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@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Goblin Zats

While Zats wasn't sure who the new Goblin using the Everoak Shield as a spear rest was, he had a good idea of why he did it. He tried deciding on whether he should look for a spot where his new partner and he could the use Centurian position or if he should stay close to Gina in case she needed help.

Eventually he decided that the nigh she spent out on her own proved she could handle herself and if she did need help there were plenty of others around. He did feel a bit bad that he couldn't play hero and save her to be honest and hoped she wouldn't blame him for it like she did for him not following her. "Let's see if we can find a good spot to use this technique."

If you need ideas these might help
@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13
Goblin Zats

Zats wasn't as confident about his memorization of all the escape routes as he'd liked, but he spotted movements across the graveyard and thus headed straight to the church to grab his shield. On the way there he could hear Gina pray and and knew where he would once he had it. He had no intention of abandoning Arch but he also knew who he would help if he had to choose.

As soon as he had the Everoak Shield he rushed to where he heard Gina's voice come from earlier, unaware that others had joined her. "Get ready, they seem to be awake!" He shouted as hard as he could hoping that Arch would hear him as well and that the skeletons couldn't.

@Weird Tales Yeah it did
@Weird Tales Well you can use Luffy, Reed Richards and Plastic man for inspiration if necessary

You're not gonna believe it but at one point I was considering a quirk that partly resembles the one you're talking about. Basically superbreath due to oversized lungs and an unnaturally flexible rib cage.

Could be interesting
@Jangel13 Thanks for letting us know! Hope you get better sooner rather than later.

@Jangel13 oh no dude! Get well soon!

Yeah, what they said.
Goblin Zats

After they had each shown of their skills and went their own for some final preparations Zats noticed that Gina went to pray to the Eternal Mother. Part of him wanted to join her, though only to be close to her. He quickly decided that doing something like would be hypocritical and insulting to Shirila, though he was grateful for the boons she had bestowed upon the three Goblins. So he silently decided that if they made it through the night he would thank her.

For now he decided to follow his own suggestion from the planning stage and headed outside to check out any possible escape routes and memorize the shortest path to them from every possible location in the graveyard.

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