Avatar of Dark Light


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Eye of the beholder

Aliseth wasn't sure how he was supposed to respond to this unruly man. His taunting words light and filled with a familiarity that Aliseth couldn't reciprocate. He felt those Amber eyes on him, and the scrutiny in them. The thought of explaining why he couldn't remember him was even more tiring than the strangers antics. Besides, he wasn't quite sure who he should be trusting with that information just yet, but it definitely didn't feel like it should be this sly character before him.

He reach a gloved hand out to squeeze Elio's shoulder, as if he could physically halt the man's thoughts, while with his other hand he tip back his mug and finish off his drink in a few large gulps. He took his time, let out a little gasp, ran his sleeve across his mouth and then finally turned and locked eyes with the mason, even offering him a soft little smile.

He gave a firm little squeeze before thoughts finally formed into words upon his lips. "Just what are you running from... what are you so afraid to face?"
His hand slid from the masons shoulder and came to cup his cheek.
"We all have to grow up eventually. Even handsome devils like you. Grow up while you still have the chance."
With that he pat the man firmly on the face, something between a nurturing tap and a firm slap. Instantly turning away back to the barkeep, Aliseth leant over the counter so he could speak softly to Sya, but not so softly that Elio and Nesna couldn't here him.

"A guard was murdered earlier, I'm sure word will find your ear soon enough though. We have reason to suspect a blood-sucking, psychic, blight-born. I trust in these dark times we can put what ever grievances we have aside and think about what's best for the town. If you here anything, anything at all, bring that information directly to me or deliver it in writing to box two two eight at the messenger post."

He then sat back and straighten his armor. "Thank you for the drink." He gave a nod to Sya and then Elios before standing.




"It's a DEAL!" he almost roars excitedly, bringing his big meaty hand in to seal it. But just before clasping his iron grip upon Desmond, he first looks down at his open palm and spits in it, creating a slimy little pool of saliva in the grooves of his tough leathery skin. "Don't you worry, I'll to right by you trator if you get me my things." The words like a promise, spoken seriously as he tightly grip Desmond's hand.

Sitting back once again he glanced around, noting many with obvious blightborn features. His thoughts ran away as his eyes set absently upon the bat and the snake. It almost seemed ha had forgotten about Desmond but just before he could say anything he turned back to him.
"How about you Desmond Wafen the Trater, are you -" his voice goes softer, and his eyes grow focused.
"Tal'kasha khol'vra dohan?" ...
"Or as your people say it, Bighted? I don't have the words, you use so many... Rat? Walker? Shell? Leech?" He sounds and looks a little bit genuinely confused. He scratches at his thick beard as he rolls his lips a bit.
"Too many strange words for those on Gifted soul path of warrior." he decides. His gaze going curiously back to the interaction at the bar.


Between a rock and a hard place

A low tired groan escaped from between the guards dry lips. He didn't even turn to acknowledge the Lunarian mason beside him. Impatient fingers drumming across the bar as he spoke. With pursed lips he remain silent, choosing not to engage in that verbal sparring match. Instead his eyes were focused on the serpentine cyclops behind the bar, unable to keep his inquisitive gaze from examining her peculiar form. He had heard of the tavern owner but never had he met her before, not that he could remember anyway. He had seen people transformed by the blight, but never to this extent, and yet somehow, she moved around so casually, freely, carefree.

Letting out a soft sigh he reply with a kind smile. "One drink will not see me drunk." He assured her with a little nod, "And you have my word I'll all too gladly arrest this man at first hints of a fight." There was a faint hint of joviality to his voice, even as his eyes finally veer away from Sya and land on Elios, carrying with them the weight of a promising threat.

Aliseth understood clearly what the blightborn meant when she said the commander didn't like her. It was likely an understatement. Surely the bias man had subtly done all he could to harass and even rob her of this dwelling. It was likely the same reason none of the guards had explored the avenue Aliseth was about to.

Drink in hand, he took a measured sip of the dark ale and was just about to call for the inn keepers attention when another caught it first. 'Her....' The sudden displeasure evident on his face and in the roll of his eyes. The blightborn's mere voice inciting a heavy grimace. With a quick glance Aliseth scanned the tavern expecting to see someone else, but not finding them he turned his back to the four-eyed, winged blightborn and unintentionally gave the smug stone mason his entire attention.

"Sorry, you were saying?" Aliseth hadn't enough groans or sighs for this situation and raised the drink to his lips once again. There was no measurement to his next gulping sip.



Thinking an elf character, anywhere in particular they would come from?
Alastrina immediately rushed for the one with the chair, taking firm hold with both hands and trying to leverage it away from him.

The man fought furiously to maintain his hold, seemingly like his life depended on it, but that all changed as he slowly registered the sword being drawn. His grip suddenly opening as he release the stool and took a few steps back.

Gabs ducked under the younger man's swing and butted her head towards his chin as she drew her short sword.

"Really," she grinned, "You're going to take on people wearing armor and weapons? And tuck your thumbs inside your fists? Idiots."

What idiot started this mess?

Stumbling backwards rubbing his chin, the wiry young man did not step forwards again. Eyes locked on the sword. All around the room more disapproving eyes slowly fell onto Gabs. He was about to reply when a viscous shout thundered through the tavern.

The ruckus did not end immediately but it sure slowly died down. A few people scampering out, others groaning and nursing their injuries.

"Who dares draw steel in my tavern!?"
It did not come from the large towering man quickly approaching them but instead another further back. Balenof. Fury was etched across the tavern owners face as he eyed the group. All other quarrels forgotten.

Town Centre -> crime scene -> tavern

Having ate the bloody meat, Aliseth was left alone to his tumultuous thoughts full of recent failings, hardships and regret. In his mind they swell and compound, a chaotic storm lacking an outlet, only growing all the more darker the longer he dwell upon them. The mental always having an impact over the physical, Aliseth grew restless as his fight or flight responses were active. That extra energy surging through his veins lift him from his seated position. He scan the crowd, cheerful people celebrating all around. It only made him all the more angry. Perhaps it was a jealousy or simply disdain.
"Fools" He mutter under his breath as needlessly a hand fell to his side and tightly grip the holt of his sword.

At some point, a bottle of strong ale had found its way to his free hand, and quite often and quickly, it found its way to his lips. It was only after he started walking that he realised his destination. The temple. Why, he was not sure. To what end, he did not know. But sitting idle was not something he could continue doing. If he could not get answers from men then maybe he should try the gods. He would have to pass the location of the incident. Not wanting to get drawn in to what ever was happening there he approach cautiously and without a torch. Noting the scene had since been cleared a quick investigation told him more had arrived and they had left in the direction of the temple.

Despite since being disturbed, the scene was still a sight to behold. Aliseth walk amongst the towering shards of ice, stepping over the blood stained snow. He investigated the icy prison from which the blightborn had escaped. He stepped back through the battle that had transpired. All the while he took a swig for every memory he had. His recollections of the event soon came to an end just as too did the ale in his bottle. With nothing left to drink or ponder, and finding no relief here, Aliseth made the track back towards the tavern. A sluggish sway starting to take a hold of his movements.


Arriving at the eye of the beholder he threw the doors open as he stood in the entrance. The cold winds of outside bellowing in past him, firelight dancing across his proud armor and highlighting the recent scars made across it. His eyes were tired and weary yet his chin still remain high with authority. His jaw was clenched tight as he scan the room, looking for, waiting for, someone to challenge him. Of course he was breaking the rules but right now he did t give a fuck.

"Ale." He called to no one in particular as he approached the bar and took a seat in an empty space.



Valgo’s wide grin faltered just slightly as Desmond’s question registered. The barbarian had already turned his attention back to the table, lazily tapping his thick fingers on the wood as if considering the man’s words. The sudden silence stretched for a moment longer than comfortable, and Valgo’s slow, deliberate nod confirmed that he was still thinking. "Ahh yes. of course." he rumbled, finally breaking the quiet.

Leaning forward, the large man offered out his arm in greeting, seemingly content with Desmond's request. "Valgo," he said strongly, offering that and only that, a weight to the single word as if it carried significance. But it didn’t, not here anyway. After grasping the trader tightly by the wrist and locking him in a firm arm shake, Valgo let go and leaned back settling comfortably into his seat once again before continuing on. "Now, what I want…" He trailed off, considering it for a moment, eyes flicking to the trinkets scattered across the table, then back at Desmond.

"I need" the next word came out slow as he concentrates on it "pitch" he look to Desmond for confirmation he understood. "A barrel o' it. to keep the water out of things. Oh an' a block o' wax." He announced. His face slipping to something more serious now as his hands come to rest on the table. There was a pause, almost as if he hesitated, his voice lowering a little. "Need me an axe too... A good one. A big one. The sort that chop through more than just tree's."
He paused again, as though he was deliberating whether to reveal more, but his eyes never left Desmond’s. "I don’t trust just any traiter to get my things. I'm a man who gets what he’s owed, you better not be the sort to run off with my coin or make words you can’t keep." His voice and gaze growing sterner as he seemingly grows larger and more dangerous looking than before.
Then the barbarian slapped his hand back down on the table with a force that made the trinkets jump. "I’ll get you more of your little coins if you can get me my things." He added with a wave of his hand over the currency scattered on the table. His smile coming back to his face.

"So Desmond, what say you?"
Behind the three men, beyond the ruckus of other brawling patrons came the loud shattering of wooden window panels as one unlucky height-challenged man was hurled through them. Standing in his wake, with a small clearing around him was a tall muscular man with wild dark hair that matched his beard. His piercing blue eyes fell onto Gabs and Alistrina, and he started stomping their way, barely slowing as he shoved men aside or threw out a heavy fist.

Meanwhile the trio of thugs were oblivious to the happenings behind them. The middle man seemed to pause and ponder on the revelation looking a bit confused. His younger companion to the side could wait no longer and lept forth swinging his fists out wildly.

This left the last man holding the chair to catch up,a moment later he step forth holding it up over his shoulder threateningly, waiting for his clear opportunity.
Alright, gonna try and get some more traction in here.
Been a bit of a hectic time leading up to holidays.

Gonna go with violence just so I can see and test how we will handle it at later points in the RP.



Upon the barrage of attention the barbarian suddenly got from the serpentine barmaid, Valgo offered in reply a forced smile accompanied by a mixture of head shakes and nods. He felt he understood most of what she said and that he applied the appropriate gesture at the right time. It didn't look like she was runinn to him but then again she was different. Sometimes even when he did understand all of what these town folk were saying they would go and say something they didn't really mean. It was just another of the many confusing things about them. He just gave a slight shrug and the softest laugh as he focused back on the man at the table.

"Aye, Desmond Wahden. Dat's what said I. Desmond the traitor."
He grin widely, his attempt to look friendly coming off a little scary as he took a seat and sat with the man, slapping a meaty fist down onto the wooden table.
"Yer, I give you coins, you get my things from other towns where you traitor too." He made a little walking motion with his fingers, seemingly portraying Desmond walking to another town.

"The big town, I hear it has everything and you can get hold of everything. Yer?"
He sits back and eyes the man before him, eagerly paying close attention as he taps a finger on the table while waiting for a reply.

"Oh, I have your coins." He suddenly adds as if just remembering and reaches into a satchel around his waist. There's a clattering as he drops a handful of trinkets onto the table. His coin pouch a bit of an everything pouch.
Flint, stones, bones, some iron and sure enough, some coins scatter out before them.
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