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@The Ghost Note@Bright_Ops@metanoia

Just a couple of things I want to throw out there ahead of time. 1, we're starting in Twilight Town. And 2, expect a KH2 style of pacing with the Prologue. I know, I know, that prologue has been critiqued for being "too slow" but my purpose for doing this is to allow time for people to fully establish who their characters are, and to also make you the players become a bit more attached to the world of Twilight Town before... bad things happen.

Long ago, people lived in peace, bathed in the warmth of light. Everyone loved the light. Then people began to fight over it. They wanted to keep it for themselves. And darkness was born in their hearts. The darkness spread, swallowing the light and many people's hearts. It covered everything, and the world disappeared. But small fragments of light survived... in the hearts of children. With these fragments of light, children rebuilt the lost world. It's the world we live in now. But the true light sleeps deep within the darkness. That's why the worlds are still scattered, divided from each other. But someday, a door to the innermost darkness will open. And the true light will return. So listen, child. Even in the deepest darkness, there will always be a light to guide you. Believe in the light, and the darkness will never defeat you. Your heart will shine with its power and push the darkness away.

The idea here is a simple one. I want to more or less retell the story of Kingdom Hearts, but through the lens of hindsight now that it's been roughly 20 years since the first game (Has it really been that long? Wow.) and through the young, wide-eyes of an entirely new cast of characters. Disney and Final Fantasy will still very much play their part here, but rather than follow a single boy and his two Diseny friends, we'll instead let the story follow a new set of the Keyblade's Chosen as they struggle their way across the various worlds of Disney and attempt to comprehend the utter insanity that is the Kingdom Hearts storyline. We won't be axing all the original characters, but I'll try to keep it close to the chest which ones appear and which do not so as to keep you on your toes, as it were.

I don't know if I'm looking for a particularly large group. Honestly, KH stories tend to work best when they follow a Trio (Sora-Donald-Goofy, Sora-Riku-Kairi, Roxas-Axel-Xion, Terra-Aqua-Ventus, etc) but obviously that particular notion isn't set in stone. It also helps that I do not plan to make a character of my own and will instead relegate myself to controlling the Villains and NPCs.

So if anyone out there was getting a little overwhelmed by the complexities of the modern Kingdom Hearts games, well then this might just be what you were looking for. Come with me as we take it back to a time when the story was mostly just about a kid beating up shadow monsters and Disney Villains with his oversized key. Together we'll unravel the mysteries of... The Key of Twilight.

He remained silent after being given his answer. He closed his eyes, effectively muting the rest of the world so he could think to himself. Something about the answer was just... well, it rubbed him the wrong way, so to speak. So what if they were spared from being destroyed along with their Universe, what were they supposed to do here, then? Just wait to die of starvation or of old age? What kind of "salvation" was that? And besides that, a large part of Ovaan would have preferred to stay and die with his men. Go down with the ship, as it were. That at least would have been a presumably quicker and more painless end. But instead he was being sentenced to live out the rest of however much of his life remained here in a destroyed city with just these individuals as the only company to be had?

His face scrunched a bit with disgust. He suddenly like he'd abandoned all of his men to die while he escaped to some other world like a coward. He had crossed his arms by this point, and even his right hand's fingers clutched his left forearm tightly out of his own frustration. Was this really it? Was there really nothing else? No, no he refused to believe that. Even if this Kai believed there was no hope, Ovaan refused to just accept that. He'd fight this fate, even alone if he had to. And whatever was doing this killed him in the end? Then so be it. At least he actually tried.

All this thinking, and he had missed a large portion of the conversation. He paid attention again in time to hear the Kai declare that there may be hope after all and that they would have a new mission to undergo in the morning. At this, Ovaan breathed a small sigh of relief. Good, he was right after all, it seemed. They were going to do something about this, after all. He felt a tiny bit if vindication - albeit in a more roundabout matter.

"Supplies, you say?" he asked the Supreme Kai, who had noted a building in the distance that she said may contain surviving gear and supplies, "Very well, then, I may be allowed to excuse myself? I seem to be in the market for a new Scouter, as it were." he gave an irritated glance at the small pile of ash and wires that had once been his previous Scouter. He gave a short bow and then slowly lifted himself into the air with the intent to fly away. He paused, however, when part of another conversation had caught his attention.

"Her ilk in other universes is one of the few things Freeza stays away from. It is leagues above the Super Saiyan legend."

It was the seeming young boy. And by "her ilk" he was apparently referring to the unconscious pink one. Something that even Freeza feared? It hardly seemed possible. The Freeza that Ovaan had known did not seem to fear anything at all. Or if there had been something he feared, he did a thorough job of keeping such rumor and information hidden from even his own officers. But then there was that other thing the boy mentioned. At long last, Ovaan gave a small bit of input.

"Super what?" he asked, eyebrow raised, "Saiyan... was it? And what pray tell, is a Saiyan, exactly? And why would Freeza ever feel the need to fear either of these things?" his tone was completely genuine, confirming that he was not being coy in any way. This had legitimately intrigued him and piqued his curiosity. It would also confirm to everyone there that Saiyans apparently did not exist in the universe that Ovaan had come from.
Merry Christmas everyone :)

*wags finger* ...Freeza Day!
It also helps that the Brief family have direct ties to the Z-Fighters. Hell, Vegeta Jr could be training nearby and decide to look into us himself. Or Trunks, assuming he's the one running Capsule Corp right now.
Just in case the implications in my posts aren't all that clear... Ovaan doesn't necessarily see himself as any better than Freeza. Does he believe himself to also be "beyond saving"? I'll just leave that intentionally vague for now.

"...I think even the worst of us is capable of growth."

Those words stood out to him the most, though not necessarily because Ovaan agreed. He'd seen far too many atrocities in his time - and in fact had actually been the one committing said atrocities in many cases - to bring himself to agree with such a sentiment. It was a nice sentiment, to be sure. But still just a sentiment. Reality tended to be much harsher than that, and true to reality, some people were just simply beyond saving. And sure, it might be easy for him to think of only Freeza but... the whole truth of it was much harder than that.

Ah, but now it seemed there was some squabbling to be silenced. Thankfully, though, it seemed as though Ovaan didn't have to do much apart from simply having Velona's back in the event that things went south. They, however, did not. That boy sure did prove himself to be quite the loudmouth though, didn't he? He may have provided the initial answers that Ovaan had sought after so much, but beyond that he was not proving himself to be a very likable fellow. Quite a feat, when he was in the company of a man who helped enslave entire planets in the name of Freeza.

But all of this wasn't what concerned Ovaan. He needed some clarification, and now that the Kai was up and about it seemed like a good time to ask, "Excuse me... Supreme Kai, was it?" he asked, unable to recall what her full title was. He offered a short bow regardless, for the sake of etiquette of course, "If I'm understanding things correctly, then I believe I am also correct in assuming that you brought us here to aid you in some way? That much is clear to me, but what is not clear to me is how much help any of us could possibly be against a foe who reportedly destroys entire universes seemingly on a whim. Might I inquire for further clarification on this matter?"
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing.
Okay, posted.

And just a friendly reminder: There are no Saiyans in Ovaan's universe. You know, in case anyone needed to know why he's having zero reaction whatsoever to the Saiyan characters.

Ah, at last, some actual answers! Kind of. Honestly, the explanation offered made very little sense in all honesty. A city outside of space time, ran by what was described as a deity who governs time? All this talk of timelines and multiple realities sounded like it belonged in a fantasy novel or a science fiction show. Well, even if it the answer was confusing, there at least was something Ovaan could take away from all this. He was not dead, and from the sounds of it... Freeza was.

Hmm... then it's done. If he's dead, then that means my mission is complete. The thought was a heavy one, and frankly heavier than it would have been for anyone else. The implication of course was that the rest of the universe had died along with Freeza, leaving himself as the only survivor. Great... so he's dead, but so is the whole blasted universe? Why can't it ever be simple? As much as he would like to declare that his work was over... well clearly it wasn't. Something had to be done about whatever was supposedly destroying timelines, and frankly if such a thing were possible then most likely it was just as possible to restore what's been lost. Something in the back of his head told him exactly why he was spared from death.

She's going to ask for my help, isn't she? He thought to himself with a silent glance over at the girl identified as the Kai. Straight from one campaign and into another one. No rest for the wicked, indeed. And beyond all that, there was the notion that whoever the mysterious destroyer was... they were apparently after him in particular. Well, all of the people gathered here, but that was beside the point. Who in the entire universe could Ovaan have pissed off that much, exactly? He'd made a score of enemies among the Freeza Force, and of Freeza himself but... but this?

That was when Ovaan decided to take his mind off of comprehending the answer he was given. He instead started assessing the others who gathered here, in addition to the latest arrivals.

Velona and Mia... they were the first he had met. And he only just now noticed the blindfold on Velona. Had she been scarred over her eyes at some point? She seemed like any other human otherwise. Not that Ovaan had had much experience in dealing with humans. Most of them had been enslaved and/or wiped out by the Freeza Force for as long as he could recall, and none from that particular species had ever been assigned to his crew save for one: Garron, his Lieutenant and Second-in-Command. As for Mia, Ovaan had no idea what she could be. Human... sort of? But obviously not, thanks to those horns and such. And wasn't she also the one who thought they were all dead?

Well, anyway, there were at least 3 present appeared human as well. The boy, who was clearly not as he appeared and one - now two - with brown and hairy tails. Wait, tails? Since when do humans have tails? They never had them as far as Ovaan knew. And of course he never would have asked such a thing of Garron. Quite curious, Ovaan made a note to himself to inquire about these apparently tailed humans later.

Of the newer arrivals, there was also a rough, bluish skinned man among them. Hera Clan? Was that their name? Ovaan couldn't remember exactly, but he'd heard stories of a race of space pirates of a sort that matched this description to a T. Was that man the same way or...? Asking would probably be rude, so Ovaan kept it to himself for the time being.

The armored one though, that was just plain weird. That kind of look, design, was nothing he had ever seen or heard about. And when he appeared to remove the suit and revealed himself to be some kind of humanoid slime well... that didn't exactly help him much on the weird crap-o-meter, did it? Again, it was absolutely nothing Ovaan had ever seen before or even heard about. Quite the oddity, indeed.

There was also the pink one, whom upon a closer look appeared to have skin that was far to soft and smooth for her to be one of Dodoria's species. Of course, that then left the question of just what in the world she even was. And what was that power she used? Kaio... Kaio-whatever? And more importantly... could anyone learn that power? Ovaan made another note to himself to look into that possibility, as it never hurt to have an extra ace in the hole when times were rough.

And finally there was the Kai herself. She looked... almost human. Save for the skin and ears, anyway. Also she looked pretty young, far too young to be this ancient god of time she was described as. Then again, gods had a habit being immortal, didn't they? Not to mention all-powerful. Final note to self: stay on this person's good side... at all times.
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