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@Tyler Night So how can we post our Decks if we went the route of creating them? Just write out the deck list or...?

He watched momentarily as the Super Saiyan transformation was demonstrated. Obviously it was some kind of power up, but he'd hesitate to call it a true transformation. That term usually implied drastic changes to the body, like one of his or Freeza's transformations. The only thing that appeared to change in this instance was the hair. Well, perhaps he'd get a better gauge of what the power was capable of once they were on a mission or in battle. And preferably once Ovaan had procured himself a new Scouter as well. Speaking of which, Ovaan resumed his ascension into the air.

"I see. Well, perhaps you'll be able to demonstrate in full in the field then?" he gave an apologetic bow in mid air, "But for now, I have a Scouter to replace, so I'm afraid I must excuse myself for the time being."

He took off at a faster speed after this. This location was nearby a city. Or, at least, the remains of a city. Good, this was very likely the place he would find a new Scouter. After doing some brief reconnaissance he was able to locate a shopping district. Here there a variety of stores, their signs indicated what they used to sell. One in particular showcased some martial arts clothing and battle armors on display dummies. This had to be an equipment shop, and thus the most likely place to find a scouter. But Ovaan found so much more than that.

The store had all different sorts of armors and clothing. They were labeled to come from different eras and planets. Even the armors appeared to vary in style to resemble the common styles of armor in various eras of history. Some were branded with a "TP" logo that had an arrow circling the letters. Others had been branded with the logo of the Freeza Force, Ginyu Force, and even some presumed factions that Ovaan had never seen before. Very interesting. And, of course, there were scouters. Most of the models appeared similar, or at least resembled the designs from various points of histories while also bearing various color lenses. In fact Ovaan was able to find one that matched his scouter almost perfectly in terms of its appearance and colors. Unfortunately it wouldn't possess any of the modifications that Ovaan's previous scouter had, and he likely wasn't going to find someone else like Qit who could recreate the modifications. Still, it would have to do.

When Ovaan turned it on, he found the Scouter to be displaying in an unknown language. It took some fiddling, but he soon enough found the language settings and was able to toggle the display to his own language, "Ah, that's better." he said to himself, breathing a sigh of relief. For once he didn't feel like he was stumbling around blind. Unfortunately, none of the communication channels were responsive. This meant that either his team was out of range, or what the Kai said was true and they really were all dead. While it wasn't exactly comforting, it was at least some kind of confirmation of the information he'd been given thus far.

But it was his further exploration of the shops that really piqued Ovaan's curiosity. In particular, these "Capsule" gadgets that appeared to be able to store anything one can imagine in a pocket-sized container. Supplies, equipment, even entire vehicles and buildings could be stored in one of these and deployed on the spot, or at least that was what Ovaan gathered from his investigations. Fascinating, and quite in-genius too. He could only imagine what he and his men could have theoretically accomplished with such a resource at their disposal. And that was not even mentioning idea of traveling through time. It was never said by anyone, but only the mere mention of the phrase "Time Patrol" gave all the necessary implications. Did the Kai really possess a means of traveling through time? Of course, Ovaan thought! That was the solution! Perhaps time travel was the way to prevent the destruction of the universes? It had to be better than simply giving up. All of this made Ovaan curious as to where the time travel vehicles were stored, but he decided not to pry. Best not to anger the immortal and presumably all-powerful gods.

When the next day arrived, Ovaan appeared at the appointed meeting spot. He had spent the night in a Capsule Ship that he had procured during his exploration of the city. Quite the vessel. It wasn't as large as a Freeza Force vessel, but it was supposedly much faster and could even alter the main room's gravity settings by an order of magnitude if the ship's owner felt so inclined. At first Ovaan had thought such a function was merely so that an occupant could set the gravity to match their home planet for the sake of comfort, but soon realized just how high the settings could be turned up. He had a hard time believing there existed any viable planet with that kind of natural gravity. Instead it was the presence of some basic training equipment that tipped Ovaan off to the true purpose of the gravity settings. And he had to admit to himself that such an idea was very intriguing.

During the night, Ovaan had tried out the increased gravity, turning up the gravity until his body started feeling the weight and slowing down. He saw the setting had been 50x Earth's Gravity. Earth, as in Garron's home planet. Ovaan had never been there but based on his interactions with Garron he had a decent idea of what the natural gravity of that planet was like. This could be very useful, and Ovaan was determined to make sure this ship remained in his possession.

"Good morning." he said, trying to be as pleasant as he could. In truth his brief stint with gravity training last night had left groggy this morning. But that was no excuse not to mind his manners, "I trust everyone's... business yesterday was a success? I collected quite a haul, myself." he revealed four small, square cases in his possession. There were about two dozen Capsules in each one, "One has spare armors of varying styles, you never know when disguises will come in handy. One contains food and water supplies, we won't do anyone any good if we're dead from thirst or hunger. One contains spare scouters and any medical equipment I could find, all the power in the universe means nothing if we've no means of communication or patching ourselves up. And the last one contains an assortment of portable facilities for setting up bases of operation on the fly. And course, one specific capsule contains a rather comfortable space-worthy ship." he had a satisfied look on his face. He'd always prided himself on his ability to plan ahead and be prepared for anything. And universal destroyers or not, this mission would be no exception.
<Snipped quote by PPQ Purple>

Magic Materialization is OP outside combat. :)

So are Capsules. Hell, one of the few things I like about the Goku Black Arc is how Capsules were useful even during a life or death struggle against a wannabe-god.
@Balthazar007 Just to be clear, I'm not unwilling to go along with your suggestion. But I am concerned because the majority of Han's arc is tied to the Wuye-ying stuff and once they're gone... what then? I don't want Han to be relegated to just sitting around meditating and being treated as if training and getting stronger is his only trait or goal.
@Balthazar007 Wait, you want us to finish that entire plot right off the bat? I had some major character aec stuff and introspection for Han planned out that would come up while he's slowly taking down the Wuye-ying. If I just rush through all that immediately, he won't have any direction to go in going forward.
@Tyler Night

I might be interested. I usually run Masked HEROES or Dark World, personally. So either one of those archetypes would suit me just fine if allowed.
Do you have to play as only human or are other species available? I mean, since this is a re-imagining, would we be able to say that some of the other Final Fantasy/Disney races naturally exist within Twilight Town?

Just people. And Moogles, I guess. The idea is to not make this super complicated. Cramming a bunch of fantasy races into Twilight Town sort of does the opposite of that.
"So I guess the concepts of duty and resolve are lost on you?" the voice spoke up out of nowhere. It was someone sitting at the rear area, leaned back against the wall in a relaxed posture. If not for the red, triangular mark on his forehead then one would easily take him for a human at first glance. But the mark branded him as a Reploid nonetheless, but one curiously bearing a remarkably accurate resemblance to the humans. He gave a slow shake of his head, "Whatever, you'll figure it out for yourself eventually. Assuming you survive that long."

He looked as if he were about go back to minding his own business, but gave a quick roll of his eyes and a final glance in the direction of the squad, "Call me Duster. I'm here to earn credits. That's all." and then proceeded to return to his own private thoughts. He acted remarkably like a human, even by Reploid standards. His posture, mannerisms, and even cynical tone and gestures were proof of that.

Hmph, why bring up duty and resolve anyway? Not like either of those things mattered to him in any meaningful capacity. At least, not without remembering a few things he'd rather keep buried, anyway. Or maybe he just didn't want to get stuck with a squad of individuals who distrusted one on another over misconceptions and misunderstandings? The last thing he needed was to end up in some unwinnable scenario because the squad he got stuck with wasn't a very stable one. Right, he convinced himself. That had to be it.
<Snipped quote by CitrusArms>

Yup. Like, "they're weaker than us and more emotional, that's why we gotta protect them", sort of way. Might feel closer to chauvinism than racism, but with less of the power dynamic.

Yeah it feels a little more like that or patronization than full blown racism.
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