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Danny didn't have as much time to contemplate his new discovery as he had hoped. One of the green humanoids, presumably a Goblin, was collecting crystals and decided to attack him. The Wisp's first thought was to run after all he had no idea if he could win and he had no intention to die again so soon. Still without the crystals he would have no known way of restoring his magic and he didn't doubt that was a guaranteed death sentence.

As the stick flew towards him again Danny planned to stop it using his telekinetic skill, but due to either it's speed or weight failed and got hit.

Your MP is low.
WARNING! You are low on HP!

He quickly touched one of the mana crystals to top his mp off and wondered what to about the stick. He didn't get long to think before the weapon came flying at him once more and he quickly used his only attack. The magic blast was strong enough to stop the piece of wood and cause it to fall. He realized this was his best chance to go on the offensive and that wasting time to grab a crystal would allow his opponent to re-arm themselves, but there was also the fact that his attack wasn't even strong enough to break a stick.

Suddenly he got a potentially stupid idea, but deciding to fight despite his low health was already idiotic anyway. He stopped levitating hoping the momentum from falling would increase the speed and damage from his last remaining mana orb and scare the Goblin off.

Most of the first week of Danny's second life was spent in autopilot and thanks to the Wisp's instincts that meant hanging out near the mana crystals. During the moments he was able to concentrate he wondered how the nearby plants got enough sun to grow, but his curiosity never got strong enough to actually investigate.

Eventually though thanks to his brain fully developing and the obvious fact that that the number of crystals was rapidly decreasing he realized he needed to learn more about his new surroundings and abilities. He made a mental list of what he wanted to know, based on what he felt necessary and what was just curiosity. Did his new body have predators or natural enemies? From what he could tell it seemed unlikely, though both variations of humanoids he had seen were also using the crystals for something. Speaking of which what was so important about the glowing stones anyway? The other Wisps and the tiny winged humanoids seemed to drain something out of them, but it never happened when he touched one.

Despite his lack of fantasy knowledge his best guess was that somehow the crystals restored some kind of energy, and if true that would answer his question about the plants. Deciding to try it out he tired himself out by rising high as he could and then touching a crystal.

I moved him to the charactertab

Name: Danny


Gender: Male

Species: Wisp > Immature Poltergeist


Goals: Danny has only two goals and one of them is more secondary. He wants to live a long life and if possible somehow get a body that is immune to all diseases and poisons.

Past Life:Despite being better suited to become a Goblin this former handyman/gardener choose to become a Wisp. His reasoning while flawed and mostly subconscious was simple. As a being of energy his new "body" was unlikely to be ravaged by the disease that claimed his life once already.

As a human Danny's life was mostly average, he wasn't a great student or super popular but he did okay at school and had a few friends. Still not coming from a rich family he dropped out after college and looked for a job.

A couple of years later a routine check-up revealed he had lymphoma though the doctors were confident that they found it in time. At first it seemed they were right and that he had made a full recovery, but during a post treatment check up it turned out the cancer spread to his brain and most likely fatal. Mot wanting to go through chemo again, and even with little hope of survival, he choose to simply kill himself.

Well it took me 5 hours but I have read every post in the rp so far, both in and out of character.
@Zeroth Anything I should change before being accepted?
By sheer coincidence I finished reading the mange version of That Time I Reincarnated as a Slime and startred the mange of I'm a Spider, So What today. Also the death is based on something I went through, though nothing as dark as what I used here, and in either September or October this year I will be cancerfree for 5 years

@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Goblin Zats

It seemed Zats'plan was as unnecessary as his lowkey worries about Gina, as he noticed she effortlessly defeated the first skeleton. Just as he got a bit a more confidence that the Goblins would win without any casualties one of the skeletons started pushing the door open. Knowing that it would be bad if too many of the undead entered at once, especially since the group as a whole wasn't experienced in fighting together he rushed forward. For the moment he didn't know or care if his centurion partner followed.

when he got to the door he pressed the Everoak Shield against and started pushing with all his might, confident in the shield's weight and ability to protect him, if only for a few seconds, if worst came to worst. "Anyone trying to keep the door closed, try and hide behind my shield as much as you can!"
@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Goblin Zats

When Zats noticed Gina's shield get damaged he had to hold back his desire to just jump in and help, trusting one of the others to step in if needed. Instead he decided to try and use the skeleton already inside as one more barrier for the others. Hoping his new partner would figure out what he was up to and that his shield wouldn't get in the way of anyone he pushed forward and tried to push the skeleton backwards. With any luck the opening the single undead had created in the door wasn't much bigger than itself. Unfortunately the shield made it difficult to see what he was doing, meaning someone had to warn him if it seemed more would get in or if he pushed the skeleton back so far that the ones outside could attack any Goblins.
Could be interesting
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