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@Zeroth Quoted the bit as Lazash bolts in like a bat outta' hell and tries to get something in the middle of this situation. My only regret is not having been able to use the Creature Analysis skill yet, but that can come after we kill it. Never said the animal had to be alive to use that skill on it, right? :P

Also I had no idea on which Elwet would be closest to Lazash with her entrance to the left of where Akeno went in, so I assumed and had her gun for the one nearest to her in that case. (Er, if I need to fix that at all then I can! No problem. Or if all else fails she would attack the one closest to her if the current target of her blitz, as designated in my post, doesn't work. XD)

((EDIT: Fixed a few words in that post I forgot to fix right before I posted it. Whew.))

Hmm. A fair plan of attack for their hunt, given the multiple threats around. No desire to pursue the Jackalope due to the imminent threat in front of them, which made logical sense. A familiar feeling bubbled up within the Runt as she took up her rock temporarily set down her stick, the anticipation rippling through her new body's muscles and tendons and bones. It had been some time since she'd felt like this, but there was no sense in getting too excited or jumpy either. Even so, she could almost smell that salty sea breeze once more, feeling the hot sand under her toes as the rays of the cruel sun beat down, and feel the neck of one of those blasted 'normal' chickens from back when in her hands.

Yet the rejection of a proper weapon? It brought a brief frown to Lazash's face, but she didn't say anything about the matter as she readied herself in a proper running stance for a burst of quick speed and her hands gripped her sharp rock with a two-handed approach and a well-practiced grip.

Yes, they were children. Adults in child bodies, reborn but carrying more over into their new lives than most could hope for. And to what end? What experiment was this supposed to be on the part of those two spirits they'd met along the way into their new lives? Hmm. It mattered not right now either way, as they had to survive before they think about or could do anything else.

And that she understood as clear as crystal.

As Akeno pushed through the bushes before them and went through, beyond which lied an unknown amount of their prey, Lazash would finally dart off as fast as she could move forward into and through the bushes to the left of where Akeno had entered. Her intent was to bolt through and get the element of, somewhat perhaps, surprise as the martial artist got the attention of the Elwet over there. However-

As Akeno grit her teeth and decided to simply burst through the underbrush, she found herself coming face to beak with a large, full bodied chicken bearing not only draconic scales, but pointed antlers and perhaps the meanest gaze ever possessed by a flightless bird. There were four of them in the clearing, pecking at the ground or preening themselves--and every single one of them turned their gaze on the Orc Runt that had just barged into their midst. They were roughly twice as big as any chicken Akeno might've encountered in her lifetime--standing somewhere between 30 and 36 inches tall on average, weighing at least twenty pounds a piece.

The one in front of her immediately screamed and jumped back, buffeting her face with its wings as it did so. The next closest released a loud cry of its own, this one of warning rather than surprise, and that seemed to move the other two to more direct action. The one furthest from Akeno turned and started to book it for the nearest bush. And the remaining third member of this little flock opened its beak wide to release a blast like a firework, a small flaming mass that traveled towards the Runt like a baseball pitch--!

With her slight delay in pursuing after Akeno, Lazash would burst through as the Elwet had their attention on the former. She saw the one jumping back from Akeno as it screamed, and heard the warning squawk of the next closest Elwet hit her ears. She saw the third launching a fiery spark out, and the fourth try to run away. To Lazash, then, it was a mere moment to choose her target before things devolved further and she lost too much speed after bursting in to do anything useful. She had to commit to a target, and the original plan wasn't really so viable in the heat of the moment.

The closest one to her, from the direction she was coming in from at least, was the one launching the fiery attack at Akeno. Without pausing, then, Lazash darted into the third Elwet as fast as she could and would slam her body weight behind the primitive knife of sorts as she tried to drive it at the chicken's side and likewise into its center of mass as hard as she could. About where a heart could maybe roughly be expected maybe, given the peculiar size of these creatures at least. She hoped she was getting this somewhat right.

As the creature's focus was on attacking Akeno, it seemed, she could make a move to take advantage of that with her speed and rock and what body weight she had as a mere Runt. Hit it from its side, rather than charge from the front, and make it pay for its lapse in attention-span in these moments.

If she could knock this thing over and stick it with her rock in the process, or at least do something to it with her charge at all to stun or leave it shocked, she'd do her best to wrap her arms around its neck and grab it as tightly as her little body could muster before trying to twist it and break it as she could before it could get around to her (hopefully). If all else failed, and she could grab the neck at least, she would do so in such a case and still grip it just as tightly and with the same neck-breaking intent to boot.

@Zeroth@ERode@Kazemitsu@King Cosmos

Lillianna Steiner

A place called 'The Mazy Hillocks' certainly seemed to be living up to its name, that much she could tell for certain. Hills, ravines, earth, rock, trees, steep slopes, and for all she knew a blasted Minotaur running around the place after some king pissed off a local deity! What else, were they going to be running across an army of undead waiting for them along the way? Witch Queen sending them some kind of fancy welcome to a new world before they even figured out how they got there in the first place perhaps?! Ugh. She liked walking along the beach, and the forest hadn't been bad, but hiking in the mountains or a place like this wasn't her 'cup of tea' to put it metaphorically.

And the others had seemingly agreed with her little revelation seemingly without much...er...thoughts of their own really. At least from what she'd heard and seen so far. Not even a hint of doubt for a sudden claim that the enemy knew they had-...ah. No, after the battle it'd make sense if the enemy figured something had happened since that village hadn't been turned into a mass grave. But even then, and admitting to herself that it wasn't as far-fetched as maybe she felt it was at first, did these people not have an ounce of critical thinking to at least ponder if that might sound real? To ask her for evidence or anything to indicate why she'd just said that out of the blue?!

Maybe there would be a way to get around this place more expeditiously and lose any potential pursuing party, at least without-

"Is there a way we can get around this thing?”

"I'm afraid not, not without backtracking and losing a ton of time on our trip."
Joji & Adam

Fair enough of an assessment, she wasn't the one holding the map after all. But perhaps she could say something and see if they could at least look more at the map to try to find some sort of-

Some Unknown Danger

...Nope. Nope nope nope. NOPE!!!

A dark roar from the rear meant something wasn't happy, or something was maybe looking for a mate, claiming territory, or maybe trying to scare off intruders or such things along those lines. It also meant the thought of trying to sit around looking for a more carefully-routed optimized path would not be something good either. Nope. Not at all. They would need to keep moving, rationally speaking, so with that in mind the mage would try to keep close to the others within reason due to being in the back of the group. Especially when they'd walked into a DEAD EN-...ahem. A dead end.

Right. So all of this meant going right into things, somehow getting past this gorge of a dead end, and through the rest of the-...Mazy Hillocks. Yeah that name was going to come back to bite them hard in the arse somehow, wasn't it?

The red-eyed man examined his surroundings, finding a small patch of dirt near the group that seemed to transition to the rocky surface of the gorge, and began casting upon it. Four trees, each the width of a person, began growing out of the ground next to each other. They grew horizontally towards the other side of the pit, eventually creating an impromptu bridge that would allow the group to get across safely. Two were right beside each other to provide a walking surface while the other two were angled to provide a sort of railing for whoever was using it. It wasn't elegant, but it would hold up to the strain of the group crossing, two people each. Adam had taken extra time to be sure the root systems of the plants were strong enough to carry that sort of weight. He also made sure that thick and sturdy branches were sticking out at appropriate intervals so that people could hold onto them for extra support.

Adam was young, but the kid was being rather useful to the party's current situation. She had to admit that honestly. His instruction for crossing would also be useful of course, didn't want to act out of panic and just blitz across like some idiot and mess things up. She wasn't that dumb, she felt, and after he spoke to the wider group she gave a small nod and waited for her turn to cross.

Not that Zell almost falling to a potential injury or worse didn't give Lillianna herself a small spook for a moment either. A small squeak came out of her lips before she tightly closed them shut at the scene. Hopefully no one noticed? Maybe. If she was lucky. At least she wasn't as loud in her surprise as James had just been at the same time, however, though MacKensie running off to scout ahead and returning with far-less-than-favorable news didn't help the nervous mage's current state. Not that she was obviously panicking, right? Haha. Who would do that? Totally not someone who was being unnerved a bit by everything that had been going on on this part of the trip!

Ugh. No, she had to breathe. Focus. Think. Too many little things trying to get and stay under her skin. Not that there weren't big things either, but she had to control what she could control at least. Breathe. In and out. Lillianna would focus herself and work to calm her nerves, though visibly standing to the side and breathing with focus and her eyes briefly closed was certainly something of an indicator of what she was doing at least. In and out. Focus on the next task ahead, and maybe finally make herself useful-

"Hey dude, just wanted to say thank you, without you we would have likely lost Zell..."

"I grabbed the branch," he said annoyed over his shoulder, like he was already sick of explaining it.

"...and that would have sucked, even if he is a moron sometimes"

"I'm standing right here bro!"
The Dudes (and MacKensie)

For a moment the mage was caught off guard as Zell's exclamations brought her attention back to James and MacKensie, but at the same time...


The talk between MacKensie and him about Zell, after the poor guy was saved, and while he was standing right there did help to kill the tension in her opinion. On second thought, it made her chuckle for a few seconds more despite it all, attempting to stifle a laugh from her mouth and attempting to avoid standing out somehow at the same time. Not normal for her, but it did help her let out some of the anxiety as she'd been trying to calm herself. It wasn't personal, but the timing was perfectly comedic when her head was in the right headspace to just be slipped up by something as little as that.

Once she regained control over herself, however, the mage would seem to return to a somewhat calmer 'normal' (she figured) and would follow along with the group to the next juncture. With MacKensie having scouted the right path, then, with Fenna now also pointing out the vultures circling over what looked like somewhere down the left path in Lillianna's eyes. Yes, scavengers did make sense in an area where terrain made it harder to survive, or where predators were lurking about. That many vultures going around though? That wasn't a good sign in her mind either.

"Perhaps we should take the central path, given what we know so far, but keep a rearguard in case-"

Her words trailed off into a dead silence as her eyes picked up on 'something'...distinct.

Well, at first it was just one 'something' at least, but as she began to look about more she began to notice more and more of those 'somethings'. Floating. Walking. Sitting on terrain. Flying about in the air. Whatever they wanted to do really. And all of these 'somethings' were moving wistfully or angrily or hopelessly or otherwise about the place, moods as variant as the weather and many of said moods obviously negative looking in nature or sounding like such through wailing and moaning and so forth. Their forms all were distinctly somewhere between translucent and transparent, see-through by nature but not as clear as glass or water, and yet no one else seemed to take note of it but her.

Men mostly. Some women. Children. Animals. Some looked all intact or there, normal enough to not be too wild-looking. The majority otherwise, however, had obvious signs of injuries or missing limbs or semi-attached heads and exposed bowels and-...ugh. No, no, breathe. Focus. Yes. Ok.

There was only one movie line she'd known in life that described this most succinctly, though she wasn't sure using it here would convey much in detail. So another approach would be needed then!

After swallowing a gulp of air the mage would looked calmly down at Adam and the others and pipe up for the first proper time since they'd entered this place. Maybe she'd even get a chance to say more if she was quick enough, before she looked even more crazy. Not that landing in a world full of magic and such, finding a magical connection in a cube made to make undead leaders for undead armies, and making a shelter when it wasn't rainy or such outside, wasn't already abnormal enough on its own. No, then this.

At the same time, however, the idea popped into her head that this could be useful perhaps. Potentially.

"...-ok, so does anyone else other than myself see the large amount of spirits of the dead, as in ghosts, all over the place here?"

Her eyes then went up to look at the ghosts once more, only for a face to pop up in front of her suddenly and make her visibly jump backward.

The younger spirit that popped up in front of her then looked a bit startled himself, though would float over to her slowly but gently and put his hands out as if to show he wasn't a threat. It was enough to get Lillianna to slow her heartbeat down and look at him more closely as well.

His body seemed clad in a basic gambeson type of armor that covered his arms and had a tall neck on it, with a shirt of chainmail covering this as well as his torso and upper arms. Thick woolen pants covered his legs, and likewise came over the top of what she assumed was a pair of boots. A medieval-styled metal helm, rounded on top with a brim around the outside of it to give the eyes and neck shade, covered his head. Finally, a pair of leather gloves and pair of metal bracers on the spirit's hands and forearms. All he was missing was a weapon in hand, really, but no sheath was by his side either.

"I dun' mean no harm, but...you...you can see us, miss?"

"Y-Yes. Ahem. Yes, apparently I can."

"It's been so long. One who can see the spirits, I've heard the stories about you's. By the Quinity, even my little sister could see em' too. Got trained by the local church healer she did, though we was lucky we had one back in village as small as ours."


The spirit seemed to look briefly surprised again, before pulling off his helmet and holding it over his chest. His head of messy and roughly-cut short sandy brown hair would likewise become visible as he did so.

"Ah! Sincerest pologies', miss, ah' didn't mean ta' go so long as I did. Just...been horrible in these parts since ah' died. Alone. No one else ere' to talk ta' that wants to. But none of is' ere' is really important anymore really..."

The mage paused for a moment, mouth half-opening before closing again. Something seemed to flash over her eyes, as if something 'clicked' in her head, and her expression would briefly soften for a moment. After a few seconds would pass, then, Lillianna spoke up again to the spirit still floating in front of her (and at a more proper distance now for conversing at least).

"...No. No need to apologize at all in this case.

If I may ask, though, do you know anything about the paths ahead?"

"Er, that might not be what yous all needs right now, miss.

Really, your lot here needs ta' get ready fast. I just wandered back from tha' south and there's pack of the direwolves that're following you. Comin' to attack they is, seens em' myself. Just a small pack, but em's deadly ones tryin' ta' get yous all from the rear here."

Wait, wolves following them into this place? Or had they come from here? No, never mind that now. The mage looked back over at the party and spoke up

"Ok, so one of the dead spirits here just let me know there is a small pack of direwolves coming from the south. I don't care if I sound crazy, and I don't know if these wolves followed us here or are from here already, but we need to get ready for an attack from our rear.

Ok! Quick response made, and I'll just leave it at that until the next GM post so others have a chance to make a first post.

The Giga Squad gonna go depopulate the forest.

Giga Squad Rep-re-sent! :P

But before she could go about the proper rest of her business, a hand grabbed her wrist and drug her back swiftly to the Brood Pit.

"We were human, once."

"We work together, to hunt more than we need, so we can eat for ourselves before our return. That brute spoke only of what we had to do, not what we could. And we can do far more."

Hmm. What some did not ever seem to realize was that much could be supposed or guessed at about others by their behavior. By their words. By their steps. The sort of things she had come to observe in her past life so much, watching on from the sidelines, that it had become second nature. This case was no different.

There was someone else who could tell as well, then, that more of them had come over here than just themselves. Observant. A speed of step and coldly solid firmness of grip that spoke of purpose, without hesitation or lack of resolve. Resilient Determination. A firm tone that despite its youth spoke far more volumes than the other Runts in the pack she'd heard thus far, even a tone and voice despite being from a stranger felt vaguely familiar to her mind at the same time. Ah. It made sense where that particular familiarity came from then. She'd never forgotten it ever since those days of the past, sticking in her mind ever since then.

Whatever it takes to survive, no matter what, even if it meant a brutal efficiency born of necessity. A voice which was both familiar yet was as ever a double-edged blade of sorts.

Right or wrong, true or not, that was what her gut instincts told her about things as her mind translated her observations into information. This one felt like a survivor to her, and she was likewise right. They were once human, and could do far more than the other mere Runts could do in this case. Yes. While she'd initially intended to head off on her own, it did make sense to work together if there were others more capable than the average youngling here.

Lazash nodded in assent to Esfir, of course doing so once the latter had finished speaking.

"Far more indeed."

This new life was beginning to become more and more interesting by the moment today.

@Zeroth@ERode@Kazemitsu@King Cosmos

@King Cosmos@Crusader Lord Wanna squad up?

Sure! Sounds fun. I am also in agreement with Cosmos that your character is very cool, yes! :O

Hmm. A most curious name had been given to her this time around, but not much else it seemed. Rags to cover her, a wooden stick, and a rock. Then being thrown into a mission alongside her new kin to see if they could fend in a basic manner for themselves or die trying. A trial by fire, then, to weed out weakness and ensure strength among a people that seemed to value such things. Not that it didn't make sense in their predicament, and after what the Divine Spirit who had spoken to them had said. Not that the other figure had gone out of notice to her either as well, for that matter.

Basic survival? Ah. The prospect was almost refreshingly familiar to her, somehow, as old memories and things from the past came back to her wakening mind. Things honed since her time on the island and on it likewise came to mind. Things witnessed in infancy in a new life. Yes. This would do. And the system pinging in with a new quest was certainly useful to keep tabs on things.

When the Head Warrior gestured for them to come out of the Brood Pit, she did so quietly and without a word. Maintained herself as simply someone in the background of the group of Runts she, and anyone else brought here for all she knew, and listened to the Head Warrior's instructions as she observed him primarily from her position. His demeanor. His emotion. His tone. His body language. On occasion her eyes would silently look about the rest of the Runts in the group as well, seeing how they were processing or handling the situation.

Yet as others ran back to grab their things, Lazash had walked out initially from the Pit with all she had either worn on her or in her hands. Not much, but it felt like second nature to do in such a situation at the same time.

She would briefly watch as other Runts would start to run back into the Pit to grab their things or declaring what they would go after, but her calm silence did not cease simply because many of her currently-alive peers were getting excited. Thus not skipping a beat, she would walk up to Auguz and give him a respectful but simple nod before asking a simple question where only he and she could hear-

"Head Warrior. Do you know where any creatures that come out at night sleep during the day?"

She would keep her tone as respectful as she could, though whether it mattered if she got slapped to the ground or got an answer or nothing at all from it was another thing. Once Auguz clearly had answered her, or didn't answer, or whatever the case was, Lazash would make sure she had her stick and rock in hand before walking oddly calmly past him and out toward the woods. She had a quest to complete if she was to be around longer.

Her first step was to head in outright and scout things out, getting away from the camp exterior with possible Dire Rats, and heading into the woods proper as soon as possible. The idea was to enter with caution, keeping an attentive set of eyes on her surroundings as she moved in. Didn't want to step in some burrow, or slip on a slime, get ambushed by a Tatzelwurm, or similar things if she could help it.

In particular she would be keeping a careful eye on things to this end. But her primary goal was clear to her otherwise, and that was to see if any other caves were nearby at the base of this mountain wherein something like a bat or other nocturnal animal might sleep. Something that would be resting during the day, more vulnerable than those creatures that came out during the time the sun was up. That or if she could find any other unusual or unique creatures, locations, or things out there beyond what she knew.

If she ran into a Slime or Tatzelwurm, some kind of edible herb or material she knew about by now, or even something else unknown otherwise, along the way? Well, that'd certainly be something. Perhaps even a bonus, depending on what said creature was and the situation at hand. Hence why she was and would be moving along in an expeditious yet distinctly careful manner through the woods, not trying to stick close to other Runts that might rush out there more hastily in case they stirred up anything or brought some unwanted attention.

If, for some reason, the Head Warrior did give her any information of worth for her search then she'd make whatever good use she could out of that.

And if she ran into anything she wanted to, or noticed other creatures along the way, she'd try to cast her Creature Analysis on them to start collecting information.



[Target Selected: Nocturnal Creature(s)

Destination: To find a habitat or home of some kind of Nocturnal Creatures, which would be asleep during the daytime, preferably the kinds that would be in another cave such as bats.]

@Zeroth Posted Lazash's sheet in CHAR, and chose Creature Analysis as her skill!

"So this is what I get to choose from, hmm? A curious set of choices, oh Divine Spirits of a most curious nature. I believe my choice is clear then, given my background and existing skillset. A new tool on my belt for my new life that should prove useful to supplement what I already can do by myself.

Ah. And curses did not exist where I came from, rest assured, but here I believe things will be different simply from that statement of yours.

Let's see how this new life goes, shall we?"


So Tough is basically raising non-magical defenses, like how durable or resilient one's body is-

-but Recover is on the other hand basically the lowest level tier of some kind of regeneration fueled by one's magical power passively?

I hope I got that right.

I am tempted by type analysis because it would fit so well, and setting magic to auto-cast would be something that feels about as good since her learning magic is something I'd like, but ranking up some kind of regeneration into a potent skill would be...kinda fitting for her after this death.


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