Avatar of CitrusArms


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1 mo ago
Current Pomodoro timer!
1 mo ago
-17 F. Can we just build a series of tubes? To take us places.
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1 mo ago
It was -3 F when I left, this morning. The winds were breezy. I can only assume that, because I didn't freeze on the return trip, the sun improved things.
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2 mos ago
V. II Snail is a bitch and he should burn in mech hell
2 mos ago
I didn't know the enter key works on the status bar


I'm a generally chill gremlin that can be kinda particular. I grew up with plenty of electronics and video games, mostly with games like Final Fantasy, Zelda, and StarCraft. I like to blend magic and technology in my writing, bringing fantasy into space and sci-fi.

Most Recent Posts

Right? It's so useful.

And Ash is dumb for not being able to come up with a way to combine being Aura sensitive and Pokemon training. Not that that's anything new.

I have a theory, in fact. Any given Pokemon uses Aura, it's how they power their moves, or at least some of them. Aura Ball is a good example, I think. It's just another Pokemon move, but it explicitly uses Aura in a raw form
*scours Bulbapedia for a physical psychic move Regan might actually be able to teach Gira later*

There's one.
Y'know, I have composer software. If I spend enough time listening to cool Pokemon battle themes, maybe I can make my own...
"Do Onyx scare easily?" They didn't, as far as she was aware. She didn't know too much about them, though, only what that encyclopedia had told her. She had tried to keep her attention on pokemon that were known to appear on these islands, though she may have gotten. "I suppose this one could be skittish."

"Rapier's been my eyes and ears in the sky hundreds of times." The ranger smiled fondly. The idea of calling on Rapier in battle took her back. "Hmm. It's been a long time since I asked him to fight. I'm sure he's kept his talons sharp. I wouldn't call on him for just anything, though." Something would have to make her quite serious. Thinking about it, such a fight could be very influential in Sarah's research. She couldn't help but think of a specific person, from back home. Regan believed in the philosophy she held as a trainer, that Pokemon were not tools. The respect formed by treating them as living equals furthered their potential, as only by respecting them could you so truly maximize the effectiveness of their training. And besides that, you should be so kind to them, as they are just as alive as anyone else. "Perhaps that fight will be more educational than you realize."

"Or maybe not. Until then, you'll have to settle for watching Kawaken and I." Her Poliwhirl popped out from the single ball kept on her belt. He jumped up with a hand raised and Regan met him with a high-five. He landed, looked around, got disappointed, and sent himself back into his ball. Regan gave a chuckle, "sorry, buddy. No water here, I'm only talking about you."

"I've been her eyes and ears in the sky many, many times. We've searched deserts, mountains, forests, plains, even the ocean. I was surprised how different it is flying over a desert, or the ocean. Moisture makes a big difference." Rapier brought his attention in from Regan and the horizon, to see Gira searching. "And what is it you seek, Gira? Maybe I can help."
Seems that way.

Man, I'm fussing with Rapier's last line. I think that's a better one.
Question: how do we feel about Aura?
Mmm, this mashup up XY and Sword/shield gym leader themes is pretty good. Regan's champion theme, perhaps?
So I post from my phone a lot, and sometimes, when I post, it loads the offline page it has stored, and I'm left with no idea on if it took it it not. Uhg.
"Aaah, now you've got me thinking about the old team. The team I challenged the league with was Umi, my Lapras; Terra; Brawly, my Breloom; Lucia, my Lucario; A Hariyama that wouldn't let me name him; and Naien, my Blaziken. She's probably helping Mom cook. Hm hm."

"I have no doubt it will take us a decent amount of time to cross the terrain the Professor described. That's why Rapier is so good to have around for this. It'd take us much longer to find the Onix on our own, not just because of his vantage point, but even more because be doesn't have to contest with the terrain. He found the clue we needed, so it's up to us to get there. I dunno how far ahead he went in the first place, though. I wonder if I should have requested a vehicle..."

"Oh, Rapier? He's a patient old bird. When you spend enough time with a Pokemon, it gets to be like you share thoughts. Even if they aren't psychic." It was a good bond to share. It filled her with a certain sense of satisfaction. The Ranger looked at her companion as the other relayed her gratitude, "oh? I'm certainly pleased to be able to help. Let me know if you need anything else. Help with your research?"

"Hm?" Rapier turned his eyes down from the sky as Gira approached. He'd been considering doing lazy circles through the open air, maybe a little hunting, but that could wait. "Ah, it's the Girafarig. Gira?" He considered it for a moment, and decided he should be sociable. "She calls me Rapier. You've met her already, I noticed. I've been with her since I was a Starly. Hah, that was a long time ago." He saw Regan waving and raised a wing momentarily, in response. "We had quite a journey. Hah, I suppose we still are."
Sarah didn't display a desire to be on top, necessarily, but it seemed enough. Wanting to give her all for the competition was a compatible goal, and she wouldn't be causing any disrespect. Good. "A fine goal. I think you'll do well." She'd have to watch the young lady a little longer, maybe even have a little match against her. Just to be sure she was right for the tournament. But, that could come later. For now, more observation.

"I met Terra, my Flygon, when she was just a little Trapinch. She joined my team after she evolved once. I've always specialized in fighting-type Pokemon, but somehow I was also very good at handling her. Her and Umi, my Lapras. Well, not mine anymore, I released then when I quit being a trainer. If we run into any of my old Pokemon, I'll be sure to introduce you."

"Seems like we're getting close," the Ranger had just stumbled on a rock, causing her to assess her surroundings. As she searched the skies ahead of them, she smiled and held out her arm. Rapier returned, and alighted to her arm. She scratched the bird on the back of the head, "you're back quickly, what did you find?"

Rapier turned to face her properly and gripped her arm repeatedly with alternating feet.

"... Tracks? Sounds perfect. Show us the way when we get close."

The Staraptor took off again, flying just a little bit ahead to land on the next tree.

"Well, sounds like he's found something promising. I wonder how far ahead it is?" She wanted to see this big Onyx. They were normally pretty big, so how big was a big one?
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