Avatar of CitrusArms


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1 mo ago
Current Pomodoro timer!
1 mo ago
-17 F. Can we just build a series of tubes? To take us places.
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1 mo ago
It was -3 F when I left, this morning. The winds were breezy. I can only assume that, because I didn't freeze on the return trip, the sun improved things.
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2 mos ago
V. II Snail is a bitch and he should burn in mech hell
2 mos ago
I didn't know the enter key works on the status bar


I'm a generally chill gremlin that can be kinda particular. I grew up with plenty of electronics and video games, mostly with games like Final Fantasy, Zelda, and StarCraft. I like to blend magic and technology in my writing, bringing fantasy into space and sci-fi.

Most Recent Posts

Something had been amiss. Darunia knew as much when the sun had risen that morning. Sure, his people had just been freed from the tyranny of Dodongo, that was why he'd wanted to celebrate, and perhaps that was why he hadn't noticed anything sooner. The tremors in the earth this morning were so strange.

My Brother.

Tensing, Darunia rose to his feet from his meditation. In a moment of worry, he made his way to the top of his mountain, to look out over the land. The mountains of Hyrule, the territory of the Goron, would protect her from the threats that lay beyond.

But they could not protect from the threats already within. Castle Town was burning. And he cound see, there in the distance, the Gerudo mixed in with some lizalfoes. They were coming to fight. It didn't take Darunia long to know what to do. He had to rally any ready to fight, and buy the town any time he could.

My Brother.

The King. Why did he have such a bad feeling about the King...? No matter. They'd roll on Castle Town and put his worries to rest.


"My Liege! Castle Town burns!"

That wasn't the news he needed to hear today. After they'd only just rescued his daughter from the great Jabu Jabu, too. "We must support the royal family. There has been treachery afoot lately, scout out the situation." This wasn't any good. He'd have to keep his territory closed tight, or invite disaster.

The Zora guard saluted and marched off to relay orders. They would need to get in through the town's water ways, but that wouldn't be a problem.


She'd barely made it through the doorway to the warroom when she saw it.

The King's... Head.

There was no time to be shaken by disbelief. If this sight were true, then there was no time. Like a shadow, Impa disappeared into the castle. Would that there were two of her!
Take your time, my dude.
Take all the time you need, man. Hell, sleep on it. Have breakfast in the morning. Gotta follow the first rule, my dude: chill.
Relax, if you've gotta take some more time, that's fine. Make sure you've eaten recently and that you've been drinking enough water. Sleep is good, too. Take care of yourself and the rest will follow.
Trinity Stratos
Phoenix Wing Guild Hall - The Bar

@twave@Sanguine Rose@Lunarlord34

"Charmed." Trinity finally tore her eyes away from the waggling floof, focusing in on Nyssa's face. All that fluff made her really adorable, but she shouldn't stare. The girl had questions, and it would be rude to ignore her in favor of her cute fluffy fox tails. Or her fuzzy ears. Right, focus.

She wanted to be sure to join before she left, very sensible. "Well, if you want to join, I suppose the most important thing," Trinity reached up and undid a couple buttons so she could pull the left side of her shirt down, to show her mark, or enough of it, anyway, "would be to get one of th- ESE!"

It was a good thing she wasn't holding a drink. But she was holding the left half of her shirt. As the stool was kicked out from under her, her body reacted and she ended up pulling her shirt a little more open than she intended. She was expecting to hit the floor, but instead, find herself cradled in someone's arms. Markovis was in the kitchen, Neil had been sitting next to her, so who? "Ariel?" And here she was with her shirt open. Luckily, there were a number of big fluffy tails in her reach, so she latched onto one and hugged it to her chest. Wait a minute, the feeling of Mana following through this fluff, there was an underlying familiarity. It was Ariel? Ariel had tails now? She found herself nuzzling into the fur, her shirt forgotten.

It was a whirlwind and then she was outside, still in Ariel's arms. She'd made herself comfortable, nestled in and focused on the fluffy tails around her and the one she'd gathered up earlier. With the sunlight on her, she made and started to comb Ariel's fur - Ariel had fur now! Temporarily? - before a box was placed on her.

She blinked a few times as her mind changed gears, before taking the box in her hands and looking it over, "Machina Magic?" Help her build things? She remembered the guildmates she was supposed to be helping with their.. unique body situations. There were a lot of complicated things that would go into a body, and she needed practice. "Yes, having a hand for the more complex things would be good... But I'm not familiar with Machina Magic." It must have been in the case so that Ariel didn't interact with it accidentally. Trinity could feel the magic leaking through the creases... It always seemed like such a jarring experience for Ariel, whenever she got a new magic; she remembered that much from seeing it a few times. She'd leave it shut for now.

"I'll bring it back to my shop, we can open it when you come by later." Her hand found the comb she made earlier, going back to tending Ariel's fluffy tail. "Is there more you can tell me about the magic? It's, what, a construction type? Is it like... Make, but with machines? Hmm... Even if we made a body, I'll still need to be able to fit a soul into something... Probably a lacrima. And then there's the matter of the transfer..." She'd need to get her power back before she'd risk touching someone's soul, let alone trying to relocate it. She could always ask Jarvis about the appropriate lacrima...
To be fair, OoT Ganondorf doesn't get much characterization beyond "blearg, I'm the bad guy." I'll take ya Wind Waker Brodorf over- oh, that's right, OoT Ganondorf is possessed by Ganon, isn't it.

These are some good questions for Dark Cloud. I will say that the story of a Ganondorf that's trying to fight back an evil possessor Ganon and rule Hyrule the "right" way sounds interesting, at least.
Mmnnn, nah, it'll be good for me

... this is gonna be a lot darker than I realized...

This is the first year of Link being put to sleep. So, no, Link's still napping, he hasn't visited anyone besides as a kid one year ago. Unless that's what you meant. I would say the Triforce has been split, yes. Impa has fled with the princess. Dare I say, we probably won't be adhering strictly to the "official" timeline, where's the fun in that?

I can only imagine that things like Volvagia's revival will be major events for us.

Man, I might need to brush up on my OoT, after all.
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