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dissertation done. can actually post again. yay.


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So we dead or ...?
I’m sure you thought those where all jokes

<Snipped quote by DracoLunaris>

That's another very interesting and creative Lost Number. The only thing I'd want adjusted is the strength related to spirits. Your character can be good at reverse-engineering technology, but I would rather not involve spirits.

have edited it to: Reverse engineering: Dr Yu has a considerable talent for taking things apart and figuring out how they tick, which an be handy for creating replicas or derivative of supplied biological or mechanical components. She can't do magic however.
I have made another lost number

Witch One - In the Town Square

Ganondorf @MULTI_MEDIA_MAN, Primrose @Yankee, Sandalphon@Lugubrious, Blazermate & Sectonia @Archmage MC Rika & Kamek @DracoLunaris
Wordcount: 3874 (+4)

Primrose had made herself as comfortable as possible, although as time went on she was starting to regret taking the lantern. It made her camouflage even better, but she had to hold it still over her head for six minutes. It was possible that a seeker would notice the minute movements of her hand, especially if she swapped which one was holding it if her arm got tired. If she set it down next to her, its glow might be visible from outside of the veil’s illusion. If she threw it away, that could easily draw a suspicious seeker to her location. She knew she hadn’t planned that far ahead when she decided this would be a good idea, but there was one other thing that could blow it for her: Ganondorf.

The warlord had declared his intent to do battle, even going as far as summoning his moblins. And his own hiding spot wasn’t all that far from hers, both being within the area the hiding players started in. He seemed serious enough that he’d even struck that boy, Roxas, which made Primrose narrow her eyes. If whatever chaos he caused reached her, her hiding spot would be easily revealed. She might even reveal it herself if he actually planned to harm one of the members of the seeking team. She hoped he wouldn’t though - this was only a game after all.

Primrose had a fairly wide open view in front of her, so when things kicked off she noticed Kamek’s wisps beginning to spread around the rooftops of town. She could hear the small group tasked to catch them somewhere nearby, but when one appeared in her vision it wasn’t the old mage, but Rika.

The day old did not, it had to be said, look like she was having the best time, armored boots scuffing along the dirt road as she looked around with a mix of confusion and frustration on her face. She paused at an intersection to scratch her helmeted head with an oversized finger, before gesturing that same hand around palm up accompanied by a look of bemusement

After giving a sigh and then raising the gauntlet she counted off three fingers while muttering ”Ok. Right. So. Ganondorf, Primrose, Blazermate. Somewhere. Kamek said to look for stuff that is out of place but, well,” to herself making a sound of ”eeegh” to express her self assumed inability to do this.

Poor girl, Primrose thought. The former abyssal really didn't seem to be having a good time. Since the whole point of the minigames was to wind down and have fun, maybe she would give Rika a freebie and let herself be found after all. Subtlety, as though she'd made a mistake instead of turning herself in. Of course during the few seconds she mulled the thought over, the thing she was actually concerned about began...

Finding something out of place proved to be both easier and harder at the same time. The Town Square was dotted with a litany of crates, barrels, urns, and other assortment of random furniture items that Ganondorf’s Moblins had had time to place about the area. This may as well have been a flare signaling that there was hider among these objects somewhere. But figuring out the right one to check? The only option was to check each one and either get lucky, or get unlucky enough times that Rika would risk accidentally eliminating herself. All the while, ignorant of the fact that at least one of her targets was in fact disguised as the largest object present in the Town Square. The assortment of other objects had created an effective mask to hide what could otherwise be the potential obviousness of Ganondorf within the horse cart.

Not that the warlord intended to remain hidden for much longer. Above the Town Square, his five Moblin archers were spread out on different rooftops. They were under strict orders not to take any lethal shots so as to avoid violating the rules of the game, should such a rule exist. Instead they were lying in wait for a certain signal to spur them into action. Then seemingly at random, a deep-voice laugh could be heard. It was the voice of Ganondorf, albeit from within his hiding spot as he had not moved out from there just yet. Was it an attempt at an intimidation tactic? Partially. But it also served as the signal the Moblins were waiting for.

So moments after hearing Ganondorf’s menacing laugh, Rika would also hear the distinct twang of a snapping bowstring followed by the whistling sound of an arrow flying through the air. And immediately after that she found an arrow sinking into the ground at her feet with a thunk. If she looked fast enough, she could spot the Moblin archer scrambling from its spot over to another cover spot it could hide behind. That shot wasn’t supposed to be a killshot, instead its purpose was to divert Rika’s gaze in the opposite direction of the horse cart that hid Ganondorf. So during that moment he lifted the illusory veil and stood with his trident at the ready before flinging it forward in her direction. It wasn’t a spear or javelin style throw, either. Instead the weapon spun around as it flew through the air. This way, even if it did strike Rika there was little chance of any lethal or lasting damage.

The precaution turned out to be unnecessary, for though his distraction worked perfectly, the hurled trident’s heft struck a theretoo invisible barrier rather than her chest as it should have done. The golden spartan energy shield shimmered into existence across her torso and head, taking the blow for the princess and, as the ui on her helmet indicated, suffering 0 actual damage for the trouble. A moment later a massive hand closed around the weapon before it hit the ground, grasping the weapon.

”Did thou taketh me for a coward?” Ganondorf said to the ship girl with a grimace. ”If thou wish to eliminate me, ye shall have to defeat me first!” With an outstretched hand he summoned the trident he threw back to his hand. If Rika wanted to tag him with her unicorn horn, she’d have to fight him for it.

After blinking in surprise, she replied ”I can do that too!” before summoning her cannon butted halberd into her now empty hand. After spinning it around once for flare, and then following it up with a ”thanks, this makes things so much easier” before charging forwards towards the king of evil, the game’s seeker speed boost kicking in and turning it from infantry to cavalry charge speed.

As she closed in, she’d suddenly flare thrusters to close the gap with a burst of extra speed as she swung her weapon low, attempting to use its unusual curved blade like crook to trip the king rather than a futile attempt to impale him. That’d be a lot easier said than done, given the king’s tall stature and immense physical strength. He actually did have a legitimate weak spot she could potentially exploit, provided she could spot what that was.

The incoming charge didn’t come as a complete surprise to Ganondorf. He knew from the rules that any seeker pursuing him would be granted a boon to their speed. Rika being able to further enhance that boon was something he had been unaware of until right now, however. But for the low-aimed sweeping attack, he need only plant the trident into the ground to take the brunt of the force while crouching down in order to reinforce his stance and make him harder to knock off his feet. And since he was crouched anyway, he decided to use that positioning to spring himself into a Gerudo Dragon uppercut that could launch her away from him if it landed.

Around them, meanwhile, the Moblins were taking aim with their bows and looking for any opportunity they could find to take potshots at Rika to either annoy her or distract her focus on Ganondorf himself.

She certainly made for an easy target as she was launched up into the air, several arrows smacking harmlessly yet distractingly into her as she tried to orientate herself. Rather than come crashing back down a moment later however, the princess’s tiny wings buzzed, and her antigravity gauntlets and feather fall rune slowed her fall, letting her, pivot in the air, aim a palm down, and proceed to start blasting at the king with ink from her grozco-blaster. At the same time, she pulled back and began charging her other, unicorn horn tipped, gauntlet, prepping up for a meteoric return to land.

While none of the ink blasts could harm the warlord, they could still blind him with a shot in his face. So it was only natural that he held up his right arm in order to shield his eyes from stray ink shots while he spun around and used Bullet Jump to slide several feet away from her in anticipation for what he assumed would be some kind of followup attack. Then he planted the trident into the ground so that he could call down a lightning blast on top of it as a form of punishment for any attempt to charge into him. Whether he was fast enough to do this before he was outrun by Rika’s ever-increasing seeker speed buff would be a matter of luck in the end.

It wasn’t that speed he needed to worry about however, as Rika hammered her fist forwards, flared her boosters, and fired her rigging guns backwards all at the same time she fired her grappling hook.

Her unicorn horn tipped hook.

The tagging weapon blasted forwards boosted by every speedboost she had and arrived in a flash. He tried to grab a nearby barrel and hurl it up into the trajectory of the grappling hook, but all those speed boosts made this last ditch hail mary next to impossible to pull off. And so the king instead exploded into confetti for all his efforts.

His spectral form merely stood there with crossed arms, looking almost uncharacteristically calm and, well, not enraged. These odds were stacked against him from the start. His chances of actually overpowering the seekers were always going to be slim at best. Honestly all he wanted out of this was to end this farcical game sooner rather than later and to go down fighting rather than cowering. So he still basically got what he wanted in the end regardless of the game’s actual outcome.

”That was for my papa!” Rika decade boldly after she picked herself up from having crashed down into the confetti shower, before adding ”Because he doesn’t like you that much, which is why people say that kind of thing, maybe?” rather ruining any impact her declaration had.

After watching it all play out, Primrose let out an audible sigh. It had turned out just fine. None of the moblins' shots had gone wide either, leaving the dancer safe and sound in her front row seat. She shifted in place, the light cast by the lantern turning a little behind Rika.

Rika ”Hm?”’d at one of her shadows (she was making her own with her tail light after all) moving a little bit. At least she thought it did, and so she turned to look behind her, finding there a tree flanked by two hay bales each with a pumpkin lantern sat on top of them. Well, that and a bunch more lanterns scattered around as well. Someone really did like them as an aesthetic it seemed.

”Did, did one of those move maybe?” she said while tapping a hull blade with a gauntlett-ed finger, before giving a little excited gasp as she realized ”Does that mean one of them is a person?” before wondering out loud ”But, hmm, um, how do I… know which one it was?”

Well, the way she started to try and work it out was pacing up to each one and just sort of, staring at it intensely as if doing so would let her see through the disguise which included, eventually, Primrose's own bale topper.

The girl's genuine excitement at having potentially found someone made up Primrose's mind. Even concealed, she pressed her lips together to suppress a smile as she let her arms fall a little lower, slowly sinking the lantern somewhat into the hay under Rika's gaze.

The princess blinked behind her visor, made a little ”huh?” as she leaned in closer and then an ”ah!” of understanding before she suddenly lept backwards into the air, she brought up a gauntleted fist and fired the grappling hook mounted horn down at lanturn and hay bale.

To really play into her role as an unfortunate hider, Primrose too threw off her veil and revealed herself. She stood up in one swift motion, looking like she was fully prepared to flee. But the hook, and the unicorn horn attached to it, struck her leg as she moved.

"Oh no~!" she gasped, and then her short performance was ended with a fanfare of colorful paper bursting out from where she once stood. In her now invisible spectral form, she brought a hand up to her mouth and chuckled lightly.

The ship girl looked positively delighted with her first actual catch, and entirely unaware of the handicap she’d received in doing so, doing a happy little head bob before looking more serious again.

”Ok, still one more to go though” she said to herself, before glancing around and wondering where Blazermate might be, only to receive a little complication in her ear, namely that: ”Pit found Sandalphon, but she seems to have teleported away somewhere” from Kamek who then added that ”I did not see her appear anywhere with my whisps, so she must have arrived inside a building. You may need to recheck inside some places unfortunately”

”Haven't looked in there yet so its fine”

”Ah, I see” Kamek replied, before cautiously inquiring ”and how are you faring, might I enquire, young mistress?” only to be delighted when the ship girl replied that ”I’ve found two so far!” in a chipper tone.

”Very well done young mistress” the mage praised, before wishing her ”good luck with the rest of your hunt” before returning to his own

”alright, so, Blazermate aaaaaand that Sandalphon lady” Rika then said to herself, giving a confident nod, excited rather than put off by the additional target on her seeking list, regardless of how unlikely it was, at least with the information she had, that the angel would have decided to teleport anywhere near where either she or Blazermate where.

As it turned out however, Blazermate was watching all of this from her perch on top of the tallest building, the stone carver mansion, using an awning to hide from Kamek’s little eye in the sky. She was doing pretty well so far, no one had even bothered to look up at her as they were too preoccupied by looking at props to think to look up, although she wasn’t too surprised at Ganondorf going down the way he did. She thought about saving him, but with how fast things were happening and his bulk, Blazermate didn’t think she could do much of anything to get him out of there in a speedy fashion. Plus if the hiders won, he won, so she stayed put.

Although her hiding spot was doing well so far, the giant Sandalphon teleported onto the roof with Blazermate, too big to hide under an awning like the much smaller bot. ”Hey, you're going to give me away!” Blazermate said.

The angel crouched down, offered an apology as she cracked open the window of the stone mason’s home and slipped through, with Blazermate only rolling her eyes

Unfortunately for both of them, just a little while later, Rika came along, and, well, even she could not miss the giant angelic halo floating above one of the statues down below, though she still felt pleased about her discovery. Well, pleased up until the point that Sandalphon teleported away again, but she did at least get a little bit more praise when she reported what had happened to Kamek, even if neither could figure out how they were going to stop this seemingly very unfair ability.

Having found one person in the building could have given Blazermate an edge
in not being discovered herself, however, unfortunately, while people did often fail to look up, they did tend to look out of windows.

”Hi Blazermate” Rika called out as she cocked her wrist mounted horn and then declared ”I’m going to wind this time!” again spoiling her own cool declaration, this time with a slight verbal hiccup, before letting it fly out of the window Sandalphon had come in through anyway. Blazermate had good reaction time though, and while it would’ve been close with only her scan pinging rika when she appeared, Rika giving her forewarning before using her little horn launching trick gave Blazaermate time to dodge out of the way. Well, now was the time to start running! Although before she left, she had to correct Rika. ”it’s win, not Wind! Speaking of, off I go!” Blazermate said, flying up and over the roof, now standing on top of it. Now was the time to play tag, and Blazermate was good at that game.

Rika came bursting out of the window a moment after, and then tapped her feather fall rune, launching herself up into the air. As she rose she spun around thanks to the little buzzing wings on the back of her rigging, letting her turn and find Blazeramte on the roof. And with her flight, it was time for the game of chase to begin. ”Cool, let's see if you can catch meee~~.” Blazermate said as she dove down under the awning of the roof and got herself ready for a big aerial chase.

Maneuvering jets flaring, Rika boosted down after her before grabbing the edge of the awning with a hand and swinging around under it that way, blindly firing her hook back into the space they’d just vacated. Blazermate wasn’t there though, and had zoomed off to the side and back into open space. She giggled like she was having fun before she zoomed off, being much faster and maneuverable than Rika. Blazermate did give her a bit of healing as she left though, but Blazermate wondered if Rika knew what she was planning.

At least, she should have been faster, but the game was hide and seek, not tag, and so the game’s systems stepped in and gave swiftness to Rika’s feet as she dropped to the ground and started sprinting across it at an absurd rate. So fast that she got ahead of Blazermate, and then processed to wall jump up the nearest building before launching herself into the air towards the medabot, grapple hook mounted horn lashing out again.

Blazermate expected this though, and as Rika got near, she put her healing beam on Rika and echoed her massive burst in speed, easily evading the grappling hook. Although now that Rika was starting to get a massive speed boost, Blazermate would have to keep inside her healing beam range to match her. And with that the two started playing ‘tag’ like Blazermate intended, gaining more and more speed until they started to move at near supersonic speeds.

”Wait. What? What! Get back here!” Rika shouted up at her as she tried to run after the speed matching bot, the pair going faster and faster and faster as Blazer weaved in between grapple shots, until all of a sudden Rika’s horn struck something and caused it to burst into confetti.

It just hadn’t been Blazermate.

”Huh?” the ship girl said, halting her pursuit as she got a brief afterimage of Sandalphon before she faded away into spectator mode, and then wondered ”Where’d she come from?”

Blazermate shrugged, then zoomed off once Rika started to move as well. Since Rika was so fast now, Blazermate was essentially tethered to the ship girl which Rika could potentially use to blindside her team mates… something blazermate didn’t think about. Granted she figured they’d all be hidden, not running, so… At least if blazermate could keep up the chase for a couple more minutes, it’d be over and they’d all have won!

She was proven wrong on that first point moments later when she caught sight of a big bee who’s cunning tree hiding spot had been rather spoiled by the appearance of Sandalphon right next to it, and the appearance of Kamek next to her a moment after that. As a result of all that, she’d had to make like a tree and leaf with post haste, as she was now being pursued by Kamek through the skies. Sectonia’s movement wasn’t fast, at least until she started to use her teleport. Kamek would have to be careful not to stab at her afterimage when she started to rapidly teleport around him, but the elder koopa knew a thing or two about teleporting and since Sectonia’s side made it so that he couldn’t stab anything but air, he had no worry about losing ‘tries’.

Seeing this, Rika pivoted, and pointed her now absurdly stacked speed boost towards the queen bee instead, boots hitting the side of a building which she practically ran up the side of, before blasting into the air with ludicrous speed a whoop. Her flying form reached Sectonia’s position half a breath before the sound itself, blindsiding the bee entirely.

Well… Rika was for sure using the boost in chase speed quite well, and now Kamek was on her tail now too! Was she the last one? It seemed Sandalphon escape mechanics ruined the hiding position of a few people, and she made it worse by making Rika super speed! But as long as she held out til the end, it’d be worth it!

Blazermate’s thoughts were by the sight of Rika racing towards her … and getting larger as she did so. Much much larger. Under Kamek’s magic, the ship girl grew and grew till she was a titan towering over the town, which should have made her slow, but. Well.

Speed boost.

To the sound of Kamek cackling, the now battleship sized boat girl blitzed forwards with her fist pulled back, charging a punch, and then, before getting into medi beam range, pulled off her everything propelled horn firing trick, sending the now ballistic missile sized shive blasting forwards at about the same speed as one of those would go towards a not at all speed boosted Blazermate.

Which was a good move by kamek, as the hook was too big for Blazermate’s projectile shield to block. And with that, the shipgirl, after minutes of running, finally caught the medabot medic.
Witch One - Out about town

Juri @Zoey Boey, Roxas & Captain Falcon @MULTI_MEDIA_MAN, Goldlewis@Lugubrious, Kamek @DracoLunaris
Wordcount: 3563 (+4)

As Geralt sniffed around the market, Pit went to check the library and Rika scanned around their starting point, Kamek set about setting up his surveillance network. The pre-prepared hovering whisps spread out across the town under his direction, seeking out and then perching themselves atop the highest points in it.

He intended to use this to spot any runners or sneaky spot switchers, but as it turned out he unintentionally ran into his first hider in the process of doing so. Though calling her a hider seemed like it might be a bit of a misnomer given that the woman was casually laying on her back on a tower roof without even having donned a disguise.

Nevertheless, he (or rather the glowing fairy winged orbs now hovering on the roof near her) had found her, and so the mage took to the skies atop his broom and started to float over her way, wondering if this behavior had anything to do with how she had just been freed from Galeem, been ‘unstoried’ as Asgore had put it, or not.

Juri lazily swatted at the winged orbs like they were pesky mosquitoes. When Kamek herself arrived, Juri swatted in her direction like she was a bigger, peskier mosquito. ”Ah, buzz off, would ya? I don’t care about this stupid game.” Juri complained with a frown. Her eyes were now the vibrant green and purple they should have been from the start.

”I’m so sick of this crap.” She added.

”Then you won’t mind if I eliminate you from it then?” the mage replied as he drew his unicorn horn and floated closer to do just that, but not before offering ”If you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them after this. Miss Fortune’s timing for this has been rather poor I must say”

”That’s just because she’s ‘rather poor’ herself.” Juri said with a cackle. She crossed one leg over the other, and frowned again, her mood re-souring on the spot.

”Just buzz off! I don’t wanna go back to that gibbering idiot’s clown tent. I’m not goin’ anywhere.” She protested.

”I am afraid I have a young ward who’s not been having the best of time with these, so I’ll have to turn down that request” he replied with polite affluence, before grinning, declaring ”this will only take a moment” and then tilting down the tip of his broom and swooping towards her at a speed that seemed to surprise even him.

”I don’t care about your freaking ‘young ward’- you’re so annoying!” Juri yelled, erupting from the ground with an invulnerable spinning wheel kick to knock Kamek away. She landed on the roof, frustrated. All she wanted was a bit of dignity and respect!
”Give me the stupid horn! I’ll do it myself.” She shouted. ”I don’t want you pokin’ me.”

The mage stabilized himself, paused for a moment, shrugged and tossed her the horn ”if you would, I’d appreciate it”

Juri caught the horn, and threw it away as far as she could. Would you believe her if she told you that wasn’t even her plan? Up until the point she had it in her hands she really was going to poke herself with it. ”Oops!”

”and as you haven’t you may suffer the consequences” he added without much surprise in his tone, not even rushing after his capture implement. Instead he waved his wand, and caused dozens of skeletal hands to rise up around her, followed by the rest of the dry-bones pulling themselves from the roof and attempting to swarm and grab her.

While they did that, the mage disappeared in a poof of smoke, and then 6 seconds later was back with his horn.

Juri chuckled as the hands rose up to meet her. ”Ew! Creep.” She dropped herself onto her back. ”Who knew you were into this kind of thing?”

”What was that?” the mage replied, having been both away and briefly dazed upon returning for some reason. Either way once there, he approached, dagger raised with ominous poise.

”Ugh.” Juri rolled her eyes. ”What are you, sacrificing me to a volcano? Hurry up, these things got cold hands.”

”Not particularly my style that” the mage replied before raising up the horn and then staking it downwards towards her heart (for extra dramatic flare).

Juri smirked. ”If it was, you’d know I’d be no good as a sacrifice. I’m not a-” Then she exploded into confetti.

”Huh, wonder what that means?” Kamek asked himself, before shaking his head and dismissing the drybones with a wave of a hand, before finally turning to take a look at the rest of the area he had to investigate.

A quick check of the hider’s spawn point revealed nothing/no-one of note, nor some of the nearby buildings, but as it turned out the barracks was somewhere that would bear fruit. He initially drifted past the suits of armor found within, thinking them far to cliche a spot to hide, only to come drifting back a short while later.

”Well none of you have come to life, which really is a let down. So let’s see if I can encourage that” he joked, before approaching the first in the line of armors, and then with a hand gripping the helm and pulling it off with a dramatic flourish, revealing its empty interior.

”Hmmm, not you, but how about…” before waving his wand, summoning his toadies who moved, grasped the helmets of every helm that wasn’t Goldlewis and hefting them off to reveal nothing once more.

The mage gave a ”tch” of disappointment as he dismissed the minions and looked thoughtfully at the final suit of armor. Then, absurdly, he drifted away- only to suddenly appear in a poof right in-front of it and make to remove the helm, a move only slightly let down by the two second between his appearing and being able to move to de-helm the hero

Of course, his hand passed right through the illusion, but by that time Goldlewis was already moving. From the moment Kamek first appeared, the veteran had been on high alert, and the tension only grew the longer Kamek drew this out. The magikoopa seemed to be playing with his food, which quickly evaporated any trace of sympathy on the part of Goldlewis. Old or not, he would show his would-be hunter no mercy.

He burst from his hiding spot with his Burst, an omnidirectional blue energy wave. “Take a hike!” It made him invincible for a split second, and the hit also sent Kamek tumbling painlessly across the ground.

The mage shook his head to clear it, and then rather than grab his broom to fly, grabbed just the fallen horn and then actually ran after Goldlewis. Had this not been part of the game it would been a foolish notion, but the seeking speedboost worked overtime to give the old man a chance, causing the turtle to cackle with glee as he became a hare for a few moments, racing through the halls of the barracks after the mighty glacier till, inevitable, the chase came to an end.

Confetti was spilled and Kamek lost his speed boost, much to his disappointment and the complaint of his old joints.

”Ach, well, that was fun, but maybe I’ll stick to the broom from now on” he commented to himself, before letting out a sigh and hobbling back to the armor room to fetch it.

With the performance he’d put on inside, it might have seemed like he’d wasted a fair bit of time on the theatrics, but thanks to his whisps, the mage wasn’t restricted to simply his own sight when it came to searching.

While he was messing about with the armor, one of his whisps headed down into the basement, found the dungeon located down there, and encountered Roxas’ keys and locks schemes. Unfortunately for him, the little winged globs of mana didn’t even try and open the cell doors, as they phased right through them.

Fortunately for him, they did the same to him as well when they got close, and so their inspection was merely visual. In doing so they found the keys that had been tossed into one of the cells however, and a moment later there was a ‘poof’ and a puff of smoke and that cell now contained Kamek.

”Interesting, interesting. You aren't supposed to be here now are you?” he said to them as he picked up the keys, before glancing at the bedding in the room with him, and then dismissing it as a possibility. Whoever had done this surely would have at the very least have tossed the keys into the next cell, or so he guessed.

”Why not simply put them in a pocket to deny them entirely I wonder?” he asked out loud as he unlocked the cell and stepped out, before strolling too and fro to examine the contents of the other cells.

”hmmm, hmmm, hmmm,” he then pondered out loud as he examined each in turn, before striding back to the one with Roxas in it and saying that ”this one seems far to generously furnished for a prison cell” referring here to the excess bedding found therein. He then stepped in and before waved his wand through the bars of the cell, summoning his toadies once more, and instructing them to ”give the ‘prisoner’ a rude awakening” prompting them to drift down and toss the sheets aside.

Well, Roxas was indeed jostled out of his hiding spot. But since none of the propeller hatted minions carried a unicorn horn he was still safe for the time being. He also had an unusually smug look on his face for a hider who was just exposed, ”Good work on sniffing me out.” He said with arms confidently crossed in front of his chest, ”But you can’t tag me if you can’t get inside.” Which was an interesting thing to say to someone who clearly held the cell keys. But it would become clear as soon as Kamek tried them on the cell door. Not a single one of them worked. Well, one of them would have worked, if not for the fact it had been recently overridden by a Keyblade’s magic. Any lock sealed by a Keyblade, could only be subsequently unsealed by a Keyblade.

”Interesting. I assume you have sabotaged the lock then?” Kamek guessed before also thinking ”hmm, and even if I do get in, I will be an old turtle who you might well try and wrestle the horn from the hands of” out loud.

That did seem like quite the predicament, but the mage simply smiled and waved his wand, causing around him 4 more hims to appear and with a cackle, declaring that ”you best hope you grab the right one then!” before all 5 horn-armed Kameks disappeared in a puff of smoke, and reapered behind him, knives raised like treacherous senators, that held that pose for 2 seconds exactly before driving their blades down in unison.

The plan, it turned out, was not to try and wrestle away Kamek’s unicorn horn. The second he vanished, Roxas was able to safely assume he was preparing a teleport attack and thus lunged himself forward and then spun around to summon a checkered wall of virtual cubes between himself and the five Kameks who reappeared in his cell. The cubes probably couldn’t do any harm to him in this virtual game world. But they would obstruct him from immediately being able to pull off his backstab. After that he could unlock the cell and try to escape to the outside. But was he fast enough to do this before Kamek could teleport again and attack with greater speed thanks to the seeker buff? That was gonna end up coming down to a roll of the dice.

Unfortunately, the architect of the building had rigged those dice, because the last thing you wanted in a dungeon was to give your prisoners an easy time escaping. There was one way in/out, and the mages re-appeared appeared in it, blocking the top of the stairs like the barrack’s troops might appear to stop a breakout. Unfortunately the only option now was to fight. And he tried, for about two seconds. It turned out that 5 invincible speed boosted turtles around made for a nearly untouchable opponent in a fight, so it didn’t take Kamek long after this point to tag the Keyblade Wielder and explode him into confetti.

”Aw, man.” his spectral form complained, ”Why did it have to be the one person who could teleport? My plan would have stumped literally anyone else.” He grumbled for only a brief moment before laughing it off with a shrug.

”Such is fate” the mage replied as his copies where dismissed, before admitting that ”though it was fun to be on the other side of the coin for once I must say”

The koopa made a final sweep of the building after that, but was fairly sure it was clear. The next few structures were the same, by which point he’d skirted most of the outskirts and drifted into Geralt had ended up. Which looked to contain quite the host of structures, so the mage offered to help him out.

A little bit later, and with only a little bit of time remaining, the mage drifted into the bar and immediately wafted a hand in-front of his nose at the smell.

”Ack, a place that sells just that… whatever it is that wretched drink that Bacchus fellow his majesty did not like was imbibing” Kamek complained, before declaring ”delightful” in a sardonic tone.

His dislike of the smell made him stay clear of the barrels at first, prompting him to head upstairs first, but it was only a matter of time till he returned and started poking about behind the bar.

Knowing it was only a matter of time before the mage started to search the ale barrels, Captain Falcon believed he should perhaps try to make an exit. And when Kamek had gone upstairs, Cap knew now was the time to either fish or cut bait. So while he was still alone in the tavern main floor room, Falcon started creeping toward the doors that would take him outside and out of Kamek’s line of sight. He could try a full run and be out the door a lot faster but that would make more noise and more easily alert the seeker. This resulted in Cap creeping a little more slowly while also diligently keeping a close eye on the stairway in anticipation of Kamek inevitably coming back down. And unfortunately Cap didn’t quite make it to the door. Instead he had to reorient his veil to disguise him as a table and set of chairs and simply hope the mage didn’t keep count of the tavern tables. He also had to hope he wouldn’t be spotted between the legs of the table and chairs, but hopefully in the room’s lighting maybe he wouldn’t be noticeable at a glance?

It was fortunate indeed that the mage tended to float everywhere on his broom, because the short fellow was at head height with a dining top. As things stood (or rather floated) the mage made a little ”hm?” upon appearing at the top of the stairs, but did not immediately zero in on the new bits of furniture. Instead, he sighed, and approached the barrels behind the bar.

”alright let us get this over with” he sighed before murmuring ”it is a shame I can’t simply blast the things to bits or…” before making an ”oh!”[ and then a laugh of ”oh ho ho ho” and asking himself ”why didn’t I think of it sooner” as he brandished his wand.

”Bip, bap, whoop and zing!
Turn these barrels into an itty bitty thing!”

He chanted, and then with a zap of magic, chain blasted each and every barrel with spells that shrunk them down to the sizes of mugs while the mage crackled manically.

”ahahahahaha ha ha ha ahhhhh that was fun” he concluded as the last barrel was shrunk, before coughing with a touch of embarrassment and hoping no one had actually seen that. Which was just the right or wrong moment to realize that ”Wait a second!” and then pausing to count ”..ng, hm, and eight” which was not the amount there had been in here when he’d gone up stairs.

Of that he was quite sure, so he announced ”Ah ha ha, well then, I know you’re still here, I had a wisp watching the street you know” before making a show of inspecting the room again.

Against all odds however, he seemed to end up concluding that ”Hmm, perhaps I was wrong. My old age must be getting to me” with a dramatic sigh. The mage then moved to head out the building after that, only to suddenly pull the horn out of his pocket and slam it towards the ”terrible place for a table!”

For the time being Cap was still fast enough to dodge roll out the way of the incoming horn stab. Then he made a blistering sprint for the nearby door. He hadn’t initially made it to the door but he made it close enough to successfully burst through them and outside. He’d be out of Kamek’s for probably like a second before the wizard teleported outside however. So Cap made a hail mary attempt to re-hide himself as a water barrel right next to a nearby identical water barrel that sat only a few footsteps away from the tavern’s doors. Had Kamek been paying enough attention outside the building to notice the difference? That was Falcon’s only hope of escape. If he got caught again? Well, at least he gave it his best effort.

”ha ha- huh?” the mage became confused upon recovering from his two second teleportation sickness, having expected to find a fleeing captain, and yet no matter where he looked, be it through his eyes or through his whisps, there was none to be found.

”Hmm” he went, before guessing that the captain ”can’t have gotten faaaar” drawing out the ‘a’ as he did a quick sweep of the nearby objects.

His eyes darted to and fro beneath his spectacles and then he darted forwards, driving the horn forwards like a tiny lance and stabbing it into the water barrel … next to the captain.

Falcon was practically sweating bullets now, especially after such a close call. But he really had no choice but to stay put. Trying to run now would get him tagged. But at the same time, it was almost inevitable that Kamek would eventually poke at his disguise. After all he was spot on in his assessment that the Captain couldn’t have gotten far. So at this point Cap may as well have been living on borrowed time.

”Tch, I could have sworn” the mage said to himself as he glanced at his now far more depleted tagging implement. He started down the barrel, only to suddenly glance off in another direction, towards the library, tilting his head to hear shouting that should have been much too far off for him to hear.

”So many down” he said to himself, before putting a finger to his ear and having a remote conversation with Rika, which further drew out the time during which Kamek loomed over the hidden captain.

Once it came to an end, the mage had another thought and decided ”Well, it seems your numbers have dwindled so why not” before thrusting the shive at the second barrel as well. The barrel, or more specifically the F-Zero pilot it concealed, proceeded to explode into confetti. Now all that was left of Falcon was a spectral ghost version of him. But he didn’t look particularly angry or disappointed. In fact he offered his tagger a congratulatory thumbs up.

”Well played!” The Captain said, unsure if the mage could even hear him when he was in spectator mode like this.

He received a thumbs up in return, the mage seeing the very start of it before the captain faded entirely from view. He held it just a little too long to be cool, before giving a cough, adjusting his hat, and then saying ”Well then, that’s this area clear I think” with a more satisfied nod, before taking off to see if Rika needed a bit of a hand with her final hunts or not.

Hillside Hamlet

“You can add my world to that pile where that happens" Rayne replied regretfully to Maokai’s comment about mortals defiling nature, before clarifying that "There wasn’t any left above ground, and I'd only just stopped what little was left below ground going the same way when I was ripped away from it” which probably didn't help Lewa’s fears about that possibility, before adding “so if I have any say in it, this one won’t be going the way mine did”

That said, there were still a lot of questions about this one, such as why there were even more other-worlders being dropped in here now, and possibly even otherworldly threats? If the blobs were unfamiliar was any suggestion that the latter was happening anyway, and what an unpleasant suggestion it was.

“Are there people able to do what the goddess did, and using it for evil, maybe?” she wondered, but that train of thought got interrupted when the caravan got brought up.

“Oh right! Ok hang on one moment I’ll go fill them in and figure out where we’ll meet back up” she offered, before dashing off to do just that.

The Koopa Troop

and the twilight princess
wordcount: 1,642 +3 (+2 rapport)
Bowser: Level 14 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (223/140) (+1 bonus pending)
Bowser Jr: Level 14 EXP: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (106/140) (+1 bonus pending)
Midna: level 10 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (44/110) (+1 bonus pending)
Location: Carnival town: Ballyhoo’s Big Top

Just a little bit before the end, the koopa king and prince ran out of time, which left them grumbling, and then dismayed at how they’d probably just barely lost a podium position as a result of their early termination. Who was to blame for this was rather obvious. In two ways actually. For them, they were quite sure that had she not attempted/succeeded at sabotage that they would have won (unable to see how their own actions had lead to their downfall). For everyone else, Minda was obvious, in that she stood out, because like Nadia and Juri she arrived back in the waiting room fighting.

As for what she was fighting, well, anyone not distracted by the cat fight would have seen Minda glance around only to lock eyes of a second version of Ganondorf who’d appeared from nowhere, this one armed only with the single distinctive white blade that Toriel had intended to slay him with.

The princess immediately charged the reflection of the king of evil (who simply sauntered towards her in turn) thrusting her treespear forwards in a swift stab. The man casually blocked the blow with the flat of his blade however before lunging past the reach of her long weapon with an elbow barge, knocking her back. He followed it up with a thrust of the white blade which Midna narrowly evaded, earning the king only a scratch for his efforts. Despite the smallness of the wound, the blade of light seared the princess badly, causing her to hiss through her teeth as she stumbled back.

As much as Midna wanted to just shoot her foe to try and gain some space, the princess now had enough understanding of guns to know that it was a bad idea with people behind her foe. So instead she dropped the twin pistols she’d been trying to use, leaving her hands empty as the mirror image dained to charge her now to follow up on his blow. He slammed down with a powerful two handed blow of his blade, which midna caught with the guard on her spear, using a fair amount more effort to do so than the king had done to block her own attack.

Rather than pull back however, the reflection pushed forwards, keeping their blades locked and aiming to simply power through her guard. It was working too, that glowing blade of light getting closer and closer to her forced as he forced the speartip back.

Resisting the urge to grab the spear with all four hands and to simply try and hold, the princess struck back, swinging empty hands at her hated foe, only for an obsidian ax to fade into her grip as she used a crescent moon slash to quickdraw her only other remaining bladed weapon. The reflection of her foe reacted by stepping back such that it was he, this time, who received only a scratch. Or at least he should have. To her confusion the blade seemed to simply slip right through the reflection, meaning it was not set aflame like she had intended.

Not put off by this failure, she followed through with her plan, letting go of the cumbersome fire ax rather than try and arrest its swing. Then she struck forward with her shadow hand, followed by several quick jabs with her spear, only for the king to block them all with more perfect parries, causing her to snarl in frustration.

Rather than continue to throw herself at a wall, she darted left while summoning her flygon from a portal and sending it right. Rather than be surrounded however, the king leapt up and over her, before trying to stab her in the back as she spun to follow him, scoring him another seering cut on the princess due to the spear limiting her turning speed.

Then he was back on the defensive, blocking a beam of purple fire from her flygon. That, at least, was the opening she needed, the princess darting her blade forwards, slipping it past his guard as he tried to move to block both attacks, and delivering a swift stab. This one too, however, failed to count for some reason.

Frustrated beyond end, when the king acted to knock her spear aside, she let him, releasing her grip on the weapon and causing him to overextend due to lack of resistance, before lunging forwards with fingertips wreathed in glowing purple dragon’s claws. He made to grab at her, but the princess opened a portal and promptly blasted the man in the face with a shotgun spray of sand to throw off his vision long enough for her to dig her claws into him in-order to find something that she could hurt.

Or that had been the plan anyway. Instead one of the larger and sharper of the millions of void black sand particles won the luck of the draw to be the first to bypass the reflection’s ethereal nature, and deliver a tiny cut to it, taking its one and only hitpoint in the process. As such, rather than getting to get stuck in with her claws, the princess blinked in surprise as the reflection shattered from that single tiny blow, and she instead went stumbling through the space where it had been.

”huh” she said to herself contemplatively after she’d stabilized herself, before rubbing at her wounds and finding that, at least to her touch, it seemed like the light seared gashes were not actually there, only a pair of razor thin cuts. ”an illusion then” she correctly assessed, only to cringe when a young voice complained that ”That’s how it ends? Lame. I wanted a nice dramatic stabbing or something” and turning to find Jr and Bowser had been snacking while watching her duke it out with the reflection of Ganondorf

Minda opened and closed her mouth a few times, before simply agreeing that ”no you’re right, that wasn’t cathartic at all” and then saying that ”do that again so I can take him down properly this time”

That got a laugh and a kneeslap from Bowser, before he agreed ”yeah, sure, I definitely want to see that backstabbing schmuck get his” only for the other, more important, fight to come to an end and for the regularly scheduled entertainment to get back on track. Still, by the time the fourth game had been explained, and they were all in a spooky town and wearing witch hats, any animosity from the previous game had been swept away by that age old adage: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The trio stuck together as they searched for hiding spots so they could talk and trade stories, and while ‘he shot me in the back while we were trying to take over the world” and “he stabbed me in the front while trying to take over the world” weren't exactly the most compatible tales, shared animosity still did wonders for diplomatic relations between the kingdoms (in exile) of koopas and twilight.

”He has to be lying about not remembering destroying that kingdom, surely?” the princess was saying when they got to the part of Bowser’s relaying of what Ganondorf had been up to where they were talking to Asgor. The king for his part shrugged and was saying that ”might have been a different him” but was prevented from getting to the revelation about respawning by jr piping up that ”Papaaaaaaa, I think we’re running out of time to hide somewhere” the prince having been the only one paying attention to that while the older royals gossiped.

”Oh, right, yeah” Bowser replied, now actually paying attention to where they were and what they were doing. The former was in a library. The latter was finding something, anything, that the king could conceivably disguise as because he really was the limiting factor here with his size.

He ”Uhhhh”ed for a moment, and then turned into a bookshelf, which got him stuck at an angle in between a pair of existing shelves in just the most blatant hiding spot ever.

”Might want to try that somewhere else” Midna suggested, as she hung from the raptors by her shadow hand, and then proceed to turn into a hanging chandelier big enough for someone to stand on (and thus big enough to contain her mass).

”Yeah try against a wall papa!” jr called over. In contrast to his towering papa, jr had both the smallest form while standing, and an even smaller one when curled up in his shell. He did so now atop one of the tables, having slammed the biggest and heaviest grimoire in the library there, and promptly turned into it. Then he used the opening and closing of his cover to flip off that table and to get as far as possible from the base prop he was copying as possible, winding up on another table across the hall.

Once he was there however, there came a crash, as a moving bookcase knocked over another, followed by another crash and another as an entire column of shelves went toppling over domino style. Papers and knick knacks went flying, but when the dust cleared, the first bookshelf was nowhere to be seen.

For about 5 seconds anyway, after which the elevated Midan worked out the koopa king had simply flopped his own on top of the first knocked down shelf to join the mess he’d made. With how much time they’d wasted nattering on, it was probably the best he was going to do, she guessed, as she used her hanging spot to peek out an upper floor window to see if she could spot the seekers (of props) approaching.

The Koopa Troop
and the twilight princess

wordcount: 1,876 (but interspersed so +3 for J B &M, +1 for R & K) (+1 rapport for Kamek and Rika, +1 for Bowser, Midna and Jr)
Bowser: Level 14 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (220/140) (+1 bonus pending)
Bowser Jr: Level 14 EXP: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (103/140) (+1 bonus pending)
Kamek: Level 13 EXP: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (94/130) (+1 bonus pending)
Rika: Level 9 EXP: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(113/90) (+1 bonus pending)
Midna: level 10 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (41/110) (+1 bonus pending)
Location: Carnival town: Ballyhoo’s Big Top

To say the royal koopas were both causing carnage and tearing up the road was something of an understatement. With oodles racing experience, blasting back and forth across town was a breeze, but, of course, between villain and mario kart involving interfering with other racers as a core component, they couldn’t simply be satisfied with just out racing the others. They had to mess with them too.

Which made trying to share a road with even one a nightmare, let alone two, let alone cross the bridge between islands with instant game overs on either side of you. Unfortunately for Midna, that is exactly the position she found herself in, with Bowser in front taking up the whole half of the highway, and jr coming right up behind her as they all approached that most dangerous of crossings.

”move!” honk ”out” honk ”the” honk ”way!” she demanded, having discovered and now making liberal use of the car horn after getting tooted at herself by the none-people-cars.

As for why she wanted to get past, well, a certain prince had gotten clever with his strikers, and recreated an old classic of mario kart which he put an end to Midna’s honking by sending another volley her way: green shells.

”Goddesses you have got to be kidding me” the princess cursed, swerving to the side to avoid the first of the triple burst, only to careen into the central divider as looking where she was and where she was going proved much to difficult. Sparks flew as she scraped her vehicle against it, only for her to pull off just in time to avoid the second shell, and then dodged the third purely because she was swerving wildly to try and avoid the shells that had rebound off of the back of Bowser’s mega vehicle.

She let out a little sigh of relief as she saw the prince had run out of ammo, for now, for now, only to put her eyes back forwards and meet those of Bowser leaning over the back of his vehicle.

”Get lost tailgater!” he demanded, before taking a swipe at her with a titanic claw. She hit the brakes with an ”ach” to avoid this, only for Jr to rear end her, ramming her forwards back into Bowser’s swiping range with a ”yeah, get her papa!”

”You little-” she began to bite bark at him, only for the sound of jet engine flaring to herald her boom as bowser swung his kinetic strike module down, smashed it into the side of her taxi, and sent it, and the princess, careening over the bridge’s barrier and down into the drink.

She surfaced a few moments later, just in time to see father and son duo fist bump rather than keep up their sabotaging ways vs each other. Had she simply been taken down, she might have just stewed in the drink, but she drew the line at nepotism. Ironic for a princess, yes, but technically she had been appointed as her parent’s successor rather than simply inheriting the position.

Either way, she swore then and there she would have her revenge as she slipped into the shadow of the bridge and began to scheme.

Compared to the deliberate carnage her adopted father and new brother were causing, Rika’s was entirely unintentional. Despite Kamek sitting in her lap and giving her pointers, her lack of land legs was biting her in the butt again. She mostly compensated for being a land vessel via using her gauntlets when on foot, but having been made to sail everywhere meant she didn’t actually have the most strength or dexterity in her lower limbs, which made fine motor control of the pedal operated, well, motor, a touch tricky.

Hence why she was up there in the property damage department with Nadia, an unintentional rampage that ended with an ”Easily does it- oh dear” from Kamek before they missed a corner, rammed straight into an exercise ball store, and where bounced right back out. Two more bounces atop the parasol of a food vendor and a shop awning later and they had crashed, upside down in the middle of the street.

With a groan, Rika popped her gauntlets back on, shoved open the door of the car, and then forcibly shoved it back on its wheels, only for it to not start up again.

”What? Why? What’s wrong now!?” the ship girl complained in exasperation, only for Kamek to gently inform her that ”Sadly I think you are out of time young mistress” prompting a deep and frustrated ”Uuurgh” from the ship girl before she complained that ”this has been no fun at all” as she weakly kicked the taxi cab

”Perhaps there is something more amusing to do around the town for those who are out of time? We’re hardly the first and only to run out of time” Kamek suggested, before actually properly taking in the place they had been racing around and noticing the odd thing about it, namely that ”huh, it seems like the whole place is more gym than city? How odd”

”What’s a gym?” Rika inevitably asked, to which the mage replied that ”it’s a palace where people train their bodies to be stronger” before pointing out a few of the things that had given it away ”those would be weights for lifting to build arm muscle, and those treadmills to make you better at running, and, I suppose that” he gestured at a Leg Press Machine that had been placed where a park bench might have been in an actual city, ”would be for lifting weights with your legs to make them stronger I suppose”

”Huh” Rika replied, before saying ”I’m going to try that then” which is how she ended up using the rest of the time they had doing leg exercises.

While she was at that, Bowser and Jr were still trying to win the game, but they were about to receive a thorn in their side as consequence for their actions. As the prince once again came to cross the bridge on a long and daring red passenger request, the shadow of vengeance sprung her trap. With a heave, Midna swung herself up onto the brigade, landing on all sixes and then lashed out with her shadow hand, grabbing the front of his rather diminutive taxi. As the prince yelled at her to let him go, she casually hurled him and his vehicle off of the bridge to cap off one perfectly executed ambush.

She didn’t stop to gloat however. With the lighter target down, now came the daunting task of running the road hogging Bowser off the, well, road.

Finding him was pretty easy, what with the roar of rage that echoed into the sky when he found out about how she’d ended his son’s game. Unfortunately, him finding out about that made things a fair bit trickier for her, as when she roared into view on the back of one of her stolen motorbikes, she was just in time to spot the prince clambering up onto the back of his papa’s cab.

”There she is papa! There’s the meanie who threw me off the bridge” the prince shouted, pointing her out with his paint brush, before calling out that ”show her what a loser she is and win the race, I’ll hold her off!” when his dad made to come after her rather than break away from the race

”Oh I’m the mean one? You two should have thought about the consequences before messing with me!” she called back, before revving her motorcycle and charging right at them.

”Ha! We’ll see about that!” Bowser taunted back, before yelling ”Now get in here!” at the closest available fair, who happened to be red.

That was Midna’s cue, as she brought up her second set of arms, and started to pepper the passenger with shots from her twin commando auto pistols.

”Hey what the heck!” jr shouted in complaint as the passenger too started complaining, (though not nearly as frantically as being shot might suggest) before forming an iron shield and sticking himself, and it, in the way of the shots.

”Na na na na na! Can’t hurt me!” he shouted at her as Bowser hit the gas and roared off towards their destination. Not deterred, Minda kept up after them, forming a shadow hand and slapping it into the side of the koopa-cab, causing it to swerve into oncoming traffic. The royal ride naturally plowed everything aside, but it was all to much for the picky red fare, who bailed on them after the fourth collision.

”Alright, that does it, get off the road!” the koopa king roared, as he powslid the cab around, and then gunned it right at her. Seeming undeterred, she countercharged, only to leap at the last moment before the collision, her bike going down into a portal, and her up onto the hood of the car.

”Huh!?” the king grunted in confusion, only to panic as the princess made a grab for the wheel with her shadow hand and tried to forcibly turn all three of them off of the road and into the sea.

As she did so however, the mirror shield he had left sitting against the side door of the car flashed once, and a man very familiar to them all stepped out of it, brandishing a pure white blade.

The sight of her killer in the form he had worn when he struck the (temporarily) fatal blow made the princess flinch, and then when he came at her with that pure white blade prompted her to leap off of the vehicle entirely. She hit the asphalt, tumbling over and over in a way that would have really hurt if she could have taken damage at all. Fortunately, as it was off, she merely pushed herself up off the ground after reorienting herself, only to find the reflection of Ganondorf coming at her, blade in hand.

With a flash she swung out her sword tipped tree spear to block the opening blow, and then emptied auto pistol rounds into the reflection as their blades clashed again and again, only for nothing to harm the reflection, because, of course, damage was off. It took her adrenaline spiked mind far too long to realize this was why she was making zero progress. To the point that when time ran out she’d still be trading parries blows with the phantom.

”That guy’s her biggest enemy? Thought he was Link’s nemesis” Bowser grunted, unsure if that was useful info or just funny, while Jr noted that ”Did you see her face? She was really spooked by him showing up. Like really spooked” not quite able to interpret the look Midna had had on her face when her death flashed before her eyes, as much because half of it was covered in mask as because of his youth.

”Well it got her off our case, so time to make up for lost time! We can still win this thing!” Bowser declared, even as his timer ticked perilously close to out of time thanks to Midna’s sabotage and the mixed blessing of his mega sized vehicle.

The Koopa Troop

and the twilight princess
wordcount: 1,342 (but interspersed so +1 for all) (+1 rapport for Kamek and Rika)
Bowser: Level 14 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (217/140) (+1 bonus pending)
Bowser Jr: Level 14 EXP: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (100/140) (+1 bonus pending)
Kamek: Level 13 EXP: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (93/130) (+1 bonus pending)
Rika: Level 9 EXP: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(112/90) (+1 bonus pending)
Midna: level 10 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (38/110) (+1 bonus pending)
Location: Carnival town: Ballyhoo’s Big Top

”What? Third! We were robbed!” Jr complained, arms thrown up in outrage before kicking his heel and grumbling ”Stupid stream sniper. Stupid people on the internet who don’t know art when they see it”

Midna, second time third placer, meanwhile was of the opposition that it was a respectable position, and at the very least glad she’d gotten a return on her investment on the silly sound amplifying stick. Shame she didn’t get to keep it, it had been amusing, but she supposed it was as fake as the monsters.

The rest of the troop collectively agreed to keep their non finishing position under wraps, thankful that there apparently wasn’t going to be any kind of joint viewing of the recordings. That would have taken a while anyway, and instead it was right into the next minigame.

Rika was not exactly hopeful this one would be any good either despite its spouted popularity, the totally out of her depth ship girl only kept from going full grump by shoveling confectionery into her mouth in between rounds.

True to her expectations, things did not, it had to be said, start well. Dumped into a taxi cab that was fit for her body, yes, but not to her oversized mechanical hands. Those made trying to open and read the manual rather tricky, and using the key to start the car straight up impossible, forcing her to waste valuable time while she disarmed her right hand so that she could actually use all the machine.

Still, once that was done, she had a fairly easy time turning the ignition and fiddling around with the stick a bit before she slammed the gas pedal to the floor and launched herself into oncoming traffic.

”ohhhh nonononono” she stammered in a panic as hand large and small gripped the wheel, spinning it too and fro to swerve widely around the incoming cars, before veering down a one way road the wrong way. Faced with an oncoming collision with a bus of all things, a panicking Rika let go of the wheel with her gauntlet, reeled it back, and then let it fly.

A moment later she came vaultbreaker blasting out of the other end of the one way street, drifting sideways, bus having been knocked sky high, and skidded to a halt in a conveniently open parking space.

”I, ok, phew. That was actually kinda fun” she said to herself. Unfortunately she now had to get out of the parking space, which saw a far more well versed in this Jr blasting past her frustrated attempts at an improvised 3 point turn.

”Hi sis!” he called out, waving his paintbrush at her as he snuck in and stole the customer she’d been intending to take after unparking, before putting the brush back to the road, calling ”bye sis” and going tire squealing off towards the dropoff point. As he drove, the brush he was tapping to the ground left a gradually building criss-cross of goopy trails across the street, marking where he had been, making a big ol mess of everything, and also presenting a hazard to anyone who was unfortunate enough to cross his path.

Or worse, end up on the same one as him, as Midna found out when finding herself going along the half nelson highway in the same direction as him, and as soon as the slime slicker realized this, he started veering back and forth to paint the road in her way.

”Junior what the heck!” she yelled at him as she tried and failed to avoid his slicking ways. Indeed the attempts to do so making things worse as, as it turns out, turning on a slippery surface is not a good time, causing her to promptly spin out with an a ”ahhhh!”

”You’re just lucky there’s no item boxes, or you’d all be doomed!” the prince called back, and then a moment later he and his dinky little taxi were gone.

”How old even is that child” the princess complained as she, rather than bother with trying to reverse properly, just reached out her shadow hand and shoved herself back from the highway’s central barrier.

She was just about on track to get going again when there came a rumbling and a call of ”Make way for the Koopa King!” giving her just enough time to glance down the road, curse with ”Oh for the goddess’s love” before being rammed out of the way by the titanic taxi that was Bowser’s ride. It had, after all, scaled up to him and boy did that make it big.

Maybe a bit too big, as the king found as he tried to take the tight looping slip-road down off the highway, and promptly started scraping both front and back of his car against its outer edges, and the opposite center against the inner wall. Then he had to duck under the highway, horns and shell spikes grinding against its underside.

”Yeah yeah quit whining we’ll get there when we get there” he growled at his passenger who he then had to try and squeeze up the thin windy roads of trophy heights.

The way he inevitably lost a wheel off the side, and had to get out and haul it back onto the road got an ”oh dear” with a silent ‘not my problem fortunately’ from Kamek as he drove on by. Had this been a few years back, the mage would have been a bit out of his depth as much as some of the others, but as things stood, he’d recently joined in on the royal’s number one form of interkingdom friendly competition, and so actually had some Kart racing under his belt.

As befitting his age, the mage was taking a slower and steadier pace to winning this race, peddle maxing out at about 2/3s to the metal, eyes peeled for other vehicles as he made careful turns and sensible crossings. He was also, unlike the other two Koopas, actually trying to make a mental map of the city rather than just blazing blindly in his destination’s general direction.

This general increase in awareness meant it was hard to miss how Rika was struggling when he happened to end up on the same road as her. Well, to be fair, the way she was reversing across it to turn herself around and try and actually deliver her first customer when many were on their second, third, or more, was rather hard to miss.

”How are you faring, young mistress?” he called over, more to check her mental mood than her, well, point’s scoring position.

”It’s kinda fun when I get going, but stuff keeps hitting me or I hit other stuff and then the fun stops” she replied evenly, even as she slammed the pedal to the metal and rammed into the opposite building rather than manage to turn out into the road again. ”Plus that timer going down and down is really annoying” she complained as she shifted into reverse, clearly feeling the pressure of the time limit.

”I know it being a race means you feel like you need to go as fast as you can, but performing smoothly and safely has its own speed. Doing something right the first time is better than doing it twice fast” The mage lectured as Rika bumped into a van while reversing, prompting her to retort ”But if can’t do it right, then fast is all I have”

”Well then, here, let me see if I can give you a pointer or two so you can” Kamek replied, pulling up beside the frustrated girl, pulling himself out of his car and popping onto her lap

”But what about yours?”

”Don’t worry about that now, I’d rather pass down a skill than just use it for my own benefit” the mage replied, waving her concern off, before saying ”Now then, let’s see if we can give you a driving lesson or two, shall we?”

The ship girl furrowed her brow in thought for a moment, before nodding her head and smiling happily, thinking maybe this game would live up to its supposed popularity after all.
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