Avatar of CitrusArms


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1 mo ago
Current Pomodoro timer!
1 mo ago
-17 F. Can we just build a series of tubes? To take us places.
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1 mo ago
It was -3 F when I left, this morning. The winds were breezy. I can only assume that, because I didn't freeze on the return trip, the sun improved things.
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2 mos ago
V. II Snail is a bitch and he should burn in mech hell
2 mos ago
I didn't know the enter key works on the status bar


I'm a generally chill gremlin that can be kinda particular. I grew up with plenty of electronics and video games, mostly with games like Final Fantasy, Zelda, and StarCraft. I like to blend magic and technology in my writing, bringing fantasy into space and sci-fi.

Most Recent Posts

Mmm, fish.

Oh, it's Dragonfly! Too bad about that other RP we were lookin' at a month ago. But now we've got this! :D
Yeah, mine should be done soon, too.
Ooh, ice cream with rum! We should be friends.
I think you're going to get that question a lot.
It's Expendable and Xalt! Hello! :D

Foxgirls? Foxgirls.
Oooh, something like this sounds like fun.

“Food’s included, no job requirements - I’m no mooch, now - no tests or entry period.. I’ll certainly take a room.” If she was going to be living in this building, Trinity had research to do. She dismissed the last instrument she had out, the trumpet, and its mute, before she began molding the sphere of energy she had held on to. Before she could, however, she stopped, studying the piece of energy in her hands and looking up and around. She was just at the door, the threshold of the building, able to see half the sky. “.. a.. thunderstorm..?” She didn’t remember a storm on the horizon, but these things could change suddenly. Perhaps one was brewing where she could not see, because of the building. Whatever.

She went inside and caught what Jenna had said about the jobs. The fishery? The musician cast her gaze for the job board, locating it shortly and going to inspect, molding her energy into a spherical microphone construct. Indeed, there was only one job left. Something about going to look for a fight? Guweh.

Jenna shouted about food and Trinity remembered she'd only had that little break at the coffee shop recently, “could you fix me something, too? Egg toast’d be great, please.” Aaah, nearly free food! Oooh, a hearty meal would be a good thing to get in her belly. She’d only had cash enough for a coffee and some whipped cream, before. Good coffee, at least. The spherical make she’d formed was feeding her information about the sound of the building, which she was using to get a feel for the acoustics. It floated over her shoulder and slightly behind her, shimmering and gold.

Jenna was busy welcoming more new members. That was a pleasant surprise, she thought she'd be the only one. There were more mages already joined than she'd thought there would be, too. This was the only guild in the Kingdom, after all. Trinity had herself a seat at the bar with her back to it and pulled out a small harp, tuning it shortly before she started to play a bit of chamber music. She would wait to introduce herself after their induction. No need to bombard them.

“.. there's no way I get booze, too, right?” The musician leaned back on the bar and peered back over it, examining what she could see as she played. There was no way. No way!

Once she’d examined the bar, she chose to watch the new recruits, wondering what their magics were and if they could fight. She didn’t really like the idea of grabbing tagalongs to do her fighting for her, but what else was she going to do? She could wait for more work to come in, but that also wasn’t really preferable. Well, at least she could eat.

Stratya Durmand

25th, 10 am
Location: Edwards Estate
Attire: Officer’s Formal
Family Dirk + Crest
Interactions: Anastasia @princess, Farim @Lava Alckon, Rohit @Helo
Mentions: Lorenzo

The Royal Cushion seemed to take a larger issue with the drinks than anyone else had. Her giggles, already subsiding, were pushed aside as she considered what he said, slowly, in her drunken mind. She thought for a moment before repeating, “tampered with? Mmnn..” her lips tightened and her brow furrowed her, then she closed her eyes, took a deep breath and, with a sudden duty driving her, focused.

Stratya was used to being in this kind of state. More specifically, her training prepared her for an altered state of mind. It took a little doing, but she managed to gather herself and begin a mental check. Had she been drugged, or bespelled? Did she need to do something?

… No. She was just pretty drunk.

“'At's just a verry strrong drrink, I think.” Stratya’s eyes opened slowly as the alcohol reestablished itself in her mind. The giggles came back as it did, “too strrong fahrr yeh?” The knight started on some of the food she’d picked out for herself, savoring the meat and potatoes, when Rohit approached.

Captain Durmand looked up at the new voice and reached out for something to drink. Her hand found the familiar stems and she looked at it briefly, before setting it back down. “Rrohit, y’say?” Her movements were careful, if drunkenly clumsy. She was compensating by slowing down. ”Cap'n Strratya Durrmand. T’ pigeon wit’ y’r let’err musta’ got’en lost, I’m surre we sen’ one.” The captain offered a grin, slightly nudging the half-drained cocktail away from herself again before turning back to Rohit. One was enough, she didn’t need the second. The first, emptied one was back at the table she’d sat at with Ariella.

A pint of mead was placed in front of her hand. She accepted it and gave it a happy sip, ”aye, ‘at’s t’ mead, alright.” When she turned to see where it had come from, she found the servant she asked for chocolate-covered fruit setting down chocolate-covered fruit. She gasped and grinned, “you brough’ me mead~, ooh, you ‘earrd me, did yah? I’ll come by la’er wit’ a baske’ o’ goodies for t’ staff, aye? Thank ye.”

That wasn’t quite how the servant had wanted that to go. He thought she might tip more.. baked goods? They'd better be good.

Wulfric’s appearance drew her attention back to Anastasia and whomever she was sitting on. She’d received dossiers, but those cocktails were strong. She got the feeling like she should probably know who this man was.

If she thought about it, not just anyone could get Wulfric’s attention. And without even trying! She should really know who this guy was, huh? Time to find out. ”As fine a jab as it migh’ be, I ge’ t’ distinct feelin’ I shoul’nae go ‘rround callin’ ye t’ Rroyal Cushion?” There was the barest hint of disapproval, but humor took the front of her tone. She took a bite of food.

After Farim had a chance to responded, Stratya began to discover just why Lorenzo was so infamous. The Boisterous Duke. The Ruling Riot of Vermillion. Lorenzo! Who could have missed the “DRAAAAKE” he bellowed? “Oh, Gods, wha’s tha’ man doing now?” Like an onlooker at a horrible wreck, she felt compelled, and she turned to watch.

The First Item! “Revolver?” From what we was saying, it sounded like, “a gun?” She’d not heard of a r e v o l v e r before. She was used to the older firearms found in the rural countryside. If you loaded them wrong, you could really hurt yourself. Take of fingers, or a hand. Had they fixed that problem, with whatever this was?

The Second Item! A courting.. kit..? Oh, Drake. Being from Vermillion, she felt like she should apologize to Drake for the Duke. And that was before Lorenzo mentioned: rubbers?! And the way he said it! She pressed her hands over her mouth, trying not to burst out laughing again, ”H-hhh-Duke Lorenz–" the failure to contain a laugh caused her to make a coarse noise, "Lorenzo, I’m tryin’ ta ea’! You preposterous man!”

The Third Item “F-ferrets?” She reigned in her laughter, thinking about, “twin ferrets?” Guns, cologne, condoms, ferrets. What a roller coaster! She didn’t have the energy to fawn over the ferrets, even, “is i’ ovehr? Can I e-hee hee-ea’? I’m hungrry. Duke Lorrenzo's nae gonna make me laugh again, is he,” she whined softly but had to stifle giggles and calm herself still. She chortled, and snickered, enjoying herself but also wanting to eat. She had to stop laughing to do that. After a few resurgences, she managed to calm herself and start eating.
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