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Narkissa Langdon

@Rune_Alchemist @Crusader Lord


Oh god, this guy really did have a split personality. Literally.

That response was… interesting, though, and she knew there was more to it, especially given what Leannah had told her earlier. From his change of demeanor when reflecting on his other personality, though, it was probably pushing her luck if she pursued the topic.

Equally as interesting, though, was the half-lie Narkissa had apparently caught the Illuminator in. Did that mean he could only do a surface-level reading of her memories? If he simply only knew trivia, but not the underlying principles, that was actually a pretty gimped version of a god of knowledge, not gonna lie. She… sort of understood how the god was so insane, now. To know of everything, but not able to truly understand it all, that was nightmarish.

Then again, she couldn’t predict anything from this guy. “To kill a god,” she pantomimed, with a deadpan expression, before muttering. “This deal is getting worse by the minute.”

But could gods really be killed by something as simple as a bullet from a gun? Was it that easy? It couldn’t be. She looked at him in irritation as she thought about it. If she could just give him a bit of gunpowder without the recipe, that might be acceptable. It really depended on who the being wanted to kill, though, and how much actual firepower he needed.

“…You’re going to have to tell me what god you intend to destroy. But yes, I suppose I could sell you the product that creates such a power…”

The noise from the commotion nearby continued to escalate, until she heard Leannah calling for her… apparently in the aftermath of an attempted kidnapping. She shot the god in front of her a look.

“What is this now. You don’t have anything to do with this, do you?”
Aureia, of gold, commerce, wealth,
and the far less important, trivial aspects of travel and luck

“Dealing with mortal paper is beneath me, but surely I can offer a twenty-percent discount~?” Aureia grinned, twirling her umbrella almost diabolically as she teased the goddess of the dead.

“Awa?” She looked surprised when Moridax’s cold fingers clasped against hers. Even though it was the god of the underworld and Aureia was a goddess herself, it was still kind of weird to be pulled in close by a walking corpse. “Eh… I’d forgotten about the unique names you’ve given to your minions. But still, you know, the longer we don’t fix this world, the more and more paperwork would end up piled up on your desk in the underworld regardless, for your ultimate return, hmm?”

She gave her a pat on the head as consolation and briefly brought her up to speed. “…As for the girl… well, the others know more, I think. I haven’t spoken with her yet…”

Really, Aureia should. She just felt weird about glomping the poor girl when everybody already was, even if it totally was her style to do it, too.

After Aureia finished recounting their experience with the soldiers, however, it did occur to her that Klois really did sound kind of familiar. Was it a country or group that she had dealt with in the past? Very strange.

Since nobody else mentioned it, she asked around. “Hum… Now that I think of it, doesn’t the name Klois sound familiar? Anybody?”
I'll have a post out sometime tomorrow.
Narkissa Langdon

@Rune_Alchemist @Crusader Lord


So, it’s the Illuminator, again. In a different guise, was it? Then why was he being vague, as if he hasn’t just met her the other day in the now disappeared temple? She decided to voice as much.

“I feel like we’ve already met.” She then froze, eyes widening slightly as he dropped the bomb that he might have known all of her –and everybody else’s—knowledge ever since arriving. Aside from an ever-eroding sense of self-agency, it was very disconcerting to know that her brain could be read… however it was done. Her eyes narrowed again as Narkissa realized she needed to think fast.

Especially when she started hearing yelling and a grand commotion nearby.

“If you picked my brain,” she began carefully, “Then you should know of at least a dozen ‘powers’ to do such a thing, and the techniques for half of that.” Narkissa didn’t know how to make a nuclear warhead, but if she knew of it, then the gods here would know of it—and wasn’t that the most terrifying thing she thought of since hearing of the whole village fiasco? But considering he was asking for information, it could very well be a bluff…

Frankly though, she didn’t give a damn about the designs for a gun a god made. She could make one herself. It was just making the design into a real thing that was the hard part. She wasn’t a metallurgist. But…

“Supplying the power is easy. Creating designs is easy, I can do it myself-- It’s a bad deal for me. I’ll consider it if you give me the means to make such designs myself… now what giant do you want to kill...?”

If he agreed, she supposed she could reveal the formula for gunpowder. It was a very bad implication, but… she herself had been winging it up til now, and had been very lucky. Being able to make something with actual power was very, very tempting.
She peeked anxiously in the direction of the noises, and then back at the god, and then back towards Lazhira’s house. Leannah, where the hell are you?

She really didn’t have the leisure to negotiate for much longer if something in the village was throwing down.
Narkissa Langdon


Narkissa unconsciously kept her eyebrow raised as the man kept going on in what seemed to be an overly enthusiastic demeanor. Friendly, but a bit excessively so for a stranger, no? She quickly latched on to what he was saying nonetheless. Other one? Mortal…?
Oh no. Was this another god? She wasn’t sure if she liked propositions from deities.
“Well, I’m listening,” she finally said, carefully. “I doubt any one thing can provide such a fairy tale ending, though,” she decided to point out.

Black-haired girl? Lazhira? Misaki? Nobunaga? If one of them turned it down, it could be a trap—

The man unrolled his scroll, and Narkissa was able to get a glimpse of it. It looked very much like a gun. In fact, with the long tube and trigger mechanism, there was really no mistaking it as anything other than an object that at least acted like a gun. That definitely got her attention, but not enough for her to immediately dive for the scroll or even accept it. After all, designing a rudimentary firearm was easy enough. All you needed was a metal tube with an end closed off, and wouldn’t explode under the pressure of gunpowder.

But therein was the hard part—making the gunpowder, and a tube sufficiently strong enough that it wouldn’t explode. The gunpowder wasn’t too unreasonable—all you needed was the right ratio of sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter, and you had to know how to properly corn it. Narkissa knew the ratios the larger European powers used during the age of sail—there was actually a surprising amount of variation. The metallurgy to make a barrel that wouldn’t result in a large grenade, however… Making an actual gun –full sized cannon—was very easy. It could be done with bronze-age technology; the same techniques to cast bronze statues worked for creating bronze cannon. Making a handheld weapon… was almost impossible without the proper metallurgical knowledge, and the world she had seen thus far hadn’t demonstrated the ability to forge strong enough iron.

Then the question was, would a god know?

At the very least, a gun didn't usually bring a happy ending.

“I can’t say it’s not tempting,” she admitted. “I think some introductions would be in order, first. I’m Narkissa. You are…? If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask you a few more questions.” She glanced back at the scroll. “What is the Moonless? And what girl were you talking about? That project of yours might be something that I’d be able to help you with, but you have a very ambitious design there, friend. If you can tell me what materials you need and what specific sort of help, then I’ll be able to know if I can help you,” she offered, cautiously.
Aureia, of gold, commerce, wealth,
and the far less important, trivial aspects of travel and luck

Aureia had yet to talk to the priestess, but not out of immediate disinterest. It was just that there were other equally interesting things to do or talk to at the moment, and that was figuring out the mystery behind the loss of their powers, and greeting the newly returned Moridax.

“Ah… that’s unfortunate,” she commiserated. After all, everybody here was affected in one way or the other. “But… it does beg the question, is it still there after all these years?”

She was caught by surprise by the corpse-woman suddenly jumping over and engaging her in an impromptu dance. Giggling a bit, it was definitely still a strange experience to have been awakened and suddenly lead around in a dance by the Lord of the Underworld in the guise of a walking corpse. Strange, but amusing.

“Well, Lady Moridax,” she started, a tone of amusement still in her voice, before turning steelier, “We do have a ‘Holy Emperor’ and all his minions to cut down to size, so you better stock up on lots of paper. Ah, it really does seem like the world needs to be fixed now, huh?”
Nazca Whitehall
Clockwork Autumn

“Hmm.” A dispassionate murmur arose from a certain silver-haired girl as crimson-colored eyes flitted over a friendly, familial telegram from her adoptive father. It was written in the plaintext language of her homeland, and despite its innocuous appearance, had a multiple-layer cipher hidden within. Without a further use for the paper, she fed the scrap to the small clockwork hawk resting on her shoulder. With a majestic cry, it spread its convincingly feathered wings and swooped out through the cabin’s open window to shadow the Queen Titania, the telegram long gone.

Sitting back at her writing desk, the girl silently penned her response.


A peregrine circled in the skies above Bermuda, its keen eye lazily searching for its prey. It was a strange sighting, as the species was not native to this region, but to the natives and students of the island, there were always far stranger things afoot to take notice of a single example of an invasive species.

Below, Nazca Whitehall took in the environment of the island around her. Its architecture was truly impressive, its stonework and terracotta masonry constructed on a grand scale, and indeed, a beauty to rival even the majesty of the buildings of London. Beneath the beautiful façade and shifting cultural aesthetics, laid a masterwork of city planning, its organized, tight construction belying its origins and quick rise as a city of the post-war era. Nazca could appreciate it all, but preferred the more organic way that London and the cities of her childhood had developed and incorporated the formulae and learning of the recent years. More importantly, however, was the access to the resources and opportunities that such a modern city could bring, despite its artificial nature.

For such a planned society, she had expected some unusual and rigid rules, and indeed, that was seen in the decision to separate students from adults. Nazca had no opinion on the majestic nature of the dormitories; having lived in the palaces of the Tlaxcala, from the spartan encampments of a defeated army on retreat, the slums in hiding, and then back to grandeur again in the manors of England, as long as there was bed and a roof, it was sufficient. Good food, on the other hand…

Most unusual, however, was the dormitory curfew. For how much freedom and leeway the academy offered the students, a curfew felt out of character, and the explanations and justification offered to back it was stranger still. Thankfully, she was in a unique position to investigate it, even if there was a distinct risk of property damage to herself if the rumors of deep fog were true. That, however, would be something to worry about at a later time. With help, she’d already identified her person of interest.

There was a ball to attend, food to eat, and a job to perform.


The private opera boxes were a nice touch. It allowed Nazca to eat to her heart’s content –with an eclectic variety of dishes from the world’s cultures and cuisines—in peace, so that she could savor each and every flavor without interruption, all while getting the chance to observe the organized chaos down below. Just as her selection of foods were eclectic, so were the varied students mingling on the floor below her. It was an entire generation’s worth of the world’s most gifted and talented, and there were enough faces that she could put names to in the crowd that it almost seemed to be a gala of celebrities. A gala of very dangerous celebrities, if looked at from a different angle.

One of the male students, darker-skinned like herself, caught her eye.

Nazca decided her own allowance for private enjoyment was over. It was time to head back down below to properly greet the students she would likely be working with –or against—for the next few years. Along the way, she picked up a nice sweet little beverage –some sort of fruity concoction made of pineapple blend and some other tropical fruit that she couldn’t quite put a name to. It was a good dessert.

By the time she was back on the floor, her target was in conversation with two other students. One was the tsarist Russian prodigy, and the other was… a polymath from Iceland? Nazca didn’t particularly care much about Iceland, especially not when the cursed scion from the Mughal Empire warranted attention. So, she approached them.

There was a blank look on her face. Of all languages, they were speaking in Chinese. Of all the main languages in the world, it was the only one she barely knew. Then, her eyes fell upon the Turkish Delights in the Mughal man’s hand, and she decided to forcefully enter herself in the conversation. Subtlety be damned, she was going in.

“Excuse me,” she interjected directly, in perfectly accented Latin, before bluntly pointing at the Turkish Delights. “I was looking to try some of those, but the kitchen ran out. May I have one?”


@SgtEasy @SilverPaw @Psyker Landshark

In -FV- 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
“Well,” Iphie shrugged back, “These sorts of games would be all server-side anyway. I’d be zapping the servers through your phone, not your account. Besides, I’m confident enough in my work that some silly game companies won’t detect me… your loss,” she replied, quickly thanking the waitress before occupying her mouth with her arriving food. “I mean. Corporations hack for personal gain all the time, Tian. Courtlandt Group probably gets about a hundred discrete –and not discreet—intrusion attempts from corporate or state actors every day, you know?” As far as food went, it wasn’t bad at all. Even if she could get the best meals home-cooked by a personal chef whenever she wanted, there was always a place for crappy diner or fast food. A meal didn’t have to be high-end to taste good, after all, and they really did seem to have the formula for their spicy honey butter sauce down well. Finger licking good, even.

Even so, Iphigenia had an image to keep, and ate politely and reservedly as usual. But even with her slower pace, she had long finished her food before Mason’s granddaughter had arrived, and she was working on a second drink. “So, where is the young lady…?”

The purple-haired girl finally had her answer when the teenaged brat finally barged into the diner to mouth off at them with a rant. Iphie raised her eyebrows. Well then.

“While the diner actually wasn’t my first choice, they really do have a good point. Besides, it’d be more than suicidal, and it would be rather unsporting of them to attack a civilian diner,” she finally replied, with a bit of an amused expression on her face. Really, an uppity brat was actually leagues and bounds more entertaining than a starstruck fan. “For the record, I can borrow the robot chefs to act as said security detail if I really wanted. Have you seen the knives they wield back there? They’re quite sharp.”
If you don't mind, I'm gonna wait for you to post first this time around, @Pyromania99
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