Avatar of Dark Cloud


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2 mos ago
Current Clearly you all are wrong. Only real ones drink Mug Root Beer.
2 mos ago
Update: my doctor has told me to stop eating pencils.
1 like
2 mos ago
You are what you eat? Pfft yeah right, if that were true I'd have lead poisoning.
3 mos ago
my life has been rather complicated as of late
3 mos ago
To put this simply my devices were smashed. I had a big thing with my family and it's why I've been gone for so long so I apologize to the people I was writing with.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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Most Recent Posts

@Lucius Cypher which version of the Fire Genasi do you prefer? MMGM or the Elemental Evil Player Companion?
I think I found it, I'll go with Pyromancer, and two levels of Cleric for the Domain of Zeal.
Soo one level sorcerer (Pyromancer) and two levels somethings else. OR something else altogether
@Lucius Cypher hm, maybe. That's a fair point, or I could go Warlock, you can't cast spells while Raging. I was gonna be like Oh but I could take War Caster but that feat don't let you do what I was thinking.
@Lucius Cypher yeah was thinking of like Way of the Storm Barb 2 and Pyromancer Sorcerer 1, I woulda liked to maybe reskin Zealot to do Fire damage instead of Radiant or Necrotic but eh

Wordage: 462 words (+1 points)
Experience: 5/10 EXP
Location: Sector 7 ➑ Valley of Ruin
Tora and Poppi's @Lugubrious, Roxas’ @Double, Susie's @Archmage MC and Pitt's @Yankee

The melancholy he felt as the desolate landscape shifted to the ruins of crumbling civilizations melted away when both the merchant and nopon engineer took the time to bond over a shared fascination over machinery though different in their perspectives they may have been, Partitio was more than willing to just happily listen to Tora expound upon his pride and joy.

"Well I'll be, guess techno-logical thinkin' runs in your family." the merchant chuckled, he shared a similar sort of upbringing as Tora so he could appreciate that someone else learned their craft from their folks just like he did growing up learning everything about trade with his old man "My pops taught me everythin' there is bout business." he also learned to value people more than their wealth and that hard work pays more than money but that was besides the point "Can't say I ever heard of something like a fancy 'Ether Furnace' that like a sorta steam powered contraption what keeps Poppi a running?" something rattled at the back of his brain, faintly recalling hearing about steam power back when life was good and silver had been a prosperous commodity.

* * *

Partitio stepped out of the vehicle with a grunt as his slacks met the dirt, the ground was wet and muddy in some areas. The merchant dusted off his pant legs while he adjusted the metal cuirass he wore beneath his coat, he surveyed the wreckage of the plane through squinting eyes neath his fedora like a mockingbird searching for a shiny object to add to its collection. All he saw though was clothing and other assorted commodities strewn about, nothing special but it did give the merchant an idea. Using the time he had, he went to work hauling as much of the cargo as he could within the time they had, unaware of the things going on with the others as they tampered with things.

Partitio knew that people must have owned the things in the suitcases but they weren't around no more probably thus their belongings would probably serve folk back in the slums a lot better than out here.

* * *

When they piled back into their trucks, he bid the engineer farewell with a smile and a wave, flipping his silver coin as he sat the merchant couldn't help but speak up as they began to once more rattle along in the truck "Ya'll are quite the strange bunch," the Seekers came in all shapes and sizes it seemed, from a little critter like Tora to a normal kid like the one sitting towards the back brooding "Interestin' people doing interestin' things, I can admire that." was all he said resting his hands behind his head and leaning back listening to the truck hum as they drove to wherever they were going.
I would of I weren't swamped for rps rn.
Attack on Titan, hands down. The first season was such a ride. @Kuro
@Vertigo Sorcerer, and maybe the Pyromancer sub from Kaladesh. Also, I was thinking of multiclassing, I was thinking Barbarian but meh.
Saaal good
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