I'm cool with Discord! :D
@Crimson Flame@Dragonfly 9 Are you still in or not anymore? No judgement, just asking :)
@Dragonfly 9
<Snipped quote by mattmanganon>
<Snipped quote by Crimson Flame>
You could look at Superpower Wiki since it has a massive list of powers. And you have time, granted I am almost done with the OOC, and it will probably be up either tomorrow or Thursday.
@Dragonfly 9 Probably whoever they find first.
The idea that i'm currently thinking of is, instead of them being "Knights of King Mickey" I was wondering if i could reimagine them Space Rangers from Buzz Lightyear. With Commander Nebula sending them to assist our intrepid adventurers.
As for the characters, i'm currently thinking of Launchpad McQuack teaming with someone from Crystal Chronicles, seeing how that's the most cartoonish of the Final Fantasy series'. Launchpad would be built with the Templar or Gladiator style job, whereas the other character would be a Black Mage or maybe Gunner.
@Dragonfly 9 Would it be possible to play a pair of Disney canon characters reimagined as someone's Sidekicks? Essentially play the Donald & Goofy of this game. Although i was thinking a different pair. Potentially pairing a FF Character with a Disney character. Still thinking it out, but was wondering if that works in principal?
<Snipped quote by Dragonfly 9>
Can he be gay too so Lucian can find the love he’s been dreaming of?
This is a random thought, but would visiting Winnie the Pooh be something that could happen in the RP? I had a funny image of Taivas enjoying hanging out with Winnie and the crew.
<Snipped quote by Dragonfly 9>
A rabbit girl might honestly bring an interesting mix to the journey. Alias might be turning into Hajime Nagumo from Arifureta which is funny because I almost gave him a Nobody with similar hair.
As for my Wonderland plans I was gonna have Alias follow the movie with Alice leading to them being captured and put on trial. Alias asks to be able to go investigate but since she doesn't trust him the Queen sends your OC with him? Gets back to trial and saves Alice only for her to be lost again. (Enters Alias's Heart) He believes she's been taken by the darkness so if your character is still there and not kidnapped as well she joins him, Max, and Daisy? They leave right before the others show up in Wonderland.