too much to ask you three to leave and report that there was…nothing to see?”

@The World@Ponn@ERode

There were a lot of creative ways to put out a fire. You could smother it in some non-flammable compound, use an explosion to rob the flame of oxygen, extinguish it with water, and even patting and rolling out fires worked, or enter a vacuum. The reason why all of these methods work is because they deprive a flame of oxygen, heat, or fuel. No matter how much wind surrounded Marrie or Ashley, there was still plenty for the fire to burn. Their damp bodies did little to slow the expanding flames especially with the swirling winds drying them off. The extra oxygen being fed into the fire didn’t help either. But It’s hard to think when you’re in a panic.

Ashley managed.

Maybe it was her GEMINI training, her college tuition, common sense, or a mix of all three. Her instincts forced her to bring both espers to the floor. The water was only a few inches deep, but a quick roll was all it took to extinguish the flames. Neither esper had suffered any lasting damage, and had survived Sofron’s trap.

Though nothing had been done to keep the pressure off of Klava.

A lesser esper would panic in Klava’s position. The barrel of Sofron’s shotgun was leveled with Klava’s torso, while an able tonfa fighter crouched between two countertops, no doubt preparing for a counter attack pun intended With only a moment to act, she let her experience guide her.

The volley of shotgun pellets graazed Klava. Sofron continued to approach, casting aside the SPAS-12 so that he could better hold his machine gun. But it didn’t matter. His distance to her, Klava’s poison, she could have been wearing concrete shoes. With a single melody, she had made herself slick and jetted down the hall towards the other opponent. The rodent woman anticipated the play, and brought her tonfas up to block the attack moments before Klava blasted towards her. When held the correct way, Tonfas are remarkably compact, functionally closer to gauntlets or bracers. But regardless if she had enough room to punch Klava, it would be hard to do so while she was falling backwards. Kneeling is a weak position in a fight, and Klava was ready to exploit it.

The rodent fell on her back, and Klava was upon her

She tried to defend herself, but it was already too late. Klava pinned one of the squirrel woman’s arm against her chest. One stick to deflect one knife? In this economy? Rodent girl was just delaying the inevitable.

The knife bit into her flesh. Her face tensed up in pain as Moya-no-Yume dug under her collar bone. Killing was seldom Klava’s first choice, but when the goal was to survive, to complete your mission, to be a professional, your personal wants didn’t come into the picture. But as the blade sunk deeper into the enemy esper’s chest, she could vaguely make out something being yelled behind her head. Mail flip? Rail nip? Hail rip?

Oh, Bale Whip.

With a crack, Her shoulder felt hot, no, her flesh was boiling. When Klava turned to look, she could see a burning whip rip through her shoulder, severing her arm from her body. A splash of crimson on her face that just lasted a moment before it was washed away. Without Klava’s weight behind the strike, Moya-no-Yume ceased to sink deeper into the rodent woman’s shoulder. A normal melody took roughly a second to fire off, but some espers could quicken their melodies, which was the only reason the rodent woman was still alive, and Klava’s shoulder smelled like barbecue. It was a shame Klava had no backup at this critical moment.

With a growl, the rodent woman rammed her tonfa into Klava’s ribs, cracking one and throwing her away with the force of a melody. More than the sudden push, she could feel the toxicity in her body increase. While she had felt a bit ill before, it now felt like her blood vessels were tingling, itchy even. Klava’s armless, instrumentless body came to rest a few feet in front of Sofron.

"I can handle this, May."

May didn’t waste time on another pun. With a grunt, she pulled the knife out of her chest and flung it into the kitchen, which was filling up with water. She was bleeding, but Klava’s stab wasn’t deep enough to reach her vitals. She was dizzy with pain, and would need to be healed sooner or later, but she could still be a threat. Though the real threat to Klava was Sofron, who was approaching the esper to crown her with his machine gun. Without her knife, it was only a matter of time before she returned to her normal mundane self.

But she had one second, at least that.
"Deponia" was a pleasant surprise for a point&click game. Because the intro song and terrible meta tutorial had me very nervous that I'd dread this comedy experience. But the childish/slapstick humor was actually pretty entertaining, most of the time. And I'd be willing to try out its sequel stories.

I mean I agree, but like, you didn't encounter any bugs? The minecart puzzle actually loaded? etc.

Character bio is more for creating hooks and such. As a GM, I'm really just need to know what sort of history your character has. Do they have a criminal backround? Do they own property? How wealthy are they and how did they get that wealth? Background feels like a necessary evil. You could cut it out of your CS, but then how many extra areas are you going to create on your CS to get all the information you need? I also feel like depending on the setting it's a good idea to have some features of a character visible to everyone. I can't speak for everyone, but I like to make unique characters, and I will try to pick backgrounds that set them apart from other characters. So seeing what other people are running with is useful.

But I do withhold things on the CS that I think would be interesting if they came up later, and I never make NPC's sheets too deep.

Something I did experiment with in the past (and with great success) was to have a secret questionnaire sheet for everyone's characters. So while the bulk of the character sheet was visible, the good stuff was hidden. You'd know how a politician came into power, but not about his scandals. And I think that's a good approach to have with NPCs. Giving some information makes the characters easier to remember, especially if you have a lot of them. However, their secrets should be less well known. If you, the GM, spot an opportunity for a connection after looking through secret details, you can work your magic to ensure said characters know about each other. I love getting secret notes from the GM, makes me feel special.
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