Avatar of CitrusArms


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3 days ago
Current -17 F. Can we just build a series of tubes? To take us places.
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3 days ago
It was -3 F when I left, this morning. The winds were breezy. I can only assume that, because I didn't freeze on the return trip, the sun improved things.
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10 days ago
V. II Snail is a bitch and he should burn in mech hell
23 days ago
I didn't know the enter key works on the status bar
1 mo ago
I'm gonna pre-load the bath with salts.


I'm a generally chill gremlin that can be kinda particular. I grew up with plenty of electronics and video games, mostly with games like Final Fantasy, Zelda, and StarCraft. I like to blend magic and technology in my writing, bringing fantasy into space and sci-fi.

Most Recent Posts

Hek, git wrek.

How's everyone doing? I'm training at my new job~
"Whoa," Regan took a half step back. She hadn't expected it, "that's a big one, isn't it?" According to the Pokedex, it should be appreciably shorter than she was. It had said specifically, but she couldn't remember that much. This one must be bigger, then. "Heh, you ride her? I suppose she's big enough, you could, yeah. I probably shouldn't, but I bet it looks super cute when you do."

"That's about the only reason I could think of for a researcher to want to participate on the league." There was a problem, though. If she wasn't going to aim for the top, then she shouldn't participate. Was there a desire, any at all, to stand at the top? "It's the best place to find a lot of great trainers and Pokemon. Tracking down hermits and recluses can be so much work. If you're not there for battling, itself, though, how are you going to come at it? Are you still going to try to win the league?"

Regan smiled at the psychic Pokemon. Already feeling mellow, she didn't feel the need to regulate her mind in front of this psychic type. She reached up calmly to pet Gira's neck. "I used to ride from town to town on a Flygon, when I needed to get somewhere quick. The way they sing through the air is so soothing."
"It'll be hard to spot directly, maybe, but it should be easy to find its tracks. They'll be larger than a normal Onyx' tracks, which aren't hard to find when they're there, and we've got an eye in the sky. Unless he's taking measures to cover his tracks, but that would only raise the question of why. We'd have quite the clever Onyx on our hands, too."

"Ooh, you have a Girafarig. I've never seen one in person before, they've got quite an interesting look to them. That rear head is somethin' else..." Regan had been flipping through the paper pokedex she borrowed from the Rangers, while she was waiting for the boat to come pick them all up to bring them to the islands. She preferred an actual book to those back lit screens. There had been a picture, documenting a Girafarig and a trainer.

"A Weedle? Not a bad catch. Speakin' of bug types, I wonder if there are any Heracross around here... hey, wait, you've still got an eye on competing? If you aren't interested in battling, itself, then you must be," she thought for just a moment, "going to study something? Perhaps a more detailed study on how a trainer affects a pokemon, or the like. Have I got it right?"

If she'd been watching, she might have caught that twinge of annoyance. It wasn't that she didn't respect the assignment. Just that, as far as assignments for a Ranger went, this one felt pretty easy.

Aah, but maybe she should let the student take the lead on this one, in the first place. It was a better way to learn than just watching someone else do all the work. She made a mental note to take a backseat, and only help as a second set of hands.

"It took me a while to understand that battling," she searched for words for a moment, "isn't my thing, though I already told you that part. It's a good feeling, traveling to help people rather than searching for yet greater strength. I think I'm satisfied with what I've obtained, anyway."

"You haven't seen the Onyx before, huh? Hm. Well, it's not like it'll be hard to spot. Probably." She reminded herself that she was with a student. She was probably here just for her safety, and not because there was anything serious going on with the Onyx. The student was going on order to learn, as students do.

"Ah, so. You were a trainer, what Pokemon do you carry with you? I've got a Poliwhirl, named Kawaken, and Rapier follows me everywhere."@Salenea
Regan chuckled and rolled her eyes, "and a sense of humor, too." This path, she said. This was the kind of company she preferred. Perhaps she panicked slightly earlier, when she left the company of that... Affluent young man. That young man's attitude had been something so foreign to her, she wasn't prepared for it.

The young lady turned the question around on her. "Oh, just that I enjoy working with Pokemon. I used to be a trainer, but I retired after my second attempt at the league. I'd had my fill of battling, thought to put my talents to use helping travelers, and here we are. I can use my talents as a trainer for just that. And to help a future professor, well! Feels like an important assignment, even if we're just looking into a missing wild Onyx." Like she was guarding the future or something, but she should be careful with such grandeur.
Aaah, I've been wanting to have a good RP to use Ranger Regan in for a while. Feels good.
"Simple enough to get there, then. Very good. Rapier, you know what you're looking for and where, then?" The bird gave the Ranger a sharp nod. "Good. Fly on ahead and let me know what you find." She was about to move on when Rapier nudged her arm, pecking lightly at her sleeve. "Wh- oh. Haha, you want a launch? Alright, alright. Hop up." She put her arm out and the large bird pokemon lit to her arm. They both turned north, and Regan stretched her arm out. She drew back, Rapier leaning his body forward with the motion. Regan, in a movement not unlike a baseball pitch, put her whole body into a throw. Rapier pushed off of her arm at the right moment, gaining great speed. He put his wings out to glide at this great speed and lifted high into the sky, beginning his search.

"Ok, our scout is searching ahead of us. Let's follow him."

As they walked, Regan decided to strike some conversation, "Tell me, Sarah. You're not a typical trainer, are you? I met a Coordinator just today, which was a completely new thing to me. Never so much as seen one before. The Association came to my island just recently, so the different occupations seem strange. Some of them are obvious; trainers. That's how I got my start, before I became a Ranger. Traditionally, though, where I come from, we would simply live alongside Pokemon; the formalities can be somewhat strange to me. So, tell me, what path do you walk?"

"I'm all ready to go. Shall we?" Regan gave a smile and led the way out of the building. She checked the compass on the side her bag, getting her bearing for North. Ah, but how far North? And which way would be best? She was completely unfamiliar with the lay of the land around here, which created a problem. "I'm from a much larger island nowhere near here, so I'm not too sure of the area. The approach to the area we're looking for is just straight north, then?"

The Ranger turned her attention skyward, waving to a bird soaring high. The bird banked and descended quickly, stopping and landing in front of Regan. "There's my good bird. Rapier, we're looking for a large Onyx to the north. I'm not sure how large, exactly, but I'm sure you'll be able to pick it out. Sarah, have you seen it before? Do you have a more... useful description for Rapier?"

Ooh, I was working on one. I think I left it on my laptop. I'll have to see if it's there, still.
"An Onyx? Well, you're in luck. I just so happen to be especially handy in the mountains and caves. My pokemons' fighting-type techniques will take care of things handily." Was that all the professor wanted? It sounded like there were other things she could use a Ranger for, but she'd keep it simple for now. If it was important, the professor would say something.

She turned to the... student? Not a traditional trainer, if she was receiving assignments this way. "I'm Regan, pleasure to work with you. Lucky you, gettin' your own escort. I'm no slouch, either."
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