Avatar of ClocktowerEchos


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3 mos ago
Current I do not "brainrot". I brainferment so my brain will become even smoother and even more potent than before in its smoothness.
3 mos ago
I live. I die. I live again!
1 like
3 yrs ago
I was gone for a lot longer than I thought >.>"
3 yrs ago
Sorry for my absence! A Volunteering position suddenly turned into a Volunteer Leadership position I was not expecting at all so things have been hectic.
3 yrs ago
Look at you posers, having to bang dragons or sell your soul for magic when you could just play a lute for some. Anyways, here's Wonderwall. - Bards



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@Irredeemable Any typos are to be considered grammatical quirks of translating from Szuhanese :^)
@DX3214 Going with John Henry, there's a pretty easy flaw you can have: you don't know when to quit. In the myth, John Henry's heart literally explodes or gives out after he decided to 1v1 a steel driving machine with only his hammer in a competition to see who is faster. So stubborn pride can be something.

Works as a virtue too, that he is hard working and dependable.
@DX3214 I can try to help, what do you have so far?
@Arhestoval I meant ideas for your own character.

I know that from exprience that unless you already have a system in mind, adding actual numbers doesn't tend to make for good roleplaying or gameplay. There are also no guns in this setting and even something like a black powder cannon is extremely rare so a bullet-based currency isn't going to do much, plus this isn't an RP that is focusing on parts of society like that. Its a simple dungeon crawl journey and that's it, literally go from point A to B and then back to A.

Also not really doing the whole "mutant human subspecies" thing since again that's not the vibe I'm going for. Think of it less like a nuclear wasteland and more medieval America with knights, castles and swords mixed with no magic D&D adventurers. Mutant animals and monsters sure but no Dark Ones or Ghouls.

@Fetzen@Jarl Coolgruuf@DX3214 Any status on character sheets?

@Arhestoval Welcome aboard! You got any ideas?
I hate to say it, but I'm actually drawing a complete blank on what else to write so in favor of not taking up a spot, I'm going to be dropping this for someone else with a better NS to join instead, sorry.
Turns out things aren't working out on my end, I'm going to drop out for now but if you still ever want help with the backstage running of things, let me konw!
Sorry for not posting anything, have been busy and trying to find a job. Will try to get something up soon.
I think I can frontline pretty well. Right now I've got a +3 to con and 16 AC with 26 HP. Just trying to figure out how to upload the damn thing.

I know I saw Warlord is sort of like a secular Paladin, but they don't deal nearly as much damage since they lack spell casting and SMITE. Make up for it by giving temp HP, advantage and allow out of turn movement as well as giving up their own action to give someone else another action.

Also to make this easier on myself, my character is going to be a V Human named Wisher. An amnesiac whose forgotten pretty much everything (and why he doesn't know anything about what would otherwise be his home) and all he had was a piece of a banner and a heavily smudged note that began with "I wish" and the rest is illegible.
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