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Clarissa Ryte

Upstairs, Second Floor, Stellar Toy Company, Industrial District, Byjerfal City

(Urban Exploration)

The psychic felt a pang of pain, and yet....success. Success in closing the window, at least, so the Murkrow couldn't escape. Yet at the same time, especially as the Pokemon seemed to be more amused than anything, Clarissa began to wonder if that was a good idea in this situation. Potentially they were now trapped in here with the Murkrow, and given what it seemed to be preparing to do by trying to fly up a bit one more it would only make the situation harder for them if the looming Haze hit. It was risky. Dangerous. And yet they had little choice but to 'win' if they were going to make it out of the building in one piece now perhaps.

There had to be...ah...something....oh! That might work!

"Jump under it, quickly, and deliver a Power-Up Punch to the bottom of its head!"

An instinctual command given to Sir Lopsalot on her part, but one that she hoped would make a difference in this fight. A solid uppercut to the jaw, as it were, might stop up and shut the Murkrow's mouth while dealing good damage at the same time. Hopefully. Maybe? Maybe. It was worth a shot at any rate, the psychic trainer felt, and they couldn't wait around to think about things. This was a fast-moving situation for sure, and they had to go with their gut to some extent as well now.

Sir Lopsalot, for his part, gritted his little Buneary teeth at the impact of the Murkrow's Gust. Yet while he regained his footing with ease, and readied his body to leap again in the coming moments, the little Pokemon was visibly more injured than he had been before. Enough so that it made the poor little guy wince in pain from it all, even though his focus and adamant gaze remained locked onto his enemy. Yet as his opponent would rise up a bit to try to launch a Haze attack, Sir Lopsalot would hear Clarissa's command with his superb hearing.

A tiny grin very breifly flashed on the male Buneary's face.

Launching himself from his position of preparedness, his tiny fist glowing once more with an awesome power, Sir Lopsalot would swiftly move underneath the hovering Murkrow (and hopefully out of its line of sight as he sought to do) as it prepared the Haze. From his rapid landing, then, the small Pokemon would in as swift a sucession as possible launch himself upward with his tiny fist firing out like a firing piston. His aim with this action? To forcefully strike the bottom of the foe's mouth, and thus the underside of the bird Pokemon's head, from underneath! Though what was the chances of smacking the enemy and/or its head into the ceiling above? No idea! That depended on if the plan worked at all.


Clarissa Ryte

Front Foyer, Stellar Toy Company, Industrial District, Byjerfal City

(Urban Exploration)

“Muuuurrrr…” It hovered near the window, glaring at Sir Lopsalot. With a flap of its wings, it would loose a powerful gust towards the Buneary.

The surprise attack had worked! Albeit it had placed the Murkrow outside of the building for the moment being. Ah. Being on the inside of the building still, though, Sir Lopsalot would attempt to leap to his left to dodge the oncoming Gust. Whether it would force the enemy Murkrow to come inside and fight, or simply allow the Buneary to escape a flying-type fiasco, or whatever the case would be he really had no idea. From what little scrapping experience he had it was not certain what an enemy might do sometimes. So just try to be ready to do something! Yes. However, the little Normal-type would simply try to keep his senses peeled for his opponent and maintain his focus on the opponent as well.

He couldn't let his guard down though! For his trainer, for his pride, and certainly not least...for the poor bullied Wobby!!!

Clarissa, for her part, would move her arms up to shield herself from the gusty attack the Murkrow was launching. Not that it'd hurt her at the distance she was at, but wind blowing in one's eyes was not the best thing. Yet other than that, she would mostly keep her senses and powers somewhat open to keep tabs on the watching ghost Pokemon she could still sense from not that long ago at all. That and the emotions and lingering bits of sensations and the sort that clung to the walls of this peculiar toy factory. What had happened here to make it such a hotspot? It was enough to make her almost grit her teeth, though she felt she was beginning too become accustomed to the general feedback she was getting from this place so far via her powers. That, if nothing else, was almost a small comfort....but made her feel a little woozy still nonetheless though.

However, she in the heat of the moment had two things in mind for the moment being pertaining to the Murkrow fight they'd just started. In particular: If the Murkrow came inside again to get back at Sir Lopsalot, she'd try to tell her Pokemon to give it another good Power-Up Punch! Then she'd attempt to use her powers to shut the open window so it couldn't go back outside, if possible. Though the fact they'd angered it and surprised it with a small pint-sized punch to the face would maybe help coaxe it into pursuing its attacker a bit out of anger or the like. Maybe it'd work? She hoped so, as this was the lucky first Murkrow they'd run into in the first place. They had to at least try!

Hopefully the others who had come to assist her were in a decent enough sitiuation themselves. Who knew what Pokemon lurked in this place, at least beyond the expected ghosts...

Clarissa Ryte

Front Foyer, Stellar Toy Company, Industrial District, Byjerfal City

(Urban Exploration)

One Spooky Boi

Eww, it-...ahem. Yes, it seemed happy enough, actually, which was more than enough of a relief to the psychic despite her relative increase in dampness from the ghost happpily licking up the offered snack. This despite the mild frustrations of her partner Pokemon at the very least. He wasn't a happy camper about the whole instance, his little arms being crossed even as he stood there next to her, though in the end Sir Lopsalot seemed to relax a bit as the Pokemon had disappeared into the floor. Though even while it disappeared back into the background, however, Clarissa could feel that the ghost Pokemon wasn't excactly 'gone' either. She could feel it, percieve it even, still lingering....watching her.

Was this a good thing? A bad thing? In truth, she had no real idea frankly for the moment being outside of being grateful about not having had to battle it. Even Sir Lopsalot didn't seem to let his guard down despite a more positive change in mood, keeping close to her but still giving Clarissa a small glance as she tried to wipe her wet hand on the side of her jacket in a small hurry. However, the psychic's eyes would be drawn elsewhere as she wiped her hand off.

The TV, the one with all of the static on it, seemed to flash a display of something for but a moment in time. What was it? She had no clue, but it was as eerie as it could be for thhe moment being. This came as the creaking of an opening door came to her ears, her eyes once again flitting over to the movement of a door further down a hallway nearby seemed to come open on its own. It was a bit disconcerting to say the very least, at least if anything else was taking note of her here beyond the little ghost Pokemon she'd just fed. Though it was enough to make the psychic move to check the front door so she could maybe go and meet-

*rattle rattle*

....locked. Likewise, as she checked other doors aside from the opened one, Clarissa found one by one that each was stuck and locked shut. Not budging. Not opening. Hmm. It was like one of the foreign shows she'd watched on the little TV her mother had for them back in Orre, and a few things she'd seen on TV since moving to Eidda, where some spirit or ghost locked things up in the middle of some kind of horror movie or the like. Or, well, a bit of what one of her grandmother's called-in friends had mentioned to a younger her when asked about why the older woman wore the odd Spiritualist attire she had come to the village donning.

So she just had to take the route before her, yes? One thing at a time, or however the spirit or spirits here playing around with things wanted to go about things for the time being. It was also at this time, as the new trainer walked to the open door to ascend the stairs beyond it, that her device pinged off with a small 'ring'. As she pulled it out to check the messages though, scrolling through and sending a quick 'thank you' to Yuu and the ninja he was coming with-

we're here! 💖💖 got in thru the window 😱 where r u @?

Ah. That made enough sense, she'd found the front door locked herself, but in such a case a window didn't seem to be a bad idea. Well, depending on the chances of it being locked behind her arriving backup. Well, perhaps it would best to relay her situation, and in that vein she would tag the contact info of those who had messaged they'd come to help her for another group message of sorts. Albeit it was a message that wasn't pinging everyone from the lab in one go this time at least.

'The window? Gotcha. Thank you.

Be careful though. Front door locked itself behind me, and most of the other doors where I am were locked too. Had a one door open up down the nearby hall, though, so am heading through it seemingly upstairs to the second floor.

However, her next destination would soon come upon her as she reached the top of the stairs.

If she decided to, indeed, head towards that room she’d find a small staircase leading up to a second floor. Seemed like it was a bunch of office spaces for management at one point. In a perhaps good display of luck, there was an open window at the end of the hallway. A Murkrow was roosting lazily on the window sill.

Offices? It was odd to lead her here, perhaps, but certinaly not unheard of in a place like this she figured. Still keeping the multipurpose device she had in-hand, though, Clarissa would cautiously look around the doors and such about her before her eyes landed on the end of the hallway in front of her. Of all things, and not even having made it to the roof yet, and there was one of the Pokemon she'd come to look for right there! Even so, the girl would hold up her device in her right hand to get information on the bird Pokemon before turning her head to the right.

Maybe this was the reason she'd been led to this floor? Eh. No way to ever be sure on that one. But it was at least a chance for her.

Immediately to her right, ears turning about and eyes flitting about the eerie building, Sir Lopsalot was staying rather on the alert since the Gastly encounter and errie happenings. A little hair on the back of his little Buneary neck was standing to boot, but he would look back at his trainer as she looked down to him. Then as Clarissa made a gesture to 'be quiet' and turned her eyes over to the window and the waiting Murkrow, the little Buneary would seem to perk up a little more as he moved in front of his trainer now. Another Pokemmon! But what did she want to do? This one didn't look as spooky as the last one, though, and he'd seen one of those bird Pokemon before.

Trainer and Pokemon would softly and carefully creep over, at least until they were within a good range of the lazily-resting Murkrow. It was then Clarissa held out a hand to stop Sir Lopsalot from moving closer, before whispering a command to her Pokemon where she knew he could hear. It was time to spring the attempted ambush.

"Sir Lopsalot! Use Power-Up Punch!"

The little bunny seemed to get the idea. Sir Lopsalot would prime himself, crouching for a fast leap, holding up a little fist as it began to softly glow with a little light. He would then spring fast toward the Murkrow, aiming to strike it with his little fist in a surprise attack! The battle would now commence!

Insert the Tai-Lung meme 'our battle shall be legendary' meme here or something.

I feel you on that 'give me until this weekend' meaning 'sometime midway through next week' vibe.

Tfw I feel personally called out by this specifically. XD

<Snipped quote by Crusader Lord>

Hey I said 24 hours or so! Or so commonly means "or several times more than initially stated"

I kinda fell back to square one with my knight, I'm trying to pivot my idea to something easier for me to play. ...Sorry it's taking so long.

I can relate, but you've got this! Heck, if you need to brainstorm or cut stuff down any I'm open to help if you'd like. (Not that you have to, but still.)

Though I am going to resist my own temptations to try to think of an idea of "a knight who isn't as physically-oriented as others for combat, but uses guns and fungal magic and fungal necromancy-ish magic.....but also happens to be the niece or granddaughter of the black magic/necromancy teacher whose been there long enough to get tenure and some student rumor that he's a lich" type of thing. ....that was rather specific, yes, but I am going to restrict myself like a good boi
I'm still alive! I'm putting some touches on the knight sheet too.

Please poke me if I don't have anything in 24 hours or so

Also.....poke. As requested.

The only problem is that we’re ALL Edelgard /s

I reserve the right to KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM have my swiss boy go somewhat into Claude territory.
@Crusader Lord

Looks fantastic! Not sure what his beef is with the Australian white ibis but I'm excited to learn, lol. Consider him accepted.

"It happened after a trip to Australia, where we stayed in Sydney for a couple of weeks....I shan't say more than that for now."


Hello! just checking in! I see your CS, @Crusader Lord, I just can't spend any time this morning looking at it. Drowning in work. As soon as I have a free moment, I'll read it over!

Also, just to update, I'm hoping we can have this up and running by this weekend so please, please get your CSs into me completed as soon as you can if you haven't already. If we need any filled in roles, a knight or noble, I'm happy to fill in as needed.

No problem!

I just finished some more editing as of making this repsonse in the OOC, so all I don't have is the ages of his family members. Well, if such is needed/required I mean. Is it?

Other than that, I think it should be all filled out! Was mostly some smaller things I could get back to later that I had left. Whew. But if I need to explain, remove, or fix anything just let me know! o7
Clarissa Ryte

Front Foyer, Stellar Toy Company, Industrial District, Byjerfal City

(Urban Exploration)

"A Gastly Sight! Unless-?

It wouldn’t be long before Clarissa would feel a chill up her spine. The air noticeably cooled. The foyer itself seemed to be a square room. The old lights overhead hummed with electricity still, thankfully giving off light despite years of disuse in the factory. A desk where there was likely once a check-in or some sort of security personnel letting people in once worked. And just behind the desk, was a TV.

It would switch on, static playing on its screen.

An initial shudder from the chilling aura in the air ran up her back, even as the scene began to rapidly shift in the lobby before her. A TV had turned on, as impossible as it seemed for such an abandoned place, static screen flickering ominously before them. Even so, the static screen was a somewhat familiar thing that reminded her of when television would have had outages back where she'd lived in Orre. Still, between this, the drop in air temperature, and the thrum of electcicity running audibly through the lights above her, it was a sign something like a gh-

“Gaaastly…?” Floating just through the wall near where her had was, a ghostly noise and a little black ball of floating gas was now watching this static screen, looking from her, to it. It didn’t immediately seem hostile…more curious than anything, perhaps, though it was floating between the door and herself, making any escape route having to go through it…

Ah-....it was a ghost Pokemon. One that had floated in from next to her head and come upon her location, despite her hopes that the entranceway would be a safer place to hang out for the moment until backup had arrived.

All the same, however, Sir Lopsalot seemed only a little less surprised than she felt at the whole scene. The little Buneary would blink for a moment, and then immediately would hop closer to Clarissa and come to her left side before turning around, crossing his little bunny arms in a protective sort of manner as he tried to put himself between his trainer and potential danger. At the same time, however, Clarissa tried to gently put a hand up to Sir Lopsalot to keep him from....er....moving in front of her more and potentially starting a fight they couldn't really win at the moment.

It was then she looked back up at the curious little ghost Pokemon in front of her.

"Hi there, little one. It's curious to see you here."

Her voice was gentle and soft as she tried to breifly smile at the little ghost Pokemon while speaking to it. Likewise, she tried to gently extend out her psychic powers once more in a more slow and methodical manner, hoping to get a better read on the Pokemon's mood in the room without trying to probe or prod the actual Pokemon itself with her powers. Even so, Clarissa would go somewhat paler in the face as some of the prior strain of sensations she'd had to recover from seemingly minutes ago began to seep back in....just like the chill in the air, which was now creeping back down her spine even as she spoke. Her eyes would also look to the static screen, and then look back to the Gastly once more to boot.

With her rolling suitcase of things next to her, the psychic tried to think for a moment before gently unzipping the front-most exterior pouch on it where her mom had told her to look 'for an emergency snack' if needed. She hadn't any idea if her parents had packed her anything for the road, but it didn't seem too Farfetch'd to hope there was something inside. Ugh. It made her wish that she'd taken the time to-

Aha! One small bag, with several cured strips of tough, dried-...jerky inside. Jerky. Her dad had likely sent that to go with her things, as it was his favorite local brand he'd picked up after they'd moved to Eidda. Not something she felt was a favorite food of sorts, but which was a good ration for the road that she could at least tolerate and didn't hate either. Maybe she had ought to buy some long-lasting trail mix or such before leaving Byjerfal in the future, really, but she hadn't any other options now either.

"Would you like a little snack?"

Her voice kept its gentle beat and softer tone as her right hand wiggled in the bag for a moment, even as she took a piece of one of the tightly-packed sticks of jerky from the bag and gently held it out to the little ghost Pokemon. Not something of a food item that Sir Lopsalot would like or could eat, which was a bit peturbing to he but perhaps also fortunate at the moment, though the food itself had a distinctly smoky and likewise not entirely unpleasant smell of few choice seasonings and herbs that had been applied to it.

Er, it was not much of an offering at least. An offering to a ghost though? Hmm. Odd enough as it was to attempt in-person, but she'd heard of offerings to the dead from some of her grandmother's friends back in Agate Village. Maybe this would be a good idea for the moment?

Still, the Pokemon here before her overtly seemed curious and not hostile, at least, which was something. Not unless her attempt to better read the room pulled up anything else passively from it here. Still, the first thing that had come to mind was a gentler approach. Non-hostile body language. The sort of thing she'd used on Sir Lopsalot when he had begun to recover first.


Well, Sir Lopsalot certainly wasn't going to be happy about this in any case it seemed, but he was at least holding to her side rather than going any farther forward for the moment. A moment of restraint that the psychic hoped would last for the time being, at least if things went well at all in this attempt to keep the peace and such until backup arrived.


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