It was a bright sunny day, and still, Alexandra was stuck inside, reading a book with the heating on. Heat was a necessity for her, so she always made sure to keep her room heated up, lowering it slightly only during the night. She had just finished reading the third of the nine books that she had gotten for today and was now checking if all the information was in place. She had an holographic display of a search engine right in front of her and her fingers moved in the holographic keyboard as she typed the tittles of the books she had read so far. "The Serpent on the Crown", a mystery book about Archaeology, "Tesla: The Lost Inventions", a book about the great inventor Nikolai Tesla, and "Fifty shades of Grey" A more... personal choice. This last one had given her a slight blush.
After checking out that all the information was there, which made her blush even more after checking the third book, she decided it was time for her normal routine of getting used to her new human shoes and, more importantly, her human legs. She still didn't had it quite figured out. Every now and then, her legs would just stop responding, or do the exact opposite of what her brain told them to, and she would have to change back to her snake body. She still didn't knew what the cause was, but she felt as if it was only a matter of getting used to them. After activating her necklace, which gave her a pair of human legs and transformed the snakes on her head in to normal strands of hair, she put on her human clothes and walked outside her apartment.
She reached the entrance door with no problem and realized that there were three persons outside, two of them yokais that she had seen before, but before she could greet them, she tripped on herself and fell on the floor. She managed to break the fall using her arms, but her most prized possession, her glasses, fell from her face. She immediately closed her eyes and faced the floor, moving her hands from side to side in a desperate attempt to find her glasses. She couldn't find him, so she took a quick peek at the floor in hopes of being able to see them. It was no use. Everything was so blurred out that all she could see was shades of grey from the path, and about fifteen of them. Knowing that the others would still be around the entrance, she called out to them.
"Excuse me" she said. "Could you help me find my glasses?" Still she refused to look at them, not because she wanted to be rude, but because she didn't want them to be petrified. Besides, she was outside and there were eyes and ears all around.