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Fenix Tear Main Guild Base

Today as well, She woke up on a bed,her bed. No matter how many years passed, that simple fact can still baffle her to no end. They say that not waking up to whipping and screaming is normal, but to her, that still seemed...false,somehow. She really couldn't get her mind around it.

She disregarded the though with practiced ease, as she did every other time. No sense pondering over it, that was just how things were.

As she got off the bed, she noticed how late it actually was. She was gonna miss breakfast time if she needed to prepare. A bath would be nice, but food would be better.

"Eh, i can always use the old method" her thoughts wandered, her habits took control once more.

She reached for her blade

A quick clean later, she was now watching an overly excited Gwen talking about how she had finally liquidized lacrima, though we all knew that it in itself wouldn't accomplish much...She knew, right? You can never be too sure with Gwen.

To be fair to her, Ours and Zeire Alchemies are quite dissimilar... could it be she doesn't understand the difference? Improbable, she probably just wished to learn a new thing to quell her voracifous need for new knowledge.

Oh, Ayuna...wouldn't it be cool if your Dojo could use more style? It certainly looks creepy, who the heck picks black walls and white matting! You're gonna scare a lot of people, or is it because the mats are white because you wanna see them bleed?

Her musing where interrupted by the object of her thoughts itself.

"Gwen,dear, you should know by now that it being "creepy" and scary is a design choice i made. Helps with bringing the true self of someone out, if they think they aren't gonna see tomorrow. Though i must admit..." And here she couldn't help the small smile that overcame her lips

The white flooring is exactly for that reason.Seeing the aftermath after a training session...why, it's almost like we are artists painting an empty canvans, don't you agree? Why, just thinking about it was making her wish for a spar, maybe Gwen would be up for it since she's seemed so interested?

Which reminds me, I'm going on am S-Class Mission with Eris. Wanna come along?"

Shaking herself out of her reverie,and taking a second to recenter herself, she responded.

"Oh, sure. It's been a while since i've gone on a decent mission, wouldn't mind the change of pace"

”I wouldn’t be helping much in an S-rank mission, but tell me, what will you need for that quest? You have to be well stocked for an S quest.”

She wondered. She was pretty self-sustaining, so she never needed much.And she knew next to nothing about the mission, so she didn't even know what to expect.

"Besides enough liquid to fill my Jug...Do you have any blood replenishing potions in stock? Turning towards Gwen she continued "You know what's the mission about?So that we can see what to take with us?

D.O.B X774·Jun·14 | Age 19 y.o | Guild Fenix Tear | Type Independent | Race Human

Definitely not a Masochist

At first glance, if one were to see Ayuna, they would see a Caring and Compassionate person, who tries their best to cheer you up in your darkest moments.

Those that know her however, know an additional part of her. She believes that Suffering and Hardship are the true cornerstone of growth. Pain and Adversity aren’t only obstacles to overcome, but the true crucible from which one can better themselves.

On one hand, she will offer compassion,comfort you when you are at your lowest, While with the other she pushes you to face your troubles head-on.

This is most true for herself as well, she doesn’t shy away from challenges and hardship, as she sees them as a possibility for growth.

Has a bad habit of biting her cheek or tongue when she's stressed or anxious.
She also has a quite literal blood thirst, which does not help to beat the Vampire allegations.

The first thing she remembers was a dark, damp ceiling, shortly followed by a robed man giving her a Tome and a Command. Learn or Die.

And so she Learned. The tome told her of the power of her own blood, how it could be used, manipulated,multiplicated.
She learned how to transume other liquids, then how to crystallize her blood into Crystals.

She Learned the taste of blood, how it’s salty,metallic feeling centered and focused her.

She Learned how to fight with the Blood. How to minimize her own blood loss. How to kill.

She learned about her existence, how it was doomed to end on their whims.

She learned about pain, and how much it takes to break a person. And how far it can bring you shall you overcome it.

She learned about defiance, how to reject her fate and create her own.

She learned that the robed men were all weak, far weaker in their Alchemy.Unlike herself, who had to endure, they had stagnated in comfort.

And so, as she emerged from the darkness she was held for the first time, she saw light. Not the light of the sun, as it couldn’t compare to the sight of paradise she witnessed. Azuria stood in her full glory, wreaths of fire shrouding her as if a goddess of fire descended into earth. She asked to follow her on the spot.

Life in Fenix Tear was...different. No death-lines, no impromptu "learning lessons", a nice bed instead of a cold slab. The difference between living standard was grating. If she were to be honest, she hated it at the time. It felt like they were coddling her, as if she couldn't take it.

As if in spite, she always tried to get or join the most difficult requests, both as a way for her to grow ever foward, and as a way to "pay" for the way they treated her.

It took almost a year of brooding before she truly understood that this was the standard, and not some privilege heaped on her. From there, her mood changed drastically, becoming far more cordial and friendly with the guild-members.

That was four years ago. Now Ayuna is a full member of Fenix Tear, Helping where she can and trying to props it’s members to new heights.

Class: Alchemist | Origin: 2nd | Deck: Mana | Ethos: Man

Rank: A

Grade: A++

Moon | Ice

Alchimia Sanguinis - Blood-Make
An alchemy that is as Narrow as it is Versatile. The Alchemists use their own blood as the Catalyst for their transmutations in exchange for a boost in power. Can become dangerous to the user if used for long enough without proper precautions.
Equivalent Exchange
Practioners of Alchimia Sanguinis become more in tune with the blood flowing within their veins, and it's desire to flow freely. Practioners attain masochistic tendencies, a slight taste for blood, and an utter disregard for their own wounds. Furthermore, they have a slight urge to spill their own blood, which become worse and worse the longer the practioner does not do so.

Maledictus Alchimia Rituum
Less an actual School of Alchemy, and more the Rituals Ayu has created. Utilizing Curse, They can be powerful,Dangerous Things, and such things never come cheap.

Equivalent Exchange
Using Curse isn't good for the Long-Term Health of the body or, more crucially, the Soul. Fortunately, it is a resilient thing, capable of bouncing back from most everything. Unfortunately, High Usage of Curse Sap at it in a way few things can. Unless truly egregious amounts were used, bouncing back is possible, but it is both a slow and painful affair.


Healing | Storm | Jutsu Shiki


Ayuna In the KKK
Ayuna In Fenix Tear

D.O.B X774·Jun·14 | Age 19 y.o | Guild Fenix Tear | Type Independent | Race Human

Definitely not a Masochist

At first glance, if one were to see Ayuna, they would see a Caring and Compassionate person, who tries their best to cheer you up in your darkest moments.

Those that know her however, know an additional part of her. She believes that Suffering and Hardship are the true cornerstone of growth. Pain and Adversity aren’t only obstacles to overcome, but the true crucible from which one can better themselves.

On one hand, she will offer compassion,comfort you when you are at your lowest, While with the other she pushes you to face your troubles head-on.

This is most true for herself as well, she doesn’t shy away from challenges and hardship, as she sees them as a possibility for growth.

Has a bad habit of biting her cheek or tongue when she's stressed or anxious.
She also has a quite literal blood thirst, which does not help to beat the Vampire allegations.

The first thing she remembers was a dark, damp ceiling, shortly followed by a robed man giving her a Tome and a Command. Learn or Die.

And so she Learned. The tome told her of the power of her own blood, how it could be used, manipulated,multiplicated.
She learned how to transume other liquids, then how to crystallize her blood into Crystals.

She Learned the taste of blood, how it’s salty,metallic feeling centered and focused her.

She Learned how to fight with the Blood. How to minimize her own blood loss. How to kill.

She learned about her existence, how it was doomed to end on their whims.

She learned about pain, and how much it takes to break a person. And how far it can bring you shall you overcome it.

She learned about defiance, how to reject her fate and create her own.

She learned that the robed men were all weak, far weaker in their Alchemy.Unlike herself, who had to endure, they had stagnated in comfort.

And so, as she emerged from the darkness she was held for the first time, she saw light. Not the light of the sun, as it couldn’t compare to the sight of paradise she witnessed. Azuria stood in her full glory, wreaths of fire shrouding her as if a goddess of fire descended into earth. She asked to follow her on the spot.

Life in Fenix Tear was...different. No death-lines, no impromptu "learning lessons", a nice bed instead of a cold slab. The difference between living standard was grating. If she were to be honest, she hated it at the time. It felt like they were coddling her, as if she couldn't take it.

As if in spite, she always tried to get or join the most difficult requests, both as a way for her to grow ever foward, and as a way to "pay" for the way they treated her.

It took almost a year of brooding before she truly understood that this was the standard, and not some privilege heaped on her. From there, her mood changed drastically, becoming far more cordial and friendly with the guild-members.

That was four years ago. Now Ayuna is a full member of Fenix Tear, Helping where she can and trying to props it’s members to new heights.

Class: Alchemist | Origin: 2nd | Deck: Mana | Ethos: Man

Rank: A

Grade: A++

Moon | Ice

Alchimia Sanguinis - Blood-Make
An alchemy that is as Narrow as it is Versatile. The Alchemists use their own blood as the Catalyst for their transmutations in exchange for a boost in power. Can become dangerous to the user if used for long enough without proper precautions.
Equivalent Exchange
Practioners of Alchimia Sanguinis become more in tune with the blood flowing within their veins, and it's desire to flow freely. Practioners attain masochistic tendencies, a slight taste for blood, and an utter disregard for their own wounds. Furthermore, they have a slight urge to spill their own blood, which become worse and worse the longer the practioner does not do so.


Healing | Storm | Sensor


Ayuna In the KKK
Ayuna In Fenix Tear

With her demonstration done, Fia quickly scooted over next to the man in armor. Fia had never met an oni before, and that alone caught Fia’s attention. But then when it came to his work with curses and cursed metal, she found someone truly special. Fia was aware of the possibility of cursed metal, but now she found living proof. Fia looked up at the armored oni with eagerness. Fia's eyes were as deep red as her dress, and a black ring surrounded her pupils. “You don’t have to worry about me, lovely. I would be most interested to learn more about how you wield your cursed metal.”

As the Sorceress,and wasn’t that a surprising thing, came closer to admire his armor, he couldn’t help himself but feel pride. The Scholar might have been a bastard, but the fact remains that he gave him a truly wonderful ability."I’d be more than willing to show you,Lady Sorceress.Hopefully i’ll prove to be up to your standards"

Before he could continue, the small red-head introduced herself, and his hypothesis proved half correct. For one, she was a noble, a very high ranked one at that. She did,however, seemingly come here because of her passion instead of any more pressing concerns. Being free and willing to follow what your heart tells you, she was worthy of respect for that.

The offer to bring them all to Helvetica after the expedition took him by surprise. Enough that Evelyn continued, explaining the usage of each of the items that the Roxas found. The generosity of it for one, but mostly because he never thought of it as a possible place to lay low. Though…he doesn’t have any plan after this expedition… he could try it, let himself become famous enough that nobody would try anything stupid, refuge in audacity and all that. "I might take you up on that offer, Miss Evelyn. i have heard much about Helvetica, and it seems a truly lovely place to explore."

"Does no one understand what the word investigation mean?" She set the pictures down, letting out a frustrated sigh before snapping her eyes to Gray Flame and giving him a glare as well. "FINE, FINE, fine, fine, fine!" Her magic flared around her in anger, silvery with amber flecks as it swirled and then settled. "Fine."

After Evelyn scryed the items, she scooped them back up. She paused at the bottom of the stairs, jaw clenching and unclenching. Loud enough for everyone to hear, before she disappeared; "Roxas. Healer." She then moved upstairs to put everything back. Damin might have been right, why did she bring herself on this expedition. Once upstairs, she put the chest items back, the flier on the desk and put the pendant, draft and picture back in the bedroom. She didn't come back downstairs.

But as soon as he finished, the Gray flame and Roxas discussion came to a close in a quite…Spectacular way. He could understand her frustration, after all she didn’t do anything wrong. Misunderstandings truly are a poison that slowly corrodes. Hopefully they can surpass this, and come out stronger as a party for it.

"With you by my side, Ser Forbann, we could take on an entire army! Pleased to work with you." He offered an appreciative nod, moving on to the next soon after.

Fortunately, the silence left by Roxas departure was broken by the fearless(Allegedly) old Human Knight. Looking him over, he couldn’t help but nod back"Likewise Ser Engelberd. Any army would be wise to fear us!" Misunderstandings aside, Engelberd was a fierce warrior, and he wondered who would win a fight between them.

In a fair fight, there were good chances that he would be able to take him, but he didn’t entertain the thought for more than a moment. If they truly fought to the death, The old Knight was wise enough to exploit his weaknesses to make the fight far more favorable for him.

"For me, I am Tillius Battakka." Tillius spoke, his tone seemed normal if not a bit low for an orc, but it carried underneath a gravitas befitting his status. "Unfortunately, I do not bring with me magic or technological marvels, only strength and techniques." He paused and laid a hand on his gladius to briefly indicate the gear he was using. "I was an officer in the Westernant Army, but in case you worry, I am now retired, and am merely an adventurer, just like everyone else. I am more than confident and honored to be serving with you brave comrades into the unknown."

Tillius left it as such, as he took a step back. His weird intonation in the last sentence might seem a bit out of place for an otherwise normal introduction. Maybe it was just orc speak, or military speak. But the Gray Flame might notice a glance to him from the orc afterwards.

Soon after Engelberd, the Orc spoke up. A fellow Military man, Forbann couldn’t help but stand at attention, or at least as much as he could while being seated, at his tone. He introduced himself as an officer, and he believed it, that tone was far too similar to the officers of the Tritagonian army, so much so that some old ingrained instinct came back to the fore, if only for a moment

"It’s an Honor to have you,Sir." his response was short and concise. The former officer was obviously displeased about something, most likely the misunderstanding about Roxas, and it was probably best not to aggravate him more.

His attention was once again taken by the Sorceress,Which for some reason stayed close to him for all this time,though he couldn’t tell you why. Maybe she didn’t know where to sit?

Fia Blackfire

“A bath sounds lovely.” she said, almost like she was never questioning the masked elf at all. She turned on her heel to face the tall armored oni. She clasped her hands together resting them on her cheek as she tilted her head. Fia gleefully spoke again with a sweet smile, “would you care to join me, darling? I’ll help you wash your back.”

He looked down at himself. His armor was still drenched from the thunderstorm before, which was still going strong. He himself felt wet, and now that he noticed, it was starting to become slightly uncomfortable.

Carnatia de Luson

Although...she turned to Fia, who was propositioning Forbann to take a bath together a few moments ago.

She coughed, her cheeks slightly tinged red, as she blushed, "Erm...yes, er...Lady Fia, if you have any intention of doing... ahem...licent—er..."

She stopped from saying 'licentious acts', considering the presence of Evelyn, who was but a child.

"...certain acts with Sir Forbann, then I believe it's common courtesy to have the rest of us use the facility first...yes? So if you do not mind..."

Her blush intensified at the rather awkward situation, before she composed herself by taking a deep breath, "I-In any case, I'm sure you do not mind allowing myself to use the bath first, yes?"

Certain acts? It was a bath, what would they do that would make her so nervous? Unless the Westernian bath customs were different when multiple people were involved? Well, not like it matters much, he very much doubted he could even make use of the cabin bath.

“I think you’re fine to go first, Carnatia. A bath wouldn’t go amiss, no,but unfortunately I don't think that most baths in Varenheim could fit me, especially the bath of a cabin in the middle of the woods.” he regrettably had to turn Fia offer down.

"So, unless you wish to use the thunderstorm to wash ourselves, I'll unfortunately have to decline." He joked, trying to abate any disappointment his rejection might have caused.

"I don't see that as a problem."

Came a bold, whimsical voice from the stairs. The Gray flame looked back and had his shoulder clapped by Vesemir.

"Why the tense atmosphere! Eh?" he cleared his throat and fixed his top hat before continuing. "Well. Tell ya, it' hard for me to disagree on these two young ladies' acute proposition. Why indeed *ahem* not claim them? If they are as powerful as Miss Evelyn concluded, then in my opinion, it is also a crime to leave them here in the dust while it can be used to illuminate one's why and help people."
Raising his both hands like some sort of arbiter, Vesemir shifted his gaze at everyone present. "To take or not take, it is an equally right proposition. Neither of us here may claim the authority to prevent any of us from claiming such items. And if morality is still holding you back..."
The archeologist took out a leather pouch from his bag and placed the clinking purse on top of the fireplace.

"Paid in full. The choice is all yours."

Well, that was one way to smooth things over. Forbann didn’t know how long such solutions would last. Hopefully enough to forge actual bonds with each others.

"Now we have finally seen eye to eye about that matter, I've something to announce to everyone," Vesemir spoke again, louder this time, not only to get everyone's attention but seemingly to deprive Gray Flame or Englebert a chance to discuss the looting kerfuffle again.

Between his speech, he pointed at the map at the table. Before gazing at Carnathia and Fia in particular.

"It is important, but I will be brief. So please stay a while and listen. It was decided that we are going to take a slightly longer detour first, toward the ruined town of Lassë and then to Ostianor slightly to the east. I think that's all for now. Any questions regarding those areas please consult with our expert, Mr. Gray Flame."

Respectfully, he beckoned at Gray Flame, who had been acting like a statue for the remainder of the exchange.

"As for now, please take a rest and don't hesitate to make good use of... well, the amenities we have."

He nodded. It was his expedition, and from what he gathered, his aim wasn’t to just reach Nuria, but to re-discover history. It only made sense to have a few stops to historically relevant places on the way.

Seems like a fine enough plan, Boss. Here’s hoping we’ll find what you want, eh?

Coming over to Roxas,still hunched thanks to his height,and sitting himself on the floor so as to be more level with everyone else, Forbann spoke softly."don't take it too hard on Engelbert. He's old for a human, and good chances are that he has those responses ingrained in him. If at least half the stories about him are true, he's probably trying to look after the party in his own way"

With that said, he spoke up for everyone to hear
"that said, Engelbert idea has merit. We are gonna rely on each other for the foreseeable future, so knowing what we can do is the least we should do. Let me reintroduce myself, i am Forbann Spiser,and if my height didn't give me away, i am an Oni"

Deciding a demonstration would be best for the next part, he put an hand foward,and he Shaped his gauntlet, the metal rising in a stalk and petal blossoming in his best approximation of a rose,glittering in the flames and sometime lighting itself with the sickly glow of the curse residing within it.

"I am a ferromancer,able to shape metal however i see fit.Unlike most ferromancer, i specialized in Cursed metal, and before you worry, it's harmless to anyone i don't wish harm to as long as i'm touching it

Reshaping the metal rose back into the gauntlet, he continued

"Much like Engelbard,i would do best when in the thick of it, though i'm more specialized for attrition fights than fast ones. Furthermore, i know curses and how to deal with them, even if i must admit my methods are...brutish, to say the least.

Forbann Spiser

"Indeed you are, Sir Spiser, please make yourself at home." Evelyn gestured toward the encampment, taking the initiative to invite the gentle giant into the group.

"Many thanks" He nodded to the red-headed child, and fully entered the camp. Looking around,he found a stump that looked tough enough to hold his weight, and sat himself.

Just as he was about to entretain himself with his Ferrokinesis, the masked elf came back to the now very snarky-looking child.

"Do forgive my presumptuousness, but if you're worried for my well-being, please don't. I'm very much capable of taking care of myself."

To give proof to her claim, Evelyn brandished her enchanted rapier from its scabbard, then began performing deft swordplay, showing off the results of her training, her performance further augmented by her equally-enchanted dress. She then finished off with a flourish, the tip of her sword ending up being pointed toward Gray's collarbone, "And this is but a small sample of what I can do, Sir Gray."

Her skill with the blade seemed adequate enough, even if the technique themselves were far too fancy,more akin to dueling moves.
What was noteworthy though, was that a child had such skills. Is she one of those fabled prodigies?

"Your skill are quite good for one so young!" He praised, Clapping his hands, the gauntlets Clinking togheter,but he soon continued, his first thought about her presence still in his mind.

"Though, if you'd humor me, why did you join the expedition? From what i gathered, the Twilight Lands are one of the most dangerous places a person can find itself in, so you must have strong reasons to adventure there" and to help cut any anxiouness that this question might bring the young Lady, and to sprone her, he revealed his own reason.

"I myself are here on a...Vacation so to speak. I never left my homeland,you see, and with all the problems brewing there, i though a change of pace was what was needed. And this job gave me both an excuse to leave and brough me to a place that,if nothing else, should be exciting to be in and were my homeland problems can't reach me."
Forbann Spiser

He wondered how he did it before, while he was in the army. Marching day after day. and to top it all off, he didn’t bring anything with him in his haste to escape. So now his feet were sore, he was hungry and sleeping on the dirt was starting to become easier, which he wasn’t sure was a good thing.

As he trudged along, the sun shining above and mildly cooking him inside his armor, he saw a commotion further ahead. A cart,tilted on the side of the road,a mule beside it and a man imprecating and a woman weeping.

They were so caught up that they didn’t even notice him closing in. After the tension most Humans feel whenever they interact with him, they told him of how something scared their mule, making it freak out and tilt the cart in its panic.

While the mule was calm now, the cart was far too heavy to put upright, and now they were stuck in the middle of nowhere, the closest city was days from there on foot.

Well, Forbann couldn’t help but feel for the couple. Helping them wasn’t too much of a bother,being an Oni does come with its advantages afterall, and in their gratitude, they offered to transport him to the next city over. Forbann’s sore feet were accepted, of course.

Over the journey, Forbann learned that the couple was going to join a caravan going to Valenheim, and when he confessed he was headed there too, the couple was quick to suggest to him to take up a job as a caravan guard,at least for the length of the journey. They could even put in a good word with the Caravan master.

Guarding the caravan wasn’t that hard, as except for one weak attempt by some bandits, the journey went smoothly. The caravan master was even cordial enough to point him where he should go to get to the rendezvous point.

Talking about it, it seemed that Vesemir was a fan of the outdoors as instead of finding himself at an inn or estate, he was faced with a camp outside the city.

Letting himself in, so to speak, he noticed that he wasn’t the first to arrive.

An orc taking the chance to sleep, an elf humming and carving, a strangely stoic human, an armored figure and a masked one together, and a man with half a goblin mask was talking to an elf that dresses as a stereotypical rich person.

And in the middle of it, a red-headed noble-looking child was seemingly speaking

"And the same sentiment goes to all of you as well, fellow adventurers." Evelyn declared to the group in general to finish her introduction.

Though he only heard the last part, he gathered that she too, was part of the expedition.
He wondered why though. The twilight land was no place for children, so she must have some reason beyond her. Maybe she escaped her noble family or something? No matter

“Well met. I’m right in assuming this is the Expedition rendezvous? If so, i’m Forbann Spiser and may we help each other in the Journey Ahead”

(Adrenal Boost:One Man Army going down to Slight Superhuman)

In Between Nico defeating what might have been one of the closest things to a god on this planet, and Quingshe literally ripping off mythology, Ernesto felt…Elated. He wasn’t even involved, and yet only witnessing these events made him have an adrenaline rush that he seldom ever felt. His NA seemed to have the same thought, powering up to a level he reached only once in testing.

'Would this even be enough to be on par with them?' He mused. 'Probably not' He concluded, but that isn’t what was really important,was it?

He should definitely try to get a spar with Nico and, if he could swing it from her, make Quingshe create another mythological creature he could battle with.

“Qingshe here, requesting a headcount. What’s happened? Is everyone alive? Intact? If you’re in a position for it, we should begin the evacuations immediately,” the Snake of the Zodiac said, concern in her tone. “I would aid you, but I’m going to be busy trying to blunt this storm,” she admitted.

Fumbling with the radio, he responded “Ernesto here, just witnessed your little theatrical stunt. Everyone seems fine-ish enough. I even saw Cristina again. I’m going to help with the evac now. My power isn’t gonna last long, so i better get moving” he admitted, without any enemies or Quingshe little theatrics pumping him up, his NA was already depowering at a fast rate.

Fortunately, he should have more than enough time to help.

Closing the distance less than a second, Ernesto fist pick-up was Nil, who seemed to be shell shocked from something.The poor girl didn’t even resist or react much.

After securing her, he could move on to the actual PoWs. His current power wasn’t gonna last much time, but his speed and strength should be able to bring a great number of them to safety.

'Well,All things considered, this could have been a worse first mission.'
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