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I'm still in as well

While he didn't actually felt like he would ever like the girl Issei saw no reason to outright lie to her."Honestly, I was half expecting the whole thing to be a prank. But this seems a bit too big for something like that." To be fair though, he hadn't ruled it out completely just yet. After all this could all be one of those hidden camera shows, but in case he was wrong he would just play along.

The whole thing got even stranger when the person claiming to have invited them all showed up. Like everyone here she was hot but Issei could instantly tell she wouldn't be interested in him and her groping two girls practically eliminated any and all odds of the whole thing being a hidden camera show. Manaka, as she called herself, said that she had called them all to reform Jormungundr and get revenge at Thor.

Naturally such an outrageous claim got people talking and despite doubting it would work if "Manaka" was serious Issei reached for his little exit device hoping that no one would notice. After two of the girls voiced their disagreements with the whole plan he spoke up as well. "Yeah! I don't mind pulling some harmless pranks but some members of Jormungundr went way too far. Of course some helped people out as well but still.
As Issei looked around he noticed the two Sistermon as well as the fact that besides him everyone seemed to be female, and cute at that. He also noticed that at least several people had their Digimon out and briefly wondered if he should his Weregarurumon. He quickly decided against it since Shadow could be kinda territorial and he had no intention of starting a fight here

"You there, plain looking boy. Perhaps would you be willing to let me ask you a question?" Normally Issei would ignore anyone who addressed hom that way, not because he considered it an insult but just because the person referring to him like that usually had an ego or something. In this case though there was no way he could pretend not to she was calling out to him.

The instant he saw the girl he was sure his first impression was correct, if that was her actual outfit there was no way it was cheap plus it looked like it was designed to call attention to the wearer. "No way that she is the person who sent the invitation." "Sure, what do you want?"
Of course Issei thought the message was a joke or something, albeit made by someone capable of tracking him, since Jormungundr had been dealt with. He didn't have strong feelings on the organisation either way, on the one hand some members went a bit too far but at the same time others also helped people out. He didn't believe for a second they were somehow back but he was curious and so he decided to at least check things out.

Two days later he walked into Net Sheep Cafe having both his digivice and another device with him. The other device when activated in EDEN should activate a random amount of direct links to random but public servers one or another to make it harder for anyone to follow him. Of course, Sersec might make that escape impossible and whoever sent him the message would no doubt know where he was physically but he figured it couldn't hurt.

He approached the cashier and was naturally welcomed by him. "Yes, I was sent an invitation to this cafe." It seemed like the cashier knew what he meant as she showed Issei to a private booth.

As soon as he was alone Issei logged in and used the URL. He quickly realized that he wasn't the first to show as two girls were talking to each other. He wondered if they were also invitees and if so from where they had logged in, certain that whoever arranged this wouldn't let them all go the same place. Since they were busy and he didn't want to disturb he examined the Cathedral a bit, making sure not to look so busy that people wouldn't approach him if they wanted to talk.
In [ADVENTURER] 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum

>> Seeing how the creature attacked Flint Daniel doesn't even consider letting Irene have a chance to catch and tame it. He draws his sword and attacks it "Smith, stay with Flint and Natter unless anyone else wants to keep an eye on them. Irene help me take it down."

Glad to see he was able to disarm the cudgel wielding Goblin Danny was just about to bash its skull in with its own weapon when the spear wielding Goblin got him from behind. The instant he felt the pain he realized he had once again made the mistake of focusing on one thing too much. "Aaah! Da..damn bastard."


The system's message was quite unnecessary in this case and the Poltergeist knew he would have to trust Jason to deal with the opponent behind him before the Goblin got the chance to pull the spear out which would mean he was likely to bleed to death. Gritting his teeth and leaning on his new weapon he decided that he needed to end at least one of the Goblins, and as fast as possible.

Doing his best to ignore the pain and hoping he had enough time before the cudgel wielder got up Danny tried to Focus. He quickly realized though that there probably wasn't enough time to waste thirty seconds. Unsure of how mana he had left he didn't dare to use any spell more powerful than a level I Mana orb.

That left him with only one idea which he didn't like. Abandoning the support it gave him he raised the cudgel as high as he could despite his injured shoulder. Not trusting his physical strength he used both Lesser Force to try and increase the damage and Point Strike I to find the best spot for the attack as he brought it down.

@The World A sword and shield kinda thing huh? Both those lines were considered by me.

@Pyromania99 I edited my CS
@Pyromania99 I went with Elecmon because Blackgabumon doesn't have an in training listed on the site I use. Instead it says Gabumon digivolves into Blackgabumon and with Zeedgarurumon instead of Machgoagamon because I thought having two different Garurumon line Mega's was kinda cool, I'm fully willing to change either or both though
The Gaomon-line wasn't my first choice but the one I had included Skullmeramon and Boltmon soo.....

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