Time: Morning
Location: River
Interactions: Aurora/Rowan @mole Zora @13org
Mentions: None
Equipment: Longsword and Plate Armor
The rewards mentioned by the ladies were rather vague. Of course there would be reward, he wasn't that badly mistreated. Danger never really was an issue. Bearing that abhorrent symbol on his head, Barrock wasn't granted the privilege of treading on solid ground ever. But what Rowan said: freedom. The last he knew, there were no such thing as a safe haven free from Dark Elves subjugation. That begged the question: Was this some sort of rebellion?
The orc closed his eyes, his fingers resting and occasionally tapping on his sword, a clear and, although strange coming from an orc, deliberate sign of thoughtful thinking. Would this be a legitimate rebellion, or some upstart people being delusional? If this was the latter, he was pretty sure the Dark Elves would not take kindly to his involvement. He had suffered from their prison once, he would not want sufferage again.
But what else could he choose really? Refuse and go back to his fugitive lifestyle? A runaway prisoner, an orc that will forever be looked down upon by society, by these low-life elves born into privilege of the conquerors? He already was barely surviving, what else could possibly be worse than this.
At least they had the decency to treat him like an equal. With respect.
"Fine." Barrock stated, as he opened his eyes. Maybe all of that was worth the risk. "I do not care about your honor or riches, but freedom is a precious cause I will fight for."
He looked through the three individuals in front of him, whom he would likely be calling comrades and fighting partners in the very near future. Their decency aside, he wasn't sure how well they were as fighters. He had seen Rowan's technique, but like battlefield experience go, you can never judge them accurately until they get punched, sliced or pierced.
"Let me know what needs to be done. Before and after this 'mission' is done."