Avatar of ctrlsaltdel


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14 hrs ago
Current just finished The Hydrogen Sonata, and half-thinking about doing an interest check for a Culture/Special Circumstances RP (but only half, because I'm definitely not an Iain Banks-quality writer)
16 days ago
Going to be out of town from tomorrow until Tuesday--I'll be in and out of service, but I almost certainly won't be making any posts.
1 mo ago
Got a new interest check up--thinking about running a Scum and Villainy game.
1 mo ago
you must embrace the cringe. let it flow through you and strenghten you.
2 mos ago
got the itch to write, but holding back from joining/creating any more threads at the moment because two of the ones I'm already in haven't even started yet :^Y


us pacific time

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Just realized this is still an interest check; not sure if you want us posting char sheets?
@ctrlsaltdel btw, couple of questions I'll need for my post:

Pet Talk allows the Crow to understand human speech, and for anyone with an unsealed eidolon to understand him. Is that working now or is that only going to happen once our characters learn about their eidolons?

Let's say that kicks in now for the sake of having a more interesting scene; we'll just chalk it up to Undertow shenanigans.
i have acquired a tarot deck from my partner and am now shuffling =D excited to get started
had a lull so I went ahead and posted it now =V
Mario's is a small diner in New York City. Its furnishings make up for their cheapness with gaudy red and white coloring; even if the chrome fittings could do with a polish they still shine in the dawn sunlight. The hour is early, and the restaurant is almost empty, but the smell of cooking grease and strong coffee hang heavy in the air as the staff prepare for the coming breakfast rush. A waitress behind the counter watches the few patrons for empty coffee cups, while they in turn tend to their meals with various levels of lethargy. Viewed without context, the scene could be set in any of a hundred thousand diners throughout the country.

That quiet scene is broken by the front door flying open, apparently of its own accord. It hits a rack of classifieds, which are sent scattering. Objects on the bar and tables start exploding. Salt shakers and ketchup bottles send fragments of glass flying everywhere, and their detonations trace a path from the door down the restaurant. Near the end of the bar, a plastic display case full of pie tumbles off its perch, and a waiter standing stunned in the back of house entryway is pushed over by an invisible force.

From the kitchen can be heard the sounds of falling pots and pans, as if a wild animal were wreaking havoc, but for a few moments the dining room is once again quiet. A patron might have enough time to catch their breath and check themselves for cuts. They might even have enough time to look out the front windows and see a man in a cheap suit standing on the sidewalk out front, with a look of concentration on his face.

Then the diner erupts into flame, killing everyone inside.


You wake up with a start. The plastic of the barstool creaks below you. You are sitting at a black plywood bar in what seems to be a dance club of some kind. With the house lights up, the whole place looks cheap and dirty. Overflowing trash cans stand near the walls, bits of lank streamers hang from the exposed rafters, and sticky spots on the bar and floor where drinks were spilled the night before have yet to be wiped up.

A slightly-built man stands behind the bar, grabbing the edge with both hands. He looks to be pushing fifty; his over-tanned skin makes it hard to tell one way or the other, and his eyes are yellow. He's wearing a tassled black leather vest with nothing underneath, and a pair of tight snakeskin pants the same color. His mouth is open in a toothy grin, and his teeth are the same gaudy gold of the massive lightbulb-studded sign above the liquor, which reads E*D*E*N.

Looking back and forth, you can see that four of the stools are occupied; three with people from the diner, and a fourth which has a crow on a wooden perch, positioned so that it can see over the bar. On the bar in front of each is a card. It is larger than a regular playing card, and is covered with a fractal design which shifts subtly in color and pattern as you look at it.

Something about the card gives you a feeling of recognition--like seeing an old friend, or finding a childhood toy you had almost forgotten about.

"Well, hello." Before you can contemplate that further, the man's voice--deep, melodic, and ripe with affected charm--breaks the silence. "I'm sorry to be the one to have to tell you this, but the bad news is that you're all dead."
If no one has any other pre-game business, then I'm ready to kick off whenever, just didn't want to do it on Christmas day lol. I'll get the first IC post up tonight, probably after work.

Quick Question, how do you plan on handling per session moves?

lol I was just puzzling over that myself. i'm leaning towards a sort of 5e style short rest/long rest thing; downtime already covers when the party has a few hours or more to decompress, so maybe we can have the "per session" moves refresh whenever there's an hour or so (IC) break in the action?
Hey, this looks great =) I've got a character idea I've been sitting on for a minute that might work well here; she would be a human vassal of a (the?) fae queen, now almost a hundred years old and only still living/spry because of fae magic and making up for her advanced age with magic and her own experience.

Curious whether that sounds like a fitting enough concept for me to start fleshing it out, and whether there's a particular formatting you'd like us to use for characters.
1. Professor Rudolph is like a father to me.
2. I wish Mr. Whitlock would just leave me alone.
3. Emily and I know where the lines are drawn.

I'm guessing that Prof Rudolph is a lecturer at whatever university Emily and Ashley both attend; out of curiosity, who is Mr. Whitlock to Ashley?

Also, if no one objects I'd like to do a minor retcon and move the start of the campaign from Buffalo to NYC; it shouldn't impact the overall story much but after thinking abt it I just like the vibes better =V
@Guardian Angel Haruki, let's go ahead and keep ties to one sentence. I like the backstory you've developed, but the tie itself should be just a snapshot of how your character feels about the target of the tie. It's supposed to change fairly often too.

That said, you could probably do yours as "The Crow is a better friend than any human I know" and "Mallory taught me not to trust anyone".

@rush99999, I like what you have for The Crow and your NPC, but I don't think having a tie with yourself is rules as intended.
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