Name: Eleonore Evans
Alias: Aurorea
Nicknames: Elle, Evie
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: A person with a certain sense of sobriety and maturity when it comes to the use of powers and facing danger. In fact, she is one to look things in the eye once she's steeled her resolve and will face down a charging boar or such without batting an eye if she feels she must. A kind of resolve that, when felt to be most necessary on her part, can keep her standing even when terror or fear or despair would strike deep into her psyche otherwise. A strong sense of will to be sure, one that pushes her to work diligently and hard for generally different reasons than her past once did. Yet this resolve is one that she mainly tries to apply to her work and goals, as she is still very much human. The risk of working herself to the bone or such is very much a realistic thing, and if something got to her badly enough one might see flashes of how she used to be all those years ago. Only flashes, but flashes of a seriously bad time/state all the same.
She would be the last person to really take a compliment well, though, usually just getting nervous and trying to dismiss herself and her own contributions as simply another person trying their best. Even if her overall state has improved since her triggering at the age of twelve, and a lot of work was behind that in turn, the scars of her past aren't something that would go away in full either. She indeed still has a lower evaluation of herself still, can be prone to making a self-deprecating joke potentially at some point, and tries to retain a sense of sincere humility despite the strength she wields. This lattermost thing is done in part out of a fear of getting too prideful or cocky, though continually undervaluing herself isn’t inherently something good to do either. It leaves her feeling a certain extent lonely or distanced from others in general, even if just by some small yet distinct amount.
She is definitely more sociable and friendly and such than she once was, and this is something her two surviving friends (who have remained friends with her back home even since the incident) have been able to attest to. Among other people. She can likewise be rather empathetic, however, willing to bend an ear as well as be kind to those about her...agreeing with them or not. However, she will push back if she feels people are trying to take advantage of her or force her into a corner. She can become notably more dogged and angry in such a situation, choosing ‘fight’ instead of ‘flight’ as she once did years ago.
Appearance: (Two different links are below, just in case.)
Original Link
Imgur Link
No matter how good she looked, no matter how hard she tried to learn and do her best at things, it would all never be enough in the end. The most beautiful child in the family, the second most intelligent beyond her genius older sister, and yet it wasn't ever enough. The pressure to succeed above the rest was held over her head each and every day, and yet no matter how much she studied or the programs she was in it was not enough. The best grades, the best performance in every fashion was expected of her. To let down the ever more weighty expectations of her parents was something that would spell the end of herself. It would spell being a failure. A nothing. Becoming nothing. Existing as nothing. A fraud, clad in the visage of something that once had potential. She held up her appearance in front of others well, but behind closed doors with her siblings and around her few close friends the exhausted eyes and depression would emerge in their grim honesty. Those who stuck with her tried to help keep her afloat, but she always felt bad for it. Like she didn't deserve the care or assistance. She felt the love was wasted on her, like she wasn't worth the good things. Life hadn't always been like this, but as she’d gotten old enough the pressures had been ramped up. How had her older siblings survived this? By letting the pressures fall onto her so they could live freer lives. But she couldn't. She couldn't let her younger sibling go through it, but she didn't want to either.
It was tearing her apart from the inside out, and yet she couldn't see anything in herself but a monster when she looked in the mirror. No matter how much she exercised, no matter how much she did to make herself look good, no matter how much she did to put on the best appearances and graces. Twisted flesh, a famiscile of humanity, a scrap that would one day meet her doom in the endless depths of failure. A grand self-loathing, but one that very much existed nonetheless. Her parents had come from almost nothing, yet had eventually risen to upper-middle-class status through their lives. Yet in their desire to raise their kids to even better lives, to not have to worry about all they’d faced and more, they had placed insurmountable pressures and expectations on them. Pressures and expectations they strictly clung to alongside their fears for their children, blind to the consequences they couldn’t imagine happening and blamed on other factors because they couldn’t handle the alternative.
Then came the day she went on that school summer trip overseas at the age of eleven, heading to Hong Kong to visit the area. It was in part an escape, a vacation paid for by the parents of the kids on the trip. Seeing a new place, getting new experiences, and what her parents had valued most....visiting a scientific facility tied to some company her parents were hoping for her to eventually work at. Here she was, in a foreign place and far from home, getting away for a bit, and yet she would ultimately learn that her parents would be waiting at the airport on the last day to be chaperones for the group’s trip home. It would send her into a small panic, there on the morning of the last day of the trip, all after she had been relaxing a bit with her friends and had begun to unwind. But no, she’d heard the other chaperones in the hall discussing it.
Yet just as she stepped out with a couple of friends to get some fresh air, mostly at their urging before they all had to go to the airport, what had once been a peaceful but busy morning would turn sour in a heartbeat. Disaster, as it were, would come to her this time-...
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At approximately 1015 hours/10:15 am, HERALD #001 was first sighted appearing within Hong Kong. Its arrival was swift and destructive, leveling approximately five city blocks and resulting in no less than {REDACTED} civilian and {REDACTED] cape deaths before it was driven off. These are among the worst casualty numbers resulting from a Progeny Event in the last half-century, though the city has been found to be in a salvageable state. See “Aftermath Report #5” for recommendations for remediation and rebuilding plans.
Subject “Evans, Eleanore” was discovered lying in the rubble of a building, the only survivor found aside from two other teenage girls trapped under the rubble only a few dozen meters away. Subject was missing their left leg at and below the knee, and follow-up medical examination of the subject as well as later subject testimony has confirmed having torn off the badly damaged leg portion in their haste to escape from under a chunk of debris. The blood trail leading from this point suddenly ends, however, rather than lead all the way to the subject’s end location. Building damage indicates a high-impact landing before crashing through the dense building walls, something unable to be survived by a human being and capable of punching through multiple building walls. Subject, based on this and confirmation of the subject's parahuman capabilities and lack of them prior to the incident, is thought to have triggered and become parahuman during the attack rather than prior to contact made with HERALD #001.
Subject physical trauma was notable, but was discovered unconscious. Suspected mental traumas prior to the event. The subject's lost leg portion had also sealed up to stop bleeding by the time of discovery, but in a rough and still dangerous manner requiring medical treatment and surgery to fully stabilize after the subject’s discovery and recovery from Site {REDACTED} at {REDACTED}.
Initial parahuman testing suggests a high-grade power and multiple capabilities, and as such greater study of the subject and more extensive rehabilitation efforts are strongly recommended. The subject could pose a serious danger if left without further study or care, given the nature of their powers. A cape should be posted near the room at all times in case of a subject having another panic incident, as occurred after they first awoke as detailed in {REDACTED}, Section Four of this Case File. Therapy is also highly recommended to seek improvement in the subject's mental state.
Subject “Evans, Eleanore” was discovered lying in the rubble of a building, the only survivor found aside from two other teenage girls trapped under the rubble only a few dozen meters away. Subject was missing their left leg at and below the knee, and follow-up medical examination of the subject as well as later subject testimony has confirmed having torn off the badly damaged leg portion in their haste to escape from under a chunk of debris. The blood trail leading from this point suddenly ends, however, rather than lead all the way to the subject’s end location. Building damage indicates a high-impact landing before crashing through the dense building walls, something unable to be survived by a human being and capable of punching through multiple building walls. Subject, based on this and confirmation of the subject's parahuman capabilities and lack of them prior to the incident, is thought to have triggered and become parahuman during the attack rather than prior to contact made with HERALD #001.
Subject physical trauma was notable, but was discovered unconscious. Suspected mental traumas prior to the event. The subject's lost leg portion had also sealed up to stop bleeding by the time of discovery, but in a rough and still dangerous manner requiring medical treatment and surgery to fully stabilize after the subject’s discovery and recovery from Site {REDACTED} at {REDACTED}.
Initial parahuman testing suggests a high-grade power and multiple capabilities, and as such greater study of the subject and more extensive rehabilitation efforts are strongly recommended. The subject could pose a serious danger if left without further study or care, given the nature of their powers. A cape should be posted near the room at all times in case of a subject having another panic incident, as occurred after they first awoke as detailed in {REDACTED}, Section Four of this Case File. Therapy is also highly recommended to seek improvement in the subject's mental state.
Her parents and herself, even her two friends, would be found as survivors in the aftermath of the attack. Among others. Yet they were the lucky ones compared to most of the field trip’s members. After two months of care and observation, she would be allowed to go back home with her parents after they’d stayed around to be with her. After she and the other survivors all made their way back home, arriving at a small celebration held for them at the airport, a memorial would be held for the dead only a week later. Not all showed up for it, but she and her parents were noted as being among those who were capable of doing so.
From here life would change, even change everything she'd known before. Her parents, herself, everything. The pain and ache of those years of stress, lots of ensuing therapy both mental and physical, parahuman counseling and power practice, and lots of talking with her own folks about things long kept buried on both sides of the gap. All out in the open over the next six years. It would take several years of notable work and effort, but by the time she turned 17 years old her mental state would find itself a far call from back then or prior. Likewise her parents and family would be very much changed, and for the first time in years they could speak with one another in ways they never had been able to before. Even so, the scars and lessons of the past were not things any of them could ignore…they would last for a lifetime. But from this would come learning. And from learning strength.
Eventually she would put in to join the Wards, the desire to build up more good in the world by using what she could do having come to the forefront of her mind. In fact, it had become her own goal that even her parents wholly supported. Her own chosen path. It was something she’d have never been able to dream of or imagine at the age of eleven, and yet now it was a reality. A grim one, but a reality. However, the flow of some last-second paperwork and forms would put a wrench in the works. In the end it would delay her joining up with the rest of her peers, much to her chagrin, though it has not dulled her intent or goals at the very least.
{{Classification: Breaker (Brute 9/Thinker 6/Mover 3)}}
Activating her power, Eleanore takes on an idealized form of herself. Gorgeous, curvaceous and impossible to ignore. Literally glowing, her eyes an unnatural, but stirring orange-gold. Sculpted, yet at once not unappealingly muscular, this form--upon close inspection--is not actually composed entirely of flesh. Instead, exotic veins of orange-gold crystal draw intricate patterns across her visage. Clothes/costume/belongings are included into the form when she shifts (including her prosthetic leg). Her eyes likewise glitter unnaturally with refracted light.
While in this state, any wounds, including lost limbs, are replaced entirely by crystalline matter. Painless in this state, Eleanore gains a form of super strength and drastically enhanced durability. Yet, rather than be physically immovable, she is rendered lighter than air and so permeable to energy--kinetic or otherwise--that attacks simply diminish as they strike or pass through her. As a side effect of this, Eleanore is also capable of willingly/passively ignoring forces that would typically act on her person, such as gravity, allowing her a form of highly maneuverable--like 20 mph max speed--flight.
Finally, Eleanore's power affords her two other subtle, if potent, abilities:
- The first of these makes her hyper aware of her body and the attention of the presence of everyone and everything around her. Functionally this amounts to extreme bodily awareness/control and a precise understanding of anything occupying space within a small 4 meter radius of her person.
- Additionally--and particularly subtle--is the fact that her power gives her preternatural memory and learning efficiency. While this has no clear effect at first, it can result in the ability to rapidly adapt to situations, combat or otherwise.
However, all this power comes at a steep price for while she can remain in her breaker form for an exceptionally long time, when she exits it her power exacts its cost. Non-fatal injuries reappear and her bodily awareness takes time to fade, resulting in often debilitating pain. The limb she lost during her trigger is once more gone, the crystal that replaced it in her breaker state, dissolving into nothing. Yet, though not a discrete or obviously power-related effect, the crushing weakness of her physical and mental capabilities comes rushing back as soon as she exits her form. All that proficiency, coordination and competence gone, she's returned to her pitiable all-too-human state and as if her trigger wasn't years behind her...the emotions come rushing back.
While these effects fade with time, they tend to lend the user towards maintaining their breaker state as often as possible to avoid them.
Yet, if overused, the state itself begins to warp. The beauty becomes inhuman with extensively prolonged use (days or many hours), taking on an uncanny valley sort of effect as it subtly twists over time. Coordination and awareness of her person becomes...unreliable, failing unpredictably. Awareness of one's surroundings becomes crushing, twisting to make her aware of people's every movement, their gaze, their attention as it pushes her mind to remembering the judging gaze of her parents.
After all, you know what they say. Great power comes with great responsibilities...and in this case, that responsibility is crushing.
- Thinker Types: Farsight X Proficiency
Farsight: Awareness extending beyond usual limits and ranges of normal senses. Triggers from tunnel vision in views or character, incorrect perceptions/views.
Proficiency: Thinker power operates via. enhanced or manipulated skill or talent. Trigger from competence-driven dilemmas and crises. - Brute Types: Muscle X Intensity
Muscle brutes offer raw mass and offensive tools.
They manifest from physical, focused damage to a part and struggle.
Intensity brutes offer raw elemental power and defensive tools.
They trigger from energy-based, focused damage to a part and pain. - Breaker Type: Atropos.
Enters a breaker state, transforming to an idealized, attractive alternate self, gaining a different appearance, proportions, improved stats and access to a powerset/general breaker benefit. Outside of breaker form, suffers detriments that offset bonuses, with ongoing drawbacks (mutation or personality flaw).
If civilian-powered life balance isn’t maintained, the subject may see things crumble around the idealized form with the breaker form becoming long term or permanent as well as perverse in interpretation, with the ongoing drawback from the civilian form bleeding into it and ultimately taking it over.
If ya get punted, just drop back to normal Gs so ya plummet. Or redirect the momentum with your flight.
- Cooking - Is actually a very good if not also naturally talented cook in general, for someone of her age or not, in part due to the years of classes before her triggering and then years afterward under better conditions. Can be said to be a form of stress relief for her, once a coping mechanism of the past that has become a more healthily-managed one by current times. But if you see her stress baking three dozen cookies, or something extraordinary like that whilst she is on her own or not making them for some occasion or intent, check if she’s ok…she is most likely stressed out about or focusing a bit too much on something.
- Music - The violin and piano are her instruments of choice, having been drilled in them and even now having some rather solid skills with them for her age. Picked up the former of her own volition after years of stressful classes with the latter, though with time and work with therapy the latter came to finally become something she does enjoy and practices as well by current times. Not as good at music as she is at cooking by a distinct margin, but she still enjoys it.
- Exercise - A thing she did as part of her life before the trigger event, but likewise worked with years of therapy into something she finds relaxing and wants to keep up with in a healthy manner. A far healthier manner than she once did at an even younger age. Took up swimming where she used to only do running, and whilst she does use a treadmill these days she has become a more solid swimmer and used it to learn how to help control and pace her breathing.
- Sewing/Knitting/Crocheting - With deft hands and fingers, she picked this up post-trigger-event as a sort of hobby. Something to help manage her anxieties and stress as well to some extent, which she has become reasonably good at within the last five years as she's come to take a liking to it.
- Her favorite pets are cats.
- Her favorite food ranges from savory Italian and Italian-American dishes, to Mediterranean dishes with fish or feta cheese, to the like. When it comes to cooked food at home versus takeout, she most often enjoys things of the home-cooked variety but isn't a snob about takeout either. Albeit she isn't much a fan at all of rather spicy fare.
- The beach is her favorite place to go for vacation.
- Wears a very well-covering but simple/durable mask before transforming, as she looks far different in her Breaker state and it hides her identity fully, which is integrated into her Breaker form by the power itself and hides her appearance when she de-transforms.
- Height = 171cm