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Longest running Rp I've been in
@Jangel13 No problem I will change it, but I thought that like with the skills the Goblins instinctively knew about their new form.

And changed it, I hope it works now otherwise I'll edit it tomorrow morning (for me)
Asking a Goddess for relationship advice, I doubt many people can claim they did that
@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Goblin Zats

When he went to sleep last night Zats was planning to wake up early and ask Gina's Goddess about something. His plan was slightly derailed when he noticed the new forms everyone had gotten. Of course he knew it was due to the evolution into Hobgoblins, but actually seeing it was another story. Everyone of course had gotten bigger but there were a lot differences, more then they were simply Goblins. Not wanting to waste too much time he didn't extensively study everyone, but he definitely checked both himself and Gina out.

One of the first things he noticed about himself was just how much bigger and more muscular he had become, something he certainly couldn't complain about. In no small part because it seemed he could finally use the Everoak Shield properly, though his plans to study his prey unnoticed went out the window. All things considered he liked his new look except for the fact he would practically have to be in the front lines when fighting now.

Then there was the second person he wanted to check out and honestly he couldn't complain about Gina's new look at all. with that done he silently headed for the three altars. He wanted to thank Shirila and ask her for her opinion.

"Ehm Great Mother, can you hear me? First of all thanks for the shield, it really helped in the fight against the skeletons. Second, can I ask you something? Do you think it can work between me and Gina? I know how important you are to her and I doubt I'll ever serve as serious as she does. That combined with our different personalities makes me worry, sometimes I wish I could be more like her and more or less act on impulse but that is nit who I am. I know we compliment each other well in that aspect and I wonder if it wouldn't be smarter to remain friends rather than risk a relationship ruin it."

He was actually surprised at how much he ended up saying, with no evidence that the Goddess was even listening but, he needed to hear what someone else and not even Elder Goblin struck him as wise as her. He just hoped none of his fellow Hobgoblins heard him as he found things awkward enough already.


I'm happy with Zats' and Gina's new look

Quick question though our xp has reset back to zero, right?
@Jangel13 I'm picking B
Not wanting to spend the whole night worrying about the dwindling resources Danny pulled one of the herbs out with Lesser Force and ate it, careful to leave the seeds. He wondered how he could plant them, but unfortunately the only two ways he could think off involved his last remaining mana point.

Since he didn't want to make a journey to the crystals and back again he simply placed the seeds on the grounds, in hopes that either they would still be there the next day or that some other monster would plant them. As for the wisp himself he flew close to the cave wall looking for an empty hole to sleep in.

@Guy0fV4lor @Zeroth

With his mind working and him not being under attack Danny couldn't help but think about the fact that the amount of Mana Crystals seemed to drop quickly. Wondering if the same applied to the healing herbs he decided to check. Thinking back he remembered a patch of them growing near the water and flew there as fast as he could, while keeping an eye out for and avoiding any monsters still out.

When he arrived his fears were confirmed, there weren't that many herb left. Combined with the decreasing amount of Mana crystals that really wasn't good for his goal of living as long as possible. He quickly went over some options, he could spend all night gathering as many herb and crystals as he could and hide them in a nest, but even if he didn't have to fight, the herbs would eventually rot and he would basically be stuk near it. Making small caches all over the cave also wasn't an option, due to the risk of others finding them. That only left one option as far as he knew. He would have to leave the cave, but he had no idea how strong the monsters outside were.

@Guy0fV4lor @Zeroth

Ir was only after he ate the herb and the system messages about him being low on hp changed into one about having eaten a healing herb that Danny calmed down enough to realize his mistake. With a considerable amount of effort he managed to touch the mana crystal the goblin dropped and thus recharge his mp. Just as he was about to levitate to safety the slime seemingly asked him something. ”Hey wisp, do you spe-”

while he was confused both the fact that the slime talked and suddenly focused on something else, he wondered if it was normal behavior. At least until he heard something about skill points. Curious he followed the slime until it disappeared into a hole in the wall. Having no intention of giving up his maneuverability by going after it he decided to kill time by seeing if he could talk. Since he had no idea of what to say he decided to go with something random. "B.. bananah, ring, dinnur." Okay it wasn't easy and his pronunciation wasn't great but it was a start.

@Guy0fV4lor @Zeroth

While his plan didn't work, apparently mana orbs didn't work as balls which could move faster when perfectly thrown while running, the results were much better then Danny expected. He felt a little guilty about killing the Goblin, but they were the first to attack and he did have more pressing matters.

Both another Goblin and a slime showed up and he didn't even have the energy to levitate anymore. Sure he could try and grab the mana crystal his first attacker dropped but he doubted that he would get away in time to avoid the brother. Luckily for him the slime solved that for him, though it also knowing projectile attacks didn't help his chances much.

While he desperately and panicking reached out for the dropped crystal, while keeping an eye on the potential new danger he accidentally grabbed the herb. Confused about why he didn't absorb the energy automatically he though it was because he was all out of mana and stuffed what he thought to be a crystal into his "mouth".

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