Avatar of Dragonydas


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Current Game Designer no longer in training (long overdue update)
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9 yrs ago
Game Designer in Training


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ViridianHue said
By the way, if the slots are filled, would some of you mind changing your roles? Right now, there are more descendants than bodyguards... If more bodyguard CSes come in, I'll increase the slots, and you wouldn't have to worry.

Well, I kinda made my character as one that needs to be protected so... I'm not sure if Alexandra can be a bodyguard.
Caroline didn't even made an effort to get to know any of her team members. She was slightly surprised about learning that the cartoon kid was on her team. Hopefully he would bring a bit of humor to the team. Caroline sure as well wouldn't do that. She was extremely skeptical about trusting others around her, so she intentionally distanced herself from the rest. She was not even on the mood to explore the house that had become her base of operations. Just going to her room would be the best way to avoid meeting others.

Following Sam's instructions, she walked towards her dormitory. She got there just in time to see the cartoon kid walk inside his own room. She took a look above the doors and noticed that it had the names of each member of team 2 above them, but was happy to find out that her door had only her super hero name above it. She approached the fingertip scanner and placed one of her fingers above it. She saw the red light run her fingertip and then the computer spoke. "Caroline Flint" And she looked around to check if anyone had heard her name. "Superhero name Black Puppet, please establish a valid password.". Caroline thought a bit about this. She didn't want anyone inside her room that she hadn't invited on her own, so she used the craziest thing that came to her mind and that she knew she could remember. "Papapipapapapapapuppet" She made sure to repeat to herself the password just to make sure she could remember it while the door opened to gave her access to her room.

She entered, closed the door, removed the mask and then took a look around. It was a modest room, but it was one that she would have to enjoy for the next months perhaps even years. She sat on the bed and placed her mask next to it. The mask was more than a symbol. She wanted to keep her real identity in secret till she trusted everyone in that house, and that, would take a while. She laid down on her bed and closed her eyes. Tomorrow would be the start of this little experiment. All she hoped was that she would work during the night. Daylight and black puppet never matched she thought.
I'm a little tired, so my post may not be the best. Still, I felt like I needed to post something today, so there it is.
One week prior:

Caroline finally managed to convince those left on the circus to seek help from the city itself in regards to the disappearing of many of the artists and the rogue circus. They had all decided to contact the Mayor and ask what he could do. No one had many hopes in finding their friends or family again, but it was definitely worth a shot. Caroline was among a small group that traveled to the Mayor's office after creating an appointment with him. It was a bit strange how that appointment was scheduled. Caroline and many others had tried many times before to schedule one, but it seemed as if the Mayor was always busy. It was the Mayor himself that called back and scheduled it. Everyone thought it was strange that the Mayor himself would call a small circus that had been close to going down in business ever since the disappearance of their best artists, but the appointment had been scheduled, and today was the day.

Caroline, her mother and three more artists were received with open arms by the mayor and brought to the office. Her mother was the one that explained the entire situation, and the mayor listened to it very carefully, For some reason though, he was mostly looking at Caroline instead of the one explaining things to him, and that made Caroline slightly uncomfortable. After a few seconds of thinking, the mayor gave his answer.

"Well, he does look like an old fox." He said while looking straight at Caroline. She didn't knew if he thought that she was supposed to say something, so she kept looking straight back at him. After another pause, the mayor continued. "I do know that circus people are good at pulling some strings..." Another pause, and Caroline started thinking about what all these pauses meant. They didn't seem normal in the conversation that they were having, especially since he was staring straight at her. "Their skills are to turn others in to their puppets" And finally Caroline got it, and that made her flinch. He knew her secret. The mayor knew that she was Black Puppet, but more importantly, he knew about the darkest of her abilities. The mayor, seeing a response on Caroline, explained that he would see what he could do and that he already had some ideas about how to proceed, and after accompanying them outside of his office, he just walked back. Caroline though, couldn't stop thinking about the mayor and how he knew her secret. It was when everyone was already outside on the road, that Caroline decided that she had to know more.

"Mom" She said to her mother. "I think I left my wallet on the mayor's office. Go ahead, I'll catch up with you later."

"Are you sure you don't want us to wait here?" Her mother asked.

"I'm sure. The circus needs you there as fast as you can. It's show day, remember?" After a quick nod from her mother, Caroline walked back inside and went straight for the Mayor's office. Strangely, there was no one on the way there. No guards, no secretaries, no politicians... No one. It was like she thought. The Mayor did want her to come back. She arrived at the office only to find the Mayor waiting just outside the door. He allowed her to go inside and then closed the door with the key and the blinds on the windows.

"Welcome back miss Flint; or should I call you Black Puppet?"

The mayor asked, before sitting on his chair and inviting Caroline to do the same. Caroline though, didn't felt like sitting. She stood right in the middle of the office, starting at this man. It was obvious he wanted something from her. "How?" Was the only thing she asked, and the Mayor quickly gave his answer to that question, even if somewhat vague.

"I have my ways. I assume you're wondering why you're here now, right? It's simple. I have a proposition for you. I want you to join a team of super-heroes that I am creating."

This answer took Caroline by surprise. A team of heroes? Had he really made his research in to her? Black puppet was a solo player, only wanting to get revenge on the rogue circus that had made her father and many other disappear. She forced a sarcastic smile and answered the Mayor with a simple question.

"And if I don't?"

It was clear that the man had an advantage on her. He knew her identity, and could possibly compromise her own safety and that of her family. The mayor's surprise tough, was different from what she expected.

"You can be sure that your identity is secured. I will not reveal who you really are to the media. If you agreed to this though, I will make sure that your circus and your people will have nothing to worry about. Your circus will have enough audience to go by. Also, think about the possibilities. With a team of super-heroes, you're more likely to be able to take down that rogue circus and possibly rescue the other artists."

Caroline thought hard about what he was offering. She had already thought about having someone with her to destroy the circus. Someone like her, but the very thought of having someone around her that she had to trust was way out of her head. She knew how to trick people, so she knew that she herself, could be tricked. Even now, she was not sure if she could trust the Mayor and his promises, but this time, she decided to take her chance. If he didn't followed through, all she had to do was quit with the whole team thing, possibly even, stage an accident where the mayor would be the primary actor. Caroline agreed to the terms with a simple nod, and the mayor only escorted her out. He said nothing else, and Caroline did the same.

Caroline couldn't believe it. The mayor had followed with his promises and kept the circus with enough audience to get by. Now, it was time for her to do the exact same thing. She had received word that she was to show up at some sort of manor and was even provided with directions as to how got there. It wasn't far from her usual hunting grounds, so she had no problem reaching the manor. She just decided to show up late.

Caroline walked straight through the main doors while wearing her fox mask and her black kimono adorned with red flowers. She looked at no one in particular, but she did take a mental note of how they looked like and what they could do. The cartoon guy was especially interesting. Still, she decided not to give anyone any kind of word and just kept moving on to the living room. After entering, she immediately took a step to the left and pressed her back against the wall right next to the door. She said nothing else and just listened carefully.
I'll post once I get home.
Double posted due to error on my browser <.<
Since this is still open

Name: Caroline Flint
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Appearance: The mask is for her alias.

Personality: To most people, Caroline is an extremely cheerful person that enjoys making everyone around her laugh, but that is only a shell that she shows to the outside world. In truth, most of the times, Caroline is just plain bored and suspicious of everything around her. She hates being around other people, but it's a necessity in her line of work, so she entertains herself by tricking them. This can also give her some extra currency if she so desires, but she hardly ever uses her skills to steal from people. Still, besides all this, she fights for justice, because she knows that if she doesn't, the world of lies that she lives in will become even worse.

Skills: Puppeteering, faking emotions, voice mimicking, acrobatics (Trapeze), and the most important, the skill to know what most people want to hear.

Weaknesses: Due to the skills she acquired, she also grew suspicious of everyone. She has an hard time trusting anyone because she knows how to trick other people using just words. She is also overly protective of her collection of hand-made puppets that she used to use on her childhood. If someone were to take that, they could have complete control over her.

Bio: Caroline was actually born in Millennia City, more exactly, on a circus. While her father was a magician, skilled in the art of illusion and slight of hand, her mother was a trapeze artist by day and a fortune teller by night. All the skills that that they had gotten, came from their parents, and it was also the same for Caroline. When you grow on a traveling circus, you have to grow fast. You need to learn the best skill to get money that you can. On Caroline's case, the first was puppeteering, Her parents were always out, working, and there weren't many children of her age on the circus. That's why she decided to create her own. Hand-made puppets. They were made with old pillows, sticks and string. They weren't really well made, but it was with them that Caroline learned, on her own, the wonders of puppeteering.

Even if she did great shows though, puppeteering wasn't bringing enough money to the tent, so she joined her mother to learn trapeze and how to trick people with fortune telling. Truth be told, Caroline was a bit sad when she realized that there was no such thing as fortune telling and that it was just a scheme based on the ability to read people and know what they want to hear. It was also with her mother that Caroline learned how to fake emotions, and with her father, who had also done some work as a comedian, she learned how to mimic voices.

One day, after a normal day of work, various agents from various institutions showed up and arrested everyone that worked in the circus, except her and her mother that managed to stay hidden on a secret compartment below her tent. It was normally used to hide the various items that her father managed to steal from the crowd, but it was just big enough to hide them both. The police never found them or even knew of their existence. No one on the circus told the police of their existence. After two days though, everything went back to normal. The police had nothing against the group and acted only due to an anonymous tip, made only to scare the circus away. The tip's function did work however, for the owner decided that it was time to leave Millennia City. She was 14 years old.

For 10 years, she traveled with the circus from place to place, finding strange new towns, people, and even a strange power inside her. While she was traveling, the circus stopped near some old ruins to spend the night and Caroline decided to explore them alone. While she was exploring, the ground collapsed below her and revealed a secret passage to a chest. Curious as she was at that time, she decided to take a look at what was inside. She discovered a strange black puppeteer puppet. When she touched if however, the puppet started to glow red and flew straight in to her chest, disappearing inside it as if by magic. As soon as that happened, multiple strings of various colors, mostly black, appeared from her fingers and enveloped her, forming a flower decorated black kimono. Before returning on her tent though, she looked once again in to the chest and found a strange fox mask and a note with a strange language that she had never seen before, but that for some reason, she could read. On the note were the following words. "My time is gone. It is your turn now to save the world." On the note were also a couple of instructions on how to control her powers, and Caroline spent the whole night learning how to do it. Every night after that, she practiced her skills, but never did she use them to help someone.

It was only after returning to Millennia City, 10 years after first leaving, that they discovered the meaning of the tip that first made them go away. A rival circus wanted their spot, and after Caroline's circus had abandoned it, they didn't even flinch at taking the chance. Her father, the owner of her circus and some other male artists decided to go ask for explanations as to why the rival circus had done such a thing, but they never came back from that trip. This was when Caroline decided to use her powers to find out what really happened to her father, but first she needed help. After a few arrests of her own, she started to create a name for herself. Using the same mask and dress made of string that she found herself wearing when she found the doll, she became Black Puppet, and now, she was looking for a team.

Relationship: Single
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Alias: Black Puppet

Origin of Powers: Magical Doll that she found on some ruins. More on this is on the bio.
Description of Powers: Caroline's powers are to create strings of the color she wishes from her fingers and attach them to buildings or people (will be explained further in). These strings are more durable than normal strings and are able to support the weight of two people and she normally uses them in order to swing from side to side, or to create an horizontal string that she can stand on and appear to be floating on mid hair. She can also combine the strings to make more durable strings, but this also makes them more visible. Once a string is attached, she is able to retract them in to herself. What happens after is determined on the weight of what the string is attached to. If the object/person she is attached to weights more than her, then she is propelled towards the object. If however, the reverse is true, then the object/person attached is flown towards her. One way to trick this however.

A slightly more darker use of her power is when she attaches the strings to people. When she does this, she is able to take control of that person as if she was a puppeteer, ordering her puppet to do whatever she wanted to. She needs five strings on five different places of the body to be able to do this. (Head, arms and legs)

Weaknesses of Powers: Caroline is only able to use up to ten strings at the same time, five from each hand, and even though the strings are more durable, they can definitely be cut by a sharp enough object, or even burned with fire. Another weakness is that when she is controlling someone, she has to stay focused on that person, or takes the risk of that person being able to take control over their body again.

Role in the Media and Public Eye: Caroline tends to stay away from cameras or reporters, but she is definitely known as an hero. She enjoys her privacy and it's the reason why she wears her mask. The one thing she hides the most from people though, is the ability to control people.

Other: I Will Rise. Also, I would like to add that I will not use the puppet ability on PC characters unless agreeable by both parts.
I'm still in 0.0

Another night, the same dream. The same landscape of golden grass extended to the horizon and the same hundreds of thousands of balls of light hovered above the grass. It was always the same place. What changed was always what Risa did with those balls of light. Today, she was feeling playful, and she wanted again to play baseball with her parents. She began by creating her parents out of the balls of light, by fusing them and deforming them. When the figures were done, she added her parents face to them and then began by creating other figures that would serve as the other players. Only two others had faces, and they were of her mother's parents, the ones that always took care of her. It was with her grandfather that she learned about baseball, and it was actually a sport that she loved. There was no need to talk or hear. Only focus on the ball and hit it with a bat.

All the figures were in place and the stadium was created. It was time for the game and the first ball was thrown. Risa quickly struck it with her bat made of light but no sound occurred from the action. It was a home-run, and the crowd cheered on, but again, no sound could be heard. This was a silent world. Since Risa had never heard any kind of sound in her life, her brain could no understand how to use sound, even in a dream where she had complete control. The silent game continued for about 2 hours before Risa decided it was time for a change of scenery.

This time, she was with her parents on a fair. She had never been to one but her imagination created it from what she saw on commercials, posters or cartoons. It had a Ferris wheel, a roller-coaster and many other rides that Risa and the two figures with her rode on. They also tried various kinds of food. Cotton candy, Candy apple and many others. All of them, surprisingly, tasted like chocolate, her favorite type of candy. She spent the rest of the night in this fair. It was only when a small ball of light gently touched her arm that she knew it was time to wake up.
Back in the real world, her grandmother was sitting on her bed, gently touching her arm to wake her up. When Risa was awake, she noticed that her grandmother had once again brought her breakfast to bed. Cereals. It was always the same, but Risa didn't mind. She was used to it. She ate her breakfast and then proceeded to go brush her teeth. Her grandmother had taught her how to do it just by showing how to, and Risa quickly picked it up. It was this way that Risa had learned everything she did. Just by watching her grandparents, she had learned how to do very basic sign language and how to write all the letters, but she was still far from learning how to read or write.

Her schedule was always the same. After waking up at nine in the morning and getting ready, she would sit on a desk on the library with her grandmother and learn how to write and use sign language. She always had a small break in the middle to drink juice and even have a cookie if her grandmother thought she was making progress. After the break, it was time to go back to studying. The morning period of studying ended at eleven because it was time for her grandmother to prepare lunch. Her grandfather was always out though, taking care of the bakery that they owned, right beneath their apartment. Her grandmother would usually eat in an hurry to go replace her husband on the bakery, but after he ate, her grandmother would come back for the rest of the lessons. Today was no different, so she quickly dressed and went to the library to begin a new day of learning.
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