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@Silver Carrot And Hai! long time no see ^^
@Crossfireoh cool! how soon is that starting?
Well things in RL have calmed down, am still interesting in joining the crazy crew ^^

Miranda Burke

Location:Abandoned House Interacting with: Heather Ali, Robin Marshall, Finley, and Olivia:

It didn’t seem to be any more of a reason to hang around this creepy place, they found clues that confirmed Riley at some point was in this disgusting place, poor girl… They seemed so close but yet so far away, another thing that caught the attention of Miranda was the incompetence of the deputies, sure some may not be the best but she knew there was some there good at the jobs, so how did this gets missed? Sure the police don’t exactly have a supernatural department. But still this was important. She took some picture while Finley, Oli and Dec had physical evidence, truth be told Miranda simply didn’t want to be in this place anymore.

The group bit by bit made their way out, Heather and Robin had made their way into the house to probably double check things, was probably a smart move, but that place certainly has had it in her eyes, maybe it should be knocked down. Nothing good can come from a house with secrets like that. While the other trio had gone off to their little group to have their little private chat, Miri was contempt to go over and lean against her car.

She would leave but it was possible someone might need a lift back, hopefully not another awkward silence drive with Finley. She had time to think about what they had seen, but just what in the hell kind of voodoo shit was going down? She was still getting to grips with werewolves let alone more sinister things whatever they may be. For now, she checks the pictures she had saved on her phone while waiting to see if anyone needed a lift.
Aaliyah Cruz

Interacting With:

Well there had to be one person that would just screw up things, of course it was probably not intentional and the colleague was simply trying to help and say how kind and type pf person Aaliyah was in work, of course now so did half of New York, and probably more depending on who was watching T.V. soon enough it went to more important worldwide news, finally the spotlight came of her for the moment on television, but how in the hell can she walk about round town without be people looking at her or the feeling was not a reassuring one.

A knock on the door snapped her out of it, her head quickly glancing up at the door, she swore if it was one of the neighbours coming over to nag at her about what they saw on the news she would not be a happy bunny, right now she just wanted some alone time. Placing her drink down on the table, Aaliyah stood up and made her way over to the front door, looking through the spy hole to see an individual that had reporter clearly written on their forehead, how in fuck did they find her address? Still looking through the spyhole Aaliyah spoke up, not wanting to open the door. “Can I help you? And who are you?”
Aaliyah Cruz

Location:Home sweet home.
Interacting With:

Aaliyah sat there for what felt like forever for those dam commercials to finish while she continued to have some of her drinks. “Finally.” She muttered as the news came back on and a female reporter was talking to the polite guy she was serving before it happened. He was rather brief but that was okay, less details the better Aaliyah felt, but yeah shit really did escalate fast as thinking back on it, did Aaliyah just do all that without thinking first? She did despatch two full grown men without breaking a sweat.

Soon enough the reporter went to one of her co-workers, Jeffrey was his name? she tried to remember, he was a rather quiet guy that got one with his job with little complaints, god Aaliyah hoped for all the tea in China that she didn’t scare the life out of him. Aaliyah did have a massive sigh of relief when he didn’t give out her name or anything else for that matter. Could she really deal with that amount of attention; the media would probably blow it out of proportions but she did make a mental note to thank him when she saw him next. Aaliyah was certain of one thing though, she was not planning on going back out there with the media looking into what she did and that guy… What was his name again? Trevor or something, fortunately she kept hold of his card.

Emilia-Marie Rivera

Location: Sci-Tech Building 4 - Phase Three HQ: Medical Ward -> The Framework.

Well no matter what department you are from, it was impossible to know or hear about the brightest minds currently at S.H.I.E.L.D., although it would be amusing to see if any from Sci-tech suddenly went into fangirling mode. Maybe if Fury wasn’t there it could’ve been a funny and amusing sight, either way Emilia was happy to see them at least, easily the most respected nerds that could talk a storm and Emilia not understand an inch of probably, either way she returned a smile and respectful nod to Simmons, still she wondered what would make a special occasion, maybe seeing Romanoff?

Soon enough though the needle was removed and Fitz and Simmons had passed out these VR helmets to the entire team as the situation of the simulation was being explained along with what quicksilver had been apparently up to, giving Fury shit meant the guy was stupid or had balls, either way doing a mission that her So had been actually involved in was probably a good idea. And it didn’t take long for some of the team to jump straight in after getting the mission scenario. Mostly it seems like all of ops went head first, well except for herself and Maria, her roommate.

So after some dived in… Well mostly the ops but some others did, some of the smart ones from Sci-Tech put out some interesting questions and one of the most important ones of all, which Emilia probably would admit. She didn’t think to ask either at the time as she was looking at the VR headset. What where their powers? Surely people at the labs here had some idea or understanding of what it was the team had the potential to do and so Emilia decided to be patient and wait to see if there was anything more to know before going into this exercise.

Talk of anime actually made Emilia kind of lost, she never really watched the stuff anyway and don’t recall in doing so, that talk went over her head but it was Fury showing a funny side to himself that made her raise an eyebrow, for her it was rare to see and kind of clashed with what she normally thought the director was like, best to keep that to one’s self. Emilia snorted at his comment of quicksilver and Tony Stark. Soon enough the ones that actually stuck around where told what they could do, Emilia couldn’t understand it, but she believed that they were something that could be useful in the field. Especially the idea of portal teleportation, nodding at Simmons one more time, Emilia put on the headset without hesitation.

Opening her eyes after a few moments, Emilia was suddenly hit with the sounds and rush of New York City, it felt so real and the thought of being in here for too long may make one wonder what was or wasn’t real. Taking a few moments to gather her bearings, it appeared she was one of the last in, Emi looked at the sign WELCOME TO MIDTOWN before taking a moment to look at Stark tower… Oh how much Emilia would love to get her hands on that quinjet of theirs.

Her attention was brought towards Agent Reed, their SO for their mission as she explained the mission objectives, who they were dealing with and the team load outs, she already knew Johnson and Kelley, so it be interesting for her on how well she will work with those she was not familiar with, It seems Z new the other Sci-Tech girl in her group, Niah was the name, Emilia would have make sure she remembers the names to the faces, Emilia quietly observed the four story building.

Miranda Burke

Location:Abandoned House Interacting with: Heather Ali @Kirah, Robin Marshall@McHaggis, Finley @FantasyChic, and Olivia @Nallore:

The decision was made, Robin said it was best to check on the others and really he was right, the house was still standing, if the was a real earthquake they wouldn’t be having the conversation of what to do next. Beside the rumble came from the basement anyway and was where the other half of the gang was at, Oli, Dec and Finley were down there and it was best to check if they were okay, Robin took lead with Heather not far behind keeping the gaps good so not to put too much pressure the crappy floors.

Miranda though hesitated for a moment, yes she was worried mostly about Dec and Oli, not that she would wish any harm to Fin, but Miri stood looking at the master bedroom for a moment wondering if it was worth looking into, despite the slight delay, Miri shook her head and removes such silly thoughts, she needed to check the others were okay, she got what she needed from taking photos so maybe something else could’ve been found down there?

Carefully making her way out before catching up with the others, Miri noticed Heather reluctant to down the basement stairs, if she was honest though it was what she was going to do also, no need to have so many in one room, although the mention that everyone was fine and that there was a hidden creepy room brought some relief and reinforcement on not wanting to go into the basement herself and instead would have to do with yelling if needed.

She could make out what was said though, like an exchange of information between the two groups findings, although what Finley mentioned was something that peaked the blonde’s interests and after a moment of thought she reluctantly made her way down the stair of the basement and towards the entrance to the creepy room. ‘this feels like such a stupid idea’ Miri thought to herself.

Step by step she made her way down into the room the other trio had discovered and true to word, they were all fine. The fact that the room had torture equipment in it really made her have to steel her nerves to run her ass out of the place. But she looked what Finley was referring to taking a step closer to her examining the item without touching them, the look on her face was that of heartache as she was about confirm everybody’s fears no doubt “Those are Riley’s…. she was here.” Miri said looking around the room once more, how could someone put such a lovely, caring girl in a place like this?.
Aaliyah Cruz

Location:Home sweet home.
Interacting With:

“well at least the weather will be nice.” She mused quietly to herself and Ali was taking a few sips of her drink. It really did feel like the weight of the world was of her shoulders and allowed herself to sink into the sofa more and rest her eyes for a little bit, there was no harm in doing that as she continued to listen to the TV.

Breaking news was the next thing she heard over the TV next, she didn’t really think anything about it until it she heard what was seen earlier come up, annoyingly she sat up to pay attention to it and instantly regretted it, someone caught her on camera phone taking down those two guys… great now half if not all the dam city knows what she did and mostly likely what she looks like. Aaliyah set the drink down on the table as she sat forward slumping her head into her hands.

‘I’m so fucking screwed’ Aaliyah thought to herself as she sighed deeply thinking for a moment, getting up from the sofa while the commercials were playing, Aaliyah went into feeling insecure mode and began checking that the windows and doors were shut and locked. It didn’t take long for Aaliyah to head back into the kitchen and grab a couple of bottles of Kopparberg cider from the fridge and bring them back into the living room, drinking just felt like the best idea right now.

Emilia-Marie Rivera

Location: Sci-Tech Building 4 - Phase Three HQ: Medical Ward
Skills: Unknown

She couldn’t remember exactly when she had woken up, but Emilia had been lying there, gathering her bearings and listening to what was going on around her, she felt very groggy and her head was certainly pounding. If she was dreaming, then she couldn’t remember it as some were like that but it was probably for the best she didn’t. From the sounds of the people’s voices and sounds of machines Emilia was able to realize she was in either a hospital or medical ward, her mind raced to remember why she would be here.

Soon enough Emilia had opened her eyes slowly to observe, there were other like her on beds, in hospital gowns, closing her eyes shut tight for a moment and opening them again, Emilia slowly sat up. “Oh, mother of Metallica my head hurts” she said a little groggy while doing so. Looking around more clearly for a moment she could see a couple of others she recognised and others she didn’t but she was distracted as soon as she could feel it when see moved, taking a deep breath she over herself, sure enough she was in a medical gown and yep… A dam fricking needle in her arm which made her look away trying not to freak out.

It was around that time she her his voice, it actually helped to hear it and have her focus her thoughts on him and listen, it was fury, the director of all people coming in to see them, Oh of course! Phase three! How could she of forgot that, yes she remembered now, the experiment to awaken possible powers, and she survived, sure she was probably stupid to accept but she wanted to be able to do something more of herself, but she was cocooned, she wondered just what had changed in her and how much of a touch and go it was.

Still she didn’t look anywhere other than fury and her SO, paying attention and keeping calm, she didn’t want to start thinking of the dam needle again. But Emilia took in the information, a training simulation to help them discover whatever the hell they had in a place where they couldn’t kill each other… that was probably for the best in her mind. When all was said and done, some had responses of their own and even her senior SO seemed to find the pleasant side of it all. “No there was an idea Speech?” Emilia kind of just blurted it out. “Training simulations are all well and good but someone better get this god dam needle out of my arm… Sir.” Emilia was uncomfortable to say the least but she would freak the fuck out if she tried pulling on it.
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