Brodie River Driver-Stewart
(FC: Dacre Montgomery, Dialogue Color: A4C0CF)
| | N I C K N A M E (S) | |
- Bro (Rarely)
| | A G E | |
17, January 4th
| | G E N D E R | |
| | S E X U A L I T Y | |
| | R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S | |
| | O C C U P A T I O N | |
Sailing Instructor
| | C L A S S I F I C A T I O N | |
| | I N D E P T H A P P E A R A N C E | |
Height: 5’10
Weight: 200lbs
Body Type: Slim and athletic
Hair Colour: Blonde/Brown cut short with light curls
Eye Colour: Blue
School Uniform: Brodie wears the standard uniform for Marble Heights with a preference to wearing the sweater version instead of the jacket with his tie loose around his neck but tucked in neatly. He usually wears khaki slacks and dress shoes. He accessories with leather bracelets, beads and a watch.
Casual Clothing: When not in uniform, Brodie leans towards a simple dress style of jeans and a t-shirt and usually keeps his signature item, a knitted sailors sweater within arms length. He never wears sneakers, instead always opting for boots or sandals.
Weight: 200lbs
Body Type: Slim and athletic
Hair Colour: Blonde/Brown cut short with light curls
Eye Colour: Blue
School Uniform: Brodie wears the standard uniform for Marble Heights with a preference to wearing the sweater version instead of the jacket with his tie loose around his neck but tucked in neatly. He usually wears khaki slacks and dress shoes. He accessories with leather bracelets, beads and a watch.
Casual Clothing: When not in uniform, Brodie leans towards a simple dress style of jeans and a t-shirt and usually keeps his signature item, a knitted sailors sweater within arms length. He never wears sneakers, instead always opting for boots or sandals.
| | R E P U T A T I O N | |
At face value; Brodie is a zen master wrapped up in the body of a Greek God. He doesn’t talk a great deal and when he does it’s usually one word answers or some form of great philosophical wizardry. He is non confrontational and simply seems to shrug off any kind of negative emotions going on around him. Brodie oozes charisma and cool and can make one feel good with but a smile.
| | H I S T O R Y | |
Brodie River Driver-Stewart was born in Perth, Western Australia to Monty Driver and Nessa Stewart. Nessa worked in a wildlife sanctuary and Monty was the Captain aboard a luxury cruise ship. With both of their works keeping his parents away for months at a time, young Brodie became an extremely self sufficient and somewhat isolated child. He spent much of his time alone (his nanny’s weren’t the attentive type) to the point where he didn’t really know how to socialise with other children. As such he really struggled to find any lasting friendships.
Young Brodie took solace in food; he learned to cook early as his parents were never there and if there was nothing to make then just buy sweets, lots and lots of sweets. As one can imagine, the boy began to pile on the weight; it didn’t take long for Brodie to balloon up to a dangerous size. His parents and his carers didn’t notice but the kids at school, they most certainly did. With a lack of social skills and a size double that of most of the kids his age, the bullying that Brodie began to face on the daily was atrocious. He would get beat up, spit on, called names and held down whilst food was shoved in his mouth. The sight of certain people would send him into a panic spiral and he would go hide in a closet somewhere. Things finally reached a boiling point when Brodie threw himself off of the bow of his fathers boat in a suicide attempt. No one even noticed he was overboard until a passing sailor pulled the boy from the water.
After his cry for help fell on deaf ears; Brodie took matters into his own hands. His father had begun his own charter yacht business and the boy offered his services to work on the boat with the intention of using the gruelling work to better his physique. After much begging, his family hired a personal trainer and dietician to help and over the next few years, Brodie did everything he possibly could to transform himself physically and mentally. He took up surfing and yoga, began to study deeper thinking in order to rid himself of his anxiety and internal panic. During this time his family announced they were moving to the United States so their charter business could expand.
Arriving in Fort Lauderdale aged fourteen; Brodie was shipped off to the boarding school, Marble Heights in San Francisco shortly after. This was the perfect excuse for his parents to be rid of him and the ideal way for Brodie to try and find himself and really get the fresh start he has desired for so long. He has spent the last three years building up his reputation as a quiet Aussie enigma. Other than a small select group, not many really know much about Brodie besides his love of fitness, surfing and sailing. He has a job teaching sailing outside of school and has been known to take fellow students out on his boat of they just need to escape from reality which really sums Brodie up as a human; a relaxed, chilled escape from the chaos or at least that’s what he appears...
Young Brodie took solace in food; he learned to cook early as his parents were never there and if there was nothing to make then just buy sweets, lots and lots of sweets. As one can imagine, the boy began to pile on the weight; it didn’t take long for Brodie to balloon up to a dangerous size. His parents and his carers didn’t notice but the kids at school, they most certainly did. With a lack of social skills and a size double that of most of the kids his age, the bullying that Brodie began to face on the daily was atrocious. He would get beat up, spit on, called names and held down whilst food was shoved in his mouth. The sight of certain people would send him into a panic spiral and he would go hide in a closet somewhere. Things finally reached a boiling point when Brodie threw himself off of the bow of his fathers boat in a suicide attempt. No one even noticed he was overboard until a passing sailor pulled the boy from the water.
After his cry for help fell on deaf ears; Brodie took matters into his own hands. His father had begun his own charter yacht business and the boy offered his services to work on the boat with the intention of using the gruelling work to better his physique. After much begging, his family hired a personal trainer and dietician to help and over the next few years, Brodie did everything he possibly could to transform himself physically and mentally. He took up surfing and yoga, began to study deeper thinking in order to rid himself of his anxiety and internal panic. During this time his family announced they were moving to the United States so their charter business could expand.
Arriving in Fort Lauderdale aged fourteen; Brodie was shipped off to the boarding school, Marble Heights in San Francisco shortly after. This was the perfect excuse for his parents to be rid of him and the ideal way for Brodie to try and find himself and really get the fresh start he has desired for so long. He has spent the last three years building up his reputation as a quiet Aussie enigma. Other than a small select group, not many really know much about Brodie besides his love of fitness, surfing and sailing. He has a job teaching sailing outside of school and has been known to take fellow students out on his boat of they just need to escape from reality which really sums Brodie up as a human; a relaxed, chilled escape from the chaos or at least that’s what he appears...
| | B E Y O N D M Y R E P U T A T I O N | |
Behind the cool, Brodie is almost the complete opposite of what he portrays. He routinely suffers panic attacks, normally after he either sees some form of bullying or he falls off of the wagon and eats his weight in Dunkin’ Doughnuts. He seeks solitude purely out of fear of what poison could come from a connection turned sour. He had never had a steady girlfriend, in fact he has only ever settled for friends with benefits agreements and even then, they don’t last any longer than a few weeks because of his own innate fear of getting hurt.
| | E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R A C T I V I T I E S | |
- He is currently not part of any clubs
| | B E S T & W O R S T S U B J E C T S | |
| B E S T |
- English Literature
| W O R S T | - Mathematics
| | E X T R A N O T E S | |
- Font: Sweet Water
- He has a sailboat which he uses for work named Avalon Sky.
- He is a keen surfer and has considered going pro in the future.
- Loves Musicals and the Ballet.
- Doesn’t not have any socials.
Rhiannon Avery Palminteri
(FC: Kennedy McMann, Dialogue Color: D57649)
| | N I C K N A M E (S) | |
- Avery (Preferred Name)
- Rhia (To Family and Close Friends)
| | A G E | |
17, November 23rd
| | G E N D E R | |
| | S E X U A L I T Y | |
| | R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S | |
Single and if you have a pulse, she’ll mingle
| | C L A S S I F I C A T I O N | |
| | I N D E P T H A P P E A R A N C E | |
Height: 5’8
Weight: 140lbs
Body Type: Curvy and athletic
Hair Colour: Long Strawberry Blonde
Eye Colour: Hazel
School Uniform: When in uniform, Avery wears the standard uniform usually with her skirt rolled up to show off her incredible bum and legs with knee high black socks. She rarely wears her blazer and usually just walks around with her shirt slightly unbuttoned, tie loose and shades covering her hungover eyes.
Casual Clothing: Outside of class, Avery has a somewhat fluctuating style; some days she’s incredibly girly and walks around in nice jeans and a colourful top but more often than not she rocks up in denim and leather with whatever shitty indie band she’s followings only t-shirt adorning her chest (usually amended to a v-neck to flash a little more flesh).
Weight: 140lbs
Body Type: Curvy and athletic
Hair Colour: Long Strawberry Blonde
Eye Colour: Hazel
School Uniform: When in uniform, Avery wears the standard uniform usually with her skirt rolled up to show off her incredible bum and legs with knee high black socks. She rarely wears her blazer and usually just walks around with her shirt slightly unbuttoned, tie loose and shades covering her hungover eyes.
Casual Clothing: Outside of class, Avery has a somewhat fluctuating style; some days she’s incredibly girly and walks around in nice jeans and a colourful top but more often than not she rocks up in denim and leather with whatever shitty indie band she’s followings only t-shirt adorning her chest (usually amended to a v-neck to flash a little more flesh).
| | R E P U T A T I O N | |
Everybody knows Avery; even the quiet kid who picks his nose in the corner, yeah even he knows Avery. She is mad, bad, dangerous and may or may not be crazy. She is known predominantly for being a wild, music loving country Queen whose fire burns just as bright as her shock of red hair. She is a bit of a force of nature and it’s hard to stop her when she wants something. Avery is well known even in the short time she has been at Marble Heights for sleeping around with both sexes. For Avery; life’s a party and then you die; it’s as simple as that.
| | H I S T O R Y | |
Before there was Avery; there was Rhiannon.
Born Rhiannon Avery Palminteri in the small rural community of Gatling, Texas, she was the daughter of the local high school football coach and former town golden boy Jack and his wife Roxanne, a tv writer known for creating the legendary teen drama series, Edenridge. Rhiannon’s parents divorced when she was only three years old because her father loved the game and his fellow faculty more than his wife. Not long after the divorce was settled however, Roxanne passed away from Huntington’s Disease; Rhia was the one that found her mother’s body slumped in her office. This had a profound effect on the child for many years to come.
Jackie tried his best to be a father to his daughter but sometimes some men are just born not to be a parent. When she was ten years old, Rhia was heavily involved in gymnastics but her classes fell on Fridays which meant her father always had a game to be at. Luckily her mother’s best friends, Diana and Dusty Rockhold were there to lend support. It was on one of these dank and hot Friday nights that Jackie Palminteri wrapped his car around a tree after running a red light. He died instantly and Rhia was orphaned.
She was taken in by Diana and Dusty and began to settle into life on a ranch. The Rockhold’s were kind people but their family was huge. They had five kids and Rhia was the oldest by a clear mile, so she felt loved but still somewhat lonely. Through her relationship with her adopted family; Rhiannon developed a deep and profound love for all things music as it was a huge thing in their household and was proud to discover that she herself was named after a song by her birth mothers favourite band, Fleetwood Mac. As she matured, Rhia began to develop a bit of a wild streak, lots of parties, booze and a distaste for anything football. She found herself using her natural beauty to her advantage and it was down this avenue that she met Diego Flores, a new teacher at her high school. As one could expect, things took a turn to the more defiant and Mr Flores lost his job. In a latch ditch effort to free Rhiannon from the sale tendencies that plagued her mother and father, Diana and Dusty sent her to Marble Heights.
Arriving in San Francisco; she decided a fresh start was in order and adopted her middle name of Avery as her first name and also took on her adopted parents surname; this Avery Rockhold was born. After a year at Marble Heights; Avery has quelled some of her tendencies but like the song says; “I don’t want to be anything other than me”
Born Rhiannon Avery Palminteri in the small rural community of Gatling, Texas, she was the daughter of the local high school football coach and former town golden boy Jack and his wife Roxanne, a tv writer known for creating the legendary teen drama series, Edenridge. Rhiannon’s parents divorced when she was only three years old because her father loved the game and his fellow faculty more than his wife. Not long after the divorce was settled however, Roxanne passed away from Huntington’s Disease; Rhia was the one that found her mother’s body slumped in her office. This had a profound effect on the child for many years to come.
Jackie tried his best to be a father to his daughter but sometimes some men are just born not to be a parent. When she was ten years old, Rhia was heavily involved in gymnastics but her classes fell on Fridays which meant her father always had a game to be at. Luckily her mother’s best friends, Diana and Dusty Rockhold were there to lend support. It was on one of these dank and hot Friday nights that Jackie Palminteri wrapped his car around a tree after running a red light. He died instantly and Rhia was orphaned.
She was taken in by Diana and Dusty and began to settle into life on a ranch. The Rockhold’s were kind people but their family was huge. They had five kids and Rhia was the oldest by a clear mile, so she felt loved but still somewhat lonely. Through her relationship with her adopted family; Rhiannon developed a deep and profound love for all things music as it was a huge thing in their household and was proud to discover that she herself was named after a song by her birth mothers favourite band, Fleetwood Mac. As she matured, Rhia began to develop a bit of a wild streak, lots of parties, booze and a distaste for anything football. She found herself using her natural beauty to her advantage and it was down this avenue that she met Diego Flores, a new teacher at her high school. As one could expect, things took a turn to the more defiant and Mr Flores lost his job. In a latch ditch effort to free Rhiannon from the sale tendencies that plagued her mother and father, Diana and Dusty sent her to Marble Heights.
Arriving in San Francisco; she decided a fresh start was in order and adopted her middle name of Avery as her first name and also took on her adopted parents surname; this Avery Rockhold was born. After a year at Marble Heights; Avery has quelled some of her tendencies but like the song says; “I don’t want to be anything other than me”
| | B E Y O N D M Y R E P U T A T I O N | |
When it comes to Avery, it is very much what you see is what you get. She isn’t really into hiding anything about herself and wears her heart on her sleeve or sees it at the bottom of a vodka bottle. Some of the lesser seen aspects of her personality are her softer aspects. She is incredibly kind and generous; often going out of her way to make someone feel better in her own Avery kind of way and will buy a homeless person some food every time she passes one. Despite her habit of sleeping around, she is looking for a deeper connection and is beginning to believe she’s just too broken to find one.
| | E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R A C T I V I T I E S | |
- She is currently not part of any clubs but is tempted to ask Jamie about a music column in the paper.
| | B E S T & W O R S T S U B J E C T S | |
| B E S T |
- Music
- Business & Economics
| W O R S T | - Foreign Languages
| | E X T R A N O T E S | |
- Font: Capella Rock III
- Loves the Hex Girls Show and has posters of Gwen, Stella, Luna and Tish on her wall.
- Although her usual jam is Early 00’s Indie and Classic Rock, she stans Rico Nunez and will fight anyone who hates on him.
- Refuses to watch a single episode of Edenridge as it reminds her too much of her Mom.
- Hates Football and Football players.
- She is @AveryRockTx on all socials.
Lincoln James Darby
(FC: Gregg Sulkin, Dialogue Color: CB1B95)
| | N I C K N A M E (S) | |
- Link
| | A G E | |
18, May 1st
| | G E N D E R | |
| | S E X U A L I T Y | |
| | R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S | |
| | O C C U P A T I O N | |
| | C L A S S I F I C A T I O N | |
| | I N D E P T H A P P E A R A N C E | |
Uniform: Link wears the standard Marble Height uniform without any real addition to it. He tends to lean towards wearing the blazer version rather than the sweater.
Casual: Not one who pays much kind to fashion, Lincoln’s casual wear generally consists of jeans and t-shirts or work out wear. He wears glasses most of the time but does occasionally switch to contacts.
Casual: Not one who pays much kind to fashion, Lincoln’s casual wear generally consists of jeans and t-shirts or work out wear. He wears glasses most of the time but does occasionally switch to contacts.
| | R E P U T A T I O N | |
Lincoln may be pretty but there’s something ugly eating away inside of him; that much is obvious just by the way he looks at people with such disdain. He is known as someone who treads the thin line between genius and psychotic and will be the first to announce that he is the smartest person in the room. One minute he’s happy to tutor you in a multitude of subjects and then the next he’s got you by the throat, pinned up against a wall and is about to smash your skull in. He is a computer whiz and regularly hacks into the school database to fiddle someone’s grades, for a price of course.
| | H I S T O R Y | |
Lincoln Darby was born on May 1st in Reno, Nevada. His parents were heavily involved in the local motorcycle club; the Iron Tribe and it was very obvious very quickly that he had inherited their knack for trouble. Link as he would come to be known started off as a good kid, friendly and polite but he had been born with a bit of a naughty streak and before the age of eight he had already been in lots of trouble at school for selling candy to other kids. He began to act out and began to turn up to school with bruises and busted lips, it didn’t take a genius to work out what was going on. When he was nine, both of his parents were arrested on various charges and Lincoln and his younger brother George became wards of the state. They were eventually split up due to their behavioural issues when they were together and eventually this ended with Lincoln being adopted by a well to do family in Boston and George going off to LA.
Links sudden arrival in New England high society caused quite the stir and left a permanent mark of unbelonging on the youngsters skin. It didn’t take long for him to get up to his old tricks when he began selling his adopted fathers sports memorabilia through a mail order business at only eleven years old. Rather than chastise his young charge, Lincoln’s adopted father tried to channel his energies into computers, something worked all too well. By the time he was fourteen, Link had displayed an aptitude for IT and a wild streak in violence. Around this time, he had gotten word that his brother had passed and this just changed something in Lincoln, whatever innocence had and left was gone.
It was due to his behaviour that Link’s adopted parents decided that they just couldn’t handle him anymore. They decided that the best place to manage both his troubles and to nurture his growing skills was Marble Heights. Soon Lincoln arrived in San Francisco and got straight to work causing technological mayhem, having the occasional physical altercation and discovering the wonders of recreational drinking and drugs (though admittedly that’s always been in short supply).
Links sudden arrival in New England high society caused quite the stir and left a permanent mark of unbelonging on the youngsters skin. It didn’t take long for him to get up to his old tricks when he began selling his adopted fathers sports memorabilia through a mail order business at only eleven years old. Rather than chastise his young charge, Lincoln’s adopted father tried to channel his energies into computers, something worked all too well. By the time he was fourteen, Link had displayed an aptitude for IT and a wild streak in violence. Around this time, he had gotten word that his brother had passed and this just changed something in Lincoln, whatever innocence had and left was gone.
It was due to his behaviour that Link’s adopted parents decided that they just couldn’t handle him anymore. They decided that the best place to manage both his troubles and to nurture his growing skills was Marble Heights. Soon Lincoln arrived in San Francisco and got straight to work causing technological mayhem, having the occasional physical altercation and discovering the wonders of recreational drinking and drugs (though admittedly that’s always been in short supply).
| | B E Y O N D M Y R E P U T A T I O N | |
Lincoln is known for his keen intelligence and probably has a future at MIT if he could get his troubles in check. Problem is, he doesn’t want to. Link loathes people and the world around him and does not hide this; what he does hide is a long standing need to just to be loved. Anyone who is lucky or unlucky enough to break through to Link on a personal level essentially becomes his property and he will hold them close with great desperation. He is incredibly paranoid and a bit of a conspiracy theorist and simply just doesn’t trust anything other than himself.
| | E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R A C T I V I T I E S | |
- None that he will disclose.
| | B E S T & W O R S T S U B J E C T S | |
| B E S T |
| W O R S T |
- IT
- Technology
- Engineering
- Maths
| W O R S T |
- Home Economics
| | E X T R A N O T E S | |
- Font: Rabid Science
- Is an Insomniac
- Will actively refuse medical treatment because he doesn’t trust doctors
- Is an Insomniac
- Will actively refuse medical treatment because he doesn’t trust doctors