Avatar of Crusader Lord


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@Zeroth Well, here goes something! If we have some average people and a boxer and an ex-Soviet as concepts so far, then I will add another oddity to the growing pile! :P

@Crusader Lord He's being a derp. We've been buds for....like 15 years at this point

Fair. But I had to go full derp in return out of respect. XD
Another subject returns to grovel at the feet of the true Demon King! *laughs maniacally while posing*


@ReusableSword We meet again at once of these sorts of RPs! XD

He already knows I'm in.

@Crusader Lord We meet again! Doubt you remember me XD

From Xalt's RP like 2-3 years ago, yes? :P

Unless the group has capped already, count me in as a player as we see how this wild ride goes!

Eliana, The Cosmic Gypsy


Kiyome, The Draconic Protector

“Yeah, I’ve got eyes on them. Plus I know Alicia. She is good people.”

”Once Myra and Finn are secured don’t stick around. Queen of hearts is being waylaid by unknown party, that is throwing Beacon under the bus at the same time. Could be more hostiles.”
Robo-Cop Penny


Not much to say in response to that, really. Enemy was hitting the point they would overwhelm and take this ruined heap of a place people had once lived in, and the defenders were going to bug out. Likewise some idiot was attacking the final end boss enemy commander and drawing attention to themselves. Not that those were the idiots she was here to help, of course, as they'd chosen their lot in things by their own actions.

‘Hahahahaha! It worked!’ Mayra laughed out loud as she flew.

‘Haeeey! I went over there specifically to save silly idiots choosing to fight the head honcho! If you go over there now, I went for nothing!’
An Idiot Lizard

Then the sword-swinging monarch glanced in her humble direction for a moment.

Ah. That look as if she'd seen a pest. What did the Queen here think she was, some knight in shining armor? Hah. No, she was just here to get idiots out of the line of fire. What was she, ten years old? What this person thought of her was nothing of consequence to her. Nothing she cared about unless such a person made certain mistakes they would only ever live to regret in the end. Mistakes one couldn't take back no matter how hard they tried...

...she understood that kind of mistake in some capacity, perhaps. But what the Queen had revealed even before her eyes, and frankly said aloud to boot, was more than somewhat interesting information. Curious.

Regardless, Kiyome would without a beat move on to using use a spell to send herself back to where Eliana was instead of attacking the Queen of Hearts. Given others were doing the job of distraction and tossing away their lives it was a true no-brainer for her in this case. She'd come in, done what she'd come to do, and now was getting out of there without pushing things further. Simple. Tactical. Practical. She'd maintain her stance, for what it was worth, and keep her eyes open as well though. Just in case.

Then unless the Queen tried to stop her or such that is the Draconic Swordswoman would reappear near her mistress once more, before putting a hand to the earpiece once more to talk to Penny.

"I sent one idiot-saving idiot dragon and a now-headless-but-not-dead guy were sent back into town. Got out of there as soon as I as an idiot could afford to afterward. Unknown party is likewise getting slammed into the metaphorical floor as we speak, so this whole place is going to collapse any time now."

The monster girl then looked about herself and the scene around them.

"Seems your friend Alicia, my mistress, and the others got the civilians out by now as well.

Feel free to contact me at any time using this earpiece. You seem level-headed enough among the people here.

This is Kiyome, over and out."

And that was that, at least for now.

They had managed to get all of the civilians out of there, and yet at the same time it hadn't been without cost or bloodshed either. As others beyond herself augmented Alex's barrier, and she worked with the others to get the civilians out, Lily had taken a beating of sorts. Or rather, her metamorphosis'd self was eventually stopped in its rampaging tracks as she seemed to fizzle out as well. A leg, blown right off at the worst possible time. It made the gypsy magical girl want to rush over and help, but as the tailed boy (Alex) swooped in and pulled the injured girl out of there she couldn't help but feel some kind of relief at that. Relief that the other girl was hopefully going to be ok, that is.

And then one of the new arrivals, whom she'd felt some sense of wanting to talk to for being so bubbly even in these circumstances, seemed to snap at the enemies. Apparently they'd killed, er, destroyed? Whichever it was, the enemy done that to an apparently friendly pillow that magical girl's own magic had created. Or so it seemed.

At the same time, others seemed to begin congregating toward the teleporter the Beacon arrivals had brought with them. Certainly a means of escape for sure, but as Kiyome reappeared next to her Eliana felt a small weight come off of her back. Alive, just still just as hurt as before, but alive and intact. It did not stop her from running over to the side of her ally, however, and attempting to help move her toward the teleporter after she seemed to speak over that odd earpiece again. Not that this was anything to pause and talk about right now, as it were.

She wanted to help the others get out as well, but at the same time couldn't ignore her own ally's condition as well. The draconic woman would not hesitate to toss her life out there again if she felt it would serve things. Indeed, the gypsy magical girl's face was in a distinctly worried but somewhat frustrated pout as her helper didn't resist her at all in being assisted over toward the teleporter.

"We're leaving now...the civilians are out, and I won't see you hurt worse here. Not this time."

"Heh. I'm touched. But that's my line, mistress, and its sounds so very odd coming from your mouth."

Kiyome very briefly cracked a small smile, though her tone seemed slightly sarcastic. Yet the small prod in her usual 'humor' would at least turn Eliana's own pout into something less so at least. Not that this was the first time they'd had such an exchange. The gypsy knew that if her ally was in the shape to talk like that on the fly, she was going to be ok. Bullet-riddled body and broken legs and cheeky comments and all.

"I simply hope we are allowed to pass through safely in this instance, but we've little options. I order you not to push yourself too far, however, even if it is to help us escape safely."

Hopefully the teleport took them not into the middle of a Beacon facility. Hopefully. Otherwise her Patron would likely come up in arms if someone tried to nab them like that on the spot in such a place. That wouldn't be good. No no no. Very much not good for them or anything in the vicinity really. Also the two horror minions carrying those two guns Kiyome had procured would come with them too.

Eliana would at least make sure to politely and kindly ask Aurelio if he could send them not into the middle of a Beacon base once they got to the teleporter. Maybe into a nice city or such, or Penrose if he knew the destination. They had to get to Penrose in general, as far as their standing orders from their Patron were concerned.

@PlatinumSkink@Ariamis@Majoras End@Card Captor@Flamelord@Ponn

Serenity Gates

The magical maid felt nothing but relief as the last of the civilians was taken away by the teleporter, but the advance of Wonderland forces on their position was far from over. The town was falling, and they could not do anything but try to escape with their own lives now. Worse was the return of the dragon girl with the oversized sword, and the chill presence it permeated the air with. That vile, disgusting filth that both made her stomach turn and sent terror into her very bones, that was what that gypsy and that monster girl served. No doubts about it, but she took very distinct care to avoid them as they seemed to make their way toward the teleporter to attempt to escape as well.

Would Aurelio send them to somewhere else instead of the base? Maybe to the Inquisition Facility she'd been inside...ah.

No she didn't want to start anything, please not right now. She still had to ask about Penny at base, find a chance to talk to Cardinal Ishtar, talk to Alicia and the others, likely go on more missions, etc. She'd barely just gotten back! Trying to start something with THOS, of all beings, would not benefit anything or anyone at Beacon or otherwise right now. That much she felt to be sure.

A shudder did run down her back after she ran past the teleporter and to where Alicia was, however, trying to distance herself from the presence. More so, however, without thinking she wouldn't want to leave her allies behind at the first opportunity either. So it went without saying that she went to where Alicia was and began to launch attacks of her own, waves of duplicates of her weapon being fired out in arcs into the enemy lines. Wherever knives hit the sides of machines or got stuck in the ground, well, such knives would channel her magic to spawn a tentacle to wildly and mightily lash out at and try to tear down enemy equipment they were attached to or thrash enemy troops within striking range.

"I'll back you up too, Alicia!"

Maybe this would help buy time for the others to escape as well, or at least supplement Alicia's efforts in that sense.

Lillianna Steiner

"Morning Lilly pad-

You alright there?"
MacKensie's New BFF

To say it was at least nice that someone popped their head in to see if she was ok was a thing. To say that it wasn't slighhtly surprising for Zell to pop in out of the blue, or what felt like it in a groggy waking-up state at least, would have been a lie. It did make the mage jump a little when Zell came over to talk to her.

"...Ugh. Relatively ok."

Her response was generally groggy and sore sounding, not that it would perhaps be very surprising that it was.

'Relatively ok' was right, could always be a lot worse she figured, but Zell walked off and she moved to sit up on the edge of her little shelter Lillianna would try to pull her bedhead hair back out of her face as she looked over the others. Seemed everyone had rested well, and no weather to boot since the last night. All in all a successful camping event, if she had to call it something, though it made her little shelter feel...ugh. Nope. No more thinking about it, she was going to get ready to hit the road!

Though as she got up and began to tidy her things up, Lillianna wondered why she hadn't come with a bedroll like the others seemingly had. A cruel trick of fate? A bad day for the magic tossing her in late? Something else? She had no idea.

This was going to be a long day of more walking regardless, so before the group would leave she'd make sure to chew on half of the jerky from her second ration. Something to keep her going a bit at least. Maybe fill up water before they left too, actually, as she'd drained her water skin dry.

As they walked along, the mage carrying the cube closely in one arm as her staff was held in the other, she would mull to herself over what had been happening with the cube and herself. At least what had happened so far. The reaction she'd gotten from it was certainly something, and then her dream this morning had been-

"I reckon if ya can't build no stick house maybe you can magic up a breakfast eh Miss Lili?"

"I wish I could, but the most I've got is maybe electrocuting some unfortunate animal to death for food. Could always try out the nearest lake for that.

Wouldn't be the Fillet O' Fish you'd want though, you'll have to talk to a manager about that one."

Lillianna ran a hand down her face afterward, though despite attempting to play along verbally nothing but a small sigh escaped her somewhat still-tired lips and somewhat 'exasperated' tone of voice. Sleep, after becoming exhausted enough, had eventually come to her. It wasn't her own bed back home, nothing ever would be again she figured, but it had worked out well enough. Maybe a bit more bedding next time she made a shelter, really, though when it'd ever come in handy she had no idea.

But that blasted dream had left her waking up all of a sudden. She could still recall it properly even now, which was odd for a dream.

A pair of giant red eyes, looking in on her. A similar sensation of power in that gaze as when she'd sensed from afar when she'd touched the cube earlier when Adam had come to her shelter to offer her fish. Her mind had thrown the sensation aside for a little bit, but thinking on the dream again now it all came back to her mind as well. A magical nightmare, perhaps? Considering the fact she could use magic, that is, and that this thing was found in the center of an undead leading-...wait.

This cube was inside of the center of a stronger undead leading a force of undead. Upon its loss, the rest of the undead enemies had fled. That much she knew. She'd had her suspicions earlier, but the last two incidents with herself and the cube were indicative of something. A connection, powerful but far away, which was of a magical sort. That certainly helped her theories about it's nature.

And then it finally clicked into place.

"...Oh Shi-"

This was connected to the one who had made it, and had been placed inside a leader of a force of undead constructs. This thing wasn't just some random magical cube, this was a magical remote control device of some kind.

There were a few ways she could theorize about it, but what were the facts she knew for sure right now?

The leader falls and the device hits the ground, right after which the enemy force collapses into retreat. As if the morale had broken or something...or the line of remote control had been broken. So it needed the vessel to work, the 'outer shell' it was put inside, to do whatever it was doing.

It also reacted to her and gave her a thrumming, magical sensation akin to her staff. Yet this one was like something very far away was connected to it, that she could feel through it, but whatever that distant thing was was likewise very powerful. Magically very powerful, if she followed the logic this far.

That enemy force was that of the 'Witch Queen', and if this individual was a magic user employing the undead to fight for her then it made sense that they would be more than familiar with the methods of necromancy and necromantic tools. Tools such as a core made to direct, control, or create an undead. Including, presumably, creating necromantic tools or devices to compel an undead force into battle remotely.

Well, not that she knew how the undead worked in this world anyway. She was already making the comparison to a remote-controlled car as she was doing in her head right now, though, so it felt reasonable enough to continue with that comparison for the time being due to a lack of knowledge of this new world she was in.

So therein was a cohesive(-ish?) theory in the end. Make a core for creating a special undead, then use it to create an undead 'leader' to direct the undead forces remotely. Undead leader is sent into battle, commanding the undead force which is being compelled by the magic of the device used to make said leader. Leader with the core is cut down, making the core just a component part again and effectively non-functional in that state. This removes the magic compelling the force of undead, which force crumbles and dissolves.

The information racing through the mage's head made her take pause, long enough that Fenna had by then gotten up the tree she went to climb and back down again.

"I don't think skeletons will be our only concern," she stated. "I saw an animal run away that was large enough to be a concern if there are more of them."

Mustering up the nerves to try to do something now, Lillianna walked a few steps forward to put herself in the middle of the other party members (rather than the back of the pack where she'd been standing thus far). Her face seemed to suddenly be covered in some sweat, not that they could see the likewise cold sweat running down her back at the same time, and her skin seemed a bit more pale...like she'd just seen a ghost or something of the sort.

"Umm...w-we actually have might have much more of a problem than, er, any of that actually. A much bigger problem.

I just realized what this cube is, as well as who made it I think, and the enemy maybe knows we have it and potentially knows where we were camping last night."

The words came out clunky feeling from her mouth, the nerves apparent in her speaking now at least, but she spoke loud enough to try to get everyone to hear her as she glanced around whilst speaking to the group.

At the same time, it was also a very sudden and out of the blue claim as well, and in her mind the panic about potentially being laughed at or not believed was very real. Because how would this not sound utterly silly, if not preposterous at that, to just say in the middle of things without so much as a hint of warning beforehand? Much less being the last, and perhaps least-acquainted thus far, member of the group...or, well, that's how she felt about herself at least by this point in time.
RIP no Medival McDonald's

When they eventually arrive at the place they're headed to, at the first street corner:

"Cometh one, cometh all! Hark to this humble street cri'r's w'rds!

Cometh to Sir John's Tav'rn! With locations scatt'r'd across the whole of the empire, we provideth cubiculos to rest in and the finest of pies to satiate weary traveleth'rs! Meat pies, fruit pies, mincemeat pies, hot sheep's feet pies, and eke Sir Wellington's most delightful pastry-wrapp'd meat loin!

Cometh one, cometh all! Hark to this humble street cri'r's w'rds!"

Lillianna Steiner

She would take the fish Adam offered her with an almost desperate haste, mostly as her body wanted to much into something edible as soon as possible. As quickly as possible at that! Frankly she'd come over to the others already biting into her fish with a hungry fervor, tearing into the flaky meat on its side without so much as an ounce of hesitation. Yet as much as stuffing her face with fish was helping the hunger in her stomach and ache in her body, the rushed eating had hit her like a ton of bricks despite trying to and eventually managing to slow herself down near the end of her eating spree.

As if she hadn't made enough of a fool of herself by now...panicked on entry, fumbling about for a little shelter as the others had actually bothered to do more productive things, and now scarfing down a fish like she was some starving five year old without self-control! She'd been too embarrassed to say a thing at the fire otherwise, just sitting there and fumbling around with the cube and afraid of making eye contact.

Heck by the time MacKensie had asked about which of them would like to join her on the final watch, she'd slammed herself face-first into a fish to start eating and Adam had then volunteered to take the final watch with her.

In the end it all felt...isolating, to a certain extent. Not surprising given her aptitude for failure. Hah.

She'd not had much of, if really any, chance to talk to anyone more individually save for Adam thus far. Not even spending any distinct time to try to talk to either of the only other two women on the team at that. Just floundering around making a useless little shelter, scarfing down food and silencing herself out of mortified embarrassment, and failing to volunteer to help anyone with anything meaningful for the group. All in the span of a few hours since her, most likely in her mind, probable death at the hands of a loose beach umbrella to the head and consequent kidnapping to another world.

She missed her bed. She missed her uncle. She missed any sort of friends being around. She missed a good book to read, and the feeling of the salty ocean air running over her skin as she walked on the beach under the light of a full moon. She missed it all.

At the same time, however, she had to keep doing something. Anything. The moment she gave into that ever-looming ball of those thoughts in the back of her head-...no. It wouldn't come to that. It couldn't come to that. Keep focus. Keep doing something, working at the next little goal or task ahead of her.

The whole thing was so very vexing, if not personally exasperating, that it was ridiculous to think about! Perhaps she was overthinking a bit, however, that wouldn't be the first time. Yes. Even so, she'd sat by the fire until she was virtually the last one, before meekly putting some more wood on it, looking about, and taking up back at her little shelter to try to settle in for the night.

A giant pair of eyes, staring down at her from the blackness of a void. A woman's eyes, judging by the shape...deep red were their hue.

They stared at her, dwarfing her. They marked her. They inspired fear. They radiated power.

...And then Lillianna would wake.

The mage shot up in place, bumping her head on the roof of her shelter with a small clatter but not damaging it at least as her head bounced back down onto the floor of the shelter. It wasn't a big noise, or at least the biggest noise, but a small little disturbance if nothing else. All the same, she would stay lying down for the moment as one hand came up to rub her head...the other clinging tightly to the cube itself still (having been sleeping with it in her arms).


Eliana, The Cosmic Gypsy


Kiyome, The Draconic Protector

The swordswoman raised an eyebrow, but would ultimately accept the device that Ellen offered her and pop it into her right ear.

“I hear things have gotten a bit more complicated back in the city”

“Though not all for the bad, my offer for an evac is still open if you need it. And this is going to be the easier way to stay in contact as I’m a bit occupied at the moment.”
Killer Robot From The Future

Well, it seemed she was still alive after that rampage of hers at least. Fortunate, at least when it came to that one's offer of assisting with the evacuation out of the city for herself and her mistress. But it seemed she wasn't the only one getting an earpiece either. Hmm. One of the Beacon members, the same who'd first addressed them, also seemed to receive one from what she could see. Curious.

"It has become certainly more complicated, yes, but we'll accept your offer for an evac. I and my mistress that is.

Currently the evacuation of the civilians is underway, with Beacon having brought a teleporter with them, but I'll assume you're aware of their presence given the circumstances."

A fair assumption, she felt, to make based on what she'd seen.

But more than this, one of the beacon members seemed to have a reaction to something. Her 'marked' status, perhaps? The chill and aura that clung palpably in the air, that of a greater horror of no small reputation at least, was not something everyone reacted to kindly. Some worse than others. But this one rather scantily-dressed 'bunny maid' seemed to take it rather badly on that spectrum of reactions she'd seen, even as she could see out of the corner of her eye the potential reaction of another one of the Beacon members in turn. A reaction that spoke more than any words could about her obvious fear. She could almost taste that fear from where she sat at that.

And then came the shattering of Eliana's barrier, her mistress flinching reflexively as her hard work was torn asunder and exposed both the teleporter and what remained of the sleeping civilians to danger.

Other magical girls/boys would seem to take actions, from the barrier of the living-torture-device-please-make-it-stop-talking, to the lightning girl seeming to transform into an angry evil spirit going on a rampage within the enemy's ranks, to that one magical boy's dome barrier, and otherwise. Her first action, meanwhile, was to gingerly help Eliana sit on the ground next to her as best as she could. Not a terrible blow that would have hurt her mistress, but an unacceptable sudden shock to her as her mistress had seemingly been distracted with looking over at the civilian rescue effort.

"Breathe, mistress, but we must make haste if we are to ensure your safe evacuation from this place-"

"We...we have to get the civilians out of here...everyone...we have to get everyone out..."

Her mistress spoke with a resolve, gritting her teeth as she stood back up once more, only putting a hand to her head briefly before trying to shake the brief headache off. In response the draconic swordswoman could only take pause, and then somewhat sigh before continuing on.

"...Understood, mistress. In that vein I won't be of much help right here, but I'll have to impose on you to hold onto something for me in the meantime. Also these two weapons I've captured."

Kiyome would remove the magical slippers from her waist, tying them to Eliana's waistband as her mistress looked down at her with a small bit of surprise. She then nearly tossed the two magical guns into her mistress' arms, who caught and held them despite her surprised state, before she opened her mouth in some attempt to protest-

"I'll be back, alive, when you next see me. That's a promise. Until then, focus on the work in front of you...and don't lose my treasures either."

Kiyome would then push her closer toward the teleporter, Eliana nearly falling on her butt as she caught her balance again, before the swordswoman want about putting a hand quickly up to her provided earpiece. The two minions she had sent to help move civilians would also divert to stand on either side of Eliana, moving to protect her as well as one of them moving to gently take and hold to two guns the cosmic gypsy carried in her arms.

"I'm going to teleport back out to where we were, see if I can stir up any trouble back there or find any idiots I can send back to help evacuate the civilians better than I could. Can't really use my legs, but that won't be much of a problem.

...Should I fail to show up in time for the evacuation, just ensure my mistress gets out of there. Simply ask for Eliana at the shelter."


In a flash of magic, the draconic sword user would case a Space spec spell and disappear from before the eyes of those at the teleporter once more.

Kiyome would appear once more, standing on her knees and silently gritting her teeth through the pain, as she reappeared once more on the battleground she'd formerly been fighting on in the outside area of the town. Yet in particular she would appear about the time the real Mayra would, whenever it occurred, be trying to rocket back toward town in an obvious and seemingly rather loud blaze of glory. In fact she appeared in the general direction that the rocketing Mayra would be headed in the direction of, actually, if the other dragon managed to get that far. Likewise in enough time to see the smokescreen and quickly take a glance at the situation, all to calculate that-...ah.

Nope, this one was still an idiot.

But at least the swordswoman had arrived in time to try to help in case anyone sought to pursue the dragon and the two parts of a now-headless other ally from the battlefield.

Kiyome would prepare a Space spec spell as quickly as she could, targeted at sending Mayra/Finn back to the center of town, using her precognition to keep an eye open on things and be ready to cast the spell as soon as anyone (if they did) tried to grab Mayra/Finn or intercept them. Meanwhile she held her overly-long sword up in a combat stance, or at least what she could make of one in her current (and somewhat awkward) position.

Eliana handed the two weapons over to one of the two minions coming to her sides, which Kiyome had summoned before at least, taking only a momentary pause at the injured swordswoman's sudden disappearance before turning her attention back to the evacuation. Specifically the attempts by others to help protect the civilians and teleporter after her barrier had suddenly fallen.

The Cosmic Gypsy would toss up a smaller dark energy enemy-repelling barrier to add to Alex's own protective dome, seeking to at least augment the work, before running over to start helping move the rest of the civilians as quickly as she could to the teleporter. Whether it was using dark energy spells to make them levitate off of the ground to help herself or others more easily move them, or carrying them with her own two arms, Eliana would throw herself back into the work and push to get all the civilians out as quickly as she could. Especially since more help seemed to arrive on-scene in the meantime to assist in protecting the teleporter and such.

At the same time...

'That...that stupid idiot!!! She had better not get herself killed!

Her cheeks puffed out in a bit of a huff as she tried to hold in the mounting frustrations inside of her head, now somewhat aimed at herself, the enemy, and Kiyome all at once by this point in time. Ugh. Herself for putting such pressure on her already-injured compatriot, who couldn't even walk on her own, and the rest on the stupid situation the enemy had caused here as well as at Kiyome's tendency to act so rashly without regards to her own health and safety! On the other hand, they had to help the civilians and other magical girls get out of there! It was...but...aaargh!

Conflicting enough as it was, she would do her best to help move the civilians this time. If her first barrier was not doing so well, she'd have to rely on the others and get hands-on with the work once more! But with Lilly seeming to go into some kind of 'monstrous transformation', she worried about the other girl's safety to boot as she helped move civilians. Not that there wasn't enough she was concerned about already in all of this. Not to mention her curiosity about the 'where' those magical slippers now tied to her own waist had come from! The guns, though, were less surprising.

She'd focus on the work in front of her, but there really wasn't much time to talk with anyone else or anything. Just do things. Further interaction with the rest of the cast would have to come after the hard work maybe? Unless someone approached her to talk to her. Ha.

@PlatinumSkink@Ariamis@Majoras End@Card Captor@Flamelord@Ponn

Serenity Gates

As she felt the panic sucked out of her, like a vacuum cleaner or something, she softly looked over to Aurelio and gave a small but silent thankful nod. But his look said it all without words, and she frankly had no idea where to begin. Much less she had zero good ideas of how to explain, in the middle of an evacuation of all things, how the presence of this one monster girl was setting off one of her deepest-seated fears since becoming incarnated as a human and then made into a magical girl. Not without alerting the servants of one of her worst enemies that she was something that their patron would be highly interested in killing...eating...maybe worse. Maybe worse? Yeah, maybe worse. Eternal torture and suffering was but the tip of a fate worse than death, after all.

“Hey, is something wrong? We need to get these civilians out!”

As sour as she was, she could see the genuine worry in the former monster girls' face and eyes at the same time. Gulping, Serenity then nodded at Huyn before the sudden shattering of the initial protective barrier grabbed her attention and caused a shudder to run down her back out of surprise.

Hastily, the magical maid looked back at Aurelio and then Huyn once more before she suddenly and quickly moved to get back to work in moving the civilians. She'd even cast another series of time-spec speed buffs to herself and the others who were moving the civilians to try to help them move faster. Yet even then, before she moved suddenly to get back to work and try to stifle the worries of her allies, for the moment at least, Hyun and Aurelio would be able to clearly see in her eyes that something about that monster girl's aura had deeply troubled her. Jarred her, for a lack of better words, more than it had the rest of them in particular.

Even so, the sudden disappearance of Kiyome to elsewhere would admittedlly set the maid's mind more at ease as she did her best to speed up efforts.

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