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Woohoo! Time for more superpowers!

“Back already, eh lass?” Eirhild asked as the fox ran over to where she was still sitting by the fire. “Oi, what is this little vermin doin’ here? And who’s the new friend?”

"I wasn't expecting to return so soon either, but this is someone from Mie's Caravan. The fox with him is Ayumi. She'll be fine, just...make sure to secure any food you have. Tightly."

The Mothraki then turned to the new arrival, but was stunned momentarily as the man, named Novak it seemed, would just unload a lot on them all at once. A lot of information, topped with questions. It was dizzying enough to get unloaded on that fast when she hadn't even gotten the chance to ask him anything first, but as the situation for Novak and the others of Mie's caravan was dire she kept her mouth shut and bit her tongue in order to listen to Novak's (for lack of a better word on her part) information dump.

At the end, Nylah would let out an exasperated sigh of her own once Novak was done. She would then speak where only herself and the other two people in the room could hear. This first things she would say, however, would be emphasized rather distinctly.

"Be careful of how loud you speak, just in case. I'm sure we could ask questions all the day long as well, but we must keep this interaction brief before those hosting I and my traveling companions come back from their business. We do not wish to bring them trouble in all of this, but I will answer what I can of your questions in the meantime."

The Mothraki did seem a bit anxious and nervous, as much as she seemed to become rather serious and stern for the most part otherwise, but she would continue to speak at the same carefully-controlled volume so preying ears beyond the walls might not hear them.

"Haruno was the only one to reach us, and she was near death at the time. I was able to stabilize her and with help get her to my mentor in Dawn. She's been doing better since then at least, and did fill us in on the situation as best she could. She still needs to recover before any kind of journeying though.

However, the village itself was hit by the passing of Elder Beast Azral Suralng and its kin passed through the area, and we've been...devastated..."

Her lips drew up grimly as the memories of what she'd seen after that time came to mind, forcing a chill to run down her back before she shook her head to clear it before she continued speaking.

"But even now Dawn is still trying to rebuild, and we've plenty of problems on our plate. Myself, Lissa, and Eirhild here are the only ones who could come to try to figure out the details of what is going on, and likewise we wish to see if we can help yourself and the rest of Mie's Caravan. We are frankly all the village can likely spare for now.

The third member of our party, Lissa, is currently out to talk to one of the apprentices of the Krysa elders. The same who took us in here alongside her sister after saving us from the Yaga.

Further, we came here posing as merchants. The Yaga who so graciously have given us refuge here gave us a cover story beyond that. So we're in a precarious position of our own here with the Krysa's presence. This is one reason why, after this, it might be well for your to leave and claim you simply came in to 'warm up' somewhere for a second at most. You did draw stares from the locals as we came here..."

She almost regretted bringing him in for a moment, as cruel as it sounded, based on the looks he'd garnered them along the way. She didn't want to endanger Jolca and Jivka with all of this. At the same time, however, this was information they desperately needed to exchange. No gamble was without its risks, she figured...but even so they had to play it safe.

Novak leaving as soon as he warmed up a little would likely be best for safety reasons on all sides.

"Meanwhile, your information on Lady Marushka lines up with what we've learned so far from our hosts. A Krysa official of some kind had an attempted assassination against their life, perhaps this person being this Sir Ozven that you mentioned. It seems they have placed blame on Mie and the caravan seemingly out of the blue, at least since we haven no idea how they came to such a conclusion. If they had reasons or not for this, and in regards to how deep this seeming paranoia of theirs runs, we simply don't currently know.

We also now know Krysa leaders are meeting or close by at all with the Yaga Elders and their apprentices, mostly just them outside of the patrolling Krysa guards being around here from what we've seen so far.

It also seems tensions with the Yaga here are building since the sudden occupation of the Krysa here, and that it's been building for some time."

Nylah would reach into her pack, pulling out two healing potions and one vial of poison to hand over directly to Novak before she continued. Shen then paused for a second, and then handed over a small bit of her own food. Some more dried meat, like she'd fed to Ayumi.

"I wish we could speak longer about things, or wait until Lissa returns, but I worry we must be most cautious all the same. Here is something for the road for you to take back if or use if you need.

The meat is for Ayumi and yourself. Meanwhile the healing potions are simple, as I am no master of medicines by any means, but they should be useful for injuries and wounds.

This vial should be a poison of some kind, in case you can find a use for it, likely mild in nature since it came from a young chameleon from deeper in the woods near Dawn. Even the creatures from the deeper woods have been encroaching on us recently..."

@Rune_Alchemist@crimson Paladin


When herself and Lissa would ultimately leave the home of Jivka and her sister, after having seemed to come to a sort of agreement between them of what to do, the Mothraki would glance a suspiciously familiar figure. Specifically a small furry one she'd snuck treats to on occasion when Mie had come by the village in the past, all before she'd learned the hard way about securing her small bag of treats to herself rather than simply sitting it on the ground and averting her eyes for even a moment. Or in other words: Ayumi. A sure sign of Mie's presence to be sure, but also hanging around the feet and legs of someone...er...someone. Seemed to be a traveler, but if Ayumi was around him like that then it meant he was with Mie somehow.

If he was familiar to her at all, though, then it wasn't strongly enough to bring up any familiarity on the spot at least. However, the fact that someone tied to Mie was inside the village and not being drug about by the Krysa was equally strange yet also somewhat reliving.

As Lissa went her own more distinct way, Nylah stopped simply staring and walked over toward the strange traveler and Ayumi. Not that she knew much of how to approach them like this, but she at least tried to not be intimidating if nothing else? Yeah. She'd try her best in that regard.

Because unless she was an idiot in doing this, this person could have information they sorely needed about Mie and her peoples' status.

Still, as she approached she did reach into her bag and pull out a small scrap of dried meat. A portion of the remining food she had on her, but something she would inherently bend down a little and offer Ayumi with a small, warm smile (before closing her bag up tight out of unconscious habit). She then looked up at the traveler himself, before speaking quietly enough to where only she and the traveler (Novak) could hear.

"You seem to be a fellow traveler here, from the looks of it. I and my compatriots just arrived here as well after our own travels.

Ayumi also seems to like you well enough, and since she's familiar with you then I can take a good guess at where you're from and such. We ran into Haruno some days ago as well. But none of that's for speaking about out here in the cold and such like this. We'll freeze if we try to talk much this far from a fire!

You can come with me if you'd like, get out of the freezing cold and away from any crowds and such in a home here where we were offered refuge from the cold. I can't imagine what a trip you had to take to get here, though, that's for sure..."

Was it subtle? Er, she was attempting to be at least. Attempting to hint enough to this individual that she knew who Ayumi was, and what that could insinuate for him by extension as being involved with Mie's caravan. So maybe her own familiarity and lack of screaming for guards or something would be an indicator she was a potential ally? Ugh.

She had no real idea how to go about this without risking saying more suspicious things, she felt, but she also didn't want to let a potential lead and escapee from the camp. Maybe he'd get the idea? Maybe. Or she'd goof things up again...

If all else failed, she had mentioning Mie and such directly as a measure of desperation. But total bluntness was, er, well being saved as a last resort. She just hoped this guy was properly from among Mie's people and on their side, but if he had been or was a traitor then would Ayumi have been about him like this though? The fox was a troublemaker, but for the animal to become a turncoat against the reliable hands that fed her in the caravan for all these years? Nylah doubted it.

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This@crimson Paladin


Once their kind host was out of hearing range of their conversation, having gone out on her aforementioned walk, the Mothraki met Lissa's eyes and took pause as her ally spoke. To just barge out there and try to find the other sister, then just hang about and listen around the village? Nylah's brows furrowed some as she listened to Lissa's plan, before she would speak up once more whilst keeping her voice low enough that only herself and her two compatriots could hear.

"I agree that we must speak with Jolča, and get more information from around here, but perhaps we should think a little more about this than simply going out there immediately.

We should at least look at what we know so far first, and go from there somewhat more carefully now that we're this deep inside of things."

Nylah would run her right hand through her own hair for a moment, gathering her words before looking again to Eirhild and Lissa. Her tone, as it would continue to be, would be kept hushed enough to be heard by only her compatriots.

"We firstly know Krysa are paranoid about something regarding what could have been an attempted assassination among their own, and this was enough for them to accuse and target Mie without any proof as far as we know. This means they are not very negotiable right now, at least being so here of all places.

Secondly, it seems tensions with the Yaga here are building since the sudden occupation of the Krysa here. At least this would seem to be the case if Jivka was of any indication with her words about the matter.

Third, we also now know Krysa leaders are meeting or close by at all with the Yaga Elders and their apprentices, so simply barging in to find Jolča could be dangerous if we run into the General again. Even if a meeting isn't actively going on, then they might be keeping an eye on them.

Fourth, the Death Goddess' taboo locally has bought us a chance to get into the village here, but if we waste this cover or step on the wrong toes or act too out of line we could be grabbed up potentially regardless. Acting in any extra suspicious ways, more so especially since we stand out badly from any locals here, could very well bring us more attention than we need if not bring harmful and frankly undue suspicions on Jivka and her sister."

She didn't want to hurt the duo, especially after their kindnesses to mere travelers such as themselves. If not simple kindness, then, it was a sign of how bad the relations between the Yaga and Krysa were getting that they'd help travelers like them to spite the Krysa. Whatever the case, they were the only two people they had somewhat on their side for the time being. Making a mess for them, then, was not good...nor would it look good. At least in Nylah's mind.

"With all this in mind, I propose that we simply split up for the time being. Act like we are trying to get supplies for our travels, mingle, or whatever we can do to try to blend in and learn what we can about things. We just need to be tactful in what we talk and ask about.

In this way all three of us can be doing something, rather than simply cluster together, and if we happen to overhear anything extra or acquire something important otherwise then all the better.

Then we could all return here later for when Jivka, and her sister since this is their house, returns so we can talk to her more within the privacy of their home here and without perhaps raising any greater suspicions about ourselves by simply approaching her out in public with the Krysa still potentially watching."

Was it the best plan? It was the best she could conjure with what she currently knew, at least, and she hoped she would find ground with her allies in it. Or at least a way they could compromise on things perhaps. The only thing she hard disagreed with was just barging in to find Jolča in the center of town, especially after what they'd just learned and experienced prior.

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This


Nylah gently yet carefully ran her fingers over the wooden fetish as she listened intently to Jivka, both about the situation and about the fetish and her people's views on Rifelshka. She then looked back down at the fetish again, as if to ingrain the imagine of it into her memory. She then let out a small sigh, before gingerly placing the wooden fetish itself back where it had once been before Jivka pulled it down for her to look at. A nameless god? Other gods and spirits are fragments of it? Rifelshka being around before even this nameless deity, being claimed to be responsible in part for the Moonless Era, and still seeking to kill this nameless deity as well? It was certainly a tale that evoked only greater curiosity from the Mothraki girl...perhaps it would be something to ask Enli about later, compare it to what the village knew and all about any deities she knew for a fact were involved in the village's own history.

Er, but as much as she was curious she did try to force her train of thought to a halt. Indeed, the situation before them was not the best for more than just Mie it seemed.

The Yaga did not seem to like the Krysa, if Jivka and her sister were of any proper indication of the overall general consensus among many of the other Yaga, and that tension was palpable to her when Jivka had spoken of them in the manner she did.

Meanwhile, the Krysa were making their presence known in the Yaga's territory as overlords and via an occupation (for all intents and purspoes) no less. Not to mention the strained-sounding relations if enough Yaga were that potentially vehemently against them already, which itself was combined with this occupation-type situation whilst Mie's people were being cornered.

Stack on top of this perhaps at least somewhat precarious situation between the Krysa and Yaga on top of what brought the Krysa into this in the first place. It was far from a firsthand account, but if a major figure was attacked among their people then they blamed Mie it was not good. Not good for any of them really. She had little sympathy for the Krysa, but if they got Mie and her people out of there somehow then...potentially the Krysa would be after the village next. Unless they dropped Mie as a suspect, but even then the Krysa were on edge about a potential attempted assassination at that and might not be too willing to 'simply talk' as it were. Not that she knew for sure, but it was a risk Nylah calculated in her mind as she thought over the information in the moment.

"Apologies if my question brought some uncomfortable matters, though thank you very much for explaining things for us even so. You and your sister's kindnesses will not be forgotten, Jivka, and for that I wish to express my own thanks as well. We'll do our best to be careful of things here too."

Nylah then looked at her compatriots once more, attempting to silently meet their gazes and impart to them a sense of 'we need to talk about our next move' or something along the lines of a look that said 'we need to talk'. She knew she wasn't the current 'head' of the group officially here either, but all the same she hoped that maybe they could at least take a second before rushing off to where the Elders and apprentices were or anything of the sort.

"Though admittedly we've been on the road a good while today, so perhaps I an my compatriots should rest for a moment before we do anything else. If naught else to warm ourselves by the fire here and rest for a moment after, ah, what happened back there."

The herbalist apprentice would nervously rub the back of her own head as she continued speaking, admittedly feeling a tad cold given their trip. Not that her words were a lie either, though, as it all was the truth. Time to rest and maybe talk, warm up at that, it'd be good before they took up a next move perhaps. If they even gave themselves the chance to...

She didn't want to mess things up again, as she at least felt as if she'd done in her actions prior, but she hoped that in this case the others were having a similar mindset of warming up and taking a second to talk amongst themselves.

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This


Definitely among the least friendly welcomes I've ever seen as well..." Nylah said, agreeing with her two other compatriots as they made their way toward what would seem to be the Yaga girl's house.

Though upon making their way inside, the Mothraki felt a certain vague familiarity from it all. Decorative ornate carpets and such sitting on the walls, a crackling firepit, and even a respectfully-placed little shrine of some sort to a deity was all familiar-ish to how her Mother had decorated their own home. Conceptually at least. Minus the weapons and things related to the goddess her mother worshipped, but it was enough at least to get the apprentice herbalist to relax slightly more than she had been able to back during the whole Krysa situation. That much was for sure.

But as the Yaga girl, Jivka, spoke to them-

“She’s still training to be our Elder’s successor, but she still has a lot of pull in the village.”


Well, that did answer one question about how the other girl, Jolča, was able to do what she did. A prominent enough position to be sure, much less learn to eventually take over for one day. It elicited a small but silent expression of surprise from the Mothraki girl when Jivka mentioned it. In truth, though, she had little idea about the Krysa and Yaga save for where they were and what few things she knew from Enli's teachings. Beyond that it had been mostly trying to focus on her own apprenticeship to Miss Calra, learning from her mother, being around her friends in the village, and so forth. In that sense, perhaps it was fascinating to learn more about them in this situation.

But she and the others had a mission, and as much as she was curious about things of the Yaga otherwise she simply nodded in affirmation as Lissa brought up the very questions that came to her own mind as she tried to push her focus back to the matter at hand. Because getting distracted at this venture was not good.

But simultaneously...hmm. Between the shrine and sudden change in mood as Jivka spoke about the Death Goddess, it only seemed to drive the moth girl's own curiosity deeper about the whole matter. And maybe, just maybe, some of this could be pertinent to helping get a better idea of the situation with the Yaga and Krysa as part of the whole mess in turn. Maybe.

It was certainly grim as anything to imagine 'get rid of the problem' in order to appease a deity as well. Somewhat disturbing even. Sent a small shiver up her spine at that. At the same time, however, she had little knowledge of the various deities of the world beyond what she'd learned back home as well. Seemed to be very serious to the Yaga, and enough so for the Krysa to give immediate heed to it all to boot. So indeed, perhaps it could be useful to learn a bit more if it could potentially be of use to their cause.

Yet soon as Lissa was done talking, then, Nylah would give a small yet polite nod to Jivka with intent to right after this introduce herself verbally as well as she took her turn to speak. It was only proper manners, in her mind, since the Yaga girl had introduced herself.

"My name is Nylah. And while I wish to echo Lissa's questions, especially with how this matter concerningly affects merchants such as ourselves, I have a couple questions of my own as well after all of this so far," the Mothraki said, trying to be respectful in tone as she spoke and then continued on, "Not having been here before, what is the Death Goddess like to generate such fear here? What do you know of her? If naught else, so we can perhaps avoid her ire ourselves in these parts.

Secondarily, and with all due respect, may I ask what deity is enshrined here in your home? My mother has enshrined the deity of her people back in the home I was raised in, so I must confess I am somewhat curious about things here."

That last bit stung somewhat to say, but she had to keep up the proper front of a traveling merchant she figured. Still, perhaps the answers would be useful to their cause potentially.

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This

Eliana, The Cosmic Gypsy


Kiyome, The Draconic Protector

...Hell. This one was having it rough for the moment, wasn't she? Monsters girls came in all flavors, but a robot sounding giddy with a stoic expression and seemingly merging with the enemy's magic guns was not the strangest thing she'd ever seen. Even farther from the most horrific she'd ever seen by quite a longshot. But she seemed to be in-control over herself, unlike a certain idiot she'd encountered just prior, and whilst not the mission leader this one was the strike and comms for now.

Good. Someone who understood proper military terminology, and wasn't shooting at her, was a welcome presence in her book. It also gave her a moment to straighten herself up in the process. However, the fiery dragon girl being a mere convenience was somewhat frustrating, if not understandable, to hear all the same. Not that it was a bad decision to keep her around. Another body who could soak up fire and wasn't an essential member of the team, especially in the face of these odds, was a sound thing to allow if they proved useful enough.

...But if she got tackled again without warning and in the middle of combat with enemies, she was leaving the fire dragon girl alone for the enemy to deal with. Preferably by using spec magic to throw her into the middle of them if she could manage it.

"I’m guessing you already knew about the army incoming,”

”Far as I am concerned you can leave with us when we cut and run if you need to.
An Actual Terminator

"Yes. Hence why I came here, and sent my mistress went in to help evacuate citizens for now. Far as I am concerned I'll also gladly take your offer to leave with you once we are forced to retreat back inside the boundaries."

Did she trust the offer fully? Eh. She'd just met this person, but she wasn't stupid. Regardless, however, she knew herself and Eliana would need an escape route once things became overwhelming. In that case these 'temporary allies fighting here under a common cause' would be a suitable enough means to better their chances of escape from here. Simple as that. If they tried to turn on them, she'd butcher every single body she had to in order to protect her mistress and ensure her safety as well.

...Wouldn't be the first time at all that her hands had been stained crimson red in such a case.

Enemies shooting from cover of the hill and wreckage on it was one thing, with her keeping lower to the ground to minimize her profile against the shooters. Dodging another rocket was another entirely, however, forcing her and the other two to dive away hard to avoid getting blasted. From here she he minigun fire came in she was forced to use her magic in short/small and timed bursts to move away and dodge the effect area of the bursts off fire from it whilst staying lower to the ground still for obvious reasons. Between some of the minigun firing bursts, Kiyome would stand up briefly and extend and arm out at the hill (aimed at the hilltop and beyond the cover of the growing fire and smoke) before quietly muttering some words under her breath as she called upon her benefit to summon a feasible but solid enough number of Horrific Eldritch Minions that would be appearing on top of the hill enemies. Horrific little things, good for fodder and hopefully buying them some more time. She would ultimately catch a couple somewhat stray bullets in the torso from those on the hill whilst doing so, the price of her efforts, though her expression did not seem to change in lieu of that as she rapidly ducked back down.

“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a GREAT FALL!”

All of this was just...just Nursery Rhymes. Soldiers made of cards, odd tanks, magic eggs, and all of it. Like the Queen of Hearts herself had thrown up her ideas of warfare on an actual battlefield. Then one of those magical eggs shattered, and from it emerged a slew of four monstrosities that seemed more than ready to go meet the wizard. Now the "Wonderland Rejects" had forged a path through the barrier that had been put up, giving the enemy a direct line into the evacuation area.

If she ever met the maker of all of these things, she'd cut out their tongue for their poor sense of taste. Worse if they hurt her mistress.

But it seemed things were far from over yet, due to the new arrivals at least. The scarewcrow seemed to direct the other two, all as the armless girl went off on her own down the magical road to get into town, the lion charged at the three of them, and jets of water were fired at the metal man from (according to her own guesswork) probably whoever had made the weaponized plants that shot down one of the fliers. In return, Kiyome would pull up her blade in preparation for a strike, gritting her teeth some as she brought in her focus-...and then out of the blue seemed to disappear out of thin at at the last second as the lion came close enough to her.

Because that wasn't the largest threat right now, at least if they were trying to keep these things out of town. The scarewcrow and woodsman were focused on the big sunflowers. The lion was sent at the three of them. Enemies were still going to be firing at them and such, but that left the biggest single threat to continue skipping along on its merry, armless way into toward entering their backlines. She couldn't accept that risk. Even the arrival of combat animals and a fresh set of help wasn't going to change her actions, not that it was something she was ungrateful for either.

'Three Branches'

Kiyome would reappear right next to the armless girl, immediately moving into her attack against the armless girl the moment she appeared. No hesitation or waiting around. Space and Time would warp and twist and bend as three almighty sword slashes, imbued with a lot of mana, struck from three angles around the Armless Girl to strike her at once and likewise try to cut off any potential escape. A Focused Assault launched on the dragon's target, three blows that would occur simultaneously and hit the target at the same time. Indeed this move, called 'Three Branches' was a moderately draining move to be sure though. A serious move for a serious situation.

...And yet the expression on the swordswoman's face was unconsciously both mildly sour as she continued to unthinkingly grit her teeth as she did it all. This, even though her eyes and focus and body and so forth were fully concentrated/focused on what she was doing.

It wasn't enough to empty her mana out fully at all, even in this situation, but a strong movie to fit what notable amount of 'fuel' it took to utilize. It was also a risk she was taking to pop out and attack like that, especially with enemy soldiers still firing on them and such. But with her target separated from the other misfits that it had been conjured with, and the threat of something creeping into the evacuation area was for at least one personal reason on her end, she was going to risk it to strike that threat down as soon as she could. Then they could deal with the rest of the monstrosities attacking the town, hopefully, before getting out of there.

As Lily's magic kicked in, Eliana felt a surge of strength and speed as her own efforts were notably improved by the supporting magic of the green-haired magical girl. She would rush and run and hurry to get as many civilians as she could, physically pushing herself to her fullest for the effort without even a second thought. Men. Women. Children. Wounded. Anyone that was alive that she could help save, get to safety, and get out of danger was a priority. Even as the Alexander clones, Ronin and Miko, Connie, and Lily ran around as well, her focus was first and foremost on the task that was right in front of her. She hoped that would be enough to help.

Even so, somewhere in her mind she did wonder what was going on with her own ally. She was worried about her draconic compatriot somewhere in the back of her mind as she tried to focus on things, rather, though she knew the latter's skills were suited to something such as this. Soaking up bullets. Buying time. By staying off the front lines it meant that they could each focus on their own tasks without distraction, and yet-...no. She had to trust in Kiyome, and she truly did trust her in the end. Had to trust that she'd help buy the defenders as much time as possible, trust that she'd take care of herself, and trust that the other would not let herself-



Yet more new arrivals appearing within the barrier, seemingly bursting from the fields in a car and swinging in with screeching tires into the central plaza out of the blue. It was certainly a surprise. Definitely that. But as figures emerged from it, one of them seemed to go over to Lily to talk. So, hmm, if Lily was talking to them then they were probably not enemies of the evacuation effort at least! Whew. That much was a small load off of her own mind, though as she passed back by the talking duo of Lily and Justine, with an unconscious little boy in her arms who was holding a stuffed lion toy, she briefly paused to speak to the duo.

"I've cleared anyone left from houses five and what was left of seven, but rubble is blocking six and three has collapsed on four! If someone can help meet me at four, I can carefully hold up the rubble so someone can go get anyone in there!"

Once she dropped the child in her arms off of course. Yet they were running out of time so quickly. Please. Please let them save as many as they could.

@Ariamis@Ponn@Majoras End@Shifter_Master

Serenity Gates

The hug back from Alicia widened the maid magical girl's smile some indeed, as well as a light flush of warmth coming to her cheekcs, though before anything else could be done on her end-

“Hey! Show some respect!” A voice called out, and Hyun Long stepped out from the gathered crowd. The former monster queen pointed a finger at Serenity. “That is the Paladin Seraph! You can’t go and hug someone like that out of the blue! Not to mention public decency…Well, not that our organization has any policies on that.”

...Wait, was that-? Huh. It was her. They still had her around. Indeed, Serenity blinked in genuine surprise at Hyun's shouting and upon seeing her step out toward them out of the crowd that had formed. Not that the stares were much welcome, but, ah, frankly it did matter less to the former-horror than seeing her friends again. But to see the literal Monster Queen from the trash fire that had been that Rave Incident, who she did remember had been purified and such, was definitely more of a surprise to her considering the Inquisition's presence and her own treatment during the trial and then for those first two week at HQ when she'd been kidnapped by the Inquisition.

Heck, even the battle was still vivid enough in her mind. She could remember riding on the creaky old ghost ship during it all, and heading in with Alicia and the others once she'd gotten the chance to reunite with them. She could frankly remember the even vividly at that, though it wasn't much of a surprise given her 'unique' nature perhaps.

Ahem. Yes. She didn't need to get too distracted by her surprise at it all.

"It's alright Hyun. She's a friend."

"Well, she is. I don't think I've met the other girl before."

The magical maid's eyebrows perked up, before she turned to Vivi and then back to Alicia as she gestured back at the maid. In return, Vivi would nod understandingly before giving a polite and formal curtsy to the others.

"This is Vivianne! I ah...in some part due to some things that happened at HQ, I got a red coin. When I used it, she appeared. She, ah...serves as my maid now actually. She isn't combat capable, but she does make a great green tea."

A maid serving a maid. She hadn't thought too deeply about it all after the initially awkward first meeting they'd had in her room at HQ when she'd used the coin. But now it felt more and more bizarre the longer the concept sank in for her really. Still not the most bizarre circumstances or things she'd ever run into though. Far from it! Truth be told, Vivi had helped her relax more before she'd been sent back home. A welcome thing indeed.

Yet when Aurelio arrived, she both waved at him and couldn't help but chuckle aloud as she hugged him back in return as well. Though as he brought up the matter of a jacket, Serenity felt a small pang of realization dawn on her. Yeah. She'd changed a bit. Was the same, but that red coin had done a number on her magical girl form despite keeping the same core appearance. For one thing, she had abs now! At the same time, however, she did rub the back of her own head somewhat nervously for a moment as Aurelio apologized to her. She did, however, accept the offered jacket

"N-No worries! I just wanted to find everyone, after just getting back from HQ last night, and happened to find Alicia here in the hall.

I didn't even get to say 'bye' to anyone before I left, truth be told, as they just kind of came and spirited me away quickly...and in a blindfold as it would turn out..."

Though as Alicia transitioned to her proper business, leaving her wondering about the mentioned 'epic assault', Serenity merely nodded and kept quiet in return as she listened to the Paladin Seraph give out mission parameters to the trio who had approached them. Wonderland? Nearby? Those guys were a bit 'mad as a hatter', from what information of them that she knew, but someone not actively invading Penrose at the time was a surprise in and of itself already. What was next, monsters taking over half the city again to hold a dance party again?

Thinking for a second herself, she tried to politely pipe in once Alicia left the floor open for questions. Not necessarily her questions, but before anyone else spoke she at least wanted to do one thing. It was the least she could do after getting back, after all!

"Would you like a fourth team member for the trip? At the very least, I could provide time-based enhancements for the team, and take on a supporting roll. I know some about Wonderland as well, if that would help."



Talk about getting bailed out. Hard. Not that Lissa's surprise shock at the hug wasn't amusing either.

Yet as the ratmen left, it seemed the three of them would be fine for the moment being at least. At least. Seemed the Yaga and the Krysa truly were not on the best of terms in this situation either, at least in some capacity or another. Would that be helpful? Potentially. Or not. Truthu be told she had no idea of the Yaga's intent in saving them, whether it was a shallow jab at the ratmen or if it was something more. All she knew for sure was that she was glad they weren't being dragged off to some other place to be questioned or the like. Indeed, she'd noticed the glare and state Lissa had given her, a not very comfortable one to be sure, and after it had frankly felt more willing to go along with her and Eirhild to leave in this case if the matter was pressed any further. Then their saviors had arrived as quickly as anything, before the smaller one had then left after it all was said and done in what felt like the blink of an eye.

Taking in Lissa's glance, however, Nylah simply followed along with the others without another word. Not that, er, it would perhaps help anything at all to do so. In that vein she was content to just walk along and follow. But otherwise it was odd how the other one still with them, the same as had been in the tree, seemed to stare at Lissa though. Odder still was the smaller girl's exclamation both pointing it out more obviously and calling Lissa the 'hollow one'.


"...you guys want to crash at my place for a bit?"

“Eh, well, lacking better options, sure. Do you… mind explaining what that was all about, though? We appreciate that bit of help, though. Thanks.”
Totally A Real Human

"I-I agree, especially as we've nowhere else to go. I also sincerely wish to thank you for the help you provided to us back there as well...though o-on that note..s-sorry about back there..."

She'd tried to do her best, or at least all she knew of how to try to cover for things. Fear of a potential sudden battle if they simply blew things off had come to mind, and, well, she'd acted on her instincts after that point. Even so it seemed she had been the only one to take such a route, it felt like, and whilst it had been frustrating on her end she could more than imagine it had been for the others from their perspective as well. And just imagining that was...somewhat anxiety inducing. Not as much as getting chased by a giant Chameleon on a stretcher made of light magic as it zoomed over the snow at top speeds, but still anxiety inducing.

Still, she didn't say anything else as of yet. Couldn't even meet the eyes of the others for the moment being at that. In her mind, it was better to listen to one of their saviors, especially if she answered Lissa's question about what happened back there as well.

As it were, that question happened to touch on something Nylah was growing ever more curious about by the moment.

The mention of the underworld goddess, Rifelshka it seemed, did pique Nylah's mind and curiosity most poignantly...epecially due to the effect the mention of 'appeasement rituals' seemed to visibly have on the situation. It had been enough to dismiss the ratmen altogether! It was palpable to her, almost, as if angering the Underworld Goddess somehow was a very bad idea. Not that angering any deities was probably ever a good idea ever, er, but in particular this seemed to be pretty notable. It also felt at least reminiscent of those back home not trying to anger the Kyrinth.

And beyond that, why was that other girl seemingly able to pop in as she did to assist? Was she tied to those mentioned 'appeasement rituals' or the like? Was she someone important here among the Yaga?

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From the Yaga woman's reaction, it seemed that the latest arrival to greet them was not someone she liked. And considering she'd been seemingly trying to give them hints from afar in that tree, that was...definitely something to take into account in the Mothraki's mind. Not to mention it was the aforementioned "General Gerschel" that the ratmen had wanted to take them to. Also something about 'not having ill will toward her majesty' and 'safety of their people' felt more than a small bit suspicious...but perhaps if they kept polite enough then they could manage to get out of this in one piece. Or at least maybe have a chance to escape if they got 'contained' somewhere, right? Something.

Yet the ratman was addressing Lissa, who had admittedly introduced herself as the de facto leader of their party of three to these Krysa, so Nylah did not speak up to cut in during this occasion. However, she did make a small elbow jab into Lissa's side whilst keeping up her more agreeable demeanor. Something she felt a traveling companion who was trying to convince her friends to chill out after a long trip would do. She hoped. She had presented herself as trying to talk sense into the other two, so it hopefully fell well in-line with those actions at the very least. Because if a battle came, they were outnumbered and there weren't any more allies conveniently hiding the woods. Plus more ratmen likely doing their thing deeper into the place.

Please. By the gods and goddesses, please have her compatriots be willing to play along.

If they could get inside then it at least got them a view of things. Plus if that woman was of any indication...perhaps the Yaga and Krysa were not getting along as splendidly as it had sounded prior from Haruno's account. Or, rather, there hadn't been enough information to really nail down things to that extent at least. Not that this confirmed anything either, but it wasn't 'nothing' at the very least. That much she felt for sure in the depths of her gut.

Would it have been better to try to sneak to Mie's camp? No idea. But they had the attention on them now, and to her mind they could perhaps try to make best use of the situation while they could.

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