Avatar of Dragonfly 9


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@Hyyde322 Accepted! You can put Audrey in the Character tab now! <33
Alright! Just give me a minute...
@Martian @Ordsmed @Angstyrainbow @Daxam

Heyooooooooooo, the OOC is here! You can put all of your CS's into the Character tab now! <33
The Plot:

Five(or more) strange humans(or non humans) travel around America(and maybe other countries, too?) in a beat up pickup truck, helping people because they just want to and so that they have something to do, usually getting into adventures due to their interference.

That's it. That's the plot.


Well, okay, there's more to it than that.

See, in this universe, magic exists, though it's usually used discreetly, and anyone who uses it out in the open is either an outcast, lives far away from general society, or has been kidnapped by/works for the government. Then there's the player characters in this RP, who openly use magic and are hunted by the government for it.

The government hunts individuals like the PCs because of fear and greed more than anything. The people who are in charge of it fear that these magical people will expose its shady practices and maybe even overthrow it, but also see potential in using these people for their own personal gain, and have already kidnapped a whole bunch of magic users and put them to work doing...something. No one outside the government isn't really sure what.

You know Area 66? Yeah, that's where the kidnapped magic users and more probably are.

Oh, and also, technology also exists and is on the same level as it is as real life, with some exceptions being sapient robots and the like. The government mainly interferes with technology as much as they normally do in real life, with the way they handle the exceptions being similar to how they handle magic.

Last thing, I promise: The government usually hides the existence of magic and sapient technology by, ironically enough, using magic to make it seem like people's interactions with it never happened/something more mundane happened instead. One of the magic users who's tasked to do this is a man with the code name Red Herring, who will probably be a NPC in this RP.

Okay, with all that out of the way, let's go onto:

The Notes

  • Since this is kinda a sandbox RP(where you have the freedom to go anywhere and do whatever you want within reason), I'll leave where the PCs should go first up to you guys.
  • This is also a more character based RP, meaning that the RP will focus on mainly the PCs and their backstories(if that's okay with all of you). The government will be mainly in the background and, at the beginning, will only interfere after you guys are done with one location and ready to go to another one, with Red Herring(and maybe other government officials) always being late to the scene. The government could ramp up its efforts over time, but again, this is a RP which focuses on the characters first.
  • If you have any questions, please ask! I'll try to answer as soon as I can.

The Rules:

  • No god modding.
  • No OP or perfect characters.
  • Most of the time, the various NPCs will be controlled by me. You can give me ideas for any NPCs you want to see in this in PMs, though!
  • Please be nice to each other OOC. IC arguments are fine, but if you can solve OOC problems in PMs, then solve it in PMs.
  • Have fun. I dare you. (xD)

The CS:

((I'm leaving this in here just for people who want to join late.))

"Insert quote here"

Gender(or lack thereof):
What Makes You A Misfit?:
Appearance(face claims are allowed, as well as just descriptions):
RP Sample(Optional; helps me to see a glimpse of how your character acts):
Alright! OOC will come soon, then! I'm a bit busy right now, but rest assured, it'll come today!

It's alright! Also, accepted!

So, do you guys want the OOC now, or...
Hello, I'm interested! I'll probably have to read everything first, though.
Great! Thank you!

You're welcome! Also, accepted!
Is there still room for one more? I'd love to be a misfit

I mean, I haven't been counting how many people want to join, so yeah! Welcome aboard!
@Dragonfly 9
Finished my character sheet. Let me know if anything needs changing.

Done! Any feedback is appreciated. ;)

"Don’t. Just don’t…”

Welcome aboard! And yes, both of you are accepted! Now to wait for the others...
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