I was thinking of an Illusionist type who has to use her illusions all the time because of how body enhancing magic altered her appearence
@Dragonfly 9
Alright I'll start working on a character sheet. Probably going to crack open some of my D&D books for inspiration on what species to play as.
How many types of magic can we have, can we delve into other types, or is it just one type
I say now, but part of my reason is that I'd like to see some other people's characters first, lol.
🤘 sounds rad
Edit: I think an elderly lycan would be neatO. Perhaps the transformations dull out with age.
Throwing my hat into this and, as it so happens, I've already got a character I feel would be perfect for this
Posting my interest. You mentioned a crew of non humans possibly being the players, so does that mean that there are other playable species than just humans? Like do we have Dwarves and Elves, Angels and Demons, or something completely original. As for a character I'm thinking of a traveling healer, utilizing both his healing magic and a medical robot companion to help out with the sick and injured, especially when it's magic related.