Avatar of Dragonydas


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Please forgive the pathetically short post! Been a busy week for me and sounds like we'll time skip soon? Didn't want to risk holding anything else up!

@dragonydas Would you mind posting the condo floor plan on the first page of the OOC or IC? I cannah find et!

Just did. OOC first page. Also took a moment to update the room list
Even if I start a timeskip, you can still finish events that are happening pre-timeskip. no worries. I'm holding it for a little bit longer.
<Snipped quote by Red Wizard>
Some characters are harder to find theme songs for than others. Theria, for example, is INCREDIBLY difficult to find something fitting (and fun) for.

It's indeed quiet hard... I've been looking for one as well.
That being said... I did find this one...


I don't know how you all feel about AI generated songs... but I tried one...


Location: Building 1: Ground floor, Reception
Interactions: @Lugubrious, @Massasauga, @LupusIntus

It seemed as if Rebecca’s attention was more turned towards the form and the pet snake than towards Theria herself. She had extended her hand to Rebecca in greeting but Rebecca didn’t take it, so she withdrew her hand smoothly, her smile unwavering.

As Rebecca finished the form, Theria looked at the card that Rebecca slid towards her along with the filled papers and her breath hitched slightly as she read if. It identified Rebecca as military and directly under the President’s command. A wave of unease rippled through her. The existence of the complex, along with its residents, relied on secrecy, and having someone connected to the government, especially at such a high level, was far from ideal. Even if the person with the card was a monster just like herself.

“Oh, well, thank you for… letting us know…” she said, keeping her voice calm as she slid the card back, attempting to mask her discomfort with a polite smile.

Just then, Theria felt a small nudge on her shoulder as two of her snakes, Isela and Pippin, started focusing intently on Rebecca’s shoulder. Suddenly, Theria’s worries turned into excitement, as the feelings of two of her snakes overwhelmed her worries. Theria chuckled softly, reaching up to calm her two snakes, who were practically pulling her towards Rebecca.

“Yes, yes, I know…” she murmured to them. “There's a potential new friend.” She smiled at Rebecca. “It seems that Isela and Pippin here are quite interested in meeting your companion.”

Just then, Khalid approached and placed two of his business cards atop the counter. The ones that she had started the printing process on. She hadn’t even checked what it was that she was printing. With the worries of the incident in the morning and the unknown person at the entrance. Theria merely opened the document and printed it. “Shoggoth Therapy huh?” she whispered to herself before turning to Khalid. “Thank you Mister Alhazred. I’ll be sure to send people your way.”

Theria took a deep breath, feeling slightly steadier with both the interruption from her snakes and Khalid’s surprisingly calming aura. She quickly inspected the forms, not noticing nothing out of the ordinary. Of course, age was something that almost no monster filled in, so she was not surprised, nor was it required to be filled in. She turned back to Rebecca, her tone warm and professional. “Well, Miss Holloway, This all seems to be in order. Let me then welcome you to the Umbra Rose Condos.”

She smiled and picked up one of the keys from the key rack on the wall behind her before extending it to Rebecca. “Apartment three on the third floor. Just go through these doors and you have both stairs and an elevator should you wish to use it.” She said, gesturing to a double door on the side of the reception area. “There’s a small flier inside your apartment explaining our buildings and where our amenities are located. And as for the restaurant…” She signaled to the right. “It’s right by those doors. And should you need something, just come speak with either me or Max. We’ll do the best we can to help.”

Hah, there's even a Miyuki in Yumeiko's theme video. xD

I disagree... Here's Yumeiko's theme video

Here's a legit question for all, well most.

How tall is your character?
I've got the heights of a few people from their CS but there are others who didn't mention it and I'd like to know if Iris is going to be looking straight on, down, or up at your character lol

Well... that depends... Normaly, Theria is 5'4". However, if she stands on her tail as if a normal person would stand on her tippy toes, she gains about a foot... And also, if her snakes would also extend all the way up... that's about another foot... So tecnhically, Theria can appear to be about 7'4"...

I'll be posting later today. Also, planning a time skip in to afternoon/night soon. I think we need our Vampire back...

Location: Building 1: 205 -> Ground floor, Reception
Interactions: @Lugubrious, @Massasauga, @LupusIntus

Theria blinked, looking down at the card that Rebecca slid across the desk, then back up at her, a hint of confusion crossing her face. Isela, the curious one, followed the card as Theria grabbed it and inspected it. She knew that some monsters lived outside of the complex and would often direct other monsters to Umbra Rose, but Theria didn’t know many yet, and this one in particular, she did not recognize. Maybe an acquaintance of Arborox?

"Oh… right, uh, off the grid and covert…" she said, glancing between the card and Rebecca with a polite but slightly lost expression. "We definitely have some quieter units available like corner apartments and such… Good for, um… privacy?" She offered a hopeful smile. "But I’m not sure if we have any that are specifically off the grid… I mean, the whole apartment complex is off the grid, but our apartments themselves are pretty standard when it comes to that…"

Her gaze flickered to the snake peeking out from Rebecca’s jacket, and Theria smiled nervously. Pippin also appeared to have noticed the snake and was now trying to pull itself towards it before Theria gently grabbed Pippin and gave her a little scratch under the chin, trying to calm down the very affectionate snake.

"Well, I’ll still be happy to help however I can! We still have some units available," she added quickly. "And for, um, eating, there's a restaurant in every single building. Just need to go over the entrance process first."

She turned around to grab the form for a new resident while Max walked in, giving her an apologetic smile. She just nodded. She knew that the whole incident during the morning had probably messed up his delivery schedule.

As Max picked up the files that had just been printed and handed them to Khalid, Theria extended the form to Rebecca as well as a pen.. “If you would be so kind as to fill in this form… It’s pretty standard. Just your name, age, species and any room requirements that we may be able to provide.”

She turned to Max as he glanced at her and asked if Rebecca was a new resident. “Indeed. Miss… “ She looked towards Rebecca, a gentle redness forming on her cheeks. “Oh, I’m terribly sorry. I forgot to introduce myself.” Theria extended her hand to greet Rebecca, Xena, the protector snake, playing close attention to the new resident. “My name is Elephtheria Lasthena. Do call me Theria. I’m the assistant manager here. May I have your name?”
Oh, also, just a suggestion:

Maybe the floor plan for the condos should be listed in the first post of the OOC, together with the room/occupants' list?

And speaking of the rooms/ouccants' list, perhps you could remove the names of the characters who're no longer active in the RP?

... Wut.
What am I looking at here...

I'll probably do that during the weekend. My weeks have been crazy.

Sorry to interupt the current talks, but I actually had a question about a part of the RP itself.

The bracelets that the condos offer to more "Monstrous" monsters, so they can appear as humans for 4 hours... How... How exactly do they work?

Like, do they ACTUALLY alter someone's physical form, so say, Alphonse would magically have two of his arms removed and his eyes altered to those of a human?

Or does it just cause "camoflauge", like putting on a costume or mask? It makes you "looK" like a human, but someone like Horse-chan would still need to be careful so people don't walk into or bump against her horse-butt when she's walking around?

It's the same principle as the barrier surrounding the condos. You look human, but you're still you.
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